F3 Knoxville

Jumpin’ Jack Flash Route 66 and Suicides

THE SCENE: 7 am, 42 degrees, humid, partly cloudy

Side straddle hops, cherry pickers, baby arm circles forward and backward, tricep stretches, .
Route 66 – 4 rounds

  1.  Plank jacks (4 ct)
  2. Smurf jacks (4 ct)
  3. Crab jacks (4 ct)
  4. Star jacks (single ct)

Bernie Sanders uphill between rounds 2 and 3

Mosie to dock area

  • 20 decline merkins
  • 20 Hello Dollies (4 ct)
  • 20 Superman swims

Mosie to small hill – crawl bear up hill

Mosie to soccer fields for 3 rounds of suicides:

  1. Apache – run to quarter field, backpedal to baseline, run to mid field, backpedal to baseline, run to 3/4 field, backpedal, run full length, backpedal full length.
  2. Bear crawl to quarter field, lunge to mid field, broad jump to 3/4 field, bear crawl to baseline, run back
  3. Regular running suicide, quarter, mid, 3/4, opposite baseline and back.

Mosie to baseball diamond – 10 pull-ups in dugouts, 1 trip around the bases.

Mosie to pavillion – 20 pull me ups on picnic benches

Mosie to playground – 20 American hammers (4 ct) 20 flutter kicks (4 ct)

Mosie up hill to AO.

See 2 rounds on playground.

With the hearings for Judge Cavinaugh, it had me thinking about my past.  We have an accuser against us every day, bringing up our past, trying to bring us down.  But we also have an advocate.  Jesus stands with us, and says Yes, he does have this in his past, but I paid his debt, and now he is free to be the man, husband, father, leader, etc. that I created him to be.  So walk with that in mind this week that despite our past, Jesus has made a way for us to be HIMs.

F3 3 yr anniversary, F3 Cleveland launch.

The Pumpkin Post

THE SCENE: Picture perfect, clear, low 60s


Motivators, Cherry Pickers x10 IC, Lateral Hops x 20 IC, little of this, little of that

Mosey down from the Admin building to the Lyons View Pike entrance.  Do PAULA ABDULS along the path towards Northshore, running two lights and Bernie Sanders back one light, stop and do 5 BBS/5 Shoulder-tap Merkins.  Continue to base of Everest

PYRAMIDS up to big tree on Everest.  Run up hill to tree 3 times, when we return to the path we will do the following:

  • 10 Burpees
  • 10 Burpees/10 Mountain Climbers (4-ct)
  • 10 Burpees/10 Mountain Climbers (4-ct)/10 Diamond Merkins

Run back up to the base of the summit and finish the pyramid:

  • 10 Mountain Climbers (4-ct)/10 Diamond Merkins
  • 10 Diamond Merkins.

Run to top of summit and meet at AO.


From F3 flag, kick the kickball into the field, where cones with numbers are laid out.  Whatever number is closest to the ball is the exercise we do.  The exercises are:

  1. 10 burpees
  2. Captain Thors (1 BBS/4 American Hammers increasing to 2/8, 3/12, 4/16, and 5/20)
  3. 15 Pickle Pounders
  4. Jump Squat Holds (10 jump squats + 10 second Al Gore, then 9/9, 8/8, etc.)
  5. Boat/Canoe with 30-second holds, x2
  6. 10 scorpion Dry Docks (5 with one leg up, 5 with the other)
  7. 10 body builders (Burpees with plank jack in there).
  8. Superman (on stomach, arms/legs out)/Reverse Superman (on back, arms and legs up)
  9. 15 patty-cake merkins
  10. 20 windshield wipers (4-ct)

(we got to all of these except the Jump Squat Holds)

Imperial Walkers x20 IC

9 men strong (couldn’t tag Quikrete)

Ran across something that compared being a Christian to being a pumpkin.  It was kind of “quaint”, but seemed seasonally appropriate.  God:

  • Picks you from the patch and brings you in (John 15:16)
  • Washes all the dirt off of you (2 Corinthians 5:17)
  • Opens you up and scoops out all the bad stuff, removes the seeds of doubt, hate, greed, etc. (Romans 6:6)
  • Carves you a new smiling face (Psalm 71:23)
  • And He puts his light inside you to shine for all the world to see (Matthew 5:16)

Prayers for a safe and successful Tough Mudder competition to all our F3 brothers going to Atlanta! Good luck guys! Prayers of Thanks for the scholarship that Jenner received (Congrats brother!), and prayers that Mr. Jinxy’s work situation will develop favorably and all be part of a larger plan.

Tough Mudder this week-end!

Bend into the wave

THE SCENE: In 60’s, cloudy with some drizzle.

Plank Lifts, 15 Plank Jacks, 20 Side Straddle Hops, 10 Stretchers, 10 Windmills
Mosey to Boulder Pile.  Grab appropriate size boulder.  25 Overhead Presses, 25 Curls, 25 Rows, 25 Squats with Boulder at Chest.

Mosey on roadways to Outdoor Chapel.  20 Hello Dollies.  Sevens starting with six Burpees at one end of chapel and one Decline Merkin at stage end of chapel.  Elevens starting with ten Big Boy Sit-ups at one end of chapel and one Bench Dip at stage end of chapel.

