F3 Knoxville

Raised Up

THE SCENE: Beautiful sunny morning, temp in low 60s.

20 Side-Straddle Hops, 10 Mountain Climbers, 10 Cherry Pickers, 10 Rockettes, 10 Twisties, 10 Tempo Merkins, Michael Phelps, Little of This and That.
Men will divide into pairs of two. Each pair will grab a set of two bricks out the trailer parked in the parking lot across the street from the AO parking lot.  We will then go back to the AO parking lot to perform Doras.  While one partner starts exercising with the bricks, the other partner runs to the end of the parking lot, does 10 Rocky Balboas (both feet = 1) and then returns to take the bricks.  This pattern continues until all exercises are completed by the team of two.  The following are the exercises to perform with the bricks:

  • 100 Overhead Presses
  • 100 Curls
  • 100 Rows
  • 100 Punches where both hands = 1
  • 100 Wings Forward
  • 100 Wings Upward
  • 100 Wings Downward

We will then replace the bricks in the trailer.  We will mosey south on the roadway to the Lily Pad.  We will run around the parking lot stopping to do exercises at each corner of the parking lot.  But, before going to the next corner, we must run to the center of the parking lot and do three burpees there.  Rinse and repeat once exercises have been completed at all four corners.  Here are the exercises at each corner:

  • Cone 1:  20 Hello Dollies, 4 ct.
  • Cone 2:  20 Merkins
  • Cone 3:  20 Big-Boy Sit-ups
  • Cone 4:  20 Squats

Next, we will mosey to the grassy area across the main roadway at the base of Picket’s Charge.  We will do the following exercises in the grass:  20 Flutter Kicks (4 ct), 20 Bicycle Kicks (4 ct), and 20 Dying Bugs (4 ct).

Next, we will run up Pickett’s Charge to the Coliseum.  After each hill we will do 3 burpees.  At the Coliseum we will do the following exercises: 20 Carolina Dry Docks, 20 Moon Plunges, 10 Shoulder Taps

Next we will run counter-clockwise around the clock loop, stopping at the steps of the Admin Bldg. to do 25 Calf Raises, and stopping at the bench area of the Coliseum to do 25 Bench Dips. Rinse and repeat.

Mosey Back to AO by route of the Haslam Boulder and Dragon Tail.

Next we will do sprints from curb to curb in the parking lot.  We will sprint in the following manner from curb to other curb and back:  regular sprint, Bernie Sanders, skip, Grapevine left and right, crab walk 1/4 of the way then run there then hop 1/4 of the way and run back, and end with hard sprint there and back.

Stretch those legs!
15 men, no FNGs.
You can’t escape news of the War in Ukraine at this time.  The destruction to peoples homes and cities and the deaths of civilians has been horrible:  citizens bombed in their homes or shot with hands tied behind their backs.  It has led to some, including news people, to question the meaning of life for the Ukrainians suffering through the mess.  For what is life when your home is destroyed, your livelihood gone, family members lost? What would it be like for us if we were in those very homes, very streets, knowing that death is facing us? The news and images of the war have caused my to reflect upon it.  What if I was pigeon-holed in some building as the Russians approached me?

I would certainly be afraid.  How could one not be?  And, I would certainly fight for my life.  I may be 65-years-old but I’m not ready to die.  I wouldn’t give in without a fight.  But if the guns of the Russian army were staring me in the face, would my life be meaningless?  As I Christian, I can firmly say “no way.”

In Christ, I know that life is more than what this world presents us.  The enemy may seem stronger.  Their missiles may destroy our homes, their tanks may crush us, their guns may mow us down.  And so, if I was a Ukrainian watching the Russians coming into my city, I would have to accept the fact that I might die.  But I would not be the loser.  Those who use the weapons to kill me are the true losers.  I can trust that God guarantees their is more to this life.  And, I have a Christ who said the meek shall inherit the Earth.  Death, where is your sting?  I have a Christ who will raise me up.  So enemy, come on in with your tanks and your weapons.  Love will endure and so will I.  I believe this truth would give me the strength and courage to deal with death and destruction and to help those around me.  And, if truly strong, I might even be able to forgive the Russian soldiers invading.  Could I like Christ say, “Forgive them, God, for they know not what they are doing”?  But, whether I could or not, whether I vomited  in horror or peed in my pants in fear of the enemy coming to get me, I have a Christ who cares.  And, he will be there for me when I breathe my last breath.  He will raise me up on my last day.


