F3 Knoxville

Quarter Mile Stations


Clear Temperature Humidity Feels like Wind Speed Wind Direction
36 ℉ 87% 33 ℉ 3.5 mi/h NE

I am not a professional.  I have a phone.  Workout as injuries allow.


Happy Jacks (5)
Tempo Merkins (10)
Dead Bugs (10)
Abe Vigodas (10)

Mosey to the track.

On the track, there are nine stations.
1. Burpees
2. Monkey Humpers/Squats
3. BBS/Merkins
4. Flutter Kicks/Hello Dolly
5. Diamond/Wide Merkins
6. Smurf Jacks/Lunge
7. LBC/Box Cutters
8. Merkins/BBS
9. Dips/ Carolina Dry Docks

Running around the track stop at every station and do 10 of the exercises. Second time around the track do the second exercise listed. If there is one. Third time go back to first. And so forth. If you want, you are allowed to pass a cone and not do that exercise. But every cone passed increases the number of exercises by 10. If you pass 1 cone, then you do 20 at the next cone. You then drop back to 10. So, you can make this go as you want. You could run the entire time and not do any exercises. On your honor. Work yourself out as hard or easy as you want.

Dead Bugs (15)
Supermans (5)

8 good men got better.


“If a guy cuts you off in traffic, you can take that as “drop dead” and respond in kind. Or you can just assume that he is a bad driver and keep driving reasonably. If you choose the former, that means that you too become a bad driver and may provoke another negative response from him. A good driver wouldn’t do that because it might disrupt him from getting to his destination safely, which is the whole purpose in driving, to get where you are going in one piece.”
With your goals, don’t let the bad change you in a way that could keep you from where you want to end up.


For all of our families and coworkers.  For Pom Pom and his competitors next week. Just a wee bit more for Pom Pom.  For the unsaid prayers in our hearts.


34 and On a Birthday Q

THE SCENE: Not as chilly as it could be. 

F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: Done and Done. Lots of chatter during this, mostly from the lawyer in the group.


SSH IC x34; LBAC IC x17 EWay; Tempo Squat x10; Tempo Merk x10; Butt Kicks; High Knees


Route 66 

  • Captain Thor 1:2 ratio every other light for 10 sets 

Mosey to Everest and go up it

Mosey with wet shoes to the Coliseum 

Ghostman Baseball 

  • First → 10 Merkins 
  • Second → 10 Squats 
  • Third → 10 Should taps 
  • Home → 4 Burpees 
    • 1 group goes to 1st and back while the other does ab work; switch
    • Repeat adding a base and an exercise returning back down the bases 
    • Q led one group through ab work
    • Choir Boy (the inventor of Ghostman Baseball) led the other group

Long Mosey to Circus Maximus 

Circus Maximus

  • Blindside’s Fellowship Biscuit  (PAX stays together, once 6 starts the ab work; Q starts the 10 count)
    • Lap → 34 Merkins → Hello Dolly 
    • Lap → 34 Squats → Flutter Kicks
    • Lap → 34 4 ct. SSH → Freddie Mercury

Return to AO 


Stretching out the legs after (almost 3.4 miles) a lot of moseys 


17 HIMs; 1 FNG; Welcome “Bag-Daddy,” a double respect HIM who also happens to be Blindside’s own dad! 


Luke 13:8-9 … Parable of a fig tree not bearing fruit. 3 years without fruit? The owner of the vineyard wanted to cut it down, it was wasting space. The steward pleads by saying he will dig around it, fertilize it, and tend to it more. If we want the fruit of God’s presence in our lives, then we must continually choose to make our hearts a fruitful garden in which the virtues of God grow and are nourished in abundance. 

Today is my birthday. I signed up for this Q several months ago when I learned that Birthday-Qs were a thing. It took me a while to remember that by performing a Birthday-Q, I would be publicizing my birthday. For most of my adult life, I have hated celebrating my birthday. I had several poor birthday experiences in a row during college and felt like it was always a burden on others like I didn’t want to be let down. I have gone so far as to ask my M to cancel a surprise party she was planning for me a couple of years ago because I didn’t want to celebrate. 

What I have learned recently is that by acting this way, by acting like I don’t want to be celebrated, I am actually taking away others’ ability to celebrate me. I love celebrating others and I am taking that joy away from the people that mean the most to me in my life. I thought I was being humble and not a bother to those around me, but in actuality, I was being selfish and hurtful to my family, my friends, and all those in my life that care about me. 

Don’t be selfish, ya’ll. It’s a bad look. 


