F3 Knoxville

50 Days Until 50 – Do I Deserve HIS Respect?

THE SCENE: 23 and a bit chilly in the gloom

  • Jog in Place
  • Side Straddle Hops (IC) 15
  • Cherry Pickers (IC) 4 CT X 10
  • Baby Arm Circles Forward X 10 (IC) w/ Michael Phelps
  • Baby Arm Circles Backward X 10 (IC) w/ Michael Phelps
  • Tempo Squats (IC) 4 CT X 10
  • Merkins (OYO) X 20
  • Tennessee Rocking Horse X 10
  • Mosey across the street to JUCOLeConte


JUCO LeConte

  • 20 merkins at the bottom, run, 20 merkins in the middle, run & 20 merkins at the top
  • 20 squats at the top, 20 squats in the middle & 20 at the bottom
  • Rinse & Repeat X 3-4 laps (most did 3, some did 4)
  • Mosey in front of Valley Church property

Sidewalk in front of Valley Church Property

  • 20 monkey humpers facing Hardin Valley Road
  • 20 merkins
  • 20 Big Boy Situps
  • Mosey to Maple Street Lot

Maple Street Lot

  • Grab a large stone
  • 20 curls
  • 20 bent over rows
  • mosey to AO


  • 50 calf raises
  • 20 Hello Dollies – 4 CT
  • 20 Pickle Pounders – 4 CT
  • 20 Heals to Heaven – 4 CT
  • 20 Pickle Pointers – 4 CT
  • Planks (one arm/one leg & switch)


14 Men


Francis Chan is an American Protestant author, teacher, and preacher. He is the former teaching pastor of Cornerstone Community Church, an Evangelical church in California, founded by Chan in 1994. He also founded Eternity Bible College in 2004.  Lots of the following words come from his devotionals F3 is going through right now.  Good stuff and I plan to read his book Crazy Love.

Our hope is that you will see that the only sane response to God’s love is wholehearted devotion to Jesus. And that the crazy people in this world are those who experience God’s love and remain complacent, not those who let go of all they have and follow Him completely.

Even though I glimpse God’s holiness, I am still dumb enough to forget that life is all about God and not about me at all.

Would you describe yourself as totally in love with Jesus Christ?  Or do the words halfhearted, lukewarm, and partially committed fit better?  Unfortunately, those words fit me on most days.  I want to become on fire for God, every second of every day.

I go to church, I volunteer and give to charity, I am moved by stories of faith but don’t change.

I turn 50 in 50 days so I’m going to go through a physical, mental and spiritual journey.  I’m going to ruck at least 150 miles with this 50 pound rucksack and I’m going to do at least 15,000 push-ups during that time.  I’m going to be raising money for Valley Church’s new campus construction.  While I’d love your financial support, I want you to pray for me and our church.

I’m going to use that hour or so a day to pray, think, and create a plan to move forward in my life with God being the focus.

Chan encourages us to make a faith action plan, do something that scares you, step out into a holy adventure that we can’t control. See all others as Christ.


  • Reach out to ExciteBike and sign up for the daily devotionals…they are powerful!


  • Sign Up To Q

Support Your Brothers

THE SCENE: 30’s and thankfully dry

15 SSH, 15 mountain climbers, 5 cherry pickers, 10 harry Rockettes, 10 overhead claps, 10 Moroccan night club
Mosey up to Maple Street building for 4 corners. Do 2 rounds of the following:

  • 20 squats
  • 20 Mountain climbers (2-ct)
  • 20 Merkins
  • 10 burpees

Mosey to the base of JUCOmanjaro. At every other marked line, stop and do the 1st exercise below. Next time do the 2nd exercise and so on. Repeat to the top.

  • 20 merkins
  • 20 squats
  • 20 Freddie Mercury (2-ct)
  • 5 burpees

Mosey back down and back over to Maple Street for another round of 4 corners. Repeat until time is called.