Mosey north on roadway to parking lot that is just below Pickett’s Charge.  Do 20 American Hammers.

Mosey to Dragon Tail.  We will do Route 66 up Dragon Tail with the following exercises (doing exercise at each light):

  • Squat Jumps
  • Dive Bombers

Mosey to sidewalk that is at front of Admin Bldg.  Do Bernie Sanders to steps of Admin Bldg.  Then do 20 Shin Lifts on a step of the bldg.

Mosey to AO.

Eleven men.  No FNG’s.


In a book I am reading called Tears of an Innocent God, the author, Elias Marechal, talks about a Rabbi that was the only survivor in a shipwreck at sea.  When asked how he survived, the Rabbi recalled, “Whenever a wave arose, I bent into it.”  In our lives we cannot expect all to go smoothly for us.  There are going to be calm and glorious times.  At such times it may be easy to love life, to love our families, to love God.  But there are going to be difficult times as well.  At such times the problems in our life may come like giant ocean waves in what seems like a shipwrecked existence.  The waves appear ready to knock us down and drown us.  At these times it may be very difficult to love our lives, love our families, love God or even believe there is a God.    We must expect the good and the bad.  We must learn to lean into the the waves.  As Elias Marechal states, Good Friday and Easter Sunday are both days to experience God.  We can do so in both good and bad times.  At Steve Earl implies in his awesome song, God is God, God is there and God has the power whether we like what is there for us are not.  Face the hard times.  Trust God and even appreciate Him in those hard times.  Lean into the waves and perhaps, if you can trust God enough, you may even find yourself, as Peter did with Jesus, walking on water, if only for a moment.

Brewski at Union Jacks immediately after workout.

Gloomy Monday

60 and foggy

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SSH x25 (IC)
Tempo Squats x15 (IC)
Dive Bombers x15 (IC)
Line up on curb
Run to far curb and back
Diagonal Lunges x12(IC)
Run to far curb and back
BAC Fwd x10 (IC)
BAC Bkwd x10 (IC)
Run to far curb and back

Mosey to the hill near the parking lot and pair up with a Battle Buddy of similar fitness level.


Lt. Dan’s Revenge
Start at base of hill.  Perform 1 Lt. Dan (2 squat, 4 lunges), run the hill.  At the top do 5 merkins.
Rinse and repeat adding 1 Lt. Dan each time then back down (i.e. 2/4, 4/8, 6/12, 8/16, 10/20).

Mosey to parking lot on the other side of the playground.


Pyramid of Pain
Each man will complete the following:

  • Complete exercise 1 then run around the parking lot
  • Complete exercise 1 and 2 then run to the top of the hill. Continue until you get to 6 exercises
  • Upon completion of all 6 exercises continue but take one exercise off each round starting with 1 (then 2, 3 and so on).

Exercises (x15 of each):

  1. Narrow Squats
  2. Diamond Merkins
  3. 4ct Flutter Kicks
  4. Tuck Jumps
  5. Dry Docks
  6. 4ct Freddy Mercury

Mosey back to SP


American Hammers – x20 (IC)
4ct Side Crunches x10 each side (IC)
Box Cutters – x20 (IC)


Number off and Name-O-Rama – 33 PAX including 1 FNG – Sunshine


Everything we did this morning is nothing complicated or fancy.  Each man could do what we did alone with no problem…the question is would you?  The second F, Fellowship, is what empowers the first F (Fitness).  Our strength is drawn from each other.  Seeking to be the leaders we want to be in our families and community is hard work.  Each day we have to get up and recommit.  Doing it alone is a recipe for failure, but together we can make a little progress each day.

Bottom line – Make sure you are locking shields with other men seeking the same goals you are seeking.  Don’t try and go it alone!  You aren’t meant to do it alone.  Growth is a team sport.



Submitted by Cap’n Crunch

Rockin’ Dora and Cardiac Attack

THE SCENE: Mostly cloudy, 73 degrees, 90% humidityTo

(25) 4 ct. SSH; Baby arm circles forward; backers; (10) 4ct. plank jacks; lunge stretch


  • Mosey to base of Everest
  • (1) sprint up Everest to rock pile
  • Selected rock and partner for Rockin’ Doras
  • Partner 1: Run west along road, with rock, to first tree and back
  • Partner 2: Curls (up to 200); Squats with rock (up to 200); BBS or flutter kicks (4 ct.), rock optional (200)
  • Mosey cross country to base of Cardiac Hill
  • (5) 4 ct. American Hammers; Bernie Sanders to first bend; (5) 4 ct. Hello Dollies; bear crawl to next bend; (5) squat jumps; sprint to benches; (5) tricep dips;
  • Rinse and repeat, add (5) to each exercise

Ab work, 2 rounds ending with 4 ct. flutter kicks.

II Timothy 1:7 – This is my Father’s favorite verse, and I had not really connected with it. I never felt that I approached life with timidity or fear. I termed it as humility. But, there is a fine line between timidity and humility.  To my shame, I have been doing F3 for a year and a half, and this is my VQ.  To be a real HIM, we need to approach life boldly. We need to lead when we are called to lead and not be timid. We also need to remember that God gives us power, but also love and self discipline.