Pray for Swimmies’ grandfather who is battling cancer, for those dealing with drug addiction, and the people impacted by the War in Ukraine.


CSAUP at Haw Ridge on Friday, May 6 from 9 pm to midnight.

Monday Funday

The Scene


F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith, Free, Modify, Not Professional, Own Volition, Social Distance, Phone


Side Straddle Hops

Seal Claps 4 count

Inch Worms w/ merkin

Tempo Squats

Imperial Walkers


Mosey to the church courtyard


15 Alternating Shoulder Taps (4 count)

10 Tempo Merkins (4 Count)

10 Fast Merkins

Mosey to Cedar Bluff Rd entrance of Shamrock stopping for 10 4ct Monkey Humpers before crossing and heading to the Cedar Bluff Elementary Stairs.

Dora 1 2 3

Partner 1 performs exercises while Partner 2 goes up and down the stairs twice. 

100 Inch Worms

200 Heel Elevated Squats 

300 Little Mermaids (Did not get to these)


Mosey to the parking lot by Cedar Bluff and get 20 Little Mermaids in so we got a taste of the 300


Mosey to Cedar Bluff Rd stopping for 10 more 4ct Monkey Humpers and a 10 count pickle pounders before crossing and heading to the AO. (We did not get any honks)


BLIMPS in the FIA parking lot

5 Burpees

10 Lunges (5 each leg)

15 Imperial Walkers (we did single count)

20 Merkins

25 Plank Jacks

30 Squats


No Time


15 HIM’s


Matthew 27:22-44


If we downplay the sin in our lives then we are cheapening the grace God has given to us. 



Progressive EMOM

THE SCENE: Pretty nice morning, just a tad bit sneaky cold

F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: Done and Done Well


Blindside’s Standard Warm-up: 

SSH IC x20 | LBAC x10 IC each way | Little of This, Little of That | Abe Vigoda IC x10| Tempo Squats IC x10 


Mosey to the main school parking lot by construction fence for several rounds of EMOM

  • Rounds 1-5:
    • 4 Merkins
    • 4 BBS
    • 2 Squats 
    • 2 Burpees

Sprint to the end of the parking lot and back 

  • Rounds 6-10: 
    • 4 Diamond Merkins 
    • 4 American Hammers
    • 2 Jump Squats
    • 2 Burpees 

Run to the end of the parking lot, back, halfway, and back 

  • Rounds 11-15: 
    • 4 Merkins 
    • 4 Diamond Merkins
    • 4 BBS 
    • 4 American Hammers 
    • 2 Squats 
    • 2 Jump Squats
    • 4 Burpees 

Run to the end of the parking lot and back 

  • Rounds 16 & 17:
    • 4 Merkins 
    • 4 BBS
    • 2 Squats
    • 2 Burpees 
  • Rounds 18 & 19:
    • 4 Diamond Merkins
    • 4 American Hammers 
    • 2 Jump Squats 
    • 2 Burpees 
  • Round 20: 
    • 4 Merkins 
    • 4 Diamond Merkins
    • 4 BBS
    • 4 American Hammers
    • 2 Squats
    • 2 Jump Squats 
    • 4 Burpees

Mosey around the construction, through the B-Building walkway, and back to the AO


For the first time in this Q’s F3 Career, we had a FULL 7 mins of Mary

Hello Dolly IC x 30 | Snow Angels IC x 25 | Pickle Pounders IC x 25 | Get Ups OYO x10 | Freddie Mercury IC x30 | Flutter Kicks IC x30


12 HIMs; 0 FNGs; 2 Pre-Runners 


“When you do things right, people won’t be sure you’ve done anything at all.”