  • 20 jump squats
  • 20 diamond merkins
  • 20 Iron Mikes (total)
  • 20 dips

LBC burnout. 10 LBCs, 10 reverse LBCs, 10 6″ LBCs, and 10 full grown LBCs.
14 in the PAX this morning at JUCO.
YHC has been following a Bible reading plan to go through the Bible in a year. It is a chronological study and I just finished up Job. The book of Job has a lot of great lessons. Lessons about struggle and trusting in God. This morning, I wanted to focus on Job’s friends. His friends came to him in a time of need. They sat with him for 7 days and the Bible says that no-one spoke during this time. When they did speak, they started trying to figure out what Job most have done wrong to bring on the agony that he had experienced. In fact, Job had done nothing wrong. His friends, though their intentions were most likely good, they were not exactly encouraging. The message this morning was to encourage those around us when they are going through difficult times. We as men often try to fix things when we think there is something that can be fixed. More often than not, all it takes is making it known that we are there to support our brothers.


The Roof, The Roof, The Roof Is On Fire!

THE SCENE: A crisp and clear 30 degrees F.

25 SSH, 5 cherry pickers, 10 tempo merkins, 10 tempo squats, 15 mountain climbers
Mosey to the parking lot near the information center, south of the pond.

  • Suicides style, 10 merkins, 10 squats, 10 mountain climbers (4x) at the farthest line for each round. 10 lines building up, 9 lines coming back.
  • Indian run with a jailbreak back to the AO

19 HIMs went far keeping it simple and effective.

Pretend that you’ve heard of the legend of the world’s wisest man who will answer any question that is brought before him. But to get to him, you have to cross the high seas, traverse barren deserts, brave the frozen tundras and scale mountain peaks. You set out with a team but you were the only one to survive. What question would you ask him?

No such man exists but if he did and he instead found you, would you listen to his words if he had something to tell you? Would you give him your ear and attention. Would you study and then implement his words? He isn’t going to come find you either but he did leave you a letter. This is the book of Ecclesiastes, written by King Solomon.

He says you are over-investing in the things of this world. It is okay to have a woman in your life, she just shouldn’t be your life. It is okay to work and enjoy your work, but your life shouldn’t be defined by your work. Alcohol, foolishness, folly, and activity under the sun is meaningless, vanity, a chasing after the wind. This is like painting the walls in a burning house, you would never do that. This life too is fading away, it is the burning house, it is temporary. Do not over-invest in this life. In chapter three, he tells us not to get caught up in the details of life, that there is a season to all things. Enjoy or respect them in their season but as they come, let them also go.

In the 12th chapter, Solomon says that when all has been examined, nothing is left but to fear God and keep his commandments, this is the whole duty of man. God has placed eternity in our hearts (Ecclesiastes 3:11) and we will never be able to escape our design. That is why you see the rich, the powerful, the famous do stupid things because they are trying to fill the void in their hearts when eternity belongs.

Let us lead simple and effective lives, not over-investing in this temporary shelter, and we will be surprised by how far we can go.



Soldiering through the Project Deck of Pain

THE SCENE: 29°F and 0% chance of water – 100% chance of PAIN!
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER– Administered + Cell Phone + COVID

10 x Moroccan Night Club IC
10 x Tennessee Rocking Chair IC (increasing speed ~rep 7)
5 x Tempo Merkin IC
4 x Rainbow Drop OYO
10 x Tempo Squat IC

This workout has been months in the making! It takes its inspiration from the Deck of Pain at JUCO as administered by Trolley (many times over) – Deck of Pain /-/ Deck of Pain II /-/ Deck of Pain III /-/ Jailbreak Tour

Also checkout the “official” F3 Workout Deck (it has something like SSH‘s in it… smh but I digress)

Q asked for 4 volunteers – 1 for each suit in a standard deck of cards that I passed out baggies with the exercise cards written on them. Today we have a caveat: I want to cover all exercises today so that the next time around all of the Project PAX know what is what (and hopefully we can have more than 1 PAX per suit of cards).

I’m going to paste in the table I used to make the workout and subsequently write on the cards because trying to remember the order of 52 cards, even in groups of 13, while leading the workout and working out… not happening. Unlike this guy.

Jokers were also administered at key points because you NEVER KNOW when you’re going to get a surprise.

Big Joker: 20 burpees

Actual results of the Q today:

We got through 85% of things but left the Little Joker (the one with lots of text on it) is Dealer’s Choice at the #shovel-flag. Every PAX must name a Mary exercise. There are still some Spades to be done (in BOLD in the table below) but we got most things done.

After each suit was completed, the PAX with the baggie of cards for that suit read the following (that goes along with the BOM):

1. Compassionate (Hearts)- the best soldiers only use deadly force when they are absolutely required to. They find no joy or satisfaction in destroying carnage. They seek to defend what is worth defending. His compassion drives him.

