F3 Knoxville

Looking Like the World

THE SCENE: Dark, low 50s calm, quiet…perfect

Cross Jacks IC

Harry Rockets IC

Windmill IC

Arm Circles (forward only 5K!!), make them bigger half way through – IC
Partner up, broken wheel barrow in the PL, each person one way.

Mosey to the east PL.  Using the spaces (going across), we’ll do 5 burpees then run to the first line and do the workout and then increment up each time, Bernie back each time.

  • 10 Iron Mike (each side)
  • 20 Heals to Heaven
  • 30 Merkins
  • 40 Squats
  • 50 side crunch (25 each side)
  • 60 Superman style Flutter Kicks
  • 70 SSH
  • 80 Flutter Kicks

If you finish early, repeat until the six is up.

Mosey to new building, then bear crawl to concrete bench.

Dips IC (counting all together on the Q’s down) – 35

Mosey to some conveniently staged cones (~15-20).  Broad Jump at each one.

Mosey back to the flag…
Pickle pounders IC – 20

Crabby Rockets IC – 20

Scissor kicks (crossing) IC – 10

Hello Dolly IC – 10


Matthew 18:5-6 and 7-9

Jesus talks about children and how we must humble ourselves to be like children. Also he describes how if we lead a “child that believes in him” to sin then we would be better off with a large boulder tied to our waste and thrown in the ocean.

This all leads into a discussion of sin and we talked about how “looking like this world” can easily become a trap and cause many sins.

How many of us fall into this category?

You stumble from being a Christian by the way your language slips, your choice in music, your materialistic approach, your viewing of porn, fill in the blank

We often define greatness by power, wealth, sports, or other general accomplishments. But those are all short lived and focused on the things of this work.

Get an accountability partner, be honest with your wife. Stop trying to impress people you don’t even know or like and live for an audience of one and richen your family.
We all can think about ways in which we fall into at least one of these.  We need to be better so that can be examples to our kids, friends, colleagues, etc.
Brolympics tomorrow


Run and Gun

THE SCENE: 55 and dry

Side straddle hop in cadence 20
Reach for the Sky and touch your toes
5 burpees on your own
Cherry Pickers
10 tempo merkins
Arm rotations thumbs up in cadence
Reverse thumbs down in cadence
Tempo squats
10 Windmills in cadence
Side straddle hop in cadence 20

Mosey around the campus and stop for different core exercises(Flutter Kicks, Freddy Mercuries, Planks, etc)

  • Mosey to Tomo Poke
  • Core exercise at the bottom
  • run stairs
  • Merkins x10 (in perfect form)
  • Mosey around
  • rinse and repeat x 5
  • Mosey to JucoManjaro
  • squats x15
  • Mosey to the dead end go back for the 6
  • Mosey back to the flag

Finsihed off with some flutter kicks
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
The warrior ethos (AKA Jedi Training) consist of 13 pillars: commitment, honor, respect, prepared, faithful, fighter, hungry, humble, lover, teachable, firestarter, truthful, and generous.
Each one is tied to a Bible verse.

The master has failed more times than the inexperienced have ever tried. Let’s learn from our mistakes.

Honor: the 2nd pillar
The verse for this pillar is Romans 12:10

“Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves.”
Romans 12:10

Highest for yourself and others. We should try to out do each other in honor!

Proverbs 18:12 Humility before honor
Pride = Destruction/ Humility = Honor

There’s power in our words. Your belief in your heart creates your reality.

I am… You are what you say you are, so make sure it’s positive! I challenge you guys to try it this week. Remember God‘s on your side and don’t limit Him!
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Constant Promised Growth

THE SCENE: 59, Misty Rain (that wet stuff, if you recall)

Step overs, Tempo Merkins, Mountain Climbers, Cherry Pickers and OYO

Today was all about measuring some physical achievements to see how we are progressing.  Is our effort producing fruit?  Remember, this isn’t a competition expect for against yourself.  We last did this on a hot day in July.

