F3 Knoxville

Staying busy

THE SCENE: Cool and clear

Cherry Pickers

Merkins, Q calls up and down



Each PAX grabs a CMU and mosey to MT. Crumpet, partner up at the base and Dora the following exercises while your partner charges up Crumpet with the CMU and execute 10 each of: Curls, Chest press, Tricep extension.

Time to go to church: Mosey to the church parking lot for CMUicides, tote your CMU to each parking lot island and back. Merkins when you get back. 2 rounds. Mosey back to AO

Overhead CMU hold until PAX is up. CMU overhead press till time is up
Butterfingers, Drifter, Taco, Moses, Snorkel, Mailbox, Steer, Neighbor, Faceplant, Swayze, Espy
The standard answer when you get asked “how are you?” is easily “Busy” it feels like busy sometimes equals success and sometimes it does but be aware of staying busy to avoid the bigger issue at heart.

“We want to complexify our lives. We don’t have to, we want to. We want to be harried and hassled and busy. Unconsciously, we want the very things we complain about. For if we had leisure, we would look at ourselves and listen to our hearts and see the great gaping hole in our hearts and be terrified, because that hole is so big that nothing but God can fill it.” — Kreeft.

The lesson here is to acknowledge that great gaping hole and the only one that can fill it. Spend time in the WORD and with people that point out that hole, be there to point it out for others. Stop being busy every once in a while, slow down and realize you are a well loved son of an amazing God.

Great to see a new face and some old friends!
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Leave your Burden…Jesus sacrificed for you!

THE SCENE: 63* and absolutely perfect! Bombshelter AO

Tempo SSH Sealclaps x 10

Tempo Squats x 10

Tempo Merkins x 10

Tempo BBS X 10

Hurpees x 10


  • Mosey to lower softball field with Hammer/weight stopping along the way to do presses/thrusts x 10, 4 stops (Weights represent carrying burdens in life)
  • Circle the Waggons- without weight run single file around circle of cones, switch directions when hear “Switch”, when hear “Down” drop and do Burpee. Incorporate Highknees and side shuffle, RR for 5 min, pick up weights 10 presses, mosey w weight to next station Presses along the way
  • Trolly Grid- start w 3 Merkins at every star running from one star to next x 8, BBS at stars lunge to next x8, 3 Squat Jumps at stars x 8 BearCrawl to next, 2 Burpees at stars x 8 and Broad Jump to the next
  • Bo Knows- battle buddy up, one does wall sits while holding weight out while buddy does 100+ HighKnees, RR
  • Pick up weight mosey to next station pressing along way
  • run to cones stop and do 5 Carolina Drydocks at every cone x 10, go back the other way stopping to do 5 x Boxcutters at cone x 10

Tempo flutter kicks x 15, Tempo Hello Dolly x 15, Dead Bug x 20, LBCs for last minute

Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
We can not control our burdens through out life but we have hope for eternal life through Jesus’ sacrifice. Leave your burden with him and rest assured!
🙏🏻Pray for Mayberry’s daughter, Mose’s Friend and people in Florida due to Hurricane, and our FNG @Treble’s friend who is having brain surgery
Check out the calendar we have a lot going on!

Big Mama Kraken

THE SCENE: 70ish and sunny

Grab a partner – One person farmer carries while the other reps out the exercise until they get back and then swap.

  • Merkins
  • Squats
  • BBS

A classic Kraken but the 8 cones are spread out over a quarter mile loop. Completing one full lap of the Kraken was 2+ miles. Exercises were as follows:

  • Crawl Bear up Mt Crumpet
  • 80 Merkins
  • 80 Iron Mikes
  • 25 Burpees
  • 50 BBS
  • 80 Monkey Humpers
  • 40 V-ups
  • 60 Bobby Hurleys

I think almost everyone completed 1 round or at least came super close.


  • Captain Thor
  • Flutter Kicks
  • Hold out plank until the end

12 finished it off!
Galatians 6:2

Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ

Whether your rich, poor, healthy, unhealthy… all of us face difficulties in life that we cannot handle alone. God calls upon us to help each other carry our burdens. Life would be almost impossible without each other. Look for ways you can help your friends, families, or even strangers.  You may never know what burdens they are carrying.

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Rinse, Repeat, Repeat Again

THE SCENE: Nice warm morning

SSHs x20
LB Arm Circles x12 each side IC
Michael Phelps for a bit
Squats x15
Cherry Pickers x10
Do each round 3 times with a 15 second rest between, then move on to the next round.

Round #1
20 Jump Squats
15 Lunge Punches (each leg)
10 Plank Jacks (4 count)

Round #2
12 T-Merkins
20 Plank Twists (knee to opposite elbow)
20 Crunches

Round #3
12 Low/High Plank to Merkins
20 Dips
12 Pull-ups (or chest-ups)

Final Round
Tabata Burpees – 4 sets of 25 seconds on, 15 seconds rest

Lt. Dan a little less than halfway across the grinder and then do 20 butt kicks. Lt. Dan back and do 20 high knees.

Bear crawl across grinder and do 15 dry docks, then bear crawl back and do 10 merkins.

We then repeated Rounds #1 and #2 twice and cashed out with the tabata burpees.

25 Boxcutters
10 side tri rise (each side)
20 WWII Situps
12 Pax this morning, no FNGs
I wasn’t very prepared for my Q today. I fell short with everything from drinking enough water so I could operate at my best to having enough planned to fill the whole hour. Lately I have either not shown up for a Q or I have been late. Luckily, F3 gives us something more than great workouts. We also get an amazing group of guys to keep us accountable and bring us back in when life starts pulling us away. By leaning on our brothers we can make it back in the gloom and be better men for it.


Not My Upper Body, Too

THE SCENE: Scorcher with an FNG

SSH IC x 20

Cherry Pickers IC x 10

Monkey Humpers IC x 10

Intro Dora

  • 100 Pull Ups
  • 200 Merkins

In teams of two, one person is working and the other runs the length of the grinder and back.  Alternate until total work above completed.


All 30 reps. Do work at a station, run around the outside of the circle and to the next station.  Once completed a full loop, then go for mosey OYO on short loop around playground and back.  Rinse and Repeat.

Movements were:

  • Merkins
  • OH Press
  • Chest Presses
  • Curls
  • Tricep Ext OH
  • Lawn Mowers
  • Upright Rows
  • Bent Rows

Dealer’s Choice

Flash led x 20 Flutter Kicks

Taco led Roasters (30 sec front plank, 30 sec each side, 30 sec back plank)

LBC Cashout

Pinocchio, Radioshack, Taco, FNG (Faceplant), Napster, Hammy, Flash.  7 Total.
My goal as a man and as a Pastor is to always usher people into an encounter with God.  An encounter with God will NEVER leave one the same.  Look at the disciples, the people who came in contact with Jesus, King Nebuchadnezzar in the Old Testament, and Paul (writer of most of the New Testament).  They simply encountered the very real God of the universe and they were changed.  I want the church to be full of good preaching, good music, and good people, but most importantly, I want the church and my life to be a place where people can encounter God.
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.