F3 Knoxville

Two Copper Coins

THE SCENE: Cold til we got started, little bit of snow starting to come down at the end

Reach for the sky, let it hang, hillbilly walkers, cherry pickers, tempo squats, tempo merkins, high knees with a few burpees sprinkled in
Mosey over to the big parking lot for a little tabata action inspired by my M.   40s on / 15s rest for 5 exercises and then run to end of parking lot and bernie back.

Round 1 – Merkins / SSH / Heels to Heaven / Mountain Climbers / Squats

Round 2 – Burpees / High Knees / BBS / Toe Taps / Lunges

Round 3 – Merkins / Iron Mikes / Hello Dolly / Shoulder Taps / Monkey Humpers

Mosey over to the coupon pile for a little more tabata

Round 4 – Curls / Squat Thrusters / Heavy American Hammers / Tri Ext / Rocky Balboa

Round 5 – Bent Over Rows / Goblet Squats / Heavy Freddy / Shoulder Press / Calf Raises

Round 6 – Didn’t happen (to be continued)

No time for Mary despite the jail break called out by Butterknife

12 Strong on a Monday

As many of you know last year I started mentoring a 12 yo boy who has a pretty rough situation.   It has been a challenging yet extremely rewarding journey.   Wanted to share a brief story that happened over the holidays that really humbled me.   I received a call from my friend on the day after Christmas saying he needed to goto the bank, but also to not eat anything before I came.   Not knowing what to expect I picked him up a day or two after Christmas and he was as excited as any child I have ever seen because he had a surprise for me.    After running to the bank and cashing his check he finally let me in on his plans.   He wanted to spend his Christmas money by taking us to dinner at Olive Garden.   It was a truly memorable evening and humbling too.   He was proud to tell everyone that he was paying for dinner as he ordered dinner and dessert for us and carry out for his mom.  He was worried he might have spent more than he had but turned out he actually still had a little left over so he asked if we could goto Walmart.   Not because he wanted anything for himself but because he and his friend were having fun making things out of pallet wood and he wanted to get a pair of safety glasses for them and a pair of gloves for his friend.   Couldn’t help but be reminded of the story of the Widow’s two cooper coins offering in Luke 21: 1-4 and how it correlated with this situation.   It was convicting knowing how often I am guilty of giving out of abundance only and miss opportunities to give freely knowing God will always provide.   May we all be freely willing to give not only our money but of our time and energy as well.

The Widow’s Offering

LUKE 21 Jesus[a] looked up and saw the rich putting their gifts into the offering box, and he saw a poor widow put in two small copper coins.[b] And he said, “Truly, I tell you, this poor widow has put in more than all of them. For they all contributed out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty put in all she had to live on.”


Still need someone to sign up to Q on Wednesday, Dart Gun has Friday

Press On Toward The Goal

THE SCENE: 31 degrees

cherry picker, rocking chair, ‘merkins
Mohammed Ali, when asked how many reps he could do of an exercise, he said he had no idea – he doesn’t really count. He just goes until he is exhausted and then does an additional set. We didn’t do that…but we did a mini version!

  • Mosey to small rock pile.
  • Shoulder as many as possible your own for 1 min (front raises, lateral, overhead clap) followed by 5 reps together each time.
  • Mosey to coupon pile (with drop 2x burpee / 2 lines)
  • Coupon pile exercises (Each is max out for 1 minute and then do 5x together)
      • (merkins, coupon press, overhead and/or skull crushers)
      • Rows, bicep
      • Squats, calf raises
  • Between each major muscle group: Mosey to hill and Bear crawl up hill w/1 burpee @ top
  • Mosey to flag with 2x burpee drop off lines again

MARY: no time…finished @ 6:15

17 present: Guardrail, Erector, 5K, Booster, Wheelchair, Butter Knife, Dart Gun, Footsie, Wanderer, Sty, Gump, Commission, Pool Boy, sos, Mailbox, Spotter, hound dog

Philippians 3:13-14, “Brothers and sisters, I do not regard myself as having taken hold of it yet; but one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”

Janus, the Roman God for which January was named, had two faces: one looked forward to the new year and one looked backward to the past year. This morning I related that I am not big on resolutions because most people give up on them by “ditch day,” January 17th. Nevertheless, I do believe in the power of goals. After all, if you aim at nothing, you’ll hit it every time!

Personal confession: even though I lost about 45 pounds over the last couple years, I put back 10 -15 this year off of a sweet tooth and lazy habits. I hit F3 3x week, but as they say, “you can’t outrun your fork.” How does the weight come back on like that? Slowly…1 pound at a time!

