F3 Knoxville

Nolan Richardson w. Hamm

THE SCENE: It was cold again 26 degrees but the wind was calm. Hamm thought it’d be appropriate to do a Nolan Richardson since he grew up in Arkansas and it just so happened the Vols & Hogs had a huge matchup the same day.


SSH’s, Cherry Pickers, Windmills, Shoulder Stretch, Triceps Stretch, Some other things maybe?

A Nolan Richardson (Slightly Modified)

Basically you are with a partner and there are 6 different exercises with mass repititions. While one partner moves backwards (as if he were playing defense on a b-ball court) for 50 yards, Bobby Hurley’s one time, then sprints back to the partner, the other partner performs the exercise then they switch off.

  • 100 Burpees
  • 300 Squats
  • 100 BBS’s
  • 300 LBAC’s
  • 150 Merkins
  • 300 Imperial Walkers

Since We still had some time left, Hamm had a die that his M just got him for Valentine’s Day. IT has a variety of Exercises on it which have all been done at F3 (though some names are different). So we did that for a while which included lunges, merkins, wall sits, mountain climbers, side planks, etc. etc.


Here we did LBC’s, Hello D’s, Flutter Kicks, & Leg Lifts.


1-8 (See Tags). Also, we had an FNG we named Gmail primarily because when asked about his first email address he stated it was G-Man@…….. and he since he seemed to be touting for his F3 Nickname to also be G-Man we chose Gmail instead.


You can’t always get what you want
But if you try sometime you’ll find
You get what you need

(Just Kidding that was the Rolling Stones actually.)



I have nothing else.

Santa likes Fireball

THE SCENE: A crisp and clear 35 degrees

Did a jinglebell jog to the gas station, whilst performing Single leg jump skips and Butt kicks and being ridiculed by the mumble chatter Brickyard is so well known for.

At the gas station the warmarama pursued with 10 SSH’s IC, 10 Imperial Walkers IC, 10 Chinook SQTS (B) IC (A-Rod seemed to think this was amusing, but his head has turned into a Spud since returning from Idaho), 10 Windmills IC, 10 Thai Fighters IC (B)
The PAX attempted to form two staright lines but they were not so good at following directions.  They were in training to run Santa’s sleigh and started in pairs taking off every 5 seconds, or 3, or 2?  Cones set up to mark their distance:

  • Dasher 25 yds
  • Dancer 50 yds
  • Pracncer 75 yds
  • Vixen 100 yds
  • Comet 100 yds
  • Cupid 75 yds
  • Donner 50 yds
  • Blitzen 25 yds
  • and in pairs, Rudolph teamed the lighted sleigh 100 yds and back.  One Rudy carried a sand pail during each sequence.

Next we continued the 12 days of X-mas theme ascending days and also descending order.  A mandatory Mulligan chosen wisely by each team to carry Santa’s sleigh around the parking lot.

  • On the first day of Christmas my Q gave to me…a lap around a parking lot of trees
  • On the second day of Christmas my Q gave to me…2 Monkey Humpers
  • On the third day of Christmas my Q gave to me…3 French High Knees
  • On the fourth day of Christmas my Q gave to me…4 Calling Burpees
  • On the fifth day of Christmas my Q gave to me…5 Diamond Merkins
  • On the sixth day of Christmas my Q gave to me…6 Geese a Laying Leg Lifts
  • On the seventh day of Christmas my Q gave to me…7 Swans a Squat Jumping
  • On the eight day of Christmas my Q gave to me…8 Maids a Mountain Climbing
  • On the ninth day of Christmas my Q gave to me…9 Lady’s Jump Lunging
  • On the tenth day of Christmas my Q gave to me…10 Lord’s a Leaping (Michael Jordan’s)
  • On the eleventh day of Christmas my Q gave to me…11 Pickle’s Pounding
  • On the twelfth day of Christmas my Q gave to me…12 Drummers Jumping (SSH’s)

Just a cou[ple min left to do 20 Hellow Dollies IC and 20 flutter kicks IC
Herbie, A-Rod, Hamm, Fob, Fast-n-Easy, Simmons, Biohazard, Natty, Dr. Feelgood

“The heaviest of burdens that we carry are the thoughts in our head”
Prayers for Boogaloo, Gepetto’s family, Natty’s friend Mike Morton and the loss of his father
No Q on Christmas but a possible one Friday TBD

No Going Back

THE SCENE: Humid 70 degrees

SSH x 30 IC

Manly Arm Rotations (aka baby arm circles) x 10 ED EA

5 Burpees OYO

Tempo Merkin x 10 IC

Tempo Squat x 15 IC

1st and 10: 10 cones at 10 yd increments. At SP perform 10 burpees/1 push-up then run to end. Return to next cone 9 burpees/2 push-ups, etc to end (11s).

