F3 Knoxville

Everything’s Heavy after 150 CMU Thrusters

THE SCENE: 30* with some dusting of snow, beautiful morning for some heavy work

SSHx10, Hairy Rockettesx10, Windmillsx10, LBAC fwd/bck x15, Tempo Squatsx10
Mosey to the recruiting center.

1st Thang: Knockout the February F3 Knoxville challenge. 150 CMU Thrusters for time.

2nd Thang: A tabata circuit with 20sec on/10 sec rest. Perform 4 sets of an exercise before moving to the next. Stations were:

  1. 20lbs slam ball: Side throw into the wall, switch sides after each set.
  2. 30lbs Ruck Push-ups
  3. 30lbs Weighted sit-ups inside the big tire allowing for more ROM on the sit-up
  4. 50lbs Ammo Can single-arm rows, switch arm each set.
  5. 20lbs sledgehammer swings on the smaller tire, switch sides each set
  6. Small brick lateral and front raises
  7. 30lbs Single-arm DB snatch, switch sides each set
  8. 60lbs Sandbag over the shoulder toss

We had time for everyone to get in one full circuit with 4 sets of each exercise.

Moseyed back to the shovel flag.

Never heard of her.
4 HIMs, almost 3 until Snaggletooth came in on two wheels at the last second.
I shamelessly bragged on my Mom. She was diagnosed with a recurrence of breast cancer in January 2020 after being cancer free for 10+ years. When she first felt a lump she had it biopsied to see if it was cancerous. One of her good friends from church also had a lump and was awaiting results of a biopsy. My mom told me that during that time she prayed to God asking that if one of them had to have cancer, she wanted it to be her. My Mom knew that she could handle it, as she had already been through it once and her friend is younger and still has kids living at home. My Mom has never failed to impress me with both her faith and her love for those around her, but that statement really touched me. I’m hopeful that I can reflect that type of love for others in my day to day life.
The 150 CMU thruster buy-in this morning definitely made the weights feel heavier. I’m thankful that the Army recruiting center has allowed us to use their toolbox (2 big tires, weighted ammo can, pull-up bar, etc) and thankful that Kickflip had the initiative to ask. Looking forward to some more Heavy Thursdays in my future.
Snacks for Wesley House. Convergence at JUCO on 3/28.

Death by Squat Thrusters

THE SCENE: A mild, dry, low 50 degree morning.

20 in cadence Bat Wings: Arm circles forward/arm circles backward/seal claps/overhead claps
10 wind mill
10 burpees
10 tempo squats
.25-.5 mile mosey to warm up


150 Squat Thrusters for time
Complete the F3 Knoxville February Challenge
Record times, Mermaid will update all times on the website
Exercises in 4 corners, perform exercise, and rotate until time is called
Corner 1 Around the world Merkins, BBS, Squats
Corner 2 Werkins, LBC’s, Lunges
Corner 3 Diamond Merkins, American Hammers, Calf Raises (40)
Corner 4 Curls, tri ext, OH Press with coupon.
20 of each exercise

No mary, ab exercises were included in the workout.


Paraphrase the Prodigal son
Luke 15:  11-32
God will run to and and take you back even when you squander your opportunity.
He wants a relationship with you, and he will take you with your warts, and transgressions.

Prayer Requests:
Pool Boy-His friend Linda has Lymphoma
Rosetta’s coworker Zachary committed suicide
Spotter & Gump’s mom is having surgery today related to the return of her breast cancer.

Bring food on Friday for the Wesley House.
OTB workout at Catholic High School on Thursday 2/27 5:30 AM
Q 101 workout at the Asylum on Saturday 2/29 7:00AM
Convergence at JUCO 3/28


Pyramid Scheme

THE SCENE: A little drizzle and mid 40s

15 SSH, 10 Morrocan night club, 15 mountain climbers, 10 tempo squats, 10 slow windmill
Mosey the the playground for 11s- start with 1 burpee and 10 pull-ups

Mosey to amphitheatre for:

Pyramid- perform first exercise and make a lap around the creek. Each round add an exercise. The plan was to get to all 8 exercises and then start dropping the first exercise each round.

  • 20 Merkins
  • 20 squats
  • 20 mountain climbers (4-ct)
  • 20 flutter kicks (4-ct)
  • 20 diamond merkins
  • 20 lunges
  • 20 burpees
  • 20 Freddie Mercury (4-ct)

10 burpees OYO, 20 Freddie Mercury IC
Lucky 7 at the Project
“Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves; do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others. Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus, who, although He existed in the form of God, did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant, and being made in the likeness of men. Being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.” – Philippians 2:3‭-‬8 NASB

I challenge you to always regard others as more important than yourselves and see what happens with your life. Even the simplest act of humility can have a major impact. Take a simple example of heavy traffic. When merging, if you provide a little more space between yourself and the car in front of you, someone can merge in without interruption. If everyone is bumper to bumper, someone eventually stops (a good Samaritan, if you will) to let another car in. Everyone else had to stop too…and so on. Find ways to be humble in all that you do.
11s with pull-ups and burpees…not my best plan. The pyramid was highly ambitious too. We got through the diamond Merkins…not even half done! All still got a good workout.
Snacks for Wesley House.