So we have to be diligent. And like physical weight, we might be carrying a few extra spiritual pounds into 2021 too. Ghandi said that the chains of habit are too light to be felt until they are too strong to be broken. Bad habits come on slowly, day by day. We might have a secret sin or a burden we aren’t willing to unload. How do we overcome? Do what we can, give ourselves over completely, and hand more of our lives over to God each day.

They say that elephants are trained by securing their leg against something strong enough when they are young so that when they are old they remember that they cannot break free. Then, a mere rope and tiny tent peg in the ground is enough to keep them in place. We must break free of the thought that we can do ONLY 20 or 30 or 50 reps. By maxing out in a minute and then “adding 5,” we learned we are capable of more than we thought…or at least I did!

Thanks for letting me lead again…and hope you’re sore tomorrow…’cause I already can’t lift my arms 🙂

21, 21!

THE SCENE: 40ish with a threat of rain

LBAC fwd/bck x21, SSH x21

Welcome to 21!

Mosey to the Pull-through and perform 21s with Merkins and BBS. This is such a simple, but hard workout. I do this at home and time myself periodically throughout the year as a gauge for my fitness. I’m giving you this great workout for FREE! *Cheers and applause from the PAX followed*

Mosey to the coupon pile for another set of 21s. This time we alternated with Curls/Tricep Ext and Plank Dips/Imperial Walkers.

Wow time flies in 21! Mosey back to the shovel flag.

None, perfect timing.

6 men drug themselves out of bed after some late nights (Wanderer took the cake with a 12:45 bed time). Glad to have some thick-skinned men out in the cold to kick off the new year.
This world is not our home. Quit trying to make it more comfortable.

The devotional in the Bible app this week hit on this point. It’s a very poignant point that can be hard to swallow. The verse that typically comes to mind is:

Romans 12:2

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

This verse gets the point across very clearly, but there is another verse that hits a little harder and maybe a little closer to the heart:

James 4:4

You adulterous people! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.

We are called to deny ourselves a friendship with the world. Would the world call you a friend? Something to think about as we go into 2021.

Kept waiting for a late Houndog showing and all we got was a lost Gump. We did have an enjoyable Switchgrass visit.

Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.


THE SCENE: 40s and Damp.

Cherry Pickers, Windmills, Tempo Squats, Tempo Merkins.
Mosey to Coupon Pile.

  • With Coupon, complete 30 Curls, 30 Shoulder Raises, 30 Tricep Extensions, 30 Shoulder Press.  Rifle Carry Coupon up and around large retaining wall.  Rinse and Repeat decreasing reps by 5 each round down to 15 as the last round.
  • With Coupon, complete 25 Squats, 25 Wood Choppers, 25 Coupon Swings, 25 Lunges.  Rifle Carry Coupon up and around large retaining wall.  Rinse and Repeat deceasing reps by 5 each round down to 15 as the last round.
  • Mosey to Large Parking Lot: 2 Rounds of Jelly Arms/Chest, 1 Round of Jelly Legs

No time.
11 Strong (6 Bootcampers, 5 Rushers)

“Only one life, ’twill soon be past, only what’s done for Christ will last”.  – C.T. Studd 

Life is short.  Concentrate on things that have eternal impact and value!


Stay’n Warm in the Gloom

THE SCENE: 30F and Balmy

  • Cherry Pickers
  • left over right
  • right over left
  • upward/downward facing dog
  • imperial walker
  • tempo squat

Partner up into groups of 2 partners A and B.
A does 10 burpees, B does 20 squats
After completing the first set, switch exercises and decrease by 1/2 count respectively (9 burpees and 18 squats). Continue decreasing and switching to 1 burpee and 2 squats
Take a lap (about 250m)
Repeat the process with:
10 Gas Pumps
20 SSH
Take a lap
20 step ups
20 mountain climbers
Take a lap
20 BBS
10 Merkins
Take a lap

Start over at the top and repeat until time is up.

Arrive back at flag exactly on time.

Matthew 11:28-30 ESV
Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.

This is maybe the only place in scripture where Jesus reveals his heart. What he is all about at his core. What does he choose to share to his disciples?

Gentle – He is not harsh or demanding. Not requiring perfection but welcoming, inviting and gentle. He wants us to come to him.

Lowly – He does not share about his holiness, power, perfection, omnipotence. He doesn’t want us to see he is exalted, dignified, austere, proud. He is accessible and near us. Not far off or removed. He is lowly.

This is encouraging to me because I must come back to Jesus again and again. After failures, after rebellion or just wandering off. He is always ready for us to turn back to him. Always inviting and welcoming.

This is challenging to me because it’s not how I treat others so many times. I’m not gentle but harsh or short tempered and impatient.

To be better we must continually turn back to Jesus.

“Come to me, … and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart”
–  Jesus


F3 10 Year anniversary delayed until October 2021. https://f3nation.com/f310year-update/