F3 Knoxville

Shamrock – Rejoice and Mourn

THE SCENE: 68F muggy

Side Straddle Hops 20-4 count

5 Merkins

Cherry Pickers: 5

5 Merkins

Tie Fighters

5 Merkins

50 Calf Raises 

5 Merkins


Mosey to River rocks

Grab 2 small rocks

Tabata 30 seconds on / 10 second break

  • Butterflies 
  • Flutter kicks 

– Three rounds each

  • Rocky Arm Circles
  • LBCs
  • Three rounds each

Mosey to CMU

More Tabata 30 seconds on / 10 second break


*Windshield wipers

  • Three rounds each

*Bench Press

*Rocky Balboa

– Three rounds each

  • Alternating CMU Merkins
  • scissor kicks

– Three rounds each

Return CMUs and head to the ditch

Run down one side up the other, mosey to the start and do it again. We did this 5 times. 

Mosey back to AO flag

Calf raises

Mermaid, Curveball, Dumpster Dive, Trolley, Pickle Lock, Fabio, Titan, Sparkles, Tailhook, Anchorman,

Romans 12:15

15 Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn.

I was reading this chapter last week and I really like this short and simple verse. It’s so to the point about how to walk life with people around us. 

If we can set our own selfishness aside for a few minutes each day we could jump in to mourn with those who mourn. 

I think of my daughter who gets pretty emotional about “little things”, but those little things really matter to her and I should mourn with her and listen to why she’s upset. It makes a big difference if she knows that I care. 

When a friend or co-worker receives good news or accomplishes something, we should jump right in for a  high five or send a text to rejoice with them. 

It’s so simple and it can make a huge impact on those around us. 


Infinite Competition – Everybody Wins

THE SCENE: Perfect fall gloom; 45 degrees with fog

SSH x 20 (IC); T-Merkins (aka Mother Earth) x 5 (OYO); Snow Angels x 5 (OYO); 4ct Starfish Crunches x 5 (OYO); 2 Cherry Pickers
Mosey over to lower baseball parking lot; divide into two teams; Q picks first exercise for infinite pain stations; six cones placed along 1/4 mile figure eight route; at “go” PAX sprints to first cone and performs 1 rep of the chosen exercise – at each additional cone an additional rep is added (total of 21 reps per round); first team member back to start picks the next round exercise (rotated through whole, upper, and lower body, and core); arriving PAX holds plank until 6 arrives; rinse and repeat for as many rounds as possible. Finished nine rounds.

Plank to downward dog to cobra to child’s pose… slowly over 1 minute to cool down and stretch.

Psalm 34:8 “Taste and see that the Lord is good…”  After missing several weeks recovering from Covid, I was amazed how weak and undisciplined I became in just a few short weeks.  Thankfully many HIMs continued to encourage me and call me to come back out in the gloom.  Reminded of the Lord’s grace to continue to call us back to Him each day with new mercy in spite of our weakness or undisciplined lives.  Paul says in Philippians 1 that to “die is gain”, so he clearly understood the treasure that awaited him in Christ.  For those outside of faith in Christ, this broken world is as close to the Lord and His kingdom you will get.  It’s like the reality that William Shatner just experienced with a ten minute ride in “almost space”… paling in comparison to the many universes he saw on Star Trek.

Miles of fun

THE SCENE: Cool and dark

7x Cherry Pickers, 10x Hairy Rockettes, 10x Tempo Merkins, 10x Tempo Squats

Reverse Indian run to the back left parking lot (the new one) with the front man dropping off for 3 burpees every 5 seconds.

In the newish parking lot from one side to the other performed a suicide ladder with HR Merkins and Bobby Hurleys. Went from 5 of each to 20 of each.

Mosey over to the coupon pile and pick a good one.

In the parking lot to the East of the maintenance building. Partner up for some DORA.

  • 100 x CMU Swings
  • 200 x BBS/LBC
  • 300 x Curls/Tricep Ext

While your partner runs to the far end of the parking lot and back, work through the above exercises.

