F3 Knoxville

a duck’s opinion

THE SCENE: Upper 60s and less humid, ready to rock

Shoulder taps x15 IC
Imperial walkers x10 IC
Plank merkins x10 IC
Bend and reach x12 IC
SSH x15 IC
Mosey out of park area, and start up the hill on Hotel.  When we finished our last warm up exercise, I asked if everyone felt sufficiently warm.  I didn’t really get much response so as soon as we got a stop I had everyone stop for 20 merkins and 20 squats to make sure the warm up was complete.  Safety first and all.  Continue mosey up the hill towards Gresham Middle School.

Once across the intersection of Hotel and Holbrook (at the base of the stairs and hill) knock out some leg blasters, exercises done with no rest:

  • 15 squats
  • 10 lunges each leg
  • 10 jump squats

Then sprint the stairs and hill to the top at Gresham.

Once there, circuit set up with cones and chalk.  We did a quick walk through to explain and then started the circuit:

  • 15 inverted rows on the hand rails
  • Burpee broad jump up the hill beside the school, roughly 15 yards then run to the next cone
  • On the stairs at the school entrance, crawl bear up the stairs and around the planter, then bear crawl down the other side
  • Run to the stairs at the auditorium entrance, do 10 (on 4 count) stair taps
  • Run to brick/stone bench for 10 dips and 10 derkins
  • Run most of the way back down the hill, start bear crawl at first cone and finish at second cone rotating bear crawl orientation 90* at every parking stripe

Go through circuit twice.  Plank and wait for 6 to complete.  Move on to ab circuit at the rails we started first circuit.  All exercises done together, but not in cadence.

  • 10 leg lifts hanging from rails
  • 15 BBSUs
  • 10 leg lifts left side, hanging from rails
  • 15 flutter kicks
  • 10 leg lifts right side, hanging from rails

Recover.  Had planned to go another round of the first circuit but time was getting short so we started the mosey back to start point.

20 box cutters
20 LBCs on 4 ct
Boat/canoe ring of fire with PAX leading: Wilson led 10 BACs in canoe, Herbie led James Bond left/right/middle in canoe, Swanson led 5 OH claps in canoe.  Q realized that boat/canoe and variations is much easier to do when you’re leading, the PAX had me ready to die.
Four strong: Wilson, Herbie, Swanson, Abort
Since we were at the Quacken, I wanted to include the mascot if possible. Fortunately, I was able to find a very profound quote from the great philosopher Mitch Hedberg: “I find that a duck’s opinion of me is very much influenced by whether or not I have bread.”

While that is obviously a joke, it is also true both for ducks and people.  Too often people, ourselves included, have a tendency to let their opinion of someone be determined by their utility. There are (at least) two problems with that: their utility may not be obvious especially at first; just because someone can’t be a benefit to you, that should not lessen your opinion of them.  I’ve seen a lot of folks who will hear one comment a person says and completely write them off.  I would imagine I’ve also been guilty of similar things.  We all need to be open to listen to opinions, even if they are the opposite viewpoint.  If for nothing else, you practice understanding.  But a lot of times a differing viewpoint has facets you might agree with.
Carrot’s daughter will be having surgery Monday, Mr. Wedgie along with the Cahoon family and that community, the Reagan family in Maryville.. all kept in TAP

Taco Tuesday without Tacos

THE SCENE: Cloudy 70 degrees

Pre-ruck: 4 rounds of 50 push-ups/50 sit-ups

Manly Arm Circles x 15 IC ED

Imperial Squat Walker x 15 IC

8 count MM x 10 IC

SSH x 30 IC

Bench work: Partner Up

  • Rd 1 = P1 step-up x 15 EL while P2 does dips (flap jack)
  • Rd 2 = P1 Bulgarian split x 15 EL while P2 does inclined merkin (flap jack)
  • Rd 3 = P1 Side step up x 15 EL while P2 does CDD (flap jack)
  • Rd 4 = P1 Box jump x 15 EL while P2 does declined merkin (flap jack)

No Pain No Gain: Partner up

P1 does 15 BBS and P2 holds feet in plank then P1 does wide merkins while P2 runs to cone one and does exercise. When P2 gets back then P2 does the 15 BBS and P1 holds feet and then runs to cones. Order of cones is 1, 1 and 2, 1 and 2 and 3.

