F3 Knoxville

Snow Day

THE SCENE: 35 degrees and snowy

Side straddle hop in cadence 20
13 tempo merkins
Arm rotations thumbs up in cadence
Reverse thumbs down in cadence
Cherry Pickers
Moroccan nightclub 20
Side straddle hop in cadence

Mosey to Hard Knox parking lot for 24 flutter kicks in cadence. Mailbox requested 100.
Mosey to the entrance for 20 Merkins
Indian Run to the campus entrance for plank jacks.

Mosey to the parking lot by the duck pond for some speed/agility cone drills.

26 flutter kicks in cadence.

11’s w/ squats and burpees
Do 1 squat, Walking lunges forward 1 space, do 10 burpees, Bernie back two spaces. Rinse and repeat adding to the squat count and reducing the burpee count until we’re at 10 squats and 1 burpee.

Back to the cones for speed/agility drills.
30 flutter kicks in cadence.

Mosey back to the flag with 2 lines. The leader of each line dropping off for two burpees. Until the Jailbreak.

20 flutter kicks in cadence. We got our 100 in.

1 FNG Gary Bogus
Age: 40
F3 Name: Manhole
[email protected]

Thank you for putting in the work and continuing to challenge me. Don’t be afraid to ask for God’s favor in all that you do. Ask and you shall receive!


Proverbs 16:3
Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and He will establish your plans.

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Make sure to fill the Q calendar.


THE SCENE: 25* and a tad bit nippy

10xAbe Vigoda, 10xHairy Rockettes, 6xCherry Pickers, 20xLBAC fwd/bck, 10xTempo Squats, 10xTempo Merkins
Mosey to the hill above the big East parking lot for some 11’s.

  • At the bottom of the hill: Heels-to-Heaven
  • At the top of the hill: Jump Squats

Mosey down to the main road to the welcome center and use Judge Judy’s Light Poles for the following:

  • Move forward two light poles with a Jailbreak, once there perform 10xHR Merkins & 10xBBS
  • Bernie back one light pole and perform 10xBobby Hurleys & 10×4-count Mtn Climbers

Once we made it to the Welcome Center the Q called Recover to move on to the next exercise.

Battle Buddy up. One partner performs exercises in front of the Welcome Center while the other runs a loop around it. Exercises were:

  1. 100x Little Baby Merkins? (Not sure there’s a name for these. From a squat position place your hands on the ground and do limited range of motion merkins. Works the triceps more than chest.)
  2. 200x Squats – Called time shortly into these

Mosey back to the shovel flag. On the way the PAX completed one round of Reverse Indian run with 5 burpees each.

No time!

11 Men braved the subzero temps this morning.
Make sure you are not living in an “Echo Chamber”. Constantly being fed the same information and ideas that you already believe without testing that truth. We live in a world that is designed to act as an Echo Chamber. Social media, advertisements, news articles are all tailored to you based on your interests and beliefs. It’s our duty to hold our truths and beliefs to the ultimate Truth, God’s Word. Nothing else in this world can prevail. 

Kudos to Booster for coming out to ruck around us since he’s on the IR at the moment. Appreciate his support of the JUCO PAX.

Also, the PAX is requesting proof from Butterknife that he actually had COVID. His first workout back out and he ran laps around everyone. Hmmm…

Blood Drive today! CSAUP tomorrow!

Let There Be Light

THE SCENE: Mostly moony, 40 degrees F

Welcome to F3: Fitness/Fellowship/Faith

I am Survivor and will be on Q today.

  • This is a free workout.
  • I’m not a professional.
  • You’re here on your own volition.
  • Modify as needed.
  • I have a phone.


  • Reach for the Sky
  • Let it Hang
  • Roll Necks
  • Arm Circles Forward/Backward
  • Hip Circles (in cadence)
  • Cherry Pickers
  • Tempo Merkins
  • Side Straddle Hops

Let’s Rock – Shopping Mall West End:

  • Small Rocks – Arm Raises Forward, 45, Side, OH Clap x 25 each
  • Medium Rocks – Curls, Tricep Extensions x 25 each
  • Large Rocks – Shrugs/Calf Raises x 50

New Toboggan with LED (unsolicited Christmas present) must be used to Light the way up JUCOmanjaro:

  • Run to first white line, face right shuffle to next white line, burnie to next white line, face left shuffle to next white line, run to next white line and repeat to the top.
  • Stop 1/2 way for 25 LBCs in cadence
  • Resume run, shuffle, burnie, shuffle, run to top.
  • (No recollection of exercise at top of JUCOmanjaro)
  • Mosey back to 1/2 way for 10 Burpees
  • Mosey to bottom of the hill for 25 merkins and 25 mountain climbers (each leg)

Back to Let’s Rock – Shopping Mall West End:

  • Large Rocks – 30 Squats, 20 Shrugs/Calf Raises
  • Medium Rocks – Curls, Tricep Extensions x 25 each
  • Small Rocks – Arm Raises Forward, 45, Side, OH Clap x 15 each

Partner up in Parking Lot – Pro-agility Shuttle while partner alternates Plank / Al Gore, then continue to switch for 3 minutes.

