F3 Knoxville

The Pumpkin Post

Asylum AM

THE SCENE: Picture perfect, clear, low 60s


Motivators, Cherry Pickers x10 IC, Lateral Hops x 20 IC, little of this, little of that

Mosey down from the Admin building to the Lyons View Pike entrance.  Do PAULA ABDULS along the path towards Northshore, running two lights and Bernie Sanders back one light, stop and do 5 BBS/5 Shoulder-tap Merkins.  Continue to base of Everest

PYRAMIDS up to big tree on Everest.  Run up hill to tree 3 times, when we return to the path we will do the following:

  • 10 Burpees
  • 10 Burpees/10 Mountain Climbers (4-ct)
  • 10 Burpees/10 Mountain Climbers (4-ct)/10 Diamond Merkins

Run back up to the base of the summit and finish the pyramid:

  • 10 Mountain Climbers (4-ct)/10 Diamond Merkins
  • 10 Diamond Merkins.

Run to top of summit and meet at AO.


From F3 flag, kick the kickball into the field, where cones with numbers are laid out.  Whatever number is closest to the ball is the exercise we do.  The exercises are:

  1. 10 burpees
  2. Captain Thors (1 BBS/4 American Hammers increasing to 2/8, 3/12, 4/16, and 5/20)
  3. 15 Pickle Pounders
  4. Jump Squat Holds (10 jump squats + 10 second Al Gore, then 9/9, 8/8, etc.)
  5. Boat/Canoe with 30-second holds, x2
  6. 10 scorpion Dry Docks (5 with one leg up, 5 with the other)
  7. 10 body builders (Burpees with plank jack in there).
  8. Superman (on stomach, arms/legs out)/Reverse Superman (on back, arms and legs up)
  9. 15 patty-cake merkins
  10. 20 windshield wipers (4-ct)

(we got to all of these except the Jump Squat Holds)

Imperial Walkers x20 IC

9 men strong (couldn’t tag Quikrete)

Ran across something that compared being a Christian to being a pumpkin.  It was kind of “quaint”, but seemed seasonally appropriate.  God:

  • Picks you from the patch and brings you in (John 15:16)
  • Washes all the dirt off of you (2 Corinthians 5:17)
  • Opens you up and scoops out all the bad stuff, removes the seeds of doubt, hate, greed, etc. (Romans 6:6)
  • Carves you a new smiling face (Psalm 71:23)
  • And He puts his light inside you to shine for all the world to see (Matthew 5:16)

Prayers for a safe and successful Tough Mudder competition to all our F3 brothers going to Atlanta! Good luck guys! Prayers of Thanks for the scholarship that Jenner received (Congrats brother!), and prayers that Mr. Jinxy’s work situation will develop favorably and all be part of a larger plan.

Tough Mudder this week-end!