F3 Knoxville

Fear the Lord


68 and clear


Quick mosie around the outhouse

SSH x20 IC
Cherry Pickers x10 IC
Some o’ this, Some o’ that

Tre UP! Get a CMU and a pair of rocks

FEAR THE LORD (Dora Exercise)

Partner 1: rock/CMU exercise

Partner 2: run to the hill

Partner 3: Hill exercise

Rock exercises: 200 total each

Flys (2 rocks)
External rotation curls (2 rocks)
ABCs (Alphabet x6)
Rows (big rock)

Tricep extensions
Hello Dolly
Elf on the shelf (lift, reach across overhead)

Lazy Boy Curls (palm up grip)
Overhead Press
Reverse crunches
Dry docks

Hill exercises: 20 each
Wide Merkins
Imperial Walkers
OPP (one armed pickle pounder)
Mountie Squats (toes out)

Didn’t we do enough during the beatdown?
Tank,  shooter, Tweety, Bowflex, Butters, Frosty, Bartman, Farva, Fluteloop, I-beam, Respect, Snitch, Wagon Wheel, Booger, Laettner,  Abacus, Detention, Woodshack, Deadhead, Ribbed, Podium, LA-Z-Boy, Waxjob, Smoker

I have a colleague w/ wisdom and maturity issues. Started praying about him, and then for him to develop more maturity and wisdom. God chuckled at me. “It takes one to know one, my boy! Don’t you remember when this was you?”

Immediately I had the words of Proverbs 9 in my head. The fear of the Lord is the BEGINNING of wisdom.

I do remember, because it wasn’t too long ago and I consistently fail in these same things. The fear of the Lord is the BEGINNING of wisdom.

I don’t know where the end is, but the beginning of wisdom is fearing the Lord. This isn’t about being terrified or feeling guilt and shame for our wrong doing. This is about recognizing the natural order of things and in whose world we are living. Recognizing whose children we interact with every day and just how much He loves us…AND them! We are loved as sons, but we bear the responsibility to carry that name!

We all think we’re football experts. We’ll talk for hours about what needs to change. We’ll tweet endlessly, and even call into radio shows to second guess decisions. But none of us would walk into Jeremy Pruitt’s office and presume to tell him what he needs to do or how he could do it better. Why? ‘cuz that’s his world and we KNOW we don’t belong in charge of it.

Apply the same to God. You are not in control of half of what you think you are, and you mismanage most of what you are in control when you do it under your own steam. Recognize whose you are and in whose land you live…change that perspective and you’ll see some new wisdom come your way.

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight. For by me your days will be multiplied, and years will be added to your life. If you are wise, you are wise for yourself; if you scoff, you alone will bear it.”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭9:10-12‬ ‭ESV‬‬
http://bible.com/59/pro.9.10-12.esv MOLESKIN:
This was a tough workout, but a pretty fun one. Lots of mumble chatter and sore muscles. I was proud of the men.

Hardship Hill registration is full!

The Old Hag

THE SCENE: 50’s, a little gloomy

20 Ruck Merkin buy-in
Coupons were 1 – 65ish pound sand bag and 1 – 60 pound sandbag

Ruck with coupons and PT stations

PT Station 1

20 sandbag and ruck Squat

20 sandbag and ruck bent over row

20 ruck merkins

20 ruck presses

PT Station 2

20 Incline Ruck Merkins

10 Sandbag cleans

PT Station 3

15 Diamond Ruck Merkins

20 Sandbag Ruck Squats

15 Ruck Swings

20 Ruck Presses

No time


Insert the WORD here.
My sandbag is a 80 pound bag but I only have about 65 pounds in it right now.  It hangs over your shoulders when carrying it.  I-Beam thought it looked like a saggy old hag (use your imagination).  So, that is how the sandbag got the name Old Hag.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Hills & Pyramids

THE SCENE: Low 50s….perfect F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER Standard welcome….no FNGs today WARM-O-RAMA:

  • Run in place 20-30 secs
  • Butt kickers 20-30 secs
  • High knees 20-30 secs
  • SSH (4 ct) x 10 IC
  • Merkins (4 ct) x 10 IC