  • 25 Big Boys
  • 25 Supermans
  • 20 Heels to Heaven
  • 15 Pickle Pounders
  • 10 sec stargazers
  • 25 merkins


Salvation spreads by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony.  I just came out of a spiritual fog last week where I experienced no clarity, nothing going right, and God feeling distant, which had lasted a few weeks.  I am proud (through Christ in me) to proclaim that during that time I made no agreements with the enemy, with those feelings of despair, no agreements about losing God’s favor and no giving in to old sins.  There are things I no longer struggle with through freedom granted by healing, truth, warfare and union with God.  I’ve shared my cancer survival story and about having a baby post cancer, and I decided to share my testimony of salvation today.  (Note that was not said today – I have not shared this story to more than a few friends outside of family.)

I was saved at age 6 when my grandfather took me to the front of a Billy Graham crusade.  I was baptized and believed, trusted and worshipped God, but over time, my sin, hate for my step-dad, and agreeing with the lies of the world choked out any evidence of salvation.  At age 23, I found myself in a one-bedroom apartment in St. Petersburg, Florida with my nearest friend 100 miles away and knew it was time to seek Jesus.  One night, I was given a picture of all the layers of sin, evil and hate that had crusted over my heart all those years, suddenly being pierced by streams of light that kept growing and breaking away chunks until all the layers of my hardened heart were blown away by a light too bright to view.  I opened my eyes, stunned by the image, and to this day wish I could have kept my eyes closed.  I had never experienced anything like it before.  I also knew that the hate was still present for my step-dad, and Jesus was asking me to forgive him, as well as, ask for forgiveness for my part in it.  Years later after on this new path, I read 2 Corinthians 4:6 and I was blown away that I got to experience this firsthand.  “For God, who said, ‘Let there be light out of darkness,’ has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.”  (Proceeded to read much of 2 Corinthians 4.  Read 2 Corinthians 3 while you are at it.)

Psalm 91:1 on fridge before I left the house, “Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.”

I have not shared my testimony in the past because of fear of opening up too many unknowns and questions, but I know I need to because of 2 Corinthians 4:13, “Since we have the same spirit of faith according to what has been written, ‘I believed, and so I spoke,’ we also believe, and so we speak.”  Therefore, you do not need a vision to know without a doubt that if you believe, trust, worship and seek oneness with God thru Jesus Christ, you will “have this treasure in earthen vessels (body)” 2 Cor 4:7 which is the light in your hearts of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ (2 Cor 4:6)!
Prayers for 5K and Guardrail’s family friend’s marriage.  Guardrail announced needing help to move a friend in need at 1pm today.

Lean into the Hill

THE SCENE: Mid 40’s and rainy. PERFECT opportunity to embrace the day.
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER – Administered + COVID + Cell Phone
Moroccan Night Club x 10 IC
Pickle Pounder x 10 IC
Lunges x 5 ea OYO
Tennessee Rocking Chair x 10 IC

Mosey to Canopy (brief respite to finish the warmup and demonstrate)
Monkey Humper x 10 ea
Prayer Squat (aka Air Squat while hands are in a prayer) x 10 ea
Monkey Humping Goblet Squat x 5 ea

Mosey to CMU pickup then to Freshman Hill

Freshman Hill
3 rounds, 5 reps each
Ex x 5 ea Top x 1 ea Core
Rd 1 Monkey Humper Merkin Flutter
Rd 2 Goblet Squat Overhead Clap Rosalita
Rd 3 Monkey Humping Goblet Squat Burpee
XY (Flutter + Rosalita

Put up CMU & rest. Shortcut mosey to Sophomore Hill

Sophomore Hill – abs for the 6, 10 reps with the 6, 2 rounds
Corner 1 Corner 2 Corner 3 Corner 4
Gas Pump BBS Heels to Heaven LBC
Bernie up Mosey Sprint Mosey

Walk to stop sign, long run to Mt. JUCOnte. Cross Hardin Valley Road:

  • Start at first tree/light pole
  • Do 10 Pickle Pounders
  • Lunge to next tree/light pole
  • Do 10 Pickle Pointers.
    Repeat. Original plan was to do this for 5 mins (2.5 up, 2.5 down) but we only had time for ~4 minutes up to make it toward our final destination.

Mosey to Mt. JUCOmanjaro. A few took a shortcut mosey (S/O to Erector and Spotter for the long way around).

Final hill: Go up JUCOmanjaro as far as you can get in ~5 minutes.

No Mary today.
5 PAX leaned into the chair! (and Bernie even decided to join us post-workout!)

This is a bit of a continuation from Project: Friendship point #3 – know the Hill you’re willing to die on. Full disclosure – I got this from one of the pastors at my church and a fellow F3 PAX- Osteen!

