F3 Knoxville

Core Mountain III

THE SCENE: Wet, Sloppy Wet!


Join us if you dare. This is our third attempt at core mountain. It is modified to help us actually make it to the top.


SSH, Side Lunges, Lunges, Merkins, Cherry Pickers

Core Mountain version 3.0:

Do 25 of subsequent exercises at each station which are 100 feet apart. Run between each station. Going up our beloved Juco-manjaro.
We’ll determine what a 100 feet is by taking turns carrying a CMU that is tied to each end of a 100 foot rope.
While the team does the 25 reps, one person carries one cmu until the rope gets taught. Then stops and the team picks up the other end of the rope (with cmu attached) and we run to the lead cmu HIM and begin the next exercise. This proceeds to the top of JUCO Manjaro.  It’s approximately 1800 feet to the top, so here are the 18 stations.

  • Big Boy Situps
  • Crunches
  • Scissors
  • Flutters
  • American Hammers
  • Leg Lifts
  • Bicycles
  • Cross Toe Touches
  • Rainbow Drops
  • Windshield Wipers
  • Cross Mountain Climbers
  • Heel Touches
  • Box Cutters
  • Hello Dollys
  • Groiner
  • Side Crunches
  • Supermans
  • Plank Destroyers

The plank destroyers toasted us as we ran out of time. But we did make it to the top!!! Yay, third times a charm.

MARY: No time for marry.


Happy New Year! Thanks for a great 2018!

48 is the new 12

THE SCENE: Crisp (29) and clear.  Perfect!

SSH (4 ct) x 48; couple of laps around the parking lot; Squats (4 ct) x 32 (4×8=32)

#1:  12s – Like 11s, but more awesomer.  Burpees and Hello Dollies (4ct) with a run from one side of parking lot to the other in between.

#2:  Mosey to the cloud:  48 LBCs

#3:  Mosey to the back parking lot. 32 Speed Skaters.

#4:  More 12s with Merkins and Squat Jumps, but this time, run a quarter lap between exercises.  Check the time and abort early so we have time for . . .

#5:    Mosey to Cardiac.  4 stops up the hill with 8 reps of each: Manmakers, Flutters (4ct), Sumo Squats (4 ct); Dips (4 ct).

Captain Thors till we reach 8 BBS and 32 AHs.

In my 49th trip around the Sun, I’m going to try to get out of my comfort zone.  This is difficult for me.  I love being comfortable.  I think about Paul’s exhortation from Philippians 4:13 and the level of discomfort Paul took on.  If God saw Paul through his discomfort, then he’ll surely see through any that I have.  Push on!
I’m proud to share a birthday with High-Heels!  Continued prayers for Cheatsheet’s grandmother and daughter.
Polar bear plunge on New Year’s and sign-ups open for Hardship Hill.

Presents for Everyone

THE SCENE: Cold and clear
Handed out some presents early – 25 envelopes, each containing an exercise. We went through our gifts in sequential order:

  1. 25 SSH
  2. 10 Tempo Squats
  3. 10 Tempo Merkins
  4. 12 Baby Arm Circles (forward and reverse)
  5. Bear Crawl across the parking lot
  6. Crawl Bear across the parking lot
  7. 20 Derkins
  8. 20 Bench Rows
  9. 10 Burpee Box Jumps
  10. 15 LBC’s (4 ct)
  11. 20 Tuck Jumps
  12. 15 Hand Release Merkins
  13. 10 Lunges (10 each leg)
  14. 20 American Hammers (4 ct)
  15. 10 Dive Bombers
  16. 10 Iron Mikes (4 ct)
  17. 15 Sweat Angels (4 ct)
  18. 15 Diamond Merkins
  19. 20 Squats (4 ct)
  20. 20 Flutter Kicks (4 ct)
  21. 20 Dry Docks
  22. 20 Jump Squats
  23. 15 Box Cutters (4 ct)
  24. 10 Burpees
  25. 1 Time All You’ve Got up Little Baby Hill


Just enough time for some plank work and Cap’n helped us cash out with some ATM’s

33 HIM’s – no FNG’s


Especially this time of year, it’s easy to get caught up in the busyness – getting things wrapped up before the new year, planning for next year, finishing up the Christmas shopping, figuring out logistics for the holidays, etc, etc. Sometimes the most difficult task is to just slow down and enjoy the moments, the memories.

