F3 Knoxville

Mend House Beat Down

THE SCENE: Perfect fall evening

F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER Welcome to F3, Fitness, Fellowship, and Faith.  I am not a professional.  You know your limitations so push yourself but don’t hurt yourself.

SSH IC x 20, Baby arm circles each way IC x 20, Imperial Walkers IC x 15
Mosey up to upper parking lot at the church.

  • AMRAP:
  • Flutter Kicks x 25
  • Merkins x 15
  • Squats x 25
  • Diamond Merkins x 15
  • SSH x 25
  • Repeat list until 10 minutes is complete.


  • Merkins x 100
  • LBC x 200
  • SSH x 300

Cut a Flip:

  • Merkin x 5
  • BBS x 5
  • Repeat until 50 reps of each is completed.

Slow mosey back to parking area where we started.

“So how can you spot a wise person?  He is the meek/gentle one.  The meek person submits to God’s Word and lives for God’s glory.  Meekness is not weakness!  The meek person may well be a very strong individual, but he is humble and welcoming, under control, operating with a genuine sensitivity to the Lord.” – Christ-Centered Conflict Resolution by Tony Merida.
Herbie’s had a rough week.  They had to put their dog down this week and it’s not been easy on the family.  Also prayed for others who are having some health issues.

Full-Moon Seabiscuit

THE SCENE: Clear full-moon skies and 55.  Perfect for running.


10 Tempo Squats IC


Mosey around the parking lot to get loose.

1 Lap around parking lot
Then 10 Burpees, 20 Merkins, 30 BBS
Increase Laps by 1 and repeat exercises.
Repeat up to 5 laps and then decrease by 1.

No one was able to complete every round, but lots of running did occur.

Just enough time for a couple dealer’s choice exercises: Hello Dolly and Captain Thors.

Control the Controllables.  We can’t control what anyone else does, be it our spouse, boss, pastor, or the President.  We can only control our actions and reactions.  As leaders, husbands, & fathers, we must control ourselves and be accountable.


Natty Ass Kickers

THE SCENE: Sally Sprinkles in the 70’s

5 Good Morning Abbies, 20 Chinooks IC (B), Cherry Pickers with Back Clap (not slap) IC, 10 (B) Alabama Ass kickers IC
We grabbed our coupons and mozied to the track (the long way) taking two stops along the way to do Bicep Curls w/CMU x 30, mozy…OH Press with CMU x 20, then to the track

Ass Kickers

  • 15 squat thrusters, set CMU down and do 15 8 ct. Man Makers alternating to each side of CMU with a sideway hop.  Follow by running a lap around the track
  • 12 squat thrusters, set CMU down and do 12 8 ct. Man Makers alternating to each side of CMU with a sideway hop.  Follow by side shuffle 200 yds on football field
  • 9 squat thrusters, set CMU down and do 9 8 ct. Man Makers alternating to each side of CMU with a sideway hop.  Follow by Bernies 200 yds on football field
  • 6 squat thrusters, set CMU down and do 6 8 ct. Man Makers alternating to each side of CMU with a sideway hop.  Follow by karaoke’s 200 yds on football field
  • 3 squat thrusters, set CMU down and do 3 8 ct. Man Makers alternating to each side of CMU with a sideway hop.  Follow by sprint 200 yds on football field  (funny how most of them did not look like they were sprinting)
  • Early finishers performed OH Claps x 25 IC, Morrocan Night Clubs x 20 IC
  • Mozy back to AO with 2 stops along the way….5 CMU SQTS…mozy to Lifehouse….20 Upright Rows w/ CMU
  • Once arrived at AO, line up for some fun CMU Crab Walkers (quite challenging, and kicking the CMU proved catastrophic for Fast-n-Easy, as his crumbled into 5 pieces adding 20 more MM’s for the lad.  We all enjoyed watching the scene and then Lunged w/ CMU’s back to the AO

Freddy Mercuries x 5 IC

My age caused me to forget to do the last 4 MM’s….