2. Courageous (Diamonds) – Someone courageous says “Please don’t force me to show it.” It readily admits to having a warring attitude when I need to. When a battle is to be fought, I will be in the front line fighting it. I will not back down because I believe Psalm 20:7 which says “Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.”

3. Competent (Clubs)- Without competence, courage becomes folly. The Christian soldier as he engages in war, has to be armed, prepared, and wise. He understands who the Enemy is, what the Enemy is. He does not walk in the flesh morally but physically. Thus, he wages war not in the flesh though he has flesh.

4. Calculating (Spades)- a soldier plans for war. He thinks about what needs to happen where and wisely strikes. He fights spiritual wars. He reasons the truth from Scripture. He brings the Word of God and lets it bear its truth. And, when those who have been warned, just like the apostle Paul he is ready to strike and purge out the false teachers.


Location Suit Card Description Card Amt Modified Amt
Shovel Flag Spades 2 1 lap entire shovel flag parking lot 1 1
Shovel Flag Spades 3 Dips on the curb 15 5
Shovel Flag Spades 4 Bear crawl in parking lot Q’s distance Q’s distance
Shovel Flag Spades 5 Moroccan night club (if Erector is present he must lead it IC) 15 15
Shovel Flag Spades 6 Tempo squats 10 10
Shovel Flag Spades 7 4x4s 10 5
Shovel Flag Spades 8 Jumping Spider 10 5
Shovel Flag Spades 9 Heels to Heaven IC 20 10
Shovel Flag Spades 10 Werkin 15 5
Shovel Flag Spades J Stationary Lunges 10 ea leg 5 each leg
Shovel Flag Spades Q Al Gore 30 sec hold x 2 30 sec hold x 1
Shovel Flag Spades K Rotational Merkin 10 5
Shovel Flag Spades A Single Leg Calf Raise 15 ea leg 7 ea leg
Pool Wall Clubs 2 Walls of Jericho See decsription 5 each exercise
Pool Wall Clubs 3 Dips on bars 15 5
Pool Wall Clubs 4 Crawl Bear up steps 1 1
Pool Wall Clubs 5 Pull-ups at the Playground 10 5
Pool Wall Clubs 6 Squats 20 10
Pool Wall Clubs 7 Burpees 10 5
Pool Wall Clubs 8 Clap Merkins 10 5
Pool Wall Clubs 9 Gas Pump IC 15 5
Pool Wall Clubs 10 Merkins IC 20 10
Pool Wall Clubs J Lunges (each leg = 1) 20 10
Pool Wall Clubs Q Michael Phelps 10 30 sec rest
Pool Wall Clubs K Pickle Pounders IC 20 10
Pool Wall Clubs A Incline Calf Raises on top of the Wall 20 10
Amphitheatre Diamonds 2 Run a lap around the theatre 1 1
Amphitheatre Diamonds 3 Dips on the theater wall 15 5
Amphitheatre Diamonds 4 Crab walk across diameter of theater 1 1
Amphitheatre Diamonds 5 Seal Clap Squats IC 20 10
Amphitheatre Diamonds 6 Box Jumps on low theatre wall 15 5
Amphitheatre Diamonds 7 Flying Squirrel 10 5
Amphitheatre Diamonds 8 Shoulder Taps IC 20 10
Amphitheatre Diamonds 9 Dolly IC 20 10
Amphitheatre Diamonds 10 Diamond Merkins 10 5
Amphitheatre Diamonds J Iron Mike / Bonnie Blair (ea leg) 7 5
Amphitheatre Diamonds Q Reach for the Sky / Let it Hang 30 sec each 30 sec total
Amphitheatre Diamonds K Pickle Pointer IC 20 10
Amphitheatre Diamonds A Decline calf raises on the curb/edge 25 10
Friendship Bell Hearts 2 Run to across bridge and back to bell 1 1
Friendship Bell Hearts 3 Dips with feet on wall/bench 15 5
Friendship Bell Hearts 4 Reverse Crab around bell 1 1
Friendship Bell Hearts 5 Raise the roof (air press) 20 10
Friendship Bell Hearts 6 Squat Jump 10 5
Friendship Bell Hearts 7 Burpee with Jump Tuck 10 5
Friendship Bell Hearts 8 Irkin/Derkin alt (each) 10 5
Friendship Bell Hearts 9 Leg Lifts 20 10
Friendship Bell Hearts 10 World’s Greatest Merkin 7 5
Friendship Bell Hearts J Reverse Lunge (each leg) 10 5
Friendship Bell Hearts Q Plank 30 sec x 2 30 sec x 1
Friendship Bell Hearts K Rainbow Drop (single count) 15 5
Friendship Bell Hearts A Alternating Leg single leg calf raises (single count) 40 20


