F3 Knoxville

Hwy 6…

THE SCENE 59 and Clear

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

SSH                           ICx20
Squats                       ICx20
Carolina DryDocks    ICx15

Mosey toward the Saturday AO for a modified Route 66 (called Hwy 6 this morning to honor our friends in College Station, TX)

Highway 6
PAX were instructed to run the length of 11 light poles, stopping at each light pole to perform increasing reps at each pole (1st pole = 1 rep; 2nd pole = 2 reps; rinse and repeat to the 11th pole)
1st circuit:          Burpees
2nd circuit:         Squats
3rd circuit:          Merkins
4th circuit:          Star jacks
5th circuit:          Carolina Dry Docks
6th circuit:          Mountain climbers

Audible called at 6:05 am for a plank sequence; followed by a set of merkins (ICx15)

Mosey back to the AO for a round of Mary:

Flutter kicks by P-nut                          ICx20
Leg raises led by Leonardo                 on command
American Hammer led by Barbie        ICx25
Runner’s stretch led by Elvis               on command

Count-o-rama, Name-o-rama,

We all have folks in our lives that we owe a debt of thanks.  P-nut challenged the PAX to reach out to someone today and thank them for making a difference in their life.  Read Colossians 3:15

Great effort by all the PAX on a chilly Friday morning.

Manic Monday

THE SCENE 70 and clear

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

Side Straddle Hop x 20
The Gator
Michael Phelps
Carolina Dry-dock x 15 (4 count)
Ground touch squats x 15

Mosey to stairs

Bunny Hill
Bunny hop up stairs x 5
Calf raises—-left foot x 30, right foot x 30, both feet x 30.

Mosey to dugout

Bat Cave
Pull-ups x 10
Ground touch squats x 10.

Mosey to pavilion break into 2 groups

Super Sets
Group 1 pull-ups under picnic table while group 2 does wall seat for 30 seconds, then groups switch.

Mosey to hill next to cardiac behind baseball outfield

10 merkins on top and 1 ground touch squat at bottom

Mossey to cardiac

13 Light Posts
5 burpees at each post; run forward to first post, then backwards to next and continue alternating—-total 65 burpees. At top of cardiac abs until all are on top of hill. Then derkins on benches to failure x2.

Mossey to top of hill above AO, crisscross under and through chained posts to bottom of hill.

Hello Dolly’s x 50 (4 count)

Number off and Name-O-Rama

I am reading a book called “14 Habits of Highly Effective Disciples”. The first habit is Bible study. We will not become strong and mature Christians by accident. We must have a disciplined study of the Bible to know God’s will and allow the Holy Spirit to work in our lives. We must do our part and meet God halfway——just like our fitness, we will not become fit without showing up to the workouts. The second habit is Confession. When we sin, we must ask for forgiveness to restore fellowship with God. It is important to understand the difference between relationship and fellowship. Once we become a Christian and slave of Jesus Christ, we are sons of God. Jesus died for our past, present and future sins. Our relationship is secure—-that will never change. Fellowship on the other hand, is broken when we sin. We must ask for forgiveness to restore the lost fellowship with God. 1 John 1:9” If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness”—–this is one of the great promises of the Bible. There are sins of Commission and sins of Omission. Several years ago I was given a tool which presents scripture and questions to reveal sin in your life. I challenged to PAX to take 30 minutes sometime this week to go through these scriptures and questions and allow the Holy Spirit to convict them of sin so that they may confess sins and restore complete fellowship with God. It humbles me every time I use this tool to confess my many sins to our great God, who loves us with great passion and wants complete fellowship with us.

Return of the Coneheads

THE SCENE 70 degrees and be-you-tee-ful!

F3 Welcome & Disclaimer

Warmup O Rama

Slow mosey with CMU’s to the start of the cone course

Cone Course
Four rounds of cones with the following exercises at each:
Cone 1:  Weighted Squats/CMU curls
Cone 2:  Overhead presses with coupons/lunges
Cone 3:  Merkins/StarJacks
Cone 4:  SquatJacks/Carolina Dry Docks
Cone 5:  5 burpees

Then run back to Cone 1…

Round 1 = 5 reps; Round 2= 10 reps; Round 3=15 reps; Round 4= 20 reps

Circle of Pain
100 squats
75 flutter kicks
50 merkins
25 lunges
10 burpees

Mosey to the coupon pile

Hill DORA’s
100 merkins

Mosey back to AO…

Hello Dolly      ICx15 (P-nut)
American Hammers  ICx15 (Pfeiffer)
Boat/Canoe    (Woodshack)

Number off and Name-O-Rama

P-nut referenced 2 Corinthians 1:1-11.  Paul wrote about how suffering brings about a closer walk with Jesus, and through adversity we endure and can be an example to others.  Remember to celebrate through your suffering and to we aware when your brothers are struggling.  Pick them up.  Let’s get better- together.

P-nut prayed us out.  Special mention of Bandwagon’s back pain and Cap’n Crunch and his all-nite RUCK run.

2.94 total miles and a multitude of squats, merkins and burpees.  Crawdad brought his usual “A” game with the mumblechatter and kept the PAX entertained.  T-claps to Proton for noticing that an FNG had Velcro on their shoes (hence the new name “Velcro”).  Nice to have a total of 4 FNG’s this Saturday.

God bless.

