F3 Knoxville


Official Transcript

Snitch: CMCMUs?

Doublewide: MRNOTCMUs.

Honeydew: OSAR

Humpty: MRCMUs2

Otis: CMCurls?


Pay Attention and Be Thankful

THE SCENE: Felt like South Beach but at least there was no lightning, thunder, or downpours.


Welcome to Fitness… Fellowship… Faith – In that order

Keep your distance, I have a phone for emergencies, I am not a pro, modify as needed

4 Burpees OYO; 4ct SSH (IC) x 20; 4 Burpees OYO; 4ct Tie Fighters (IC) x 11 both directions; 4 Burpees OYO; 4ct Grady Corns x 20; 4 Burpees OYO; Cherry Pickers x 5; 4 Burpees OYO


Mosey to Upper Lot by Church at Columns for Battle Buddy Relay (keep your distance though):

HIM 1 wall sits at columns while doing baby arm circles (5 forward and 5 reverse and repeat) while HIM 2 runs as fast as possible to location about 40 yards away and returns; Upon return HIMs switch and HIM 2 holds wall sit/arm circles while HIM 1 runs to location and back; Complete 4 times for each HIM

Mosey toward High School for Four Corner Action (PAX split with half running counter-clockwise while other half went clockwise to help spread out – but had to “pay attention”):

First lap did 20 reps, 2nd lap 15 reps, and so on for 4 laps

Corner 1: Squat Jacks (single count)

Corner 2: Step Up/Jump Up (by Saint Patty)

Corner 3: Plank Jacks (single count)

Corner 4: Derkins (using the curb)

Faster runners headed to Saint Patty for some chips and dips while waiting on the 6 to roll up (merkins and dips along short wall)

Mosey around to Pavilion for some pushing and pulling; PAX spread out around picnic tables and worked through 50 incline merkins and 50 table rows (alternating 10 reps at a time).

Mosey over to Detention Hill for some character builders; 10 calf raises at the top; run to the bottom; 10 squats; get back up the hill however possible (impressed by a few that Bernied up).  Repeated 3 or 4 times… but who’s counting? Guaranteed sweating across the PAX at this point for sure.

Mosey back to the AO

PAX finished up with unlimited sets of LBCs; Flutter Kicks; BBS; and Hello Dollies

Wrapped up the fun with a Howling Circle of Monkey Humpers; PAX all performed Monkey Humpers as each member took turns counting off 5 reps; Howling ensued about half-way around the circle.

Encouraged the PAX through the workout to “pay attention”!

In Luke 17:11 a familiar story is captured where Jesus was teaching the disciples and noticed a group of 10 lepers nearby (socially and emotionally distanced).  Jesus called to the lepers and healed them miraculously and sent them to the priest.  The 10 were amazed and rejoiced as they ran away, but only 1 of them was “paying attention”.  And to beat all he was a Samaritan (socially unacceptable to be associated with by any “good Jew” at that time).  The Samaritan returned to Jesus and fell at His feet in worship and gave thanks for healing Him.  Giving glory and honor to the Son of God and Savior.  Only the Samaritan had the right perspective in the midst of his miraculous healing – not on what happened to him but Who had done it.

Encouraged the PAX to pay attention to the grace and mercy alive in our lives as HIMs (if we truly know Jesus as Lord and Savior) and respond with thankfulness and gratitude.  We need to give Him glory for the great things He has done in each of our lives.

Prayer request for Goodwin (sp?) family who lost the dad (a pastor) in a driving accident – wife and 3 kids left behind; prayed for Willow the daughter Cheatsheet; and prayed for Baby Boomer’s daughter Riley who is having tonsils removed on Thursday.

Word of praise from Baby Boomer for those who prayed for his daughter Claire last week (had knee surgery on Friday) as everything went well.

Baseball F3 Shamrock Style


Partly Cloudy, 49 ℉, Humidity 91%, Feels like 48 ℉, Wind Speed 3.7 mi/h, Wind Direction ENE


Stolen from @Lancelot – F3 Suncoast. (http://f3suncoast.com/2020/05/07/this-aint-no-peanuts-cracker-jacks-boys/) Modified a bit and used the Softball field.  Instead of bases, home and the three outfield positions used as stations (bases).

“Let’s Warm-up out in the Outfield for a few” – or in AO parking lot.

