F3 Knoxville

A Lot of Work and a Little Fun

THE SCENE: mid 60’s & clear



  • SSH x 20
  • Tempo Squats x 10
  • Tempo Merkins x 10
  • OYO stretches


  • 3 laps around the long island doing 10 reps of the following at each end (6 total sets)
    • Plankjack (4ct)
    • Single arm/leg/plank raise.   Don’t know the real name for these, but they’re good for your core!
    • Spread eagle merkins
  • Mosey to concrete bleachers
  • Elevators
    • R1 – 20 Derkins, run the hill
    • R2 – 20 Derkins, 20 single leg squats, run the hill
    • R3 – 20 Derkins, 20 single leg squats, 20 Incline merkins, run the hill
    • R4 – 20 Derkins, 20 single leg squats, 20 incline merkins, 20 squat jumps, run the hill
    • R5 – 20 single leg squats, 20 incline merkins, 20 squat jumps, run the hill
    • R6 – 20 incline merkins, 20 squat jumps, run the hill
    • R7 – 20 squat jumps, run the hill
  • Mosey (take a few steps) to the soccer field
  • DORAs.  Partner A does exercise, partner B run across soccer field & do 5 SSH.  Flapjack.
    • 200 Smurfjacks
    • 200 Shoulder taps
    • 200 Slutter kicks
  • Mosey to the far end of soccer field
  • Dizzy bat challenge
    • Each PAX takes a turn – must spin 10ish times around the bat and try to hit a ball off a tee
    • PAX alternate holding plank or Al Gore while their brother is spinning/batting
    • If you hit it:  PAX all run to the ball and do 5 burpees
    • If you miss:  PAX do 10 merkins
    • Rules of what to do on a hit/miss change at the Q’s discretion…


none, out of time

11 strong:  La-Z-Boy, Tailpipe, Cornhole, Cosmo, Gibbler, Blacklung, Dreadlock, Stitches, Shooter, Swirlie, Bartman


Sometimes in life you hit a home run, and sometimes you strike out and fall on your face.  Celebrate the home runs.  When you strike out…pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and try even harder.



Ultimate Redemption

THE SCENE: Cool and around 40 degrees.  Won’t be many more like this for a while.

Started out with 20SSH on 4ct, Cherry Pickers x10, Tempo Squats x10 head to baseline 20 Rocky Balboa’s jog down and back, 20 more Rocky Balboa’s…
Mosey to lower parking lot, regroup and perform 20 4ct Hello Dolly

Mosey to Pier, Reps performed on pier 25 merkin, 25 squat, 25 calf raise, 25 LBC’s then run .25 mile loop…rinse and repeat 4x’s.

Mosey to Cardiac

Run up Cardiac with stops at every bend for 10 jump squats at each spot repeat 2x’s

Mosey back to AO


Back at AO perform American thor’s, 25 hello dolly, 10 side crunch each side, Monkey humpers x10, and cash out with ATM’S.
7 beat the Tuesday gloom
Talked about preparation for Easter and the ultimate redemption story.  We are to celebrate the great gift that Christ has given us by dying for us.  As everyone was celebrating and captivated by the redemptive story of Tiger Woods winning the Masters, it pales in comparison to the thing we are to celebrate on Easter Sunday.  The Ultimate Redemption story.

Sandbags at the truck stop

THE SCENE: 50’s, little bit of rain

2 laps around the parking lot

High knee skipping to the light pole and Bernie Sanders back x 2

Toy soldiers to the light pole and Bernie Sanders back x 2

Grab the sandbags and mosey to the field

Circle up into 2 groups, each group has a 60# bag.  Pass the bag to the left and do 1 burpee before the bag gets back to you.  Complete 5 passes, then go in the opposite direction.

We also did this as 1 big group passing 2 sandbags and doing 2 byrpees.

Line up in plank position.  Pull sandbags through and run to end of the line.  Once you get to midfield , pull the sandbags the other way to get back.

Teams of 3.  2 men running a lap around the field while 3rd man does an exercise with  the sandbag.  Once all men have done the exercise move to a different sandbag.

  • 90# bag – squats
  • 60# bag – shoulder press
  • 60# bag – lunges
  • 40# bag – curls

11’s at the outhouse.   Easy ups & merkins.


Flutter kicks

Single leg donkey kick thing by tank.


