F3 Knoxville

JUCO – Rid me of myself

THE SCENE: Rain. Water everywhere……. 60F

Side Straddle hop (IC) 4 CT x 25

Twinkle Toes  (IC) 4 CT x 15

4×4’s  x5 OYO  Burpee into plank / 4 merkins / 4 single mountain climbers / up repeat

V-up roll up – x10 OYO BBS with a crunch in-between 


Mosey to Corner #1 

40 Squats

30 Merkins

20 Big Boy Situps

10 Smurf Jacks

Mosey to Corner #2 (Sophomore Hill – The Curb) 

40 Calf raises on curb

30 Tricep Dips

20 Rocky Balboas – 4 count 

10 Derkins

Mosey to Corner #3 ( stop to grab a coupon, head to far corner parking lot ) 

40 Curls

30 Tricep extensions while doing calf raises

20 Kettle bell Swings

10 Merkins each – left/right arm on block

* return coupon

Mosey to Corner #4

Surprise stop #1 for a round of Smurf Jacks and Jumping spiders. 

Surprise stop #2 for a round of bear crawl bumper cars (Kick-Flip)

Surprise stop #3 for a round of crab walking until saved by the butt slap (Mandolin)

40 American Hammers- Single count

30 Shoulder Taps – Single count

20 Twinkle Toes – 4 count 

10 Burpees

Mosey along Hardin Valley with a quick pitstop in the shopping center parking lot for some Flap Jacks 

*2 miles of soggy mosey logged*


Mosey back to the AO for 3 rounds of ab burning Mary. (Flutter kicks, Heels to Heaven & Freddie Mercury) 

Anchorman, Spotter, Edit, Captain Obvious, Erector, Judge Judy, Mermaid, Mandolin, Mailbox, Kick-Flip, Finger Food, Sty, Slappy, Frenchie, Curveball

From Hillsong Worship – “ Lead Me to the Cross”

Lead me to the cross

Where Your love poured out

Bring me to my knees

Lord I lay me down

Rid me of myself

I belong to You

Lead me, lead me to the cross

This chorus has been stuck in my head for the last few months. I believe God put it there to remind me on an almost daily basis that I need to be led to the cross. That I need to give up and surrender to God. 

I definitely need to “Rid me of myself” because I would say that 95% of my day is all about me. When I realize moments of selfishness I quickly pray that I would not make everything about me. 


Prayer requests:  Noonan’s family, Gump and Spotter’s mother who is going through cancer again, Mandolin’s job search, Mr. Pulte’s heart surgery on Monday the 10th. 



THE SCENE:  A balmy 20 degrees

LBAC f/b, OH Claps, Tempo Merkins, Tempo Squats, Calve Raises
Mosey to business strip center. Perform 5 rounds of the following exercises with a mosey (1/2 of the strip center) between each round: 10 Burpees (50 total), 20 Jump Squats (100 total),  20 Merkins (100 total) 30 Monkey Humpers (150 total), 20 2ct MCs (100 total).

Mosey to shovel flag. Line up along curb. Run to each parking line (5 total) and back, stopping at each line for 5 Diamond Merkins, 5 Merkins, 5 Werkins. MARY:
No time
26 strong including 8 JUCO Monday Motherruckers.

Music is powerful. It can set your mood, stir up thoughts (both good and sinful, inspire people, etc). I recalled the time frame when I first began to come to saving faith in Christ (late 20s). There was a Christian radio station in Houston doing a 30 Day Challenge to anyone interested. The challenge was to listen to Christian radio for 30 days straight. I took part in the challenge and it changed my life in a good way.  I challenged the F3 JUCO men to do this. and suggested several Knoxville radio stations to listen to.  I also discussed what an awesome witness this can be to your children while in the car, on the way to school or wherever.

Phillipians 4:8 states, ” Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.”

Waxjob……..in a giraffe suit…..

Lasting Invigoration

THE SCENE:  WHAT?  I thought there was supposed to be a THUNDERSTORM!?!?!  It’s super nice!  60 and no rain!
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER:  Administered

Abe Vigoda x 8 IC
Moroccan Nightclub x 8 IC
Mosey to the ducks, Carolina Dry Dock x 10 OYO
Mosey to the flag, Heels 2 Heaven x 15 IC
Fast mosey to the ducks (75%), Merkin x 10 OYO
Fast mosey to the flag (75%), Flutter Kick x 15 IC
Sprint to the ducks, Burpees x 5 OYO


Mosey to the big parking lot.  Partner up

(Hat tip, Archie!)  Pairs spread out across 6 stations.  At each station there is a “stationary” exercise and a “move” exercise.  First partner does the “stationary” exercise until the second partner does the “move” exercise to the cone and back.