  • Cone 1 = 5 Burp
  • Cone 2 = 10 Burp
  • Cone 3 = 15 Burp


  • Station 1 = 15 burp/20 reverse pickle pounders
  • Station 2 = 20 superman swims/20 4ct flutters
  • Station 3 = 20 wide merkin/25 prisoner squats
  • Station 4 = lunge to cone, bear crawl back, sprint to cone
  • Station 5 = 25 merkin/20 BBS

Run back to AO.



1 Kings 1:1-27 There will always be someone above us in this World. They have been give authority over you and have been put in place for a time by God. As long as they are not conducting illegal activities they deserve your respect. You don’t have to like them but you should respect their position. They need your support and not ankle biting and back stabbing. Be a leader beneath them and help them do their job. If you have a question, ask, don’t shout. If you have a suggestion, suggest, don’t demand.


Duck and Weave

THE SCENE: 55 degrees! 55 DEGREES Y’ALL!

Cherry Pickers x10 IC

Tempo Squat x10

SSH x25 IC

Annie’s x7 IC each way each arm

Moroccan Night Clubs x20 IC

Mosey to Gresham Upper Lot

  • Line up and Duck Walk from mid point to stop sign and back

DORA back at mid point @ cones – 1 partner runs to stop sign at the bottom and back while the other does the thing

  • 150 Merkins
  • 175 BBS
  • 200 Squats
  • 250 Flutter Kicks – 1CT (or 2CT if you’re bad at math)

Mosey back to church lot.

Bear crawl one end to the other, do 5 Captain Thors, bear crawl back to the start, do 5 more Captain Thors. Plank O Rama til time.
Wilson, Herbie, Abort, Swanson, Duggar, Filter
Isaiah 40:31 – “But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”
Don’t take for granted your preparation and discipline when you Q. It’s easy to take it for granted when you’ve got a regular crew that gets into a rhythm. Stay alert. Stay focused.
July 4 parade in Farragut

July 1 VQ for Wilson!!!

W.A.S.H.ing at the Quacken

THE SCENE: Overcast, 72°F, Feels like 73°F, Humidity 92%, Wind 1mph from NNE – by Klimat.app

  • SSH 25x IC
  • LBAC 15x IC Forward & Backwards
  • Little of this/Little of that


  • Burpee Indian run – Last PAX drops and does 5x Burpees, catches up to group and takes lead position, last PAX drops
  • Stop at Pavilion for the W.A.S.H.
    • 50x Werkins
    • 100x American Hammers
    • 150x Step-ups – Modified to lunges due to the stability of the benches
    • 200x Hip Thrusts
  • 1 Round of Cadre Rooney WOD
    • 75x 4ct Flutter Kicks
    • 75x 4ct Overhead Claps
    • 75x 4ct Mountain Climbers
    • 74x Squats
    • Sprint to end of playground and back

Ran out of time

The fear of failure is not what we should be afraid of. The absence of the fear of failure means we are not improving or pushing ourselves. We need to find those places in our lives where we can step out and push ourselves to improve. These areas will have the potential of failure with them, but that fear will motivate us to work hard and strive to overcome.


Diego’s at the Splash Pad

THE SCENE: Partly Cloudy, 60°F, Feels like 60°F, Humidity 67%, Wind 1mph from N – by Klimat.app

  • SSH
  • Tempo squats
  • LBAC F & B
  • Overhead claps

Mosey to Rockpile. Pick a rock.

  • 7s
    • Sledge american hammers to Thursters
  • Diegos – P1 does exercise, P2 moseys around the splashpad path
    • 100x Merkins
    • 150x Overhead Press
    • 200x LBC
    • 250x Rock Curls
    • 300x Rock Goblet Squats
  • Drop off rocks
  • Mosey to planters
  • 7s
    • Dips to Derkins


  • Flutter kicks
  • Hello Dolly
  • Boat/Canoe