F3 Knoxville

The Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round

THE SCENE: Cool and Damp

Warm Up
Side Straddle Hops@15
Arms Circles B/F@10
Arm Stretches
Michael Phelps
Cherry Pickers@9
Memory Match Game
Match an exercise and only do that exercise. Mismatch and do both exercises.  Match to eliminate the exercise from the game.
10 Burpees 5 Burpee Sit Throughs 15 Groiners 20 Squats
5 Burpee Sit Throughs 15 Merkins Bear Crawl 15 Groiners
15 Merkins 15 Pickle Pounders 15 Bigboys 10 Burpess
20 Squats Bear Crawl 15 Pickle Pounders 15 Big Boys
Workout ( The Kraken) 10 Each w/ CMU
Bent Over Rows
Sumo Squats
Overhead Press
Upright Rows
Incline Merkins
Decline Merkins
Cling and Press
15 BB, 15 Pickle Pounders, 15 Box Cutters, LBC’s  (1 Minute)


(12 Total) Butterfingers, Chaco, Dreamer,Drifter, Emeril, Fins, Neighbor, Pinocchio, Snorkel, Squeaker, Squiggly, Tin Man

I’ve found myself thinking about the necessity of humility lately.  I’ve started a new job, and I’m still in that awkward phase of trying to figure out where I fit in. However, it occurred to me that my own ego might be getting in the way.  When we put our own self-worth above others we find ourselves alone with only our own ego to defend.  True humility allows us to listen, ask for help, and opens our minds to new points of view.  It should not to be confused with modesty, because while modesty is also a good trait to possess it doesn’t always reflect our true feelings.  In summary, let’s all strive to have a little more humility in our lives so that we can be better leaders, parents, spouses, and friends.





Everyone did split squats while each PAX did 5 burpee pull-ups. Round 1: left leg. Round 2: right leg

Alternate between Alligator Merkins and broad jumps at every line down the parking lot and back.

Power skips down and back. Alligator Merkins/Broad Jumps down and back. Power skips down and back.


  • Squat Jumps
  • Single-leg Straight-leg Deadlifts

38 PAX

The Battle Buddy Beatdown


Buddy Circuit x3

  • Buddy Presses x10
  • Leg Throwdowns x15
  • Buddy Lat Raises x10
  • Buddy Derkins x15

Alternate between Buddy Carries and Wheelbarrows between stations.

Descending Cardio Ladder

  • 1:00 Sprint, Burpees, Sprint
  • :45 Burpees, Sprint, Burpees
  • :30 Sprint, Burpees, Sprint
  • :15 Burpees, Sprint, Burpees

8-Count Merkins x12

41 PAX
Choose lasting meaning over temporary happiness. Don’t make happiness and pleasure your aim in life. We do what is hard to get strong. We are strong to help carry others out of the depths.

4 AUG- 2nd F at the Anders

11 AUG- 3rd F at the Outlook

Be like a kid, be resilient

THE SCENE: Muggy n humid

yep, did that

Capri lap around the P lot while a couple rolled in late

sshx20 ic

squats x20 ic

merkins x20 ic

iron mikes x10 oyo

froggie squats x 10 ic

manmakers x 10

mr spectacular x 5 oyo
Suicidal 11s

  • 10 cones
  • 1 mr spectacular and suicide the 10 cones spread across the Parking lot
  • 2 mr spectacular and 9 cone suicide
  • Ascending and descending w both totaling 11
  • We got to 4 cones and 7 mr spectacular before time ran out as I wanted 5 mins of Mary

Flutters x 20

lbcx 20

roll over for press ups x 5

roll back over for boxcutters x 10 ic

Cash out w ATM s
20 pax including 1 FNG . We also had an awesome dog that did the suicides w us!
Be like a kid and be Resilient! My family hiked Mt Leconte this weekend . My 3 boys , 7,10,11 did awesome and actually much better than I expected, especially my 7 yr old. Kids !! They are so resilient ! My 7 yr old , Evan , ended up hiking about 15 miles the whole weekend. I thought, for sure, he would be whooped. NOPE! He is so resilient and just bounced back like it was nothing. I will say he struggled a bit but I encouraged him to keep going and we even made up a song about Evan making it the top. He kept going even when it got tough for him. I love you Evan, Joseph and Christian. I especially love my wife Catherine for she might be the most resilient of all of my Fanily! Actually , I know she is.
Basically, kids are resilient and with encouragement, they can do way more than they think. As adults, we are resilient of course but may not be as much as kids. Maybe we know too much! Let’s be resilient and encourage each other to push through the tough

aye !
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Wheel’O Bear Crabs

THE SCENE: Calm, hazy, mid 70’s

• Baby arm circles Forward X 10 (4 CT)
• Baby arm circles Backward X 10 (4 CT)
• Michael Phelps X 10 (IC) 4 CT
• Quad stretches x 10 (L&R) IC
• Tempo Squats x 10 (3 CT) IC
• Tempo Pushups x 10 IC (3 CT)
• Cherry Picker x 10 IC
• Big boy sit-ups x 10 OYO


Wagon Wheel:
Six cones set up in a large circle with one in the middle. Start in the center, bear crawl to the edge, do 20X Carolina Dry Docks, Crab Walk back to center, move one spoke clockwise, repeat by alternating Carolina Dry Docks and Squats for each perimeter cone. Complete two revolutions.

Mosey to sophomore hill – form single file line and toss a soccer ball overhead to the guy behind you. Once the ball reaches the end guy run to the front of the line and repeat.

Sophomore hill:
7’s – Iron Mikes and Monkey Humpers.

Mosey back to AO – repeat soccer ball line.

Hello Dolly IC 4 CT
Flutter Kicks IC 4 CT
Side Crunches IC (left & right sides)


Over the weekend I was stung by a wasp that had built it’s nest under a table that I had already moved several times that day. After further inspection of my deck I found an additional 4 nests in various places very close to where my family and I regularly hang out. It was a reminder that danger is always lurking just beneath the surface, therefore, it’s important to always be on guard.

John 10:7-10 NASB

So Jesus said to them again, “Truly, truly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep. All who came before Me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not hear them. I am the door; if anyone enters through Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.