F3 Knoxville

Listening in the Rain

THE SCENE: 50 degrees and raining



SSH IC x 25

Cherry Pickers IC x 10

Tempo Squats IC x 10

25% Jog across the parking lot, 50% Jog, high knees, butt kickers, 75% Jog


Circuit Workout on the Grinder inspired by a workout Frenchie Q’d a couple months back.

Total of 4 stations (one at each of the corners) and then 5 Burpees at the top of Little Baby Hill:

  • Station 1: Superman Swims, 4 ct. American Hammers
  • Station 2: Merkins, Dry Docks
  • Station 3: Iron Mikes, Squat Jumps
  • Station 4: Box Cutters, 4 ct. Flutter Kicks

Pick a Battle Buddy and disburse evenly to the four stations. Pick whichever one of the exercises you feel like doing at each station (most people just alternated between the 2 exercises each round). Start with 20 reps of the chosen exercise at each station and complete the circuit. Next round decrease to 18 reps, 16 reps, 14 reps, etc.

When finished at Station 3, Bear Crawl to Station 4 (I forgot to Bear Crawl on the very first round even after making “fancy” signs but thankfully Proton was there to gently remind me).  After Station 4, run up Little Baby Hill and do 5 Burpees at the top. Mosey back down to Station 1. Rinse and repeat the circuit until time.


Hello Dolly IC x 20

30 seconds AMRAP LBC’s to finish


24 strong on a rainy morning – no FNG’s today


We can be good at talking with God, but how much are we listening? My prayer life has grown tremendously in the course of the past year, but I do a really poor job of allowing God to respond. I pray and then rush on to the next activity in the day. Sometimes those are really good activities like reading Scripture or reading a devotional, but without taking a pause and listening for God’s response, I’m not allowing room for Him to do His work in me.

I-Beam shared this piece of his devotional with me a couple weeks back, and it really resonated with me:

“Suppose I go to the doctor and say, ‘Doctor, I have a lot of problems: I twisted my knee….my eyes itch…my finger is swollen…I have a backache….’ Then, having gotten through my list of complaints, I look at my watch and say, ‘Goodness me, time is getting on. I must be off.’ The doctor might want to say, ‘Hang on a second, do you not want to hear what I have to say?’

If we only speak to God and never take time to listen, we make the same mistake. We do all the talking, and we don’t actually listen to Him. But our relationship with God is meant to be a two-way conversation.


The fine people at Abridged Beer Company have agreed to host a 2nd F “Fellowship” on February 15th at 6:30pm. $2 for every beverage will be donated by Abridged to our selected charity. This month…Operation Enduring Warrior. Come out, have some fellowship, and do good! See you all there!!


THE SCENE: 39 degrees, cloudy, a slight pleasant drizzle

Cherry Pickers x 10

SSH x 25 in cadence

Tempo Merkin x 10

Tempo Squat x 10

5 burpees on your own

  • Mosey to the Big Ball
  • Morning Call:  Pax split into 2 groups, first person does 5 Big Ball pull-ups, rest of the Pax in plank position, as first person calls out his pull ups, Pax performs 5 merkins, switch and repeat until everyone has completed pull-ups.
  • Split into groups of three, mosey towards Volunteer Landing, each group picks up one rock along the way.  Share the load until we reach Volunteer Landing.
  • In our teams of three, partner 1 does shoulder presses with rock while partner 2 performs  WWII sit-ups at other end of the Landing, partner 3 runs between performing 5 burpees in the middle.  Switch until each partner has completed both exercises.  Repeat with curls/flutter kicks, squats with rock/sweat angels, triceps extensions/American Hammers.
  • Mosey back towards the AO with rock, putting it back along the way.
  • Out of time

No time for Mary today.  We had already put in a bit of overtime.

17 strong this morning planting good roots.  No FNGs today.
Jeremiah 17:7-8 But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him.  They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream.  It does not fear when the heat comes; its leaves are always green.  It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.

Where are your roots?  What do you place your trust and confidence in?

Jeremiah 17:5-6 Cursed is the one who trusts in man, who draws strength from mere flesh and whose heart turns away from the Lord.  That person will be like a bush in the wastelands…

Assessing our roots:  What is your first response when tribulations or calamity strikes?  If your response is stress, fear, worry it may indicate we have faulty roots.  In trials are we life givers or takers?  In the midst of struggles are we continuing to bear fruit and breath life into others?

If it was easy, everyone would do it!

39 and drizzling…PERFECT!





  • SSH x25 IC
  • Imperial Squat Walkers x15 IC
  • Little Arm Circles x10 each Forward and Back IC
  • Side Lunges x15 IC
  • Two laps around the parking lot

Partner up and line up along the curve marked by the yellow cones.


It Takes Two
Battle Buddys will take turns performing 1 rep of exercise each until they reach 30 reps total.  Sprint to the orange cone, complete 10 4ct SSH then lunge to yellow cone.  At yellow cone, sprint back to start point.


  • Rd 1: Burpees
  • Rd 2: Dry Docks
  • Rd 3: Wide Merkins

Rinse and repeat!