-God Entity from Futurama

Feeling Lucky at Shamrock

THE SCENE:   30 and clear
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: Nah, nobody new. 

  • SSH
  • Moroccan nightclub
  • phelps
  • RFTS / LIH
  • Cobra / Up dog
  • Tempo merkin
  • Mountain climbers
  • Mosey


  • Starting at one side of the parking lot, bear crawl to the first light, 30 merkins, mosey to the end
  • Plank.  3…2…1… sprint back to where we started!
  • bear crawl to the second light, 20 merkins, mosey to the end
  • Plank.  3…2…1… sprint back to where we started!
  • bear crawl to the end, 10 merkins

Galway hookers

Mosey to the CMU pile and grab your favorite;

Break into two teams and spread out ~100 ft.  In between the teams are 14 cones – half are standing up and half are laying down.  Two teams race each other.  One team is trying to knock all the cones down, the other team is trying to stand all the cones up.  Individuals pull a card, do the exercise, then sprint to the cone and knock one down or stand one up.  Continue until all cards are used.  Exercises included;

  • 30 CMU Curls
  • 15 Heavy Freddy (4-ct)
  • Single arm row, 10 each
  • 15 Heel taps
  • 16 Lunges
  • 20 heavy LBCs
  • Uneven Merkins 10 each side
  • 10 BBS + Press
  • 30 Calf Raises
  • 15 Heavy American Hammer (4-ct)
  • 20 Alpos
  • 20 Overhead Squats
  • 20 Good mornings
  • 25 Shoulder press
  • 20 CMU Swings
  • 25 Squats
  • 25 Tri extension
  • 10 Burpee Jumpovers
  • Single arm Shoulder press 10 each side
  • 5 Blockees
  • 20 Wide Derkins


Feeling lucky?  Circle up.  Perform exercise one, then roll a die.  If we roll a “1” – move on to exercise 2.  If we don’t roll a “1” – do exercise 1 again and roll – repeat until we roll a 1.  Go through the full list – rolling for 1, then 2, then 3…etc.  Exercises were;

  1. 10 Derkins
  2. 10 Squats
  3. 10 Heavy Freddy
  4. 10 Curls
  5. 10 Triceps
  6. 10 Thrusters



Circle up.  Pax choice.

  • Angel crunches
  • BBS
  • SSH
  • Hello dolly


Me and 12 fine men of the Shamrock 


F3 is more than a workout.  If you are really investing yourself and opening yourself up to your PAX, then you are building deep and meaningful friendships that will sustain you through good times and bad.  It is such a unique and special thing, and I don’t know of a better group of men out there.

How do you invest yourself in deeper, intentional friendships?

  • Consistency – it’s not just about showing up when you need to be shored up.
  • Contributing – You don’t take and take and take.  In fact, you expect and strive to give more than you take from this group.  You expect to invest more than you’ll have returned.
  • Candidness (outward) – Have the courage to speak candidly to a friend who is falling short of a high standard.  Talk straight to the man who is acting foolishly, who is harming himself and others around him, and who is temporarily blind, ignorant, or uncaring of their foolishness.
  • Candidness (inward) – Transparency / vulnerability. In order for you to have any credibility whatsoever to speak candidly to a hurting friend, you must first consistently be opening your own heart to him.  You must be candid about your own struggles, fears, insecurities, shortcomings, dreams.  Only then have you earned to right to speak truth to him about his struggles.

Romans 12:10
“Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Outdo yourselves in honoring one another.”



Man, it was good to be in the gloom with you men – thanks for having me!

Prayers for Eddie, Phil, and Curveball’s BIL


Camping trip – April 1-3

Hiking Devil’s Racetrack – April 2, 1:00 PM

CSAUP – May 6th (evening)

Circumspect Circumferences on Pi Day

THE SCENE: It was a snowless and SSH-less morning… (unless you count snow angels, thanks Mermaid!/s)
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER – Administered

10 x Overhead Clap IC
9 x Squat IC
8 x BBS IC
6 x Lunges Fwd/Back OYO
5 x Flutter kicks IC
4 x Tempo Merkins IC
3 x Squat Jumps OYO
2 x V-ups OYO
1 x Burpee OYO

Falling Indian run to pull-up bars – squats to the 6.