Bataan Death Crawl: PAX in a line in bear crawl position. Last man performs 5 burpees while PAX bear crawls. Last man taps man at end of line and heads to front of line. Continue till reaching end point.

Burpmuda Triangle: Three cones about 30 yds apart. Run between cones.

  • Round 1: cone 1 = 1 burp; cone 2 = 2 burp; cone 3 = 3 burp
  • Round 2: cone 1 = 3 burp; cone 2 = 4 burp; cone 3 = 5 burp
  • Round 3: cone 1 = 5 burp; cone 2 = 6 burp; cone 3 = 7 burp

Burpee Dan: 1 burpee:4 lunges to end point then go back with 2 burpee:4 lunges and final round 3 burpee: 12 lunges

Pick up Qs cones: Pick up cones with push-up at each cone, increasing by one at each cone. (10 cones)

Not Invited

Leave no man behind. Leave no man the same.

Our heritage tells us of a people who were freed from Egypt and when life got hard in the desert they wanted to go back. Then when they were provided a Saviour and the law was removed they were upset and wanted to return to the “way things were”. We are the same. We remember how things were and how they were comfortable. We are not promised that. We will be and are living in difficult times where each day brings decisions for comfort or challenge. F3 is not an easy choice. Get up, get smoked, get better, DO IT AGAIN. We are here to help each other prepare for life physically and mentally. Don’t be surprised by challenges but be prepared and lean on the fellowship around you.


God Has Our Back!

THE SCENE: 87 and sunny in the fake gloom

  • Side Straddle Hops (IC) 15
  • Cherry Pickers (IC) 4 CT X 10
  • Windmills (IC) 4CT X 10
  • Baby Arm Circles Forward X 10 (IC) w/ Michael Phelps
  • Baby Arm Circles Backward X 10 (IC) w/ Michael Phelps
  • Overhead Claps X 10 (IC)
  • Tennessee Rocking Horse X 10
  • Mosey to get CMUs out of Dr. Feelgood’s truck
  • Farmer Carry to a pavilion in the center of the park


Pavillion Triangle – 3 Corners

  • CMU Overhead Press, Bentover Rows & Curls X 10 X 4 rounds
  • Run to next concrete table for step-ups and/or calf raises or dips
  • Run to bench for Big Boys X 10
  • Kept doing 3 Corners but gave the PAX freedom to pick CMU exercises they wanted to do

Part of the workout

7 Men including 1 FNG – TKO is his name


We all struggle…whether it’s my teenage daughter who balances ADHD, bipolar, depression, panic attacks, school and work or my wife who juggles work, taking care of her Mom and our family…we all struggle.  I get stressed out because of how I am or am not supporting my family, friends, work, etc.  While we all struggle, we should all know that we should trust in God because HE HAS GOT OUR BACK!  However, while I know that God is in control and take care of us, I still feel overwhelmed sometimes.  Yes, I do feel better after prayer, scripture, etc…however, that doesn’t alleviate my daughter’s issues or my wife juggling a million things at once.  However, I am comforted that God is in control and has all of our backs!!!

Proverbs 3:5-6 –  5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; 6 in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.

1 Peter 5:10 10 And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast.

James 1:2-4 –2 Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3 because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. 4 Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.

1 Peter 5:8-9  – Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. 9 Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings.

Joshua 1:9-10 – 9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”

Psalm 34:19  –19 The righteous person may have many troubles, but the LORD delivers him from them all;


No announcements – just encouraged TKO to come back next week.

11 for 11’s


THE SCENE: 50 degrees, windy, and wet from the rain overnight

Motivators from 7
Cherry Pickers (5)
Tempo Squats (10)
Tempo Merkins (10)
Thai Fighters (10 each leg)

2 rounds of 11’s at the eastern corner of Powell High School
Round 1
wall e’s (single count) and elevated plank jacks (4 ct)
Round 2
Elevated shoulder taps (4 ct) and the dirty hookup (4 ct)

Each PAX called an ab exercise, which we followed with 10 merkins (70 total).  We made it through 7 PAX.  These were the Ab exercises in cadence.
Pickle Pounders (10)
Little Baby Crunches (15)
Freddie Mercury (10)
Hello Dollies (10)
Gas Pumps (10)
Flutter Kicks (10)
American Hammers (10)


Today is 3/16 and we discussed John 3:16.  The world was broken in that time period like it is broken now.  God loved the world enough to send his Son to die so that we could be saved.  He was sent to save the world, not condemn the world.  The world is broken today too, God still cares and still loves us.  Take some time to show his love, and lead with kindness in this broken world.