F3 Knoxville

Mid-week Split – Do the next right thing

26 HIMS split up to Kick hump day in the teeth!

F3 – March 20th, 2018  

5:30 COP

  • Side Straddle Hop x 20
  • Baby Arm Circles x 15
  • Imperial Squat Walkers x 15
  • Michael Phelps x 15
  • Cherry Pickers x15

Core Group

 4 Corners Escalator 10 burpees, 20 Squat Jumps, 30 merkins, 40 squats

RUN UP THE HILL!  Bear crawl between corners.  Work your way back down.

Aiken Legs – Play Ground  

  • Done in succession with no rest — 20 Squats, 20 Box Jumps, 20 Mary Catherine Lunges (10 each leg), 20 Reverse Lunges (10 each leg forward).

Dora 1,2,3 on any hill close by.

  • 100 Merkins
  • 200 Squats
  • 300 Flutter Kicks

Run Group

Escalator to big lot

  • 10 Burpees
  • 20 Squat Jumps
  • 30 Merkins
  • 40 Squats

Grinders – Groups of 3   Burpees, Big Boys


  • 150 Merkins
  • 200 Squats
  • 300 Flutter Kicks

Mosey back on trial Route 66 style.

  • Squat Jumps

Cash Out Together

We reap what we sow, but not in the same season.

Keep your eyes fixed ahead and do simply do the next right thing.  The fruit will come, in it’s due season.

– The delayed fruit causes us to be short-sighted, and we pay a price for it in the long haul.
– It is so easy to pursue unrighteous, unhealthy, “bad” things and hard to pursue righteous, healthy, good things.
– This is why long term goals couple with short term grit is critical for growth.
– Keep your eyes fixed ahead and do simply do the next right thing.  The fruit will come, in it’s due season.

Just another Monday Morning

THE SCENE: Wet, rainy and awesome

C0-Q with Coolio and Proton

Side Stradle Hops X20

High Knees for the half the parking lot and 50% finish

Heels to butt for the half the parking lot and 50% finish

Drive and skip for the half the parking lot and 50% finish

50% sprint for half and all out sprint for half.
Proton’s “Core” Workout at the AO

Bermuda Triangle – 2 Second Hold-  3 Stations. 1- Pull-up, 2 Rows, 3- Wall jumps/step-ups.

Break up into four groups and run to each station.  Every time you pass the Flag Pole do 5 or 10 Burpees.

-10 Pull-Ups x 3 rounds

-20 Picnic Table Rows X 3 Rounds

-20 Wall Jumps or step up x 3 Rounds

Bearpees 1 Burpee followed up by 4 count bear crawl forward around the outside of the playgroud.  25 yards.   Burpee Dan – 1 Burpee followed by 4 count lunges 25 yards

Mosey to bottom of the hill

Jacobs ladder- Run the hill 1 Burpee, backwards up the hill 2 burpees, run the hill 3 burpees, etc. etc. up to 7.

Burpee Dan’s – Groups of 4

-4 Burpee : 4 lunges across lot.

-1 burpees : 4 lunges back to starting position.

Coolio’s “Run and Grind” workout

3 minute Mosey

20 Merkins

20 BBoys

10 box jumps


2 minute Mosey

20 Merkins

20 BBoys

20 Squats

1 50 yard sprints

This was repeated 5 times.  Ran just under 3 miles


35 men no FNGs

Get in the habit of taking out the Garbage.  Get into the habit of confessing sin to your brothers.  Don’t let it build up and fester in your heart.  God gives Grace the the humble.  1 John 9: If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

Psalm 51:10

Create in me a clean heart, O God,
and renew a rightb spirit within me.
11Cast me not away from your presence,
and take not your Holy Spirit from me.
12Restore to me the joy of your salvation,
and uphold me with a willing spirit.

Get out there and sign up for a Q.  Call someone to CO-Q.

Crazy Eights and Synchronized Squats

THE SCENE: Misty and temperature in 40’s

20 Lateral Leaps, 10 Burpees, 10 Synchronized Squats (for Crawdad), 10 Tempo Merkins , 10 Cherry Pickers, 10 Twisters

Mosey to Dragon Tail.  We will do a Route 66 up the Dragon Tail with the following exercises:

  • Mountain Climbers (Four Count)
  • Ice Skaters (Four Count)
  • Star Jumps (Four Count)

The first person to reach the eleventh light (where a cone will be placed) should turn and sweep all men back to the starting point before we begin the next exercise in the sequence.

Mosey to Stop Sign at Northeast Corner of Administration Bldg.  Gander at the view of the river below.