  • 15   Michael Phelps 
  • 15  Arm Circles Front/Back 
  • Motivators from 6 (4 count)
  • Mosey to CMUs

 “Play Ball!” on Softball Field     

Start at Home Plate, ( RF, CF, or LF small groups)

a. 25 Merkins
b. 25 Overhead Presses
c. 25 Chest Presses
d. Second Set :Repeating Exercises Above
e. Finish with 10 SSH
f. Mosey 1 Lap Around the Bases 
g. Pick Up Coupon, Mosey to 1st Base 

1st Base (All do these as group pretending to be at home.  Then rotate counter clockwise.  Or four stations.)

a. 25 Squats 
b. 25 Lunges
c. 25 heel raises
d. Second Set Repeating Exercises Above
e. Finish with 10 SSH
f. Mosey 1 Lap Around the Bases 
g. Pick Up Coupon, Mosey to 2nd Base

2nd Base

a. Colt 45s (15 Curls x 3 Positions)
b. 15 Blockees: burpee w/ coupon
c. 15 Bent Rows
d. Second Set Repeating Exercises Above
e. Finish with 10 SSH
f. Mosey 1 Lap Around the Bases 
g. Pick Up Coupon, Mosey to 3rd Base

“There’s no Crying in Baseball”

3rd Base

a. 25  Mountain Climbers
b. 25  Thrusters
c. 25  Monkey Humpers
d. Second Set Repeating Exercises Above
e. Finish with 10 SSH
f. Mosey 1 Lap Around the Bases to Home 
g. Pick Up Coupon, & Mosey to F3 Home Base: Flag for COT 

Round of Mary 

1. 20 Big Boy Sit-Ups 
2. 30 LBCs 
3. 20 American Hammers 
4. 30 Freddie Mercury’s 
5. 20 Flutter Kicks



Fun look at comparison of Baseball and Christianity.  Using http://gregburdine.com/baseball-christianity-5-similarities/ 



Just 5 More


Chilly and a slight bit windy (30s)

Title9 and Steam get back from the pre-ruck as guys are pulling in and getting ready.


  • Welcome to F3: Fitness/Fellowship/Faith
  • My name is Steam and I’m your Q in charge this morning
  • Let’s get a couple things out of the way before we begin:
    • I’m not a professional
    • You’re here on your own volition
    • You know your body and any injuries you may have – I don’t. If you need to modify anything we do this morning feel free to do it. But push yourself and the men around you!
  • FNGs?
  • The name of the game for the next 58 minutes or so is “5 more.” Look at one of your hands – how many fingers? Hopefully 5. When you’re beat down, tired, cold, asking yourself why am I out here in the freezing cold, tell your mind and your body “5 more.” Whether it’s 5 more breaths, 5 more steps, or 5 more seconds of suffering, it will pass and you will push through. AYE?



  • SSH: 10 x 4 IC
  • Rockette: 10 x 4 IC
  • Baby-Arm Circle: 5 x 4 (F) & 5 x 4 (B)
  • Mountain-Climbers: 10 x 4 IC
  • Cherry-Picker: 10 x 4 IC
  • Windmill: 10 x 4 IC


[ 10s ]

  • Battle buddy teams will run to the next light post
  • 1 BB will hold the feet of the other, as they execute 10 BB sit-ups
  • Run to the next light – same thing
  • The BB that is executing sit-ups will roster every light
  • Go to the street
  • Once at the street – execute flute kicks

(10 count)

[ 5s ]

  • Same type of deal – we’re going to go back down this path
  • Every light = 5 battle buddy merkins together

[ Flying EH from Hooker – Mahamoud (FNG) ]

    • Hooker picks up a runner named Mahamoud
    • Mahamoud knows who we are – he sees us every Saturday running around the park.
    • Joins PAX in finishing up “5s” exercise – PAX gives a warm welcome and Lillydipper sticks with our new FNG
  • Finish in that parking lot where we started – squats until 6 recovers

[ Parking Lot Obstacle Course ]

  • 3 points of contact: middle + 2 perimeter sides
    • PAX bear crawls to one side – executes 15 x 4 SSHs
    • PAX bear crawls back to middle – executes 10 x 4 SSHs
    • PAX bear crawls to opposite side – executes 15 x 4 SSHs
    • PAX bear crawls back to middle side – executes 10 x 4 SSHs

(15 count)

(Mosey to Cardiac)

[ Blackjack/21 ]

  • New Battle-Buddy
  • Push each other through this evolution
  • 3 points of contact on Cardiac
    • Top
    • Curve (middle)
    • Bottom lamp post
  • Top: 10 x 4 Mountain Climbers
  • Curve (Middle): 10 x 4 Merkins (Army)
  • Bottom: 10 x 4 SSHs
  • Run back Up to Top and hold the plank until 6 is up

[ All PAX does Blackjack/21 together – finishing at the bottom ]

[ Mahamoud is still with us! ]