Ice Rescue!

THE SCENE:  A brisk 22 degrees.
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER:  Administered
Finkle Swings OYO
Moroccan Nightclubs x 10 IC
Seal squats x 10 IC
Merkins x 10 IC
Projectivator x 12 IC

Slow mosey to the retaining wall.  Half of PAX go down the fence line, half stay up on the retaining wall.  Both groups do exercises in cadence.  On the fence – dips.  On the wall – squats.  Switchero.

Move to the guardrail.  Half do tempo derkins.  Half do mountain climbers.  Switchero.


Mosey to Jucomanjaro.  We’re going on a rescue mission, men!  Imagine that Jucomanjaro is an icy mountain and at the top is a frozen lake.  We just received word that a husband and wife have fallen through the ice and need rescue!

Team DORA… Divide into two teams.  One team attempts to scale the icy mountain (runs a set duration, then turns back to meet the other team), while the other team prepares for the rescue mission (performs exercises).  Upon meeting, they switch roles.

…about half way through the workout, one team will make it to the top of Jucomanjaro, where they will find two posts (the couple needing rescue from the ice).  They use the remainder of their time to move these posts down the hill.  At the alarm, they run down and switch roles with the other team…

Each round is 5 exercises and the reps build on each other (e.g. Round 1 = 1 burpee, Round 2 = 1 burpee + 2 iron mikes, Round 3 = 1 burpee + 2 iron mikes + 3 imperial squawkers…)

Round 1:
Team 1 runs 1.5 minutes then turns back.  Team 2 does exercises.
1 Burpee
2 Iron Mikes
3 Imperial Squawkers (4 CT)
4 Clap Merkins
5 Mountain Climbers (4 CT)
BEAR CRAWL until you meet the other team – then SWITCH roles.

Round 2:
Team 1 runs 2.5 minutes then turns back. Team 2 does exercises.
6 Heals to Heaven (4 CT)
8 Parker Merkins
9 Bobby Hurleys
10 Carolina Dry Docks
BEAR CRAWL until you meet the other team – then SWITCH roles.

Round 3:
Team 1 runs 3.5 minutes then turns back.  Team 2 does exercises.
11 Twinkle Toes (single count)
12 Flutter kicks (4 CT)
13 Wide Merkins
14 LBCs (4 CT)
15 Pickle pounders (4 CT)
BEAR CRAWL until you meet the other team – then SWITCH roles.

Round 4:
Team 1 runs 4.5 minutes then turns back. Team 2 does exercises.
16 Merkins
17 Squats
18 Hello Dolly (4 CT)
19 Rosalitas (4 CT)
20 SSH (4 CT)
BEAR CRAWL until you meet the other team – then SWITCH roles.

Back to the shovel flag!


No time!


22 HIMs 

We had two representations of two very real people, Larry and Chrissy Watters.  Larry and Chrissy live in Nova Scotia, in a cabin on a lake.  One winter when the lake had frozen over, they drove their ATV out onto the ice.  The ice cracked under the weight, the front end of the ATV went through, and they rolled into the water.  Fighting for their lives, they tried over and over to climb out but they couldn’t quite get themselves out of the freezing water.  For 10 minutes they tried but made no progress.  The ice water was sucking the life from their bodies.  Freezing to death, they said their last goodbyes to each other and embraced.  Then Chrissy remembered and said to her husband, “Larry, your Leatherman!!”.  Larry had a Leatherman in his pocket!  He took it out, stabbed the ice the ice with it, drug himself out, then got his wife out – they survived!

Can you relate to Larry and Chrissy Watters while they were in the ice water?  Is there something that is sucking away your vitality – and, like Larry and Chrissy, you have tried over and over and over to get out – and nothing seems to work?

  • …a job that sucks, but you endure it out of obligation or because of momentum. But you get no joy from it and it is sucking away the best of you.
  • …an important relationship that has soured – or is just complacent? It feels like it is sucking your life away.
  • …a dependence on alcohol?  If it is numbing you as a father, husband, or friend – then it is sucking your life away.
  • …pornography? You can’t stop yourself from looking at fake images of fake women – and it is impacting how you relate to your wife – and IT. IS. SUCKING. YOUR. LIFE. AWAY.
  • …or maybe it’s a dream that has gone unfulfilled.  It would be a great thing for you – if only it would happen.  And it is all the waiting and heartbreak that seems to be sucking your vitality from you…

Maybe you need different perspective on your challenge and a change to your strategy ([Chrissy] “…your Leatherman!”)  By that I mean, maybe you need to explain your situation to a trusted friend and ask him, “what is something that I can do to make progress on this?”  If he’s a good and wise friend, his answer might be hard for you to swallow – but you need to listen closely.  His solution to your problem might be, “to get out of debt, you need to sell your house that you never should of bought because you can’t afford it”, or “to overcome your addiction to pornography, you need to get rid of every screen in your home and get a flip phone”, or “if you dream of a big family and haven’t been successful in getting pregnant, maybe it’s time to consider adoption”.