  • 100m dash
  • Max Pull Ups
  • # of heavy thrusters in 2:00
  • 1 Mile Run time
  • Time to do 50 Curls
  • Time to do 50 Tricep extensions
  • Max Merkins consecutive

Had time for some Imperial Walkers when we got back and then counted off.
8 HIMs (1 runner joined us for the prayer)

Some of you may have found today you were faster and stronger than last time in some things. That’s awesome and maybe IPC was good for something.
But for those of you with a few trips around the sun, you know that isn’t always going to be the case.
Being out here with Respect or Double respect probably means you are not as fast as you once were.
The graph of max merkins over the years is more of a mountain than a growth chart.
Do I share this to bring you down on a Monday morning?
Not at all. Because progress and growth on biceps means nothing compared to the plans God has for your soul.

For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.
1 Tim 1:8

The graph of your soul’s growth has some peaks and valley’s in the beginning but once God will takes hold of your heart and He works on it and ultimately sanctifies you, it’s a rocket launch once you zoom out enough.

Are you growing as a worshiper? That’s what we’ll be doing forever.
Is your soul able to sing like never before (see Matt Redmond’s 10,000 reasons for an awesome song and inspirations to this word)

But the one who endures to the end will be saved.
Matt 24:13
So regardless of progress measured today, know that God is in the process of making all things New.

Consider the 10 yr old boy who upon asking his mom about the MRI results (news wasn’t good, 20% growth) here is how the conversation went:

In true John fashion, he has handled the news better than the rest of us. The first thing he asked me when he walked in the door after school was, “So have we heard about the MRI yet?” I told him that the tumor had grown, though just a little bit. His immediate response was, “That’s OK, God has it ALLLLL under control and after here, we will get to be together forever in heaven!” He didn’t have any questions for us, other than he wondered what day of the week it would be when he got to heaven, and if they would have the same days of the week that we have here. Heaven is a very real place to him, and God‘s promises are very real to him. The faith of a child is an amazing thing, and we are so grateful to the Lord for the way we see His Spirit in John!

We should all think a bit more like John.  The graph of his soul’s growth and faith is a rocket launch!

Here are the numbers from last time and this time for the guys here today.  Bold = better.  Keep up the strong work.  Shrubbery, way to crush it on the pull up, mile time and merkins!

Butter knife
Date Oct 31 Oct 31 July 25 Oct 31 Oct 31 July 25 Oct 31 Oct 31 July 25 Oct 31
100M 19 15.51 17 16 15 16.92 15.48 skip 15.85 16.75
Pull ups 11 15 26 26 4x 21 24 5 5 4
Mile 7:06 6:55 7:27 7:11 6:56 6:30 6:18 9:46 9:11 9:40
Thrusters in 2:00 45 60 27 cmu 44 47 42 35 45 35 coupon 48
50 Curl time 44 50 1:00 cmu 54 1:10 :43 40 1:30 :46 coupon 1:04
50 Tri ext time 45 dnf :47 coupon 42 45 :37 47 1:00 :45 coupon 42
Max consec. Merkins 36 23 22 35 40 34 56 29 13 30

Prayers for our John (see above), Booster (see Slack), Wanderer’s dad and Data.
Brolympics Saturday!  Get signed up to help.


The Human Heart

THE SCENE: Insert info about the weather, etc.

Reach for the Sky, Let it Hang, Arm Circles, Hip Circles, Cherry Pickers, Stretching, Tempo Merkins, Tempo Squat.
Imperial Walker to the Shopping Plaza, then use rocks for upper body.

JUCOmanjaro needed visiting and beautiful scene during the decent.

More Rocks for upper body.

Heels to heaven.

New Tattoo has the Human Heart front and center to cover scar on my chest.  Jewish culture believed Spirit, Soul, Body, Mind, Will and Emotions were centralized in the human heart.  They believed everything comes together in the heart, but today the world tells us the brain is in charge and the Jewish culture wasn’t advanced enough to know medically how it works.  I’d like to give God more credit and continually renew my sense of wonder, awe and fear of the Lorad, and I’ve been on a questioning journey for the past 5-7 years.

