F3 Knoxville

Hwy 6…

THE SCENE 59 and Clear

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

SSH                           ICx20
Squats                       ICx20
Carolina DryDocks    ICx15

Mosey toward the Saturday AO for a modified Route 66 (called Hwy 6 this morning to honor our friends in College Station, TX)

Highway 6
PAX were instructed to run the length of 11 light poles, stopping at each light pole to perform increasing reps at each pole (1st pole = 1 rep; 2nd pole = 2 reps; rinse and repeat to the 11th pole)
1st circuit:          Burpees
2nd circuit:         Squats
3rd circuit:          Merkins
4th circuit:          Star jacks
5th circuit:          Carolina Dry Docks
6th circuit:          Mountain climbers

Audible called at 6:05 am for a plank sequence; followed by a set of merkins (ICx15)

Mosey back to the AO for a round of Mary:

Flutter kicks by P-nut                          ICx20
Leg raises led by Leonardo                 on command
American Hammer led by Barbie        ICx25
Runner’s stretch led by Elvis               on command

Count-o-rama, Name-o-rama,

We all have folks in our lives that we owe a debt of thanks.  P-nut challenged the PAX to reach out to someone today and thank them for making a difference in their life.  Read Colossians 3:15

Great effort by all the PAX on a chilly Friday morning.

OG Style…

THE SCENE 60 and clear at the BB for the collaborative “OG” Workout

F3 Welcome & Disclaimer

– SSH x12 IC
– Squats x12 IC
– Michael Phelps x20 OYO
– Arm Circles Forward x6 IC
– Arm Circles Backward x6 IC
– BBS x12 IC

Mosey to the big ball for Station 1 of the OG collaboration workout
-Joe Hendrix up two flights of stairs
-Merkins x20-OYO
-Squat Jumps x20-OYO

Mosey to Station 2: (Market Square)
– DORAS with a battle buddy (sprint to end of Square, return, and alternate) in the form of B.O.M.B.S increasing by reps of 40
– 40 Burpees
– 80 Overhead Claps
– 120 Merkins
– 160 BBS and Squats (80 a piece)
Flutter Kicks IC
American Hammers IC

Mosey back to World’s Fair
Grab Battle Buddy and wheelbarrow across last half of infield to the water fountains

Number off and Name-O-Rama

1 Cor. 9:24-27
Points to reflect on:
1.) Be self-disciplined and run for the eternal prize
2.) We do not have to run this race alone.  We have Jesus Christ as our savior and He also gives us each other.  We are here for our brothers to run this race and be leaders in our homes, work, etc.  In society it is being pushed to be individualistic but an OG is there to have his brother’s six at all times and help each other.


64 degrees and hazy

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

Baby arm circles forward IC x 10
Baby arm circles reverse IC x 10
Tempo Squats ICx10
Burpees OYO x 10
Merkins ICx10

Tour of World’s Fair Park
Mosey over to south stairs for:
Incline Merkins           ICx10
Squats                         ICx10
Decline Merkins          ICx10

Mosey to Market Square
Stopping 2x for Burpees OYOx10

Dora w/ battle buddy for:
Burpees (50)
American Hammer (75)
Carolina Dry Docks (100)
One-armed Pickle Pounders (125)
Nipple scraper Merkins (150)
(w/ PAX #1 running down Market Square while PAX #2 is doing exercise)

Mosey to Pete’s Coffee Shop
Stop for 5 burpees OYO

Mosey to Henley Street
Incline Merkins ICx10
Decline Merkins ICx10

Mosey back to World’s Fair Park
Full-speed 100 yard sprints

Back to AO

Hello Dolly ICx10 (P-nut)
Boat/Canoe (Quickbooks)

Number Off and Name-o-Rama


Scripture focus on Psalm 119:105.  It’s dark out there, men.  We need God’s word to provide light and instruction for us.  However you chose to do it…whenever you choose to do it…just do it.  Get in God’s word each day.

Prayer led by P-nut

Spirited mumblechatter from all PAX, particularly from Proton and Dimples.  Schick had been AWOL for a long time and couldn’t remember his F3 name (Rascal to the rescue).