We did a lot of stuff, but no MARY today.
9 Soldiers strong!
The notes and Word I shared comes from two John MacArthur sermons on 2 Corinthians 10:1-6: Winning the Spiritual War Part 1 // Winning the Spiritual War Part 2

We are soldiers in a war whether we know it or not. To wage war, we need to regularly evaluate where we are and prepare for war. Later this morning I have my yearly CPE (that’s Complete Physical Examination) scheduled. To do the blood work they required, I had to fast. Fasting can take many forms, and we’e been “deprived” of a lot this past year due to many circumstances beyond our control. There will continue to be many things that are beyond our control (like the “lot” that is cast when a card from the Deck of Pain is pulled, but we can control our reaction (this has been talked about many times before) as well as we can control how we prepare for situations going forward.

This is where being a soldier comes into play: Life is not a happenstance set of events – we can and should take stock in order to prepare for the battle – and yes, we are at war. Paul tell us this how we are to wage war in 2 Corinthians 10:1-6:

1 I, Paul, myself entreat you, by the meekness and gentleness of Christ—I who am humble when face to face with you, but bold toward you when I am away!— 2 I beg of you that when I am present I may not have to show boldness with such confidence as I count on showing against some who suspect us of walking according to the flesh. 3 For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh. 4 For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. 5 We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ, 6 being ready to punish every disobedience, when your obedience is complete.

Reflect on the 4 aforementioned qualities and see that you are applying them to your life:

1. Compassionate (Hearts)- are you loving those around you, truly caring for their well-being and putting yourself after them? This starts with your immediate family.

2. Courageous (Diamonds) – Are you willing to take a stand when necessary? Do you even know what you’re going to stand for?

3. Competent (Clubs)- Leroy Jenkins is a classic example of courageous but not competent. Are you wisely taking risks, or stumbling into folly?

4. Calculating (Spades)- Last but not least, when push comes to shove, are you ready to take action in specific ways? We don’t just throw away the whole thing, but having a plan that takes out the enemy without civilian casualties (if at all possible) is paramount.

Prayed for Doodle Dandy’s wife and another wife who live in the neighborhood where I live – both were in a car wreck and in the hospital over the weekend with broken ribs, possible spinal cord injuries, and at least one had a collapsed lung. Also prayed for Trolley’s M having a hysterectomy next Tuesday.

It was VERY slippery today. But Soldiers who walk together, even physically distanced, can look out for each other. Nobody fell and we all got stronger!

Also S/O to Kick-flip, Snaggletooth, Mathlete for looking for and to Biohack for finding my keys that dropped out of my pocket by, of course, the Pool wall.
Step up and Q!

Snow Day

THE SCENE: 35 degrees and snowy

Side straddle hop in cadence 20
13 tempo merkins
Arm rotations thumbs up in cadence
Reverse thumbs down in cadence
Cherry Pickers
Moroccan nightclub 20
Side straddle hop in cadence

Mosey to Hard Knox parking lot for 24 flutter kicks in cadence. Mailbox requested 100.
Mosey to the entrance for 20 Merkins
Indian Run to the campus entrance for plank jacks.

Mosey to the parking lot by the duck pond for some speed/agility cone drills.

26 flutter kicks in cadence.

11’s w/ squats and burpees
Do 1 squat, Walking lunges forward 1 space, do 10 burpees, Bernie back two spaces. Rinse and repeat adding to the squat count and reducing the burpee count until we’re at 10 squats and 1 burpee.

Back to the cones for speed/agility drills.
30 flutter kicks in cadence.

Mosey back to the flag with 2 lines. The leader of each line dropping off for two burpees. Until the Jailbreak.

20 flutter kicks in cadence. We got our 100 in.

1 FNG Gary Bogus
Age: 40
F3 Name: Manhole
[email protected]

Thank you for putting in the work and continuing to challenge me. Don’t be afraid to ask for God’s favor in all that you do. Ask and you shall receive!


Proverbs 16:3
Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and He will establish your plans.

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Make sure to fill the Q calendar.