Mosey back to the concrete wall for some 11’s. CMU squats and 4xcount Calf Raises on either side of the road next to the retaining wall.

Mosey back to the shovel flag for a little Mary.

20xImperial Walkers, 20xFlutter Kicks

5 for JUCO’s beatdown and 5 for JUCO: Rush

I’m bringing back the monthly challenge.

October JUCO monthly challenge:

The challenge for October is to set aside a block of 10 minutes every day for prayer/meditation. If you would like to join the challenge, like the post in the JUCO slack page and I’ll add you to the JUCO monthly challenge channel.

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Hardship Hill work day on Friday and race on Saturday. Help out wherever you can.

Bear Crawl Crazy 8’s

  • Welcome: it could rain … 
  • Warmup
    • Yoga with Trolley. Windmills, Cherry Pickers, Toe touches, Sky reaches,  SSH, Upward Dogs, Splits, Right side, left side toe touches.
  • Workout
    • Bear Crazy 8’s all around Campus.   The Crazy 8 consists of:
      • Fast pace run of figure 8 route. Start in middle of 8 and go clockwise.
      • Back at starting of 8, bear crawl half of the eight (ending back at the middle)
      • Fast pace run of figure 8 route starting in the direction where the crawl left off.
      • Back at starting of your crawl end, bear crawl the second half of the 8.
    • We repeated this four times around different terrain on campus.   We hit some stairs, some grazzy knolls, some long parking lots and the inner Sanctum!
  • Warmdown
    • 50 LBCs
    • 50 Flutters
    • 20 Side Crunches Left side.
    • 10 Side Crunches Right side.
  • Word
    • One of the best sermons I’ve heard anywhere was here at Fellowship Knoxville yesterday.  https://middlebrook.fellowshipknox.org/live-mb (Sept 19, 2021).  Often we hear sermons on Faith, Hope and Love, but not as often on Honesty, Gentleness, and Honor.  Please Please listen to this sermon if you can. It will do your heart, spirit and soul good.
  • Wrap-up (Announcements)
    • Hardship Hill Sign up.
    • Q Sign Up
    • IronPax Challenges.

40-30-20 Triangle


Clear Temperature Humidity Feels like Wind Speed Wind Direction
65 ℉ 94% 65 ℉ 2.7 mi/h SSW

I am not a professional.  I have a phone.  Workout as injuries allow.


20 – SSH
20 – Tie Fighters 10 forward 10 backward.
4 – Cherry Pickers

Mosey to large parking lot. A triangle is set up with 3 cones. At each cone, do 40 of first exercise, 30 second exercise, 20 of third exercise. Mosey to next cone. Three sets of exercises at each cone. After 3rd cone, mosey back to first and doing row two.  Etc. So, nine stations of three exercises. Move at your own pace.

Do 40/30/20.
Cone 1
Merkins/Box Cutters/Calf Raises
Carolina Dry Docks/Flutter Kicks/Squat Jacks
Diamond Merkins/Hello Dollys/Monkey Humpers
Cone 2
Squat Jacks/Merkins/Box Cutters
Monkey Humpers/Carolina Dry Docks/Flutter Kicks
Calf Raises/Diamond Merkins/Hello Dollys
Cone 3
Flutter Kicks/Squat Jacks/Merkins
Hello Dollys/Monkey Humpers/Carolina Dry Docks
Box Cutters/Calf Raises/Diamond Merkins

After completion of 9 stations, mosey to CMU pile. Each PAX grab one CMU.
20 – Curls 4-cnt
20 – Triceps
20 – Thrusters
Short 1 minute mosey with a little Michael Phelps.
20 – Curls 2-cnt
20 – Triceps
50 – CMU press

Mosey back to AO.
20 – LBCs 4-cnt
10 – Flutter Kicks 4-cnt

8 men.

You never know when you’ll not be able to talk to those that are important to you.  Reach out and do it.


For the unsaid prayers in our hearts.  For my recently deceased college roommate and his family.  For my mother’s continued healing after broken hip.