The article I got for today’s themed Q (Freshman Hill, Sophomore Hill, Mt. JUCOnte, & Mt. JUCOmanjaro) came after I had an injury I’m still nursing where I can’t do merkins with proper form. Booster called out my Pickle Toe last Monday after I “smart sacked“. While I think my injury is legitimate, far Far FAR too often we let minor things in our lives get the best of us because we say/do a Knox Roll. Instead, as the article Osteen posted is titled, we need to “Lean Into The Hill“. What does that look like. From the article there are 4 points (rooted in Scripture):

1. Face our own hills each day (1 Corinthians 9:27) – We each face our own hills each day. It might begin with getting out of bed. It might be initiating a conversation we expect to be difficult. Or starting into work or schoolwork or yard work. We all encounter hills; some more, some less. And when we do, it takes more effort to keep putting one foot in front of the other. Again and again, we face challenges big and small. And when we do, what is our default? Will we keep stepping? Slow down? Stop all together? Or lean in?!

2. Develop the instinct (Romans 12:1-2) – Deep down we want to be distracted. Humans have craved and
found distractions for centuries; the digital avenues for it have simply made distraction even easier.

3. Look Through the Hill (2 Corinthians 4:16-18) – Just a few more minutes, and the hill will be behind me,
and I will be happier for having leaned in rather than having given in.

4. Jesus Leaned In (Heb 12:1-2) – Jesus “set his face to go to Jerusalem” (Luke 9:51). Why? “For it cannot
be that a prophet should perish away from Jerusalem” (Luke 13:33). This was emphatically not the easiest
path but the hardest. The greatest of hills. He would perish, he said, & in the worst possible way: on a cross.

Prayed for Amish‘s family (his grandfather passed away Thursday). Prayed for Wanderer’s brother-in-law (recovering from COVID)
CSAUP this Saturday January 30th at The Asylum… in case you haven’t seen the 300 reminders on Slack for it this past 6 weeks!


THE SCENE:  35 and clear
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER:  Administered

  • Reach for the sky
  • Let it hang
  • Monkey humpers IC
  • Hand release merkins x 5 OYO
  • Plank jacks IC
  • Carolina dry docks IC
  • 50% run down and back
  • 75% run down and back
  • Bobby hurleys x 5 OYO
  • Iron mikes x 5 OYO
  • Smurf jacks x 10 OYO


First, The Hub.  Nine cones surrounding a center cone.  Exercises at each cone around the wheel.  Perform the exercise, sprint to the center cone, Bernie to the next cone clockwise.  Repeat until time is called (5 minutes).

Exercises were;

  • 10 hand release merkins
  • 15 bobby hurleys
  • 30 mountain climbers (15 each leg)
  • 10 carolina dry docks
  • 20 iron mikes (10 each leg)
  • 15 plank jacks
  • 10 diamond merkins
  • 15 smurf jacks
  • 20 imperial walkers (10 each leg)

Mary to rest.  Then repeat.  This time go farther! (I believe every man did go farther – nice work!)


Next:  Cone War.  Half the PAX are “Team Up” – half are “Team Down”.  Cones set out in a circle with some in the middle.  Run to a cone, perform exercise, then put the cone down/up depending on which team you are on.  Repeat until time or until a Team has all cones up/down.

Round 1: 1 burpee

Mary to rest.  Then repeat.

Round 2: 3 star jacks

Team Up crushed it both rounds.


Next:  Sixes at the Corners.  Exercise at each of the four corners then side shuffle/sprint/Bernie to the next corner

Round 1: 6 burpees at each corner

Round 2: 12 merkins at each corner

Round 3: 18 squats at each corner



PAX choice for 5 minutes


12 + 5 Rushing

Q Source 1.11 is “Study”.  The Daily Exploration into The Foundations of Faith.  I love that description…”exploration into the foundations of faith…”.  The QSource says, “Faith is a practice that requires Study to Accelerate.”

I have found a lot of fulfillment and excitement from studying the context of scripture.  I’ve enjoyed it because understanding the context is an antidote to the two main reasons I don’t want to read my Bible; either 1) I find it confusing, and/or 2) the richness of scripture goes over my head because of the difference in culture, language, location, etc.  Exploring those differences and really seeking to understand who these people were, what they meant when they said that, where they were living – I have found that it can unlock treasures within these ancient writings.

There’s a free app called “Bible Hub” that can help you mine the scriptures for treasure.  You can read the Bible in tens of translations, you can see a dozen different commentaries on every verse, in some cases you can see scans of the original papyrus scrolls.  I enjoy using this app to look at the original words of our Bible (I don’t read those words – I’m not smart enough to read Greek or Hebrew, ha) – one feature of the Bible Hub app (Interlinear Chapters) allows you to see English and Hebrew/Greek scripture side-by-side.  You can click on a Hebrew/Greek word and see the definition…how it might be used symbolically…and links every other place that word is used in the Bible.  That information is so powerful and might even provide a texture to stories that you’ve read a dozen times.

Verses we explored;

  • Numbers 15:38-40
  • Malachi 4:2
  • Mathew 9:20-22

Context and detail can provide richness to your reading.  I encourage you to explore into the foundations of your faith daily.  One way of doing that is by studying the original words, people, and places in order to better understand and appreciate what you are reading.



Prayers for Booster’s friend’s family, who has suffered a recent tragedy.

Nice to have Mr. Slate transplant to us from Lexington!

QSource 1.11, Study

Bible Hub in the Play Store

Bible Hub in the Apple Store