Mosey to Boulder Pile by Admin Bldg Parking Lot.  We will be running clockwise on the road that goes around the Admin Bldg., stopping to perform the exercise(s) written by each cone that will be placed along the road.  We will rinse and repeat after going around the first time. The exercises to be performed at each cone are as follows:

Cone 1 (at boulder pile):  Each man picks up a cinder block weight boulder and does the following:  20 Rows, 20 Overhead Presses, 20 Curls, 20 Squats

Cone 2 (at north end of Admin Bldg parking lot):  Run up and down fire escape at Admin Bldg.

Cone 3 (a few feet from Cone 2):  Bear Crawl to Cone 4.

Cone 4 (located about 20 yards from Cone 3):  Hop to Cone 5.

Cone 5 (located about 20 yards from Cone 4):  20 Merkins

Cone 6 (Located about 20 yards from northeast corner stop sign.):  20 Squats

Cone 7 (Located on east side of admin bldg., 20 yards from northeast corner):  20 Squat Jumps

Cone 8 (Located close to sidewalk leading to front of admin bldg):  Run up steps at front of admin bldg.  Do 20 Box Cutters.  Return back to cone and do 20 lunges (each leg).

Cone 9 (Located about 20 yards west of southeast corner stop sign):  20 Diamond Merkins

The first two men to finish should split up with one man going clockwise and one man going counter clockwise to sweep all men back to the sidewalk that leads to the front of the Admin Bldg.

Mosey to Pavillion.  We will run counter-clockwise to the following locations and do the following exercises:

  • 20 American Hammers, 20 Hello Dollies, 20 Big Boy Sit-ups, 20 Bicycle Kicks

Mosey to AO.

Let’s face it men, we are sinners.  We screw up.  We make mistakes, saying I will never do that again, yet do it again the very next day.  Thankfully, we have a God who truly loves us.  That is so difficult to grasp.  It is easy to think of God as angry and judgmental, ready to jump all over us for our sins.  There are times in our life when we truly hurt, when we truly have messed up and we think, How could God really love me?

Yet, the Bible tells us of God’s overwhelming love for us.  God made and truly loves every inch of you.  Ponder on that today.  God cherishes you.  Thinks about that one.  God is always with you.  Huh, really?  Yes, he is always there, always walking with you.  And this God is a God of grace, all powerful, yet willing to die on the cross for you.  So walk on with that knowledge, that God is fond of you, has your back, and is always there.

Upcoming 3rd F Event will be at Outlook, 8:30 am on March 24.  Praise that Crawdad’s MRI was negative for any tumors!!!!

Not everyone has 6 inches

THE SCENE: Perfect… you know what that is


SSH x 20 IC

Mike Phelps OYO

Arm Circles

Merks x 10 IC

Potty Mosey

30 secs of own choice

Indian Run to Matterhorn

Flutters IC….. car interrupted so idk how many

  • Partners   1 runs while the other does 20,20,20 (Merks, Squats, BBS) 3 sets
  • Mosey to lil hill
  • 7s  Burpees and Squats
  • Mosey to the court with a duck walk at the end

Alligator 1/2 Inch worm 1/2 Lunge back

30 sec Wall Sit

We done

I don’t know Mary well enough I guess.



The last couple weeks I have felt a bit flat. Things for the most part of gone well. For some reason I have felt a little disinterested in things I usually like. I have been a little more cynical lately. I could not figure out why. I was listening to Joe Rogan’s podcast and he had David Goggins on the podcast. Goggins was explaining what went wrong in his life after he left the airforce, although I think he would say this was a theme of his entire life. He said, “The more comfortable I was, the more uncomfortable my mind was.”

I think that this is true for people. I know it certainly is for me. The last couple of weeks I have not been posting as much and I really think that is why I was feeling off. Getting up in the morning and embracing the suck makes everything better for my day. To make a lateral step I think it relates to the idea that being strong is not about succeeding, it’s about accepting the suffering continuously. So, I would like to thank all of you for posting and being a part of this great community. I am approaching a year in F3, and I think this has been one of the better years of my life. It would not have been without the opportunity to go out and suffer every morning with you all. Cheers!


Podcast link with Goggins
CSAUP Next Weekend Alcoa   Moses is your guy for that if you have Qs, or hit up one of those other Alcoa hunks for details

Shared Burden

THE SCENE: Cool but not rainy for once!

Side-Straddle Hops x10 in cadence

Shoulder Circles x10/direction

Merkins x6 in cadence

Squat Benders x6 in cadence

Mosey to Hoskins Library.

Log Carries. 3 PAX per log.

  • Carry to Whirlwind of Opportunity
  • 50 Log Presses
  • Carry to Pat Summit Statue
  • 50 Log Squats
  • Carry to Hoskins Library
  • 20 Log presses + 20 Log squats

Mosey back to Big Ball.

Dice of Doom

  • Roll #1 15 Burpees
  • Roll #2 15 Side-Straddle Hops
  • Roll #3 15 Burpees
  • Roll #4 Water Break

9 PAX including 2 FNGs
Matthew 11:28-30


Alcoa CSAUP next week.