Science can’t keep the sinus node of the heart going forever nor create the spark that starts it.  So maybe something more is happening in the heart than what man is understands or accepts today.

Same kind of radical thinking is necessary to process Oswald Chambers, “a man who wrote profoundly and elegantly on prayer, made a radical statement when he said, “The idea of prayer is not in order to get answers from God.” Good heavens—it’s not? What then is the purpose? “Prayer is perfect and complete oneness with God.” A mighty truth is being uncovered here.

Oneness with God is the goal of our existence. It’s not merely to believe in God, although that is better than not believing in him. It is not merely to trust in God, though that is far better than simply believing in God. It is not even to worship God, which is higher still.
The destiny of the human soul is union with God. The same oneness that Jesus talked about with his Father is our destiny as well. That’s what we were made for. Prayer is one of his primary means of doing it, drawing us to himself, getting us to pour out our hearts before him so that we can receive his heart toward us.”  Moving Mountains, Eldredge

Confidence in your salvation and approaching God in prayer with a desire for oneness can lead to peace and healing and freedom from sin that most won’t experience when the practice of their faith overpowers the purpose of their faith.
Thank you for prayers for me for the last 10 months.  Today we prayed for Guardrail’s father, Stitch’s uncle’s passing, and Wanderer’s father.


THE SCENE:  Cool, moist, dark
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER:  Administered

  • Phelps
  • LIH
  • Moroccan Nightclub
  • Werewolves
  • O.A.T. Planks
  • Doubletap squats


Mosey to King College lot for “Toss O’ War”.  Form 2 teams for a competition.  There are two lines of cones separated by 200’, and a 20# medicine ball in the middle.  Perform exercise at your cones, sprint to the ball, and throw it as far as you can toward the other team.  You cannot touch the ball while it is in the air, but once it hits the ground you can stop it.  Play for 5 minutes, then call a winner.  Exercises were;

  1. 25 Carolina dry docks
  2. 30 O.A.T. Planks (15 each side)
  3. 25 4-count flutter kicks
  4. 20 Iron Mikes
  5. 40 Merkins
  6. 20 Doubletap squats
  7. 20 mountain climbers
  8. 35 LBCs
  9. 15 Shoulder taps (4 ct)
  10. 30 Imp lunges (15 each side)
  11. 25 Star Jacks
  12. 15 Donkey Kicks

Mosey to AWW Hill for “Wolves Hunt the Rabbit”.  There are 14 trees going up the hill.  One PAX – the “rabbit” – starts at tree #5 and does 2 burpees per tree, then sprints to the next.  The rest of the PAX – the “wolf pack” start at tree #1 and does 1 burpee per tree and sprint to the next.  Will the wolves catch the rabbit?

Mosey to the steps to nowhere.  One PAX names a core exercise, then sprints to the top of the steps and back.  Continue until all PAX have gone.

2 rounds of Howling Monkeys.  Run back down.

Run back for another round of Toss O’ War.


2 minutes left – dealers choice


Me and 15 of the best men I know

Wolves are both fierce and tenderhearted.  We should be as well.

  • “The righteous are bold as a lion” (Proverbs 28:1).
  • “Blessed is the one who remains steadfast under trial” (James 1:12).
  • “Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong” (1 Corinthians 16:13)

When life requires it of you, be ready to spring into action with zealousness – fierceness – intensity! You should be alert, vigilant, fearsomely protective, fiercely loyal to your pack…   Continue to be strong in the ways that count.

But simultaneously

be soft in the ways that count.

  • Be tenderhearted with your loved ones (Ephesians 4:32).
  • Show humility.  Have sympathy for those less fortunate.  (1 Peter 3:8)
  • Avoid arguing.  Speak evil of no one.  Be gentle and courteous (Titus 3:2)

Be approachable and relatable for your kids – and be patient with them.  Show affection and make yourself emotionally available to your wife – pamper her.

To be a wolf is to be a fearsome warrior, but it is also to be tender nurturer.  You are called to be both.


Prayers for Wanderer and his father, Solomon

Prayers for Data

Prayers for Booster and his family

Hat tip to Levi Lusko