Tuesday at the Fair

The Scene 72 and clear

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

COP (all IC)
SSH x 20
Mountain Climber x 15
Merkin x 20
Hello Dolly x 20
BACF x10
BACR x10
Flutter Kick x 20
Box Cutter x 15
BBS x 20

Mosey up stairs and down to amphitheater

10 Merkins on north side of amphitheater
1 BBS on south side

Mosey past the BIG GOLD BALL, then to the WEDGIE (watch out for the train!). Grab a battle buddy.

Doras up the wedgie: Merkins x10 at top; 150 combined LBC at bottom.

Mosey back to fountains

Number off & Name-O-Rama

Let’s be inclusive of “the new guys”. At work, at church, at F3, wherever. Let’s set out to make an impact on those around us! Press in, encourage, and keep up with those guys!

It was a mosey-heavy morning. We picked up Paula Deen as he was running by the fountain before we started. This guy is training for a 24 hour race AND a marathon! He gets the “fastest mosey” award for the day. 11’s at the amphitheater took up a good amount of time and really helped us log some mileage. The 15 PAX left their chatterboxes at home, today. Excited to see Paula Deen and Simone (so named because of years of gymnastics experience) show up more in the future and take their places as leaders!

Around the World

THE SCENE 62 and clear

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

SSH x15 (IC)
Baby Arm Circles x15 (IC)
Reverse Baby Arm Circles x15 (IC)
Michael Phelps (OYO)
Squats x15 (IC)

Gathered the PAX to challenge them to think about the world and the role HIM’s can play. PAX numbered off 1-4 and let them know that at each of the 4 stations was associated with a country and prayer requests to pray if they chose to do so. It’s so easy to think about “nothing” while working out, but challenged the group to pray/consider these requests this morning.

Gather at your station

Myanmar Merkins x1:40 (rotate-50 second transition)
Swedish Single-Leg Step Up’s x1:40 (rotate-50 second transition)
Djibouti Derkins x1:40 (rotate-50 second transition)
Jordanian Jump Lunges x1:40 (rotate-50 second transition)

PAX gathered at mid-field and reminded them that this is the 34th anniversary of the World’s Fair. So we celebrated by doing the stations again counter-clockwise with 34 reps at each station.

Myanmar Merkins x34 (OYO)
Swedish Single-Leg Step Up’s x34/leg (OYO)
Djibouti Derkins x34 (OYO)
Jordanian Jump Lunges x34/leg (OYO)

Choose a battle buddy, mosey to amphitheater.

Battle buddy 1: 10 Inch work push ups
Battle buddy 2: Reverse pulls until BB finishes
AMRAP for 7 minutes

Mosey back to AO

Sprinters x20 each side (IC)
Fat Man’s 1 minute
Star Gazers

Number off and Name-O-Rama

Faithfulness. What does that look like in our lives? Often times, we have pictures in our minds of faithful people that you can count on at any time, yet still, these people will let us down. Whether it’s a spouse, friend or family member, at some point they’ll let us down or not follow through on what they said they would do. In 1 Corinthians 1:9, the apostle Paul writes, “God, who has called you into fellowship with his son Jesus Christ our Lord, is faithful.” As we think about what this looks like in our lives, we can always remember that no matter our hardship or worry, that God is faithful. For several years, I raised my own salary and the faithfulness of God to provide literally for my every need was humbling. Trusting God and His faithfulness can be a challenge, but let us rest in this attribute. The “Jesus Story Book Bible” describes the faithfulness of Jesus as  a “Never stopping, never giving up, unbreaking, always and forever love.” May be find comfort in this!

The 15 PAX showed up ready to work on what felt like a fall morning. It’s easy to forget that for several months in 1982 Knoxville was “on the map” around the world. I wanted us to remember that in the same moment we’re doing our Merkin, that there are famine, wars, and persecution happening at that exact time. Hopefully the stations reminded us of this. It was a fun VQ and hope to continue to put the EH on many others who live in the downtown area!