If you haven’t gained any ground on something that is challenging you and limiting the life that you are living, maybe its time for you to enlist a friend for their perspective and insights.

The godly give good advice to their friends (Proverbs 12:26)

Let a righteous man strike me — it is a kindness; let him rebuke me — it is oil for my head; let my head not refuse it.” (Psalm 141:5)

“Faithful are the wounds of a friend…” Proverbs 27:6


Prayers for Dart Gun’s father, Dave, and his ongoing battle with cancer (specifically medications).  Continued prayers for Spotter’s mother and her battle with cancer.  Prayers for Curveball’s family – they lost his nephew 8 years ago and the anniversary of that tragedy is hard.  Praise and prayers for Slappy – his oldest daughter is a teenager!

T Claps for Spotter, the Co-Q today!  This could not have happened without you, brother!

Hat tips to those who inspired the Q and Word today – Drifter for his crazy and hilarious-sounding Q at the Bombshelter a few weeks back and Pool Boy for his JUCO Word a couple of weeks ago, “Press on!”

Here’s a short story of Larry and Chrissy Watters;

OTB Bootcamp at All Saints next Thursday!  This is a try-out for a potential new Cedar Bluff-based AO.  Contact Mermaid for details.

Save the date!  March 28th, 7:00am.  CONVERGENCE AT JUCO, BABY!


THE SCENE:   Perfect…might have been a little cold (29F) but it wasn’t raining and it was dry.

F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER:   Almost nailed it but Judge had to remind me this is my VQ and I am not a professional.

Burpees, Cherry Pickers, LBAC, WWII sit-ups, Tempo Diamond Merkins.  Paused to appreciate that we were still dry after Warm-O-Rama


Headed over to the guardrail for 41 tricep dips and a musical serenade to Guardrail to recognize his 41st trip around the sun.   Mosey over to the coupon pile.   Everyone grabbed a coupon, circled up and held an air chair while I explained “Capture the Coupon”   Counted off into teams of 4 and headed over to the parking lot and each team took their corner.   Each coupon had been labeled with an exercise and number of reps before the beat down.   Each HIM did the exercise on their individual coupon and then left it behind at their base while going to attack another team’s coupon supply and bring one back to their base to perform the next exercise found on the coupon.  It was mayhem for a little while but eventually the PAX got the hang of it and their was a full melting pot of the Lexicon going on simultaneously.   It was quite a beautiful scene.   Trolley tried to only capture the burpee coupon but KickFlip perfected the cup and ball magic trick and left him with bear crawls, which was still fine with him.   It was chaos but everyone seemed to enjoy it.   Mosey back to the shovel flag and had time for one more push before we timed out.   Eye of the Tiger came over the sound waves and the PAX performed Rocky Balboas until the chorus finally came.   We dropped and did merkins during the chorus and then back to Rocky Balboas during the second verse.   Did one more round of Merkins during the second chorus and then stopped for a quick Mary.

Did pickle pounders in cadence.   Once you reached the number of years you were married you stopped and held plank.   Curveball was our most experienced pickle pounder – still in perfect form after 25 years (I believe).  RESPECT

29 HIMs in attendance.

James 1: 2-4   “Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.”   Guardrail prayed this verse over my wife while helping stay with our children for another late night trip to the ER.   It has been on my mind ever since.   There is something about counting it ALL joy that is so beautiful but also so difficult in reality.   We all have those people in our lives that have perfected it and always have a smile on their face and you know there is nothing FAKE about it.   It is a contagious JOY that always brightens my day when I get to be in their presence.   We should all strive to live every moment of our lives with a posture towards JOY.   We can’t let the trials of the day overcome the blessings as they are always abundant when we choose to look for them.   Trials are the way God brings us closer to full dependence on Him.   It exposes the weakness in our Faith and the more we need his Grace.   We all face choices when trials come our way….turn to sin (doubting God, angry with God, turn to substance, bad relationships, etc) or submit to our inability to do it alone and the necessity of being fully dependent on Him.   In time the patience, endurance, steadfastness learned through trials sharpens our FAITH and makes us perfect and complete.    Last night my wife unbeknownst to her that I had chosen this verse to talk about said “I am so filled with JOY.  I haven’t felt this good in so many months.”  Hearing that was by far the best Valentines gift I have received in all my years and just one more confirmation of how good He is ALWAYS.   I want to thank everyone that has prayed for her and our family over the past several months,  it has been such a blessing for us all.   Let’s strive to always count it ALL joy, today, tomorrow and ALWAYS.


Prayers for Trolley’s wife ankle and ability to see a doctor quickly.   Prayers for Commision’s friend who is recovering from an appendectomy.

7 HIMs joined for coffee at DD.