F3 Knoxville

The Second Time is Better

The Project

THE SCENE:  67 and clear
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER:  Administered. 

  • Cherry pickers x 7 IC
  • Tempo squats x 7 IC
  • Imperial Walkers x 7 IC
  • Hillbillies x 7 IC
  • Mountain Climbers x 10 IC
  • Knee tap Merkins x 7 IC
  • Projectivator from 7


Short mosey to the bars…
15 muscle-ups on the wall + 15 dips on the bars (x3 Rounds)


Mosey to K-25 Hill


Partner 1 – Up the hill

1st time – Sprint

2nd time – bear crawl

3rd time – Bernie

Partner 2

45 burpees

45 BBS

45 lunges (2-ct)

45 squats

45 Merkins


Mosey to the Friendship Bell

11s; Dips and Derkins + 5 box jumps between each set



Mosey back to the flag for some Mary

  • Sleeping Hillbillies L&R
  • Flutter Kicks
  • Freddy Mercury
  • Hello Dolly


Me and 6 of the best men I know


Did that workout seem familiar?  It was a do-over of my first ever F3 workout – one that Snaggletooth Q-ed last April.  Our first time, my performance was terrible.  I couldn’t finish the muscle-ups, was sucking for air like a drowning swimmer, felt ready to vomit at any moment, and was wondering why Archie would invite me to participate in such agony.  You guys dragged this sorry FNG around the park while he muttered to himself, “what the heck am I doing out here at 5:30 in the morning??”  Our second time, however, my personal performance was considerably better than the first.

Let’s talk a minute about regrets.  I’ll start with one of my own…

My wife was 10-weeks pregnant until we lost our baby last week.  We will surely be grieving that loss and processing our emotions for a long time.  While I’m not ready to talk about those feelings publicly – I am going to talk about my response to our tragedy.  You see, this isn’t our first time.  Eight years prior, almost to the day, we lost another baby – what would have been our second child.  Just like my first time doing this workout was a terrible performance, my first time leading after that tragedy was dreadful.  My wife and I grieved our loss separately – I did not try to communicate my feelings and I didn’t pursue hers well.  After just a few days, I went on a work trip to Las Vegas and left her to mourn with our infant son.  At the time, I had some unhealthy habits (self-centeredness, jealous thinking…) and few healthy habits (wasn’t exercising or praying regularly, no shield lock with other men…).  I’ve spoken before about a season of complacency in my marriage. It would be years later before I realized that the origin of that complacency may have been this occasion and some of the aftermath.  Little did I know how lasting an impact it would have… how that curve in the road would redefine us for a time.  My uninspired response and retreat after our shared trauma made an agonizing season even harder – and it is one of the biggest regrets that I have.

This second time isn’t any easier.  In fact, for a multitude of reasons – it seems to be much harder on both of us.  However, I have an opportunity to relive that regretful experience from 8 years ago.  This time, my response can be less selfish and more considerate.  I can think less often of myself and more often of the ones who I’m charged to support and lead.  I can engage with my wife and embrace her often.  I can pray for her and with her.  I can talk to her about my sadness.  I can grieve with her and be there to support her.  I can talk compassionately with our other kids – who are also confused and saddened by our circumstances.  I can continue to care for my physical and emotional health so that I can effectively lead my family.  Our second time, my personal performance will be considerably better than the first.

BB Reader – Are you ready to do something courageous?  Let’s reflect now on you…  What is something that you regret?  Write it down.  Why did you make that choice or decision?  Write it down.

Proverbs 26:11 “As a dog returns to its vomit, so a fool repeats his foolishness

What specifically would you do differently if you are one day in a similar situation? Write it down.

  • What would you say differently?
  • How would you process your thoughts differently?
  • What would you do differently?
  • What would you not do or say?

Proverbs 24:16 “Though a righteous person falls seven times, he will get up…”

You may not ever get a chance to re-do your regret, but what can you do about it today?  Write it down.

  • Issue an apology?
  • Make a recommitment?
  • Take a step toward a long-abandoned dream?
  • Cast-off unhealthy habits which will set you into a tailspin next time?
  • Incorporate or continue healthy habits to be better prepared for next time?


T-Claps to Snaggletooth for creating today’s workout and Q-ing it a little over a year ago

Hat-tip to Archie for pulling me out to F3

I know that, sadly, other HIMs have a wife who has, or will, experience a miscarriage.  If you want to work through that agony with someone who can relate, DM me on Slack and we’ll get together.

Pool Boy on Q tmrw at JUCO, Snaggletooth for Heavy PT on Thursday, Mailbox on Friday at JUCO