  • Coats for the Cold: Donate coats for KARM now through November 13th. 
  • Brovember Challenge: F3Knoxville’s November Challenge. Sign-up on Slack. Slack channel “brovember2021” 


Mini Seabiscuit at Asylum

THE SCENE: Mostly sunny ,slight breeze, low 80’s


Cherry Pickers 20 IC

Michael Phelps  OYO

Baby Arm Circles – Up 10 IC

Baby Arm Circles – Down 10 IC

Merkins – 10 OYO


Partner Up, Grab your CMU

Mosey to south stop sign at “Y

Do 33 CMU curls

Mosey to Lower Gravel Loop

Each Team of 2 selects 1 or 2 exercises from following list:


Iron Mike


CMU Overhead Press

CMU Curl



Jump Squat


4 ct American Hammers

Hello Dolly

Grady Corn

Bobby Hurley

Squat Jack

The Combined count of reps between the one or two exercise must add up to 33

For example, each person on the team does 33 reps. of chosen 1 exercise, or they each do 16 of one and 17 of another. Or 30 of one and 3 of another, etc. Must add up to 33

Do set of exercise, then run as follows:

1 lap, exercise, 2 laps, exercise, 3 Laps, exercise, 4 laps, exercise, 3 laps, exercise, 2 laps, exercise, 2 laps (goal is to complete 18 laps)

Mosey Back to stop sign at “Y”, do whatever set of 33 exercises you were doing at seabiscuit

Mosy Back to AO

Insert information about any additional post-THANG work (if applicable).
19 HIMs total

Life is tough and full of unexpected challenges. We can be better prepared to face life’s challenges if we take control (the best we can) and make a plan. Of course, situations change and we may not follow our plan, but we are certainly better prepared when we do have a plan. Tonight my plan seemed simple (I had planned 18 laps plus mosey distance for everyone at a reasonable pace) to end up at 3.3 miles. I chose 33 because my late son Grady’s (F3 Quikrete) 33rd birthday was 10/17. We didn’t quite hit 3.3 miles but we got close. Situations usually never go as planned, but plans are invaluable.

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Infinite Competition – Everybody Wins

THE SCENE: Perfect fall gloom; 45 degrees with fog

SSH x 20 (IC); T-Merkins (aka Mother Earth) x 5 (OYO); Snow Angels x 5 (OYO); 4ct Starfish Crunches x 5 (OYO); 2 Cherry Pickers
Mosey over to lower baseball parking lot; divide into two teams; Q picks first exercise for infinite pain stations; six cones placed along 1/4 mile figure eight route; at “go” PAX sprints to first cone and performs 1 rep of the chosen exercise – at each additional cone an additional rep is added (total of 21 reps per round); first team member back to start picks the next round exercise (rotated through whole, upper, and lower body, and core); arriving PAX holds plank until 6 arrives; rinse and repeat for as many rounds as possible. Finished nine rounds.

Plank to downward dog to cobra to child’s pose… slowly over 1 minute to cool down and stretch.

Psalm 34:8 “Taste and see that the Lord is good…”  After missing several weeks recovering from Covid, I was amazed how weak and undisciplined I became in just a few short weeks.  Thankfully many HIMs continued to encourage me and call me to come back out in the gloom.  Reminded of the Lord’s grace to continue to call us back to Him each day with new mercy in spite of our weakness or undisciplined lives.  Paul says in Philippians 1 that to “die is gain”, so he clearly understood the treasure that awaited him in Christ.  For those outside of faith in Christ, this broken world is as close to the Lord and His kingdom you will get.  It’s like the reality that William Shatner just experienced with a ten minute ride in “almost space”… paling in comparison to the many universes he saw on Star Trek.

Shamrock Getting “Tire”d

THE SCENE: Shamrock. about 65 with some on and off sprinkles

15 Baby Arm Circles Forward and Back

5 Cherry Pickers

15 Rockettes

The work out involved 1 HIM flipping a giant tire while the rest of the PAX spun a wheel and randomly selected 1 of the 8 workouts below. When the PAX completed each exercise they then would pick of the person flipping the tire and then another member would begin flipping such tire and it was rinse and repeat

  1. Big Boy Sit Up (15)
  2. Merkins (15)
  3. Squats (15)
  4. Side Straddle Hops (15- 4 count)
  5. Flutter Kicks (15 – 4 count)
  6. Mountain Climbers (10 – 4 count)
  7. LBC’s (15 – 4 count)
  8. Burpees (10)

We then gather round and used the song “Flower” by Moby and when the word “down” was said in the song you held an Al Gore and could not stand up until the word “up” was said in the song.

Gathered back at the AO and did Box Cutters, Freddie Mercury’s, Merkins, and Flutter Kicks
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
During the workout a variety of different songs were played. Anything from hip hop, to classic rock, and even country. All the songs had a similar theme though and it was about tires, traveling, wheels etc. One point to take away is that just like the variety of songs F3 is a variety of different men who come together for one thing and that is to get better as men together.  Also the tire represents the fact that alot of us are “tire”d of something right now whether it be mandates, job loss, family issues or anything. Just like at a workout we all need to know that we will get through what ever we are tired of and will be stronger for it.