We all finished with an Ice Cold Natty Light to pound
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
Insert the WORD here.
Discussion about perseverance….use F3 as an example to achieving what you thought you couldn’t.  Push through the riff raff and get er dun
A-Rod back to Idaho

Tree Biscuit – The Quacken

THE SCENE: Warm 83
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: Covid-19 as well as welcome
WARM-O-RAMA: SSH, Windmills, Cherry Pickers, Phelps, Big Arm Circles

The Tree Biscuit

As a group, Run to an un-slapped tree, slap it, everyone call out the running burpee total,  do A single burpee, repeat.


  • A tree only gets tagged once
  • Scaling/Modification: Skip a burpee if you need to but stay with the pack always.
  • Taggers: Be sure to take turns tagging/slapping a tree
  • In Cadence: The group also calls out the running total, not just the tagger. The tagger calls it out first though. the louder the better.
  • What’s a Tree: Don’t waste time & energy on shrubs – skip the shrubs – tag the trees
  • No Poison Ivy: Pass trees that are surrounded by shrubs, ivy, waist high grass.
  • Terrain:  Be careful when running not to twist and ankle – trees have lots of bumpy roots around them.  And don’t hit your face on a rock or root when doing a burpee in the dirt.
  • Milestones: At 50, 100, 150, 200 make sure the group catches up and circles around the tree, wait a few seconds. Do the burpee.  Celebrating these milestones adds to the encouragement factor.

It’s not about the numbers but in the spirit of healthy competition here they are:

Previous Tree biscuits from other AO’s

In the interest of more burpees, “the Mary” is skipped.

Circle of Men

1 Corinthians 9:24 Don’t you realize that in a race everyone runs, but only one person gets the prize? So run to win! 25 All athletes are disciplined in their training. They do it to win a prize that will fade away, but we do it for an eternal prize. 26 So I run with purpose in every step. I am not just shadowboxing. 27 I discipline my body like an athlete, training it to do what it should. Otherwise, I fear that after preaching to others I myself might be disqualified.

Announcements :

Build-A-Blocks Play Date

THE SCENE: Mod humidity, clear and warm

25 SSH IC, Toy Soldiers x 10 IC, Donkey Whips x 10 IC, (B) Hip Circles on all 4’s x 10 (B) IC, Tempo SQTS IC x 10, OH Claps x 25 IC, Seal Claps x 25 IC
Mosey w/ CMU’s around the lot to the cones.  Perform Constructed Ex as follows:

  • 25 Hand release squats with CMU–> lunge to next cone
  • 25 UR Rows–> lunge to next cone
  • 25 Curls–> lunge to next cone
  • 25 (B) Trunk Rotation w/ CMU
  • 25 OH Press w/ CMU
  • Combine all previous exercises as one in order x 25
  • Leave CMU and do a lap back to it
  • Repeato in reverse except only do 5 reps of the combo and 25 each of the rest, lunging b/w cones w/ CMU in tow
  • Perform Cherry Pickers until last HIM has done 5
  • Perform another lap around p-lot
  • Crab walk to AO
  • lap back to CMU and walk it back to AO
  • MARY:

Star Gazer x 1 (for Tractor who used two brick instead of his CMU), Supermans x 10 IC, Press Ups x 10, Alternating single arm raises in plank position IC x 10, Flutter kicks x 30, Freddy Mercuries x 20, Crab Reachers x 10 IC, Boat-Canoe x 3
Suave, Biohazard, Tractor, Oscar, Fast-n-Easy, A-Rod, Mr. Wedgie, Herbie, & Natty all made it with proper attitudes!
talked about planting the seed, inspired from Armstrong (from Arizona) who is currently in Bend, OR planting the F3 seed. Check out 1 Cor 3: 6-9
Pray for A-Rod on his trek to Idaho as well as all the teachers, students, admins, and families that must deal with the challenges presented by Covid-19
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.