Two minutes each station.  30-second recovery and rotate.

Exercises were;

Station 1:  Bear crawl / Flutter kick
Station 2:  Sprint / Carolina Dry Dock
Station 3:  Broad Jump / Heels 2 Heaven
Station 4:  Sprint / Burpee
Station 5:  Lunge / Merkin
Station 6:  Sprint / Mountain Climber

Performed 9 sets.

Mosey back


(Hat tip, Spotter!)  Each person names an exercise and leads 10 reps.  Rotate around x 5 exercises.

Hold plank.  I passed out 12 pieces of paper – each containing a quote from a previous Q at JUCO.  One quote is read aloud.  3 merkins.  Next quote is read…3 Merkins.  Repeat until finished.


17 strong (+6 Rushers for the CoT)


During Mary, I passed out pieces of paper and asked for them to be read aloud (while we plank and Merkin).  On each paper was a quote from a previous Q at JUCO.

      • “When you do wrong by someone, you HAVE TO MAKE IT RIGHT”. – Commission
      • “The process of calling people out by name is BOLD, and it’s powerful to encourage.  We have been called to boldly pray for one another”. – Guardrail
      • “Being thankful is about the mindset of being conscious of what we have and what surrounds us and giving thanks for that as opposed to comparing our lives to others and striving to acquire more and more material objects”. – Mandolin
      • “Let’s strive to be passionate about all that we do. To push ourselves to the next level physically, spiritually, and mentally”.  – Spotter
      • “I come here for the fist bumps”. – Finger Food
      • “What kind of leader are you? Do you go home after a long day and expect to be served? Or are you serving? – Judge Judy
      • “We commit time and discipline to strengthening our physical bodies. How are we strengthening our spirits for the battles we are in?” – Snaggletooth
      • “Put others before yourself and be part of the solution”. – Erector
      • “We should strive to love others like God loves us”. – Booster
      • “To be fighters, we not only have to be physically ready, but mentally as well”. – Sargent Slaughter
      • “I need to set my mind on staying faithful to God’s will and not on my own comfort”. – Archie
      • “You’re here to bear your own load and carry other HIM’s burdens when they can’t, and you let them when you can’t”. – Pool Boy

T-claps for my good friend, Archie, who nagged me about F3 until I finally showed up 8 months ago!  I loved it from Day 1 and have been to almost 100 workouts since!  I love it because it is so much more than a workout (Hat tip, Finger Food).

A few days ago, Waxjob reminded us that F3 has a mission – “to plant, grow and serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership”.  Men, this is not just about doing merkins and burpees in the dark – it is about the invigoration of men in our area.  The pump you get from a workout doesn’t last more than a few hours.  Real, life-changing, long-lasting invigoration grows out of these last 5 minutes of our time together (CoT) – when we share wisdom and pray for one-another.

This group is about energizing and revitalizing the man to your left and right (not us, but Christ working in us).  We are about challenging each other and holding each other accountable to a very high standard.  We are about being vulnerable with our own faults and failures, in order to promote growth in others.  We are about pouring into each other’s lives – encouraging one another and allowing yourself to be encouraged, so that we all get better together.  We are about sharing wisdom, a treasure far more precious than rubies (Proverbs 3:15), with each other.


Two thoughts about sharing wisdom during the CoT

#1:  Scripture says if you prize wisdom, she will make you great, she will honor you (Proverbs 4:8), add years to your life (Proverbs 9:11) and will bring you strength (Ecclesiastes 7:19) and success (Ecclesiastes 10:10). I think you can expect those returns, only IF YOU ARE APPLYING WHAT YOU HEAR (James 1:22).

Men, what if you were applying the wisdom that we read during our Mary (words that YOU have spoken to this group over the past few weeks)?  What if you selflessly served your loved ones (Judge’s Word), cultivated contentment in your life (Mandolin’s Word), sincerely apologized when you wronged others (Commission’s Word), subjugated your comfort to God’s will (Archie’s Word), prayed for your F3 brothers (Guardrail’s Word), loved others like God loves us (Booster’s Word)…  OH, WHAT A MAN YOU WOULD BE!!!  You would certainly be a High-Impact Man, if you APPLIED what you hear.

