F3 Knoxville

The Longest Mary Ever


THE SCENE: Low 70’s and clear with relatively low humidity


SSH to 10
Cherry pickers 5
Baby arm circles forward/backward
Tempo Merkins 10
Temps Squats 10
Mosey to large CMU pile, get 2 CMU’s


20 blockees
40 Thrusters
60 Renegade Rows
80 Goblet Squats
100 Merkins
When finished put the blocks away
Turn left and run to the first speed bump.
Do a burpee, run to the 2nd speed bump, add a burpee.
Run back to the first speed bump, add a burpee.
Repeat until you get to 5 burpees.

Total Merkin count today
warmup 10
Blockees 20
merkins 100
Burpees 15
Mary 100
Total 245


We went around the circle and each PAX led us in a 4 count 10 rep ab exercise
After each exercise we did 10 merkins.
We had 11/13 PAX call out and lead ab exercises.


James 1:12
Those who stand firm during testing are blessed.  They are tried and true.  They will receive the life God has promised to those who love him as their reward.

We are living through a test in 2020, there is a blessing but as God promises, we have to love him to take advantage of the reward.  To love God, we need a relationship, prayer time, studying his word, etc  How do you demonstrate love?  We need to put that into practice so that as we are tried or tested during this time or others, that through our love of God, we can receive the blessings.
2 FNG’s that came with Free Fall… named Geico and Gnome (originally Jar Jar, but that was taken)
IRON PAX coming up in September.