F3 Knoxville

Wet 66


BAC x10 IC
Little bit of…
Sumo Shoulders x10 IC
Tempo Squats x10 IC
Monkey Humpers x10 IC
Tempo Merks x10 IC
5 Bodybuilders IC

Gave choice of wet or dry workout. PAX chose wet.

Shoulder shredder (100 OH claps IC)

PAX mosey to top of cardiac.

Rd1: Each light pole going down cardiac. Route 66 – 8ct Bodybuilders. Run back up. Rabbits sweep everyone.

Rd2:Each light pole going down cardiac. Route 66 – Crab Cakes 4ct. Run back up. Rabbits sweep everyone.

PAX mosey to bottom of hill by AO

Alternating movements up the hill:
1) Crawl bear for 6 steps
2) Bear crawl for 12 steps
Continue until reaching top

Recovery jog back down to AO

Shoulder shredder (100 OH claps 4ct)
1.5 min of Boat/Canoe with slight variations (flutters, OH claps, row the boat, etc)

Gave everyone a choice of the wet route or the dry route at the start of the workout. Told everyone the seemingly “easier” dry route would’ve consisted of 120 bodybuilders, 120 squat jumps, 120 flutter kicks, and 120 lunges. Choosing the apparent easier path doesn’t always end up easier in the long run.

Pinto brought up the idea to rename Candy Corns to The Grady Pitsticks in honor of Quickrete. Lilydipper will reach out to Cap’n to see if we can get it changed in the Lexicon.
2nd F lunch today at Babalu at noon.

I Heard the Bells…..

THE SCENE: gloomy and 40 degrees.  perfect weather for a workout

Tie Fighter w/baby arm circles and tempo merkins and tempo squats and SSH

  • Mosey to rock pile w/2 rounds of exercies
    • squats w/overhead press
    • woodchoppers
    • curls
    • merkins w/rocks
    • flutter kicks
  • mosey to parking lot by playground (drop the lowest exercise after each lap
    • 10 squats
    • 9 plank jacks
    • 8 merkins
    • 7 box cutters
    • 6 monkey humpers
    • 5 burpees
    • 4 jump squats
    • 3 CDD
    • 2 diamond merkins
    • 1 burpee

Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
“I heard the Bells on Christmas Day” poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.  written out of grief for wife and son.  Christmas is about hope through Jesus.  Reach out to your brothers who are suffering and Christmas is a tough time of the year.

A Tennessee Wonderland

48 and clear

Welcome & Disclaimer


SSH 4ct x25 IC
Chinook Squats 4ct x15 IC
Hillbillies 4ct x15 IC
Line up on curb
Rocky Balbos x15 IC
Merkins  x12IC
Rocky Balbos x15 IC
BAC Fwd x12 IC
BAC Bkwd x12 IC
Rocky Balbos x20 IC

Mosey to Candy Cane Lane (circular parking lot)

Halfway stop pause for some Grinch’s leg

The Grinch’s Legs

  • Squats x10
  • Fwd & Bkwd lunges (same leg then switch) x10 each leg
  • Side Lunges x10 each leg
  • Jump Squats x10

Rinse and repeat


Candy Cane Lane
Run to cone 6 and back each time.  First time stop at far cone, cone 6, and do exercise.  Next time stop at cone 6 and cone 5 and so on until you do all the exercises.

  • Cone 1 – Squats x15
  • Cone 2 – Diamond Merkins x15
  • Cone 3 – Tuck Jumps x15
  • Cone 4 – Froggy Squats x15
  • Cone 5 – Dry Docks x15
  • Cone 6 – Candlestick Burpees x15

Mosey back to Santa’s Workshop (playground)


Worker Elf 11s

  • Toy Builders (i.e. 8ct Body Builders) & Dips

Mosey to SP


Santa’s Jelly Belly

  • Reverse crunches x10 IC
  • flutter kicks 4ct 10 IC
  • V-ups x10 IC
  • Plank Jacks 4ct x10 IC
  • Rinse and repeat


Right Side Crunches x20 IC
Left Side Crunches x20 IC
Dry Docks x25 IC
Rinse and repeat


Number off and Name-O-Rama



“And we urge you, brothers and sisters, warn those who are idle and disruptive, encourage the disheartened, help the weak, be patient with everyone.”

1 Thessalonians 5:14


The Weatherman is a Liar (v1)

THE SCENE: Cold, wet, a bit icy. 35 degrees

10x BAC IC
Little bit of…
10x Sumo Shoulders IC
10x Hillbilly IC
10x Tempo Squat IC
10x Tempo Merks IC
5x Bodybuilders (8ct) IC

Shoulder Shredder (100 reps)

Stay in parking lot. PAX partner up along baseline:
Partner A: Run to other side, perform 2x bodybuilders, coming back: bear crawl 3 parking spaces, lunge 3 parking spaces, run back
Partner B: Flapjack (5 merks, 5 flutters, R&R)
Performed 3 sets of above

PAX mosey to picnic tables by concession stand

PT Pyramid:

  • 1 table row (pull-up), 2 merkins, 3 Big Boy Situps
  • 2 rows, 4 merks, 6 BBS, continue up the pyramid
  • 6 rows, 12 merks, 18 BBS, then back down the pyramid
  • 1 rows, 2 merks, 3 BBS

PAX mosey to large chapel area where FiA works out. Partner up:
Partner A: Bearcrawl forward to other side, crawl bear back, crab walk forward, crab walk reverse
Partner B: Flutter kicks
2 sets each

PAX mosey back to AO.

Had 4 minutes left, so we did another Shoulder Shredder (100 reps)


Talked about working/practicing things you hate doing (i.e. bear crawls & crab walks) to turn deficiencies into strengths.

Mend House workout on Wednesday 12/12
2nd F at Printshop on 12/19 (will send invite)

3 C’s

THE SCENE: Mid 30’s, cloudy, just a little precipitation at the end


Some SSH’s, Cherry Pickers, Baby Arm Circles, Merkins, and Tempo Squats mixed in with some mosey over to the rock pile.

Moseyed to the rock pile for 3 sets of the following exercises (with rock):

  • Bicep curls
  • Overhead shoulder press
  • Squats

20 reps of each exercise, run and touch the bottom of the stairs in between each set. After 3rd set, we did 20 reps of 4 ct. flutter kicks with rock overhead.

Mosey to the dead end just below the Asylum for some 7’s. Exercise at the bottom = Jump Squats and exercise at the stop sign = Burpees.

Mosey back to the rock pile for round 2 (same exercises but only 2 sets this time). Finished with the flutter kicks.

Mosey back down to the dead end for another round of 7’s. Exercises = American Hammers (4 ct) and Merkins.

Mosey back to the rock pile for the last round (just 1 set this time). Finished with flutter kicks again.

Mosey to the bottom of Little Baby Hill. Run 3 times up with 1 burpee at the top each time.


Just enough time for some Hello Dollies and some Sweat Angels

11 HIM’s – no FNG’s


3 C’s that are in direct opposition to being the men we are called to be: Comfortability, Convenience, Complacency

I’ve found myself falling into the trap of the 3 C’s lately in terms of leading my family spiritually. Insert any excuse you want…..tired at the end of the day, in a busy season of life, work stress, etc., etc., etc. But those excuses are all just temporary circumstances, and God doesn’t call us to be governed by our circumstances. We are called to lead our families – not just when it’s comfortable or convenient. Being a HIM is about being the man that God calls us to be, regardless of our present circumstances.