#2:  If wisdom will make you great, honored, strong, successful – that sounds like the antidote to a meaningless life.  If you have wisdom to share but you’re keeping it to yourself – man, what’s up with that?  Do you have a word of encouragement for us?  SHARE IT, because we struggle against discouragement every day.  Do you have a word that will cut us deeply and expose the innermost thoughts and intentions of our hearts (Hebrews 4:12)?  If you lack the courage to speak that word of rebuke, you have stolen peace and joy from us.  If, however, you hearten yourself to speak those uncomfortable words with truth and love, Christ may just use you to rescue your brother from his life of self-centeredness and meaninglessness.  OH, WHAT A MAN YOU WOULD BE!!!

Wisdom – APPLY it, SHARE it.


This Q was a tribute to some of my favorite men on earth.

Hat tips to Archie and Spotter for the workout ideas.

Hat tips galore to those who provided inspiration for the Word; Waxjob, 5K, Archie, Spotter, Mandolin, Finger Food, Commission, Pool Boy, Erector, Snaggletooth, Sargent Slaughter, Guardrail, Booster, Judge Judy.

A note about wisdom… Not every sweet platitude written in script on a shabby chic board in Hobby Lobby is wisdom.  Not every word spoken by someone famous is worth repeating.  “Do you see a man wise in his own eyes? There is more hope for a fool than for him” (Proverbs 26:12).  If you bring “wisdom” that you heard from Oprah to a BOM and it falls flat, don’t be surprised.  It is the Word of God which will cut like a sword (Hebrews 4:12) and which never returns void (Isaiah 55:11).  No such promises if your inspiration is another source. 

Music credits;
Rotate (Finger Food’s new favorite song), Rak-Su
Smack Down, Thousand Foot Crutch
Can’t Be Moved, Jeremy Camp
Fire it Up, Thousand Foot Crutch
Purpose for Pain, Scott Stapp
Lifeline, Thousand Foot Crutch
Feel Invincible, Skillet
Move, Thousand Foot Crutch
Move, Toby Mac
The Resistance, Skillet
Final Countdown, Europe
Freedom yell, Mel Gibson


Prayers for Mailbox’s wife’s health, Mandolin’s wife’s job, Pool-Boy’s divorce hearing tomorrow, Fast-N-Easy’s family, Judge’s mentoring opportunity, WaxJob’s family

All Truck and No Stop

THE SCENE:  mid 60’s and warm….weird weather for January


  • mosey around the island
  • SSH x 10
  • Squats x 10
  • Rockettes x 10
  • Tempo merkins x 10
  • Cherry pickers x ?  just do some ’till your ready.


  • Start out on the track.  Route 66 burpees at each light pole going the long route to the other side of the park.  13 poles total.  Lots of burpees
  • Kraken style run around the island with 6 stations.  Start with 5 Merkins and 5 Iron Mikes (each leg) at the first station and increase by 5 each lap. Reps = 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 at each consecutive station.
  • Mosey to the long hill by Watt Rd.  Battle buddy up for DORA 1,2,3.
    • 100 squats, 200 Big Boys, 300 Flutter Kicks
    • Partner A does exercises while Partner B runs to top of hill and does 2 Diamond Merkins
  • The short steep hill by the concrete bleachers was feeling left out so we stopped there on the way back to the AO.   Box jump up the bleachers, run to top of hill, do 5 burpees, come back down.
  • Mosey back to AO


  • Dealers choice
    • BBS x 20 – Frosty
    • Peter Parker – Driftwood
    • American Hammers – Finger Food
    • Hello Dolly – Butters

Frosty, Butters, Finger Food, Abort, Sparky, Driftwood, Amazon, La-Z-Boy, Mayberry, Charger, Bartman


Shared some of the challenges I’ve faced this week with my son and the fact that no matter how much he pushes my buttons there is always some grace left in the tank to show him.   It’s a reminder of the grace that Jesus has shown me over the years.


We hit the ground running and never let up this morning.  Great work from all 11 today.  Also, shout out to Amazon for being out in the gloom shortly after knee surgery.  Dude was giving 100% and modifying where he had too.  That was motivating!!


Army Training Sir

THE SCENE: About 35 degrees, but we warmed up quick.

SSH x 20
Mt Climbers x 15
Merkins x 15
Freddy Mecury x 30
Tempo Squats x 10


Formation Run to Sophmore Hill (Jodies such as C-130, Copperhead Road, etc)
4 Corners — 20 Burpees > 30 Squats then lunge to 40 Merkins > 50 flutter kicks
Formation Run to Large Parking Lot Cross Campus
4 Corners in reverse order
Formation Run to back to AO


  • Row Your Boat in honor of Waxjob
  • Hello Dolly x 50 then time ran out

30 HIMs in attendance (counting the RUSH folks)
2 Tim 3:16 – stressing all Scripture
Challenge to read through the Bible in a year as a family