F3 Knoxville

Thunderstruck Annie OTB

THE SCENE: PERFECT – Low 50s. Cloudy. Dry.

I, sirs, am not a professional.

SSH x25 IC 4CT

Cherry Pickers x10 IC

Annie IC – 7 each arm forward and back IC

  • Plank position. Extend one arm out to do a BAC 7x forward. Switch arms and repeat. Switch arms and reverse rotation. Bonus points for doing them at the same time…

Air Squared –

  • People’s chair with 20 overhead claps OYO

Mosey to parking lot across the street.

4 stations, 30 reps each lap, 5 laps total.

  • 150 merkins
  • 150 imperial walkers 2CT
  • 150 overhead claps 1CT
  • 150 curb jumps

BBS when done.

Time left –

  • Sprint one end of the lot to the other. Do 1 burpee. Sprint back. Repeat 3x.

Mosey back to AO.

PAX selected 20 reps of their favorite exercise for the group to do:

Flutter kicks 4CT IC, BBS OYO, American Hammers 4CT IC, Squats IC

Thunderstruck – do one pushup every time they say “Thunder” or “Thunderstruck” and plank otherwise for the duration of the song.

Tempo Squats until time. 20 IC

Mr. Wedgie, Frasier, Abort, Clinger, Herbie, Filter
Prayers for Wedgie’s mom, Filters mom, MIL, and aunt-in-law, Frasier’s big decisions,
Philippians 2:3-4 – “Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.”
AO launch on Friday, March 1 at 5:30am!

Bomb Shelter C.S.A.U.P. 2019

Low / Mid 30’s

Fins on Q to get things warmed up!
LB Arm Circles F/B
Large Arm Circles F/B
Tempo Squats
Cherry Pickers
Toe Touches
Jump Rope

Mosey .6 miles to the first beatdown location at the Elementary School.
The Ancient Kraken! (Designed by Pinocchio!) 8 Excersises with Mt. Suckmore & 5 Burpees:
After each exercise run around the Kraken, up Mt. Suckmore, Complete 5 Burpees and continue around the Kraken to the next exercise.  Rinse and Repeat for 30 min…

  • T-Merkins (x16)
  • Dr. W (x10)
  • Bobby Hurleys (x20)
  • Star Jacks (x30)
  • Mr. Spectacular (x12)
  • Shoulder Tap Merk (x12)
  • Single Leg Dead Lift Squat (x10ea.)
  • Alternating BBS (x20)

Just over 2 miles to the next beatdown location. The Murph & Mary at the Alcoa Bridge. Pax split in half and began with the Murph beatdown. Once completed they began Mary (OYO) for a rinse and repeat until the 1 hour time limit was completed.

  • Murph
    • 1 Mile Run
    • 100 Pull-ups
    • 200 Push-ups
    • 300 Air Squats
    • 1 Mile Run
  • Mary (Designed by Fins)
    • BBS (x10)
    • Ankle Touches (x10ea.)
      • Run to Bridge & Back
    • Holly Dolly (x10 IC)
    • American Hammers (x10 IC)
      • Run to Bridge & Back
    • LBC (x15)
    • Bicycle (x10 IC)
      • Run to Bridge & Back
    • Flutter Kick (x10 IC)
    • Mountain Climber (10 IC)
      • Run to Bridge & Back

1.8 miles to the next beatdown location. The Alcoa High School Football Field. (Designed by Mr. Rogers & Moses!)
Pax split into teams of 3 with 1 pax in each endzone and 1 at the 50 yard line. The pax member at the 50 completes exercise and release the pax member at the end zone. That pax member then runs to the 50, completes the exercise continues to the next end zone and releases the pax member. Rinse and Repeat. (1 hour total, with movements being 8 minutes each.

  • South End Zone Exercises:
    • Box Cutters
    • Leg Lifts
    • Mountain Climbers
    • Iron Cross Big Boys
    • Pickle Pounders
    • Bicycle Kicks
  • 50 Yard Line Exercises:
    • Peter Parker Merkins (x8)
    • Dry Docks (x8)
    • Body Builders (x4)
    • Bear Crawl (20 yards)
    • Hand Release Merkins (x8)
    • Big Boys (x10)
  • North End Zone
    • Air Squats
    • Bobby Hurleys
    • Reverse Pickle Pounders
    • Good Mornings
    • Monkey Humpers
    • Holly Dolly
  • After 48 minutes of movements the pax had the opportunity to “Cash Out”!
    • Moby – Flower 3:26 (High Plank / Low Plank – Bring Sally up / Bring Sally Down)

  • Alcoa Football Field Playlist:
    • Guns N’ Roses – Welcome to the Jungle
    • Ozzy Osbourne – Crazy Train
    • Sam Tinnesz – Ready Set Let’s Go
    • Imagine Dragons – Whatever it Takes
    • AC/DC – Shoot to Thrill
    • Beastie Boys – Sabotage
    • Linkin Park – Wretches and Kings
    • Carrollton – Shelter
    • AC/DC – T.N.T.
    • Sam Tinnesz – Wolves
    • Eminem – Till I Collapse
    • Carrollton – Made for This
    • Papa Roach – Born for Greatness
    • Dropkick Murphys – I’m Shipping up to Boston
    • Logic & Rag’n’Bone Man – Broken People
    • Metallica – For Whom the Bell Tolls
    • Moby – Flower

25 Pax!
What kinda “ripples” are you creating?  I spoke to the pax about the rock hitting the pond and the ripple effect.  Be a positive ripple in this world!

