F3 Knoxville

Update on prayer

The Project

THE SCENE: mid 30s and clear

15 SSH, 15 Mountain climbers, 10 tempo Merkins, 15 Imperial walkers, 10 tempo squats, 15 Moroccan night club
Mosey to the highschool main entrance. Do 11s starting with 10 wall-ups beside the bottom of the stairs and 1 diamond merkins over near the garage doors.

Line up single file and begin the Bataan Death March. PAX in the back drops and does 3 burpees and then sprints to the front of the line. As the sprinter passes the PAX in the back, that PAX drops for the burpees. Repeat.

We took the long way around to the playground. 10 pull-ups at the playground, 20 derkins at the amphitheater, 20 2-ct flutter kicks, and 10 prison cell merkin burpees at the top of the hill. AMRAP

15 Freddie Mercury, protractor
8 including Colonel from Johnson City
So, at the first of the year, YHC stated that I was going to start to take a few minutes to start my day in prayer. I am sad to report that I have failed miserably. I may have gotten a couple of days at the beginning, but that was it. At JUCO, Spotter has been issuing a monthly challenge. His choice for March: 10 straight minutes of prayer and meditation. Before beginning, I thought “how am I going to fill 10 minutes”? Sad right? You know what? It was super easy! I just started talking to God about all the things on my mind and before I knew it, 10 minutes were gone. Here is my challenge: participate in this monthly challenge. What a way to build our relationship with the Father!