(15 count from PAX)

(PAX moseys to covered pavilion facing lake below baseball fields)

[ 5 More ]

  • All-Together
    • 5 incline merkins on bench
    • 5 dips
    • 5 decline merkins on bench
  • Rinse & Repeat 3x
    • EXCEPT – 1 evolution = 10 reps each – Mahamoud answered the questions “How many fingers are on your hand” with 10 – so 10 it was.
  • PAX push through 1 more set of 5 together

(Mosey to big pavilion next to morning AO)


  • All Together
  • 5 pullups under table
  • rotate to the right
  • 5 incline merkins
  • rotate to the right
  • 5 pullups under table
  • rotate to the right
  • 5 decline merkins

( Rinse & Repeat – Q asks PAX for just 5 more )

(PAX mosey to morning AO parking lot)

  • Q leads PAX in cool-down drills
    • karaoke, frankenstein stretches, side-shuffles, jog/merkins across the lot and back

(New Battle Buddy Teams)

  • Q releases each battle buddy team to sprint it out and finish up the hill to the Saturday AO parking lot

(30 seconds left)

  • 5 final SSHs


12 PAX – 1 FNG


[ What Are You Fighting For ]   [ 5 More ]


[ What Are You Fighting For ]

(LOTR – The Two Towers)

Frodo : I can’t do this, Sam.

Sam : I know. It’s all wrong. By rights we shouldn’t even be here. But we are. It’s like in the great stories Mr. Frodo. The ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger they were, and sometimes you didn’t want to know the end. Because how could the end be happy. How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad happened. But in the end, it’s only a passing thing, this shadow. Even darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer. Those were the stories that stayed with you. That meant something. Even if you were too small to understand why. But I think, Mr. Frodo, I do understand. I know now. Folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning back only they didn’t. Because they were holding on to something.

Frodo : What are we holding on to, Sam?

Sam : That there’s some good in this world, Mr. Frodo. And it’s worth fighting for

This pivotal question halfway through the story-line of Lord of the Rings must be asked and called out. What are we holding on to as High Impact Men? What are you holding on to?

When you’re in the suck (whatever that is for you), remind yourself of this crucial question. That YES, THERE IS evil in the world and it’s not always a good and fair place BUT YES, THERE IS some good left in this world and it absolutely is worth fighting for. It’s worth going toe to to with men at 0530, it’s worth being the leader of your family day in day out, it’s worth that conversation, it’s worth pushing your battle buddy and reminding them of this truth as well.

Biblically – I think this ties in extremely well with Sam’s truth that he speaks in the midst of a hellish and seemingly impossible mission.

“Though the fig tree should not blossom, nor fruit be on the vines, the produce of the olive fail and the fields yield no food, the flock be cut off from the fold and there be no herd in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the Lord; I will take joy in the God of my salvation. God, the Lord, is my strength; he makes my feet like the deer’s; he makes me tread on my high places.”

‭‭Habakkuk‬ ‭3:17-19‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Note the similarities in this rhetoric. Not ideal situations BUT/YET – the reminder of hope appears.

[ 5 More ]

  • Take a look at your hand at some point in time this week and look at how many fingers you have. 5 (hopefully….)
  • I encourage all of us to push ourselves and the people around us this week with this simple challenge: Can I give 5 more?
    • 5 more breaths
    • 5 more steps
    • 5 more reps
    • 5 more minutes
    • 5 more_____________
  • Tell your mind that you’re going to push harder, go further, and give 5 more this week.


THE SCENE: 50 and cloudy

  • SSH x 36
  • Baby arm circle 10
  • 12 burpees
  • Baby arm circle 10
  • 12 burpees
  • Imperial walkers
  • 12 burpees


Stop 1, 3 rounds rounds

  • 12 Froggy Squats
  • 12 BBS’s or LBC’s 4 count
  • 12 Hand Release mericans

Stop 2, 3 rounds rounds

  • 12 Froggy Squats
  • 12 BBS’s or LBC’s 4 count
  • 12 Hand Release mericans

Stop 3,

36 dips

Stop 4, 3 rounds rounds

  • 12 Froggy Squats
  • 12 BBS’s or LBC’s 4 count
  • 12 dry docks

Stop 5, 3 rounds rounds

  • 12 Froggy Squats
  • 12 BBS’s or LBC’s 4 count
  • 12 dry docks



Moby (boat/canoe)When you hear bring sally up do boat, bring sally down do canoe


20/20: God’s Vision For My Life: Day 25 • Devotional


If I had eight hours to chop down a tree, I would spend six sharpening my axe.

~ Abraham Lincoln