F3 Knoxville

The Ole Back At It

THE SCENE: Perfect spring morning.  Tems in the 50’s

10 ssh on 4ct, Plank jacks in cadence, then another 10 ssh for Matlock.  To the curb for tempo merkins, then mosey to other end for some imperial walkers, back down for tie fighters with the left leg out then one last mosey to finish it out with tie fighters with the right leg.
Mosey to the Lilly Pad and partner up for Dora’s: 150 reps the following while the other partner ran to the end of the parking lot and back

  • merkins
  • side straddle hops
  • plank jacks
  • dry docks

Mosey to chapel parking lot for circle up while one member of pax was chosen to go to the middle of the circle and lead and exercise.  All reps of 20.

When done, we mosey’d to cloud for 11’s with dips and table rows at the pavilion

Time enough for 20 hello dolly’s and some LBCs OyO

James 1:2-3

Nobody Picked up the Q

THE SCENE: Just a hint of a chill at circle up.  36 degrees-ish

Started out with 20 SSH on the 4 count then mosey’d to lower parking lot for 12 tie fighters right and left. Butt kickers half way then jog to other end.  Tempo merkins and imperial walkers, then high knees and jog back.
Partner up for DORA’s at the bottom of baby hill.  Partner 1 starts sets of 150 merkins and 150 4ct flutter while partner 2 goes up hill for 3 burpees and back to relieve partner 1.

When completed head towards Bermuda triangle for 3 jump squats at every other light pole to cross walk.  When 6 was up, grab a rock for 20 4ct curls and 20 4ct OH press.

Mosey to bottom of Everest for 20 4ct LBCs and 20 4ct Freddie Mercury.  Head up Everest…

At top perform 10 bar-b-que squats and head to overlook…

At overlook DORA’s with partner again this time with Squats and LBCs as exercises while partner runs loop.

Mosey back to AO


2 Minutes for some Captain Thor’s

Discussed the “Sphere of Influence” and the importance of us reflecting Christ to the ones around us.  Our job is to impact the group around us and the idea is for it to grow exponentially.

The Ole Barkley Loop

THE SCENE: Mid 30’s.  Not too bad but ready to get a bit warmer

Started with 20 SSH on 4ct, a little coach Wayne Dunn, 10 4ct Tie Fighters each side, 10 Imperial Squat walkers, 10 4ct mountain climbers, and some tempo merkins
Mosey up to the overlook for a Barkley trail circuit.  Stop Sign, Top of the Hill behind the Asylum, other stop sign, and coliseum.  At each stop preform 20

  • Merkins
  • 4ct LBC
  • C Dry Docks
  • Jump Squats

Just enough time for a few Freddie Mercury’s

Referenced “The Things They Carried” by Tim O’Brien and related it to the things we carry as men.  The things we hang onto that we need to lay at God’s feet.  Matthew 11:28-30


Baseball & Magnets

THE SCENE: Misty, slightly chilly morning. Perfect short sleeve hoodie weather…

F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER Done and done well. 


SSH IC x10 | LBAC IC x10 each way | Michael Phelps | Little of This, Little of That | Tempo Squats IC x10 


Mosey to Coliseum with a pit stop for 10 Merkins, 10 Squats, 10 BBS on the way

Ghostman Baseball at the Coliseum 

Partner up and one partner runs to first, completes the exercise, returns home while their partner does the Home exercise. Switch when running partner returns. Second round: Run to 1st, do the exercise, run to second, do the exercise, return home. Continue the pattern until you reach home. You do not need to run back from home. 

  • First Base (1st tree up the right side)
    • 10 Squat Jumps
    • Hello Dolly at Home 
  • Second Base (Steps of the Admin building)
    • 20 calf raises
    • Flutter Kicks at Home 
  • Third Base 
    • 30 Imperial Squat Walkers 
    • V-ups at Home 
  • Home Plate 
    • 5 Body Builder +’s 
    • LBCs at Home

Opposites Attract 

Partner up. 5 partner Merkins (facing each other, do a merkin and clap hands at the top, switching hands each time). Run to the opposite end of the coliseum, do 5 Burpees, race back to the middle. The losing partner has to do an extra Body Builder+ when returned to the middle. 5 Rounds, dropping 1 Burpee each round.

Fellowship Mosey transitioning to Regular Mosey back to the AO 


SSH IC x10 | “Feet together down” stretch for the last 10 seconds before time is called 


12 PAX; 0 FNGs


Job 1:21 “The Lord gives, and the Lord takes away.” 

I have spent most of my life in comfort. In recent years I have had hard times (financially, mentally, spiritually, physically, etc.), but not near as difficult as those that are truly in need. Today, I saw the men of the Asylum AM step up for a family that they did not even know, for a guy who is a regular at a completely different AO across town. I put the word out last night that a family at my school was in need. They don’t have the resources to get their daughter to school in order to graduate. The nature of my school (which, while a Knox County Public High school) is that it has ‘less than ideal’ transportation options and this family does not have the means to buy gas in order to get their daughter to school. She is a senior on the cusp of graduation and needs to attend regularly to earn her diploma. The generosity of the PAX of the Asylum, both in attendance and not, was overwhelming to me. I will be able to present this family with a $250 gas card from Weigals tomorrow morning. 

I say it often, but it is ALWAYS worth repeating… The High Impact Men of F3 and F3Knoxville are the best men I know. Jumping at opportunities to make our community a better place. I don’t know where I would be without this group, and I know that if I ever need anything, an F3 HIM will be right there to help me along the way. 


Continue donations to The Wesley House

Convergence at JUCO on July 2nd 

Bro-lympics coming in November 2022

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Shamrock F3 vs. FiA Workout

  • THE SCENE: Shamrock. Weather high 30’s clear morning
  • 20 X SSH
  • 10 X Merkins
  • 15 X Forward Baby Arm Circles
  • 16 X Reverse Baby Arm Circles (apparently I lost count)
  • 10 X Tempo Squats

The workout was a Tabata Timed workout with :40 seconds of workout at :20 seconds of rest 3 sets of each exercise.  The exercises listed below were a mixture of FiA workouts “borrowed” from my wife “Rapking,” and F3 staples. I had a random list of music playing so that when a song mentions men we would do a workout from the F3 side. When the music mentions women in the song we did a FiA workout. The only exception was Aerosmiths “Dude Looks Like a Lady” this song was the wild card and you could pick any exercise to complete. Some of the songs were “Man I feel Like a Woman,” “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun,” and “Watta Man.”

F3 List

  • Merkins
  • Curls
  • Overhead Press
  • Big Boy Sit-up
  • Snow Angels
  • Tricep Press

FiA List

  • Goblet Squats
  • Freddy Mercury
  • Plank
  • Flutter Kicks
  • Calf Raises
  • Lunges


10 X Little Baby Crunches

The message in the workout is to not assume that a female workout is less intense or not as effective as a male workout. This message should be carried over in common life as well, and to never take for granted the importance of your partners role in a relationship. A relationship should not be dominated by one person and instead needs to be a team effort with equal input and contribution. Also today is the start of Lent for most faiths and is practiced by many. Always remember to never take the women in your life for granted and to treat them with the utmost respect just as a HIM should, but also don’t assume that the females are the weaker sex, the workout should be an indication of just how strong most women in our lives can be.

We did say a prayer for Mermaid’s and Anchorman’s friends who are both going through major medical issues in their life. We prayed to keep them and their family strong during this very stressful time in their life.