Perfect East Tennessee Morning

THE SCENE 70 and clear

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

forward arm circles x5 IC
reverse arm circles x5 IC
Michael Phelps x5 IC
Imperial Walkers x 10 IC
Squat x 15 IC
Lunge Matrix
Plank Matrix
Merkins x 10 regular
Sun Dial x 20 IC

Grab CMU, Battle Buddy and circle up.

Battle Buddy CMU Circut
– 100 Bench press with CMU (P1 does 10 while P2 holds over chest)
+ Modify: Merkins
– 100 LB crunches (P1 does 10 with P2 holds sun dial)
– 100 lunges (P1 does 10 while P2 holds Al Gore. Every step counts as 1)
– 100 shoulder press with CMU (P1 does 10 while P2 holds CMU at chest)
+ Modify: Carolina Dry Docks/SSH

Mosey to hill in front of Asylum

1 rep at bottom, 9 at top; then 2 at bottom 8 at top…
burpees at the bottom
sprint up hill
squat at top of hill

Do core work OYO while group finishes

Mosey towards Mt. Fuji (I named it today). Along the way:
– Derkins (merkin w/ feet on curb) x10 IC
– Dips (hands on CMU) x20 IC

Mt. Fuji w/Battle Buddy
R1: Run up hill. Partner does CAROLINA DRY DOCKS. Switch. Repeat for 1 minute.
R2: Run up hill. Partner does flutter kick. Switch. Repeat for 2 minutes.

Mosey to base of Everest

At the base of Everest, X-Factor x 10 IC (on your 6 with arms and legs spread out like an X. right arm touching left shin, down then V up again left arm touching right shin.)

Everest Sprints
Sprint up Everest. Jog down. Do 1 merkin. Repeat, adding 1 merkin each time. 5 minutes AMRAP.

Mosey back to the flag.  Along the way, stopped for Sun Dials OYO, and a little plank combination to help keep the PAX together.

LB crunch with CMU overhead x20 IC
American Hammer with CMU x20 IC

CountORama // NameORama

I’ve recently been listening to The Minimalists’ podcast. I’m guilty of cluttering my life with things. Consumerism isn’t the problem. We must consume. Food. Clothes. Gasoline. Air. Impulsive consumption is the problem. Buying things we don’t need with money we shouldn’t spend. Someone important said something like that, I think.

Last night I watched The Minimalist’s documentary with some friends. We watched it on our big TV. With surround sound. I downloaded it on my laptop. Tried mirroring it from our iPad. When that didn’t work, we streamed it from our AppleTV. At one point I had 5 devices within arms reach, trying to get a documentary about simplicity to work. The irony was thick. And healing. Like a Heimlich to my conscience.

Goal for the Week: Eliminate ONE THING from your life that doesn’t add value to your life.

For example, you might walk around the rooms in your house. Look at the items you have stacked in the corners. The sofa no one ever sits on. The chair whose only purpose is to hold pillows. Look in your closet. Consider the items of clothing that you don’t wear because A. they don’t fit, or B. you don’t like them. Consider any habits or routines in your life that are a drain on your time or energy. Do you really need to check emails at 11:30pm? Are you honestly that important to the world? Probably not.

“Love people, use things. The opposite never works.” http://www.theminimalists.com/people-things/


Tour Through The Pyramids…

THE SCENE 69 and clear

F3 Welcome & Disclaimer

SSH x 32 (IC)
Windmill Merkins x10 (IC)
Arm Circles Forward x12 (IC)
Arm Circles Backward x12 (IC)
Imperial Walkers x16 (IC)
Mosey 1 lap around parking lot

Mosey to coupon pile and everyone grab 2 then line up at the edge of parking lot.

Pyramid 1
Do the following exercises in 5 rounds:
R1 = 10x each of Narrow Squats, Bent-Over Flyes, Side Lunges, Standing Flyes, Reverse Lunges
R2 = 15x each of Narrow Squats, Bent-Over Flyes, Side Lunges, Standing Flyes
R3 = 20x each of Narrow Squats, Bent-Over Flyes, Side Lunges
R4 = 25x each of Narrow Squats, Bent-Over Flyes,
R5 = 30x each of Narrow Squats

Partner up with a battle buddy and head to back to parking lot.


Pyramid 2
Battle Buddies alternate between running and planking
1st person runs to first cone – x5 Diamond Merkins, runs back (2nd holds plank)
2nd person runs to first cone – x5 Diamond Merkins, runs back (1st holds plank)
1st person run to runs to second cone – x5 Carolina Dry Docks, runs back (2nd holds plank)
2nd person runs to second cone – x5 Carolina Dry Docks, runs back (1st holds plank)

Rinse and repeat following the rep sequence– x5, x10, x15, x10, x5

Mosey to play area

Flutter Kicks x40 4ct IC
Freddie Mercury x30 IC
Side Crunches x25 each side IC

Mosey back to start point.

As one PAX…in cadence…with hutspah!  IC

Number Off and Name-O-Rama

“Success is peace of mind, which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you made the effort to do your best to become the best that you are capable of becoming.” – Coach John Wooden

A good life is built one block at a time.  It takes effort and intentionality.  HIMs understand that their lives are not their own, that they get better in order to give more to those the love and live with.  Coach Wooden’s definition of success is appropriate for every area of life…physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.  Each F3 workout is a microcosm of life.  Take what you learned this morning, keep pushing and give it away!

The PAX pushed hard this morning!  It is an incredible experience to line up each morning with men who are ready to reach past their limits to get better and make sure their brothers are doing the same.  Prayer time at the end was especially good.  Praying for needs and hearing praise reports was inspiring for YHC.  Can’t wait to get back out there and do it again!