Clash of the Titans…

THE SCENE: Dark and Cold, but not too cold.

We recounted the 1981 classic movie, Clash of the Titans.  Perseus was charged with saving his beloved Andromeda from the Kraken.  First he had to trick the Gorgon sisters by stealing their eye, using his shield as a mirror to see Medusa and cutting off her head.  He used the snake filled head of Medusa to turn the Kraken to stone.

So…we started on our journey on the Powell Greenway with a Route 66.  On the way we encountered our own Gorgon adventure in the form of 9 cards of a Memory Work Out game consisting of Squats, Hand Release Merkins, LBCs, Mtn Climbers, and Burpees.  After we conquered this, we continued on the Route 66.

Our next challenge was thrust upon us when we found a dry erase board and a half deck of cards.  Hearts were burpees, Clubs were Shoulder Taps, Diamonds were Merkins, and Spades were Reverse Lunges.  We filled cards and did the # of reps that were found on the card.

After we passed this challenge, we moseyed back to the AO as time ran out on us….the Kraken will have to be defeated another day….

We did have a few moments to complete a Ring of Fire with pushups starting with 5 and counting down.

9 HIMs
We discussed Servant Leadership and finding ways to help those we lead.

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Flying headlock con queso at the Fountain City OTB

THE SCENE: Low 40s. Very foggy.

SSH x25 IC 4CT

Cherry Pickers x15 IC

BAC x25 IC 4CT

Flutters – x10 4CT IC

Mosey to the base of the Gresham Middle hill

  • 11s
    • 1 jump squat at the bottom
    • 10 burpees at the first lit light pole about 3/4 of the way to the parking lot up the steps along the path
    • repeat until numbers reversed

Mosey to the Duck Pond

  • 3 situp stations around the left half of the pond loop
    • Station #1 – 25 BBS OYO followed by 10 overhead claps OYO. Run to #2.
    • Station #2 – 25 Edward Scissorlegs followed by 10 overhead claps OYO. Run to #3.
    • Station #3 – 25 LBCs followed by 10 overhead claps OYO. Run back to #1 the way you came
    • Repeat 2x
      • More overhead claps, batwings, and cherry pickin’ IC

Mosey to AO

Plank position – 15 shoulder taps on a 4CT for remaining 30 seconds.
Herbie, Frasier, Clinger, Filter
2 Timothy 1:7 – “For God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power and love and self-control”.
The PAX performed a flying headlock con queso on a younger guy who was in the park hanging with some other folks when we arrived. He approached us to see what we were up to and noted he’d been drinking and getting high (hence the queso bit) over there this morning / last night after finishing work… (shoutout to Abort for the new(?) definition). He joined us for the warm-up and first several minutes of the exercise and got after it. The 11s with the burpees and jump squats on the Gresham Hill did him in though. Hopefully he comes back out. And I hope and pray we brought some light into his life this morning.

We also chatted with the ladies who regularly walk in the morning as the PAX were leaving. They inquired about F3 and said they were glad we were out there in the mornings while they are walking. Really good to develop that connection with them.

Prayers for Herbie’s daughter, Filter’s mom and MIL.
CSAUP is Saturday at the Bomb Shelter

The Quacken launches on March 1

Adding Mondays to the mix in addition to Fridays

Big Tree, Little Tree at Fountain City Park OTB

THE SCENE: Low 30s, cloudy

SSH x25 IC 4CT

BAC x15 IC 4CT

Cherry Pickers x15 IC

Decline Merkins x15 OYO

Warmup indian run around the park loop. (FYI – watch out for our early morning walker friends – 4:30am every day! – make sure to pass on the right with a wide berth or run in the opposite direction of their walking so they see you coming)

5 stations situated around the loop – 3 laps – increase reps +5 each lap

Start with 10 Burpees IC with each PAX leading 1 rep as we go around the circle


  1. Merkins: 20, 25, 30
  2. LBC: 20, 25, 30
  3. Diamond Merkins: 20, 25, 30
  4. American Hammers 20, 25, 30 2CT
  5. BURPEES! 10, 10, 10
    1. Bear crawl back to #1 from #5

7s at Big Tree, Little Tree

1 jump squat at Big Tree, 7 mountain climbers (4CT) at Little Tree – reverse #s until done

Plank until everyone done

Mr. Wedgie, Herbie, Frasier, Clinger, SoChia, Filter
Gandalf quote from Return of the King –
“It is not our part to master all the tides of the world, but to do what is in us for the succour of those years wherein we are set, uprooting the evil in the fields that we know, so that those who live after may have clean earth to till. What weather they shall have is not ours to rule.”

Uproot evil. Be a light wherever you are. Leave it better for those who come after us.
Just keep an eye out for the women who walk the park loop in the mornings. They get there at 4:30am every day. If working the loop, just give em a wide berth when passing and don’t forget to say hello!
Oak Ridge AO The Project launching on Tuesday at 5:30am. AK Bissel Park in Oak Ridge.

CSAUP at the Bomb Shelter coming up, too.

AND – AO launch for The Quacken (aka Fountain City Park) on March 1!