At the pull-up bars: 5 pull-ups each x 3 rounds. Between pull-up reps:
5 Burpees
10 Merkins
20 Flutter Kicks
30 LBC’s
If you finish these / we have enough PAX to finish, you get to rest!

Mosey to the CMU pile.

CMU workout: 3.1415 not repeating
Round 1
3 Blockees
14 Goblet Squats
15 Presses
Leg Lefts til the 6

Round 2
3 Thrusters
14 Incline Merkins
15 Skull Crushers
V-ups til the 6

Round 3
3 CMU Squat Jumps
14 Swings
15 CMU Pickle Pointers (Glute Bridges)
Box cutters til the 6
Put your blocks away

Route 66
Burpees + lunge between parking spaces
BBS til the six (this didn’t happen but YHC did finish all 66 burpees!)

Mosey to the #shovelflag – Stop at the Rock to do Monkey Humpers then Fellowship Mosey (S/O to Ribbed) the rest of the way there.

MARY: (I’ll fill these in as I remember – but basically lots of core work was done at the end)
Dealer’s Choice (core only).
Mermaid – Snow Angels
Honeydew –
Curveball –
Dumpster Dive – Eye contact alternating pickle pounders & pickle pointers 10 ea
Baby Boomer – Leg Lifts
Pool Boy – Freddie Mercury x 15 IC
Mermaid –
Honeydew – Hello Dolly x 15 IC
6 for Dumpster Dive’s birthday! (oh and Pi day too)

Pie, who doesn’t like it?! Well some people. But today’s more of a pun than anything else.

Pi & Circumferences have to do with circles. I want to talk about another word today:
Circumspect – watchful and discreet; cautious; prudent
Think about what is happening around you. A classic example of this is from “The Bourne Identity” (released almost 20 years ago!)
Jason Bourne: Who has a safety deposit box full of money and six passports and a gun? Who has a bank account number in their hip? I come in here, and the first thing I’m doing is I’m catching the sightlines and looking for an exit.

Marie: I see the exit sign, too. I’m not worried. I mean, you were shot. People do all kinds of weird and amazing stuff when they are scared.

Jason Bourne: I can tell you the license plate numbers of all six cars outside. I can tell you that our waitress is left-handed and the guy sitting up at the counter weighs two hundred fifteen pounds and knows how to handle himself. I know the best place to look for a gun is the cab or the gray truck outside, and at this altitude, I can run flat out for a half mile before my hands start shaking. Now why would I know that? How can I know that and not know who I am?”

Properly assessing where we are in life can help us move forward. Jason Bourne was completely disoriented in not knowing who he was and yet he was very circumspect about what was happening around him.

We all can be like this too. We don’t acknowledge who we are, where we are, etc. and we end up wanting to go into fantasy land. Me too. I’ve had lots of desires that are now kind of starting to be fulfilled lately- and a new (to me) house is a big one. There are other things, things I have to work for and may receive from God’s good hand, but for me to walk circumspectly, that takes more than just guys at F3 watching my 6. It means putting to death the temptation to do xyz (insert your temptations here).

The Bible gives us a warning to consider today as Pi-day to walk circumspectly- from Ephesians 5:15-20 (KJV):
15 See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise,
16 Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.
17 Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is.
18 And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit;
19 Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord;
20 Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ;

Consider these things- how are you walking circumspectly? Are you just going in circle after circle, or are you casting a vision for what things are to come as you think about the world going on around you? When you walk circumspectly, you’ll enjoy some pie. or pi!

First time ‘bringing it in’ in a looong time today. Good stuff. Prayed for Steve, Grayson, & Bruce.

Convergence at JUCO July 2!