Don’t be complacent at work, working out,  or with your friends and family relationships.

Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

HHOCR warm up

THE SCENE: The Asylum, breezy and warm 71degrees

Took a mosey tour of the course
Pair I and do as many laps around course as possible until time is called.O do as many laps as possible in 45 minutes (took off a couple stations above for time)

#1 10 burpees
#2 Sprint up hill
#3 Mosey to the last benches and back
# 4 30 dry docks
#5 10 frog jumps
#6 squat walks (20 yards)
#7 20 shoulder taps merkins
#8 20 Lunges
#9 zig zag cone course
#10 Calf raises x30
#11 balance along curb run
#12 Bear crawl (20 yds)
#13 4 round the clock merkins

#14 5 clapping or hard release burpees

#15 20 box jumps
#16 Climb around rope obstacle
#17 5 inch worms
#18 20 rows on picnic tables
#19 CMU presses
#20 Side shuffle (30yds)

Flutters till everyone got back to AO., box cutters x26, planks with leg lifts, LBCs.

25 in attendance, rooney and mater there but not tagged in system
We talked about the Hardship Hill race and how it is important for us to serve our veterans and be a part of this great opportunity.

I gave an example of a African minister who was able to grow his church to huge numbers.  When American missionaries came to help they were astonished on how many people were coming to Christ through his church. They asked him how he was able to draw in so many people, he replied by saying that in America people study God‘s word and Bible studies at church and other areas, here they live in God’s word by serving others and people see that and want to be a part of a movement.  Then they study. We have it backwards here. We need to serve others and live for Christ not just study his Word.
This old man was paired up with a 16 yr old cross country athlete (Jenny) . Good motivation for me to keep going. I heard lots of encouragement this morning to others.

Does your Abacus go to 50?

THE SCENE: Warmish cool. Or coolish warm. Like 50 or something.

SSH x50 IC (4ct)
TN Rocking Chair x15 IC
Squats x50 (single count)
Mountain Parkers x15 IC
Crabettes x15 IC (I think it was 15… Lost count watching everyone flail about like a pack of drunken baby giraffes…

Mosey to the upper soccer field. Man, it looks too dark. Keep going to Watt Rd field.
50yd forward roll burpees
50yd crawl bear back

Mosey to concrete bleachers
20x Giant Step-ups (3 steps up, 3 steps down = 1 rep)

Charge up the hill to the upper field. Guess it’s not that dark after all.
50yd Broken Wheelbarrow (switch w/ partner as needed)
Burpee Backward Broad Jump back (shortened it up a little on audible)
50yd regular wheelbarrow – Each partner completes 50yd before switch

Mosey around to the base of the hill
5 rounds:
Sprint up to the top
Mosey back down
10 merkins
Flutter kicks 4 the six

Mosey back toward where it looks like Frosty and Tank are unloading.
Oops, NVM they’re leaving.
Well, we made it to the bleachers so knock out six more Giant Step-ups

Mosey back to the AO. Grab tents and tables from Frosty and Tank, scatter distribute to the fields.

Ring of Fire – Leg pushdown style
LBCs x20 IC
Row your Boat
Side Crunch x15 IC each side
Flutter Kicks x20 IC

10 HIMs for the full beatdown. Special guest appearances by Tank and Frosty
Talking to my daughter the other day… I forget what it was we were even referring to, but I playfully told her she was being lazy. She said, “No, I was being tired!” I told her, “Tired is a feeling, lazy is a choice.” There’s often a poor choice that goes along easily with what we’re feeling at any time. As guys, we have a tendency to suppress feelings and try to ignore them as we make choices. However, some time ago I took a class on “Emotional Intelligence”. At the time, I thought it was kind of stupid because we took a lot of time looking at emotions, then at the end we went into how making decisions based on emotions was a bad thing. I thought, “Hey, of course. Why did we spend all that time on emotions when we’re supposed to just ignore them like I was already trying to do.” It wasn’t until later that I realized the subtle difference between trying to ignore emotions and recognizing those emotions and realizing in the moment how they are trying to affect your decision making. As Eph. 4:26 puts it, you can be angry (and recognize that you are), but choose to sin not.
Happy birthday to Abacus – Thanks for sharing part of your 50th birthday with us!
Prayers for Cornhole as he defends his thesis choice this week! (He wouldn’t tell us where this was going to be happening for some reason…)