I’m as guilty as anyone when it comes to getting caught up in the “hamster wheel of life” – creating my list of things I need to get done, worrying about what’s to come tomorrow, and simply not slowing down to appreciate the moments right in front of me. I was reminded of this last night when I was getting ready for the Q this morning. I was preparing the envelopes for the workout (just another task that I needed to get checked off my long list of things to get done over the next couple days), but my 4 year old son was so excited when I asked him to put some stickers on the envelopes. He swelled with pride knowing that Daddy needed his help, and he quickly plopped down next to me and began meticulously placing his Christmas stickers on each envelope. It was just a little moment – inconsequential in the grand scheme of things – but I cherished that time with him. He won’t always be 4 years old, and he won’t always want to help his Dad with those silly projects.

Cherish the moments.

12 Days of Ruckmas

THE SCENE: 45, raining and the rain increased in intensity as we did

Ruck to Turkey Creek Christmas Tree beside Victoria Secret (1.5 miles)
12 days of ruckmas (modified from Ruck.Beer)

Pax is to sing to the tune of the 12 Days of Christmas.  Workout is to follow the pattern of the song…Exercise 1, Exercise 2 then 1, Exercise 3, 2 then 1, etc,

The song lyrics were; On the _____day of ruckmas, the Cadre gave to me….

  1. Ruck Merkin
  2. Overhead Squats
  3. Overhead Presses
  4. Man makers
  5. Incline Merkins
  6. Wide Merkins
  7. Ruck Thrusters
  8. Ruck Swings
  9. Lunges (9 each leg)
  10. Ruck Curls for the girls
  11. 4 Count Mtn. Climbers
  12. Bent Over Ruck Rows

Ruck back to Christmas lights at Library (1.5 miles or so)

Insert information about any additional post-THANG work (if applicable).

Take the time to enjoy this season.

Ironically, I gave the message while we were rucking in order to save time when we got back to the start point so I could hurry back home!
Raining, cold, EARLY didn’t matter to the pax.  They all knocked out this workout without any problems except for Shooter counting the manmakers way, way, way too fast.

Modified “Murph” Q-nniversay

THE SCENE: 39 and awesome!

  • Cherry Pickers (IC) 4 CT X 10
  • Baby Arm Circles Forward/Backward X 10 followed by Michael Phelps
  • Side Straddle Hop (IC)
  • Sprints back and forth the parking lot
  • Arm & Tricep Stretches
  • Calf stretches on curb
  • Mosey


Lieutenant Michael Patrick “Murph” Murphy served our country in the Navy Seals.  He was awarded the Medal of Honor, Silver Star and Purple Heart.  He was killed in Afghanistan on June 28, 205 at the age of 29.  We did a modified version of the “Murph” workout in honor of him and so many other men and women who paid the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom.

  • 9/10 of a mile run
  • 1/3 of group did pull-ups, 1/3 did merkins, 1/3 did squats “Tabata-Style” for 20 seconds then 10 seconds to shift to next exercise
  • PAX switch from pull-ups, merkins & squats continuously for 15 minutes
  • 4/10 of a mile run back to AO
  • 6 sprints across the parking lot


We did tons of Mary’s for 5 minutes during the song “Thrive” by the Casting Crowns

  • Big Boy Sit-ups (OYO)
  • Flutter Kicks (OYO)
  • Superman (OYO)
  • Little Baby Crunches (OYO)
  • Big Boy Sit-ups (OYO)


15 HIMS & 1 FNG, Bypass, were in the gloom:  Bagger, Bartman, Bypass, Cheatsheet, Detention, Doubtfire, Erector, Rocket, Snaggletooth, Spotter, Stye, Teller, Vagabond, Waxjob, and Booster


I want to thrive in everything I do…being a Dad and husband, friend, etc.  I want to help families battling cancer through my charity.  I want to know and share the Bible.  However, I feel like I’m barely staying above water in my life…I’m good but not great and I’m frustrated as a result!

Yesterday, I heard Thrive by the Casting Crowns TWICE.  After I heard it the first time, my mind kept racing and I didn’t know why.  After I heard it on the way back from the zoo, I realized what it was…I’m just surviving, not thriving!  I hope and pray you and your loved ones thrive in everything you do so we can make this world a better place for everyone!

Read these words and listen to this great song!  Blessings to you and your family this Christmas and always!

Just to know You and to make You known
We lift Your name on High
Shine like the sun made darkness run and hide
We know we were made for so much more
Than ordinary lives
It’s time for us to more than just survive
We were made to thrive


It’s so awesome to see so many HIMs at JUCO! Let’s keep encouraging others to join us in the gloom to get better and support one another!


  • Remember the monthly challenge – 45 minutes of exercise outside of F3 equals 1 point for JUCO (or whatever AO is home for you)
  • 2nd F at Prinshop Beer Com this Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. (F3’s own Amazon is involved in this business located at 1532 Island Home Avenue)
  • Possible Wesley House F3 workout this Saturday – Check GroupMe or reach out to Doubtfire for updates