Mosey to the playground


1-2-3 Pyramid on Benches
Do the following: 1 Box Jump, 2 Decline Merkins, 3 Squats.  Repeat adding one rep to the first exercise and multiplying that number by 2 and 3 for the other exercises until you get to 10, 20 and 30 reps respectively.

Mosey to new parking lot


Parking Lot 11’s
Start at one end of the parking lot, 1 Diamond Merkin.  Run to far end, 10 Jump Squats. Run back to start, rinse and repeat adding 1 rep of Merkins and subtracting 1 rep from Jump Squats each round.


MARY (On the Run)
Gather in the parking lot for quick abs.

  • 4ct Flutter Kicks x25 IC
  • 4ct American Hammers x20 IC

Mosey back to the SP


Number Off & Name-O-Rama (43 PAX, incl 1 FNG)


“King. Warrior. Mentor. Friend.  Four pillars of a manly heart.  Every man is commissioned by his Creator…
to provide, as a Servant-King
to protect, as a Tender Warrior
to teach, as a Wise Mentor and
to connect, as a Faithful Friend

– Stu Weber, The Four Pillars of a Man’s Heart

I’ve recently picked up a book I read a long time ago, “The Four Pillars of a Man’s Hear” by Stu Weber.  In the book Weber presents that all men four core pillars that support and give shape to their masculinity: King, Warrior, Mentor and Friend.  The transformation from boyhood to manhood is about growing and stewarding these masculine energies.

Part of what I experience in the mornings at F3 is an awakening of my warrior.  Pushing hard, struggling, embracing the suck…all that reminds me that I am alive and made to move, to have impact.  This is a good thing, a needed thing.  I’ve also noticed that sometimes I bring the warrior home and relate to my family from that place.  Usually not what they need.  What my family needs is for me to be a King.  One who lovingly leads and serves them.  Every King is a warrior, but not every warrior is a King.  The King channels the Warrior’s energy so that it is productive and life giving.

Today I want to challenge ALL of us to enter back into our world as Kings.  Speak life to those around you.  Play the man…be a king!

Even more Route 66

THE SCENE: Upper 20s, no clouds, stars shining:  Perfect

SSH x 20 IC

Tie Fighter (in lunge position) BAC x 10, then switch legs and reverse BAC x10, IC

Cherry Pickers X 10, IC

Tempo squats x 10, IC
Mosey to new trail by the new bathroom, Route 66 with burpees up the hill, early finishers wagon wheel to the six to finish up;

Mosey to trail toward basecamp.  Route 66 with BBS, bear crawling between every other light post

20 Merkins on your own, run up Everest.  AG till everyone is up top

Grab a Battle Buddy, one BB gets a coupon from the rock pile and does curls while other BB runs to top of the space station and back, switch off.

Next round, BBS with rock while BB runs again, switch up

Quick mosey back to AO with a stop for some burpees

Gibbler leads in some flutter kicks and box cutters

Finish strong with ATMs

We all struggle.  Embracing that struggle builds character.  Lean on faith and family to help us through, and remember God’s words in 2 Cor 12: “My power is made perfect in weakness.”  And Paul’s rejoinder:  “For when I am weak, I am strong.”

Welcome to our FNG Kentucky.  Will update the tags when he’s in our system

Wesley House this Sunday afternoon at 2 pm, rain or shine.  Bring the M and 2.0s.  We’ll be working out and spending time with the kids and presenting them with the balls we’ve collected.  Thanks to Bowflex and Doubtfire for heading up a great effort.

The Final Count Down

THE SCENE: Rainy, Rainy, Rainy!

  • Side Straddle Hop X 30
  • Imperial Squat Walkers x 20
  • Little baby arm circles Front x 10 and back x 10
  • Speed Skaters x 20
  • 10 Hand Release Merkins

The Count down – Complete each exercise is succession.  When completed do 25 Box jumps or run the hill.   PAX choice!  Remove the bottom exercise after completing each set.  Rinse and repeat

  • 11 Rows
  • 10 Burpees
  • 9 Sun Dial to Big Boy
  • 8 Wide Hand Release merkins
  • 7 Bench Squats
  • 6 Pull-ups
  • 5 Bench Lunges (each leg)
  • 4 mountain Climbers (4 Count)
  • 3 Around the clock merkins (12 total)
  • 2 Squat Jumps
  • 1 Super Burpee


  • Flutter kick (4 Count) x 25
  • Proton Parkers x 10


God Initiates and so should we to get better physically, spiritually, and relationally.

It has been often said that the chief sin of Man is the sin of passivity.  We can be like Adam and standby and allow sin and separation to occur.  We busy ourselves with the material world while disengaging relationally or emotionally from what is going on in and around us.  We don’t have to be in great shape to show up to F3 and get better.  All we have to do is set the alarm, show up, and work hard.   Are there places in our lives relationally where we have avoided discussions because they are hard or uncomfortable?  We don’t have to have all the right answers we just need to initiate and step in where we know God is calling us.  Don’t be silent like Adam.  Step up an be the leader that God has called you to be.

Prayers for the students family and friends that lost his life on campus due to alcohol poisoning.  Praying that those effected would be impacted in a positive way through the other students seeking to meet them where they are and share the Gospel.