  • Indian run to baby everest
    • Battle buddy up.  DORA each of the following exercises while partner runs to top of baby everest and does 5 squats.  Move to other side of parking lot perform ab work while waiting on the 6.
      • 100 Thrust Merkins
      • 100 Carolina Dry Docks
  • Mosey to the long island
    • 8 cones set up around the island.  Run a lap around performing the following exercises x 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16 at each cone.
      • Lap 1:  Burpees
      • Lap 2:  Iron Mikes
  • Mosey back to baby everest for some pyramids
    1. 20 tempo squats, run hill
    2. 20 tempo squats, 20 mountain climber, run hill
    3. 20 tempo squats, 20 mountain climber, 20 ranger merkins, run hill
  • Indian run back to AO


  • LBC (4ct) x 50
  • Hello Dolly (4ct) x 20
  • Box Cutters x 15


12 strong:  Junk, Mayberry, La-Z-Boy, Tweet-E, Frosty, Sparky, Wagon Wheel, Crossbar, Butters, Smoker, I-Beam, Bartman

CIRCLE OF TRUST/BOM:  My heart has been focused on my relationship to Jesus and whether or not I’m all in or not.   As Americans we tend to mold Jesus to fit our lifestyle and our comforts, when actually it should be the other way around.  Take a moment and ask yourself….are you living 100% for Christ or are you fitting him into your routine?   In Matthew 13 Jesus tells a parable which compares Heaven to a treasure that is found in a field.   The man who finds the treasure covers it up and then sells all he has to buy the field.  I’m sure the man in the parable faced ridicule from others who thought he was crazy to sell all of his possessions to buy the field, however he knew the value contained within the ground therefore he gladly accepted the ridicule.  That’s the perspective we should have…our faith in Christ should be such a treasure to us that we willingly accept ridicule, punishment, even death because we know that the prize is of so much greater value than anything this world can offer.


MOLESKIN: Prayer request made for anonymous PAX members struggling with their marriages

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Hardship Hill 5/19

Warm up ? Nah….

THE SCENE: 37 and nice

Capri lap around the P lot

imperial walkers, squats, imperial  squat walkers, ssh, merkins, plank jacks, burpos, burpees ALL all in cadence x10. Between each exercise we did 20 cmu rows


  • SLING SHOT CMU RUN W PARTNER. P2 does 10 merkins and 10 squats while P1 farmer carries 2 cmu. P2 runs to release p2 from Cmu and takes off w the CMUs. P1 completes the sets of merkins andcsquats then chases down P2. This continues until we arrive at a very steep hill behind the baseball field
  • At the steep hill, we Bernie up the hill 3 times backwards w 4 steps back and 10 squats  rinse and repeat until you get to the top. At the bottom cmu curls, at the top cmu tris. We did this 2 times 3rd time up we did 4 steps back 2 steps down ..,,decided to cut the 3rd time short .
  • Sling shot cmu run to the soccer field next to the main road
  • Quarter pounder w cheeses! Thanks Swirlie!. Sprint 25 yards, do 25 Merks, Bernie back, add cheese (10 burpees), sprint 50 yards, 50 squats, Bernie back , add cheese, sprint 75 yards, 75 mtn climbers, Bernie back, no cheese this time, broad jump to goal line and back . Sprint 100 yards and 100 ssh
  • Mosey back to AO

Hello dolly until time
20 pax including 2 FNGs backsplash and black lung, welcome!!!
Do the little things and the big picture will create itself
Just great to be out to the truck stop! So many great men out there and really enjoyed being with them in the gloom gettin better together.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

What’s this smooth jazz?

THE SCENE: Dark, Damp, Raneee


SSH x 20 IC

Phelps OYN

Merks x 15 IC

Cherry Pickers x 10 IC


  • Bataan Death March to the first field
  • Suicide the field x 2 (20 merks each line, 20 imperial walkers 2nd set)
  • Mini Dora, 50 pistol squats each leg
  • Lots of swims and flutters mixed inbetween those
  • Hit the curb for 100 calf raises, 1 min swim
  • Mosey to the ancient stone bleachers
  • Aiken legs (20 squats, 20 box jumps, 20 lunges, 20 smurf jacks)
  • Duck Joust on last field
  • 7s on lil hill (merks/inch worms)

Lil bit o peter parker

Come, and let us return unto the LORD: for he hath torn, and he will heal us; he hath smitten, and he will bind us up. After two days will he revive us: in the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight.- Hosea 6:1-2

In making a covenant with the Lord, we are going to be judged harshly. We are finite and the Lord is infinite. If we truly pursue the ideal, the part of us that does