F3 Knoxville

Tour Around the Strip Mall

THE SCENE: Mid-60s, calm

Baby Arms Circles forward IC x 11

Baby Arms Circles reverse IC x 11

Overhead Clap IC x 9

Cherry Pickers IC x 5

Harry Rockets IC x 10

Plank Ups x 5

Motivators IC down from 8

First Leg: Line up on the end of the parking lot, Mosey to the end with x20 Calf Raises.  Repeat on the way back.  Hold Al Gore for the six.

Second Leg: Grab a spot on the guardrail, Dips and Derkins, 20 each.  Hold Al Gore for the six.

Tour around the Strip Mall:  Four corners; start with x30 at each location.  Rinse and repeat, reducing reps by 5 each lap.

  1. Corner 1: Alpo, Lunge to C2
  2. Corner 2: Heels to Heaven, Mosey to C3
  3. Corner 3: Jack Squats, Bear Crawl to C4
  4. Corner 4: Moving Merkins, Mosey back to C1

Flutter Kicks IC x15

Pickle Pounder IC x15

Side Pounder IC x 15

Freddie Mercury IC x20
15 HIMs


Chapter 1
Versus 3-5
“Must I forever see these evil deeds? Why must I watch all this misery? Wherever I look, I see destruction and violence. I am surrounded by people who love to argue and fight.”
‭‭ “The law has become paralyzed, and there is no justice in the courts. The wicked far outnumber the righteous, so that justice has become perverted.”
‭‭ “The Lord replied, “Look around at the nations; look and be amazed! For I am doing something in your own day, something you wouldn’t believe even if someone told you about it.”
We can easily feel like everything around us is chaos and have anxiety or stress about how to overcome it. This can be true for many aspects of our lives but remember as God told the prophet Habakkuk in a vision that he’s working plans that you could even fathom if he told you about them.
Try not to get overwhelmed with the aspects of life that you cannot control and focus on bettering yourself and the ones around you…there’s only one way to eat an elephant, one…bite…at…a…time



Opt-In at Shamrock


Partly Cloudy Temperature Humidity Feels like Wind Speed Wind Direction
69 ℉ 99% 71 ℉ 3.1 mi/h NNE

I am not a professional.

25 SSHs.
10 Baby Arm Circles forward.
10 backward.
10-15 Double bounce Squats.
Mosey to main parking lot.  While running laps, each lap PAX has to complete exercise from below list.  First lap, however, was 50 burpees.  So, 50 burpees while doing lap.  Then next laps were as chosen from below list.

Chest Arms
120 Merkins
75 Dive Bombers
100 Carolina Dry Docks
60 Jumping Spiders
100 Diamond Merkins
150 Squats
100 Monkey Humpers
80 Bonnie Blairs (Jumping Lunge)
150 Calf Raises
75 BBS
80 LBC
100 Pickle Pounders
75 Box Cutters
80 Dolly Partons
60 War Hammers (BBSU with Amer Hammer at Top)

Mosey to coupon pile.  Grab a CMU.  Lined up on edge of parking lot. Gorilla Complex.  As many rounds as possible.  All with CMU except Merkins and Mosey.

  • 8 Curls
  • 8 High Pulls
  • 8 Overhead Press
  • 8 Tricep Extension
  • 8 Merkins – sans CMU
  • Mosey to other side of parking lot and back.

At time, recover and mosey back to AO.
2 minutes of ab work including:
30 Flutter Kicks
15 Dolly Partons
25 or so Bicycles ending at high rep rate.


18 HIMs
Kyle Korver is an 18 year veteran of the NBA.  He wrote an article entitled ‘Privileged’ back in April of 2019.  The article tells of his relationships with his fellow players and talks of his thoughts concerning the Privilege he has because he is white.  The privilege is described as the ability to opt-in or opt-out when it comes to things related with Black Lives Matter.  I appreciated reading it.  Kyle Korver – Privilege.

Hardship Hill work day this coming Saturday.  See Slack for details.

VQ for Honeydew

THE SCENE: Clear morning, low humidity, temp in the mid 60’s

I’m not a professional

Modify your workout for your injuries

Keep social distancing in mind during the COVID pandemic

It’s my first Q so bear with me.

20-Side-straddle-hops IC

15-Baby Arm Circles forward IC

15-Baby Arm Circles Backwards IC

5 Cherry Pickers IC

20 Merkins IC

Mosey over to the CMU pile near the buses. Each person grabbed 1 CMU and proceeded to the adjacent parking lot. 4 stations were set up and a speaker was in place to begin a time using the Tabata Timer App. 3 exercises at each station. the first exercise was done for :45 seconds with a :10 second rest x 3 sets then moved to the next station and repeated :45 seconds of work :10 second rest for 3 sets for all stations. CMU is carried to each station and.

  • Station 1
    • Decline Merkins
    • Vertical Press (From Iron PAX video)
    • Overhead Press
  • Station 2
    • Goblet Squats
    • Rocky Balboas
    • Lunges
  • Station 3
    • Curls
    • Alpos (From Iron PAX video)
    • Dips
  • Station 4
    • Big Boys
    • Plank
    • Freddie Mercury

MARY:American Hammers 4 Count x 15 back at the AO

Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
CIRCLE OF TRUST/BOM: Treat others with respect and lead by example. I would not be where I am today without a positive role model in my life. By being good examples and role models we can help end racism, sexism, and hate.
Being raised in home with 2 working parents in a small town in southern West Virginia my parents didn’t have resources like a daycare, YMCA, Boys and Girls Club or anything like that.  My parents relied on a a baby sitter, a black lady named Lucille. This lady was a woman of God and very religious and treated me as one of her own children and I often referred to her as my other mother. She was a leader in her church and when I met her family everyone knew who I was because she kept up with my achievements in the paper and would continue to guide me long after being my babysitter.  When Lucille passed away I was unable to attend the funeral but discovered through her obituary that she had made me one of her God Children. My parents weren’t even aware of this fact, but we took it as an honor and privilege. For this reason I never thought someone was different because of their color, heritage, or religious belief. This role model never told me to not hate she showed my how to be good to people and how to treat people with respect. When my daughter was born I was so happy and honored to that my wife agreed and allowed my daughter to be named Lucille, because my wife could see how much love I had for this great lady. Sorry if this is too long again my first time doing this, but thanks again for giving me the opportunity to lead today and thanks for all the guys to push me to lead this workout today

Duck Duck Goose

THE SCENE: Wet and steamy 70’s


4ct SSH x 25 (IC); 4ct Tai Fighter Combo (forward, reverse, front clap, and overhead clap) x 10 (IC); 4ct Plank Medley (plank jacks, shoulder taps, Catalina wine mixers, and merkins) x 7 (IC); Temp Squat Jumps x 7 (IC)

Don’t stop the fun… Indian-style: PAX mosied over to back corner of high school and formed a COVID-friendly single file line along the curb; Exercises began and 6-man sprints to the front while PAX moves; Next HIM follows suit and so on and so forth making our way ultimately around to the AO; AMRAP exercises performed along the way as a group were 1) Rocky Balboas, 2) Merkins, 3) Big Boy Sit Ups, 4) Squat Jumps, 5) Carolina Dry Docks.

Group paused half way for a little F3 Duck, Duck, Goose (Dora-style)… PAX formed a COVID-friendly circle and each worked OYO to finish 100 Iron Mikes (Q accidently called them Magic Mikes), 200 Carolina Dry Docks, and 300 SSH; meanwhile each HIM would run around the circle back to their starting point and then the next HIM would take a lap; much panting and groaning followed.

Continued the Indian-style conga line back toward the AO: Again the PAX performed AMRAP exercises while 6-man kept advancing to the front; group exercises were 1) SSH, 2) Lunges, 3) Rocky Balboas, 4) Lunges; PAX paused just before reaching AO and ran some 40yd sprints back and forth with 5 merkins on each end (AMRAP and OYO).

Alternated 10 merkins then 10 SSH for about 3 minutes (OYO)

Talked about the unique benefits of flying in V-formation as geese: 1) Group can fly 70% farther than an individual goose using the same amount of energy, 2) If they fall out of formation, they quickly realize the benefits of the group, 3) Leader of the formation rotates back and each goose takes a turn leading, 4) Each goose honks to encourage the group to push beyond their limits and remind others they are there, 5) If a goose is injured or sick and falls out of formation, at least two of the geese will drop out with them to encourage them and protect them while vulnerable.

Talked about the parallel between geese and F3 PAX.  Talked about Genesis 2:18 and how God declared “it is not good for man to be alone”.  Paired that with Galatians 6:2 that says we should “bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ”.  Encouraged the PAX to be like the geese and lead, encourage, and help those in their sphere of influence.  Encouraged those hurting or isolated or struggling to reach out for help – if no one else, call me – and that there were men in the circle that would step up for them.

Median’s VQ

THE SCENE: 70° and breezy
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: VQ by @Median (guardrail’s 2.0)

  • Cherry pickers & Reach for the stars
  • 10 High knees
  • 10 Side straddle hops 
  • 10 Jungle Boi squats 
  • Baby Arm Circles (forward and back) w Michael Phelps
  • 10 Donkey Kicks On your own
    Black snake Mosey through the courtyard to the parking lot

10 of each of the following at the stations, looping, 12 for the second lap

  • Merkin –>Burpee –> Bernie
  • Ranger Merkin –>Burpee –> Bernie
  • Wide Merkin –> Burpee –> Bernie
  • Diamond Merkin –> Burpee – Coupon Pile (no grass)
  • CPR “Curl Press tRIcep”
  • Bent over row
  • Pull ups
  • Flutter Kicks
  • Leg Raises
  • Box cutters
  • Hello Dolly
  • Jungle Boi Squats
  • Calf Raises

Dealers choice: plank, Merkins, American Hammers, box cutters

Jesus is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things have been created through Him and for Him. Colossians  1:15 

We need to keep God in the center of our life. That’s hard to do because God is an invisible God. The things we can see are much easier to put our attention on.  But if you always keep God in the center of your mind you will see God moving in so many ways. But how do you know that God is the center of your life?  If you think about a thing more than God you have that in the center of your life instead of God. 

I challenge you to look at how you are spending your free time, does it reflect God?  If your thoughts are always on

  • School (for some of us) 
  • work (most of you ) 
  • or a hobby, 
  • or worrying about COVID 
  • or even your next F3 workout 

–that may be a sign that Christ isn’t the center of your life.  

Instead if your thoughts are on Jesus and His Kingdom and loving others well, you have Christ as the center of your life.  Thank you for being men in my life who help me put Christ as the center.

@Median, Luke Brown, at 12yrs old felt the call to lead and bring a tough word to a tough and awesome group of HIM’s.  Very proud to call him my 2.0.  – Guardrail
Welcome FNG “Jolly GG”

Iron Pax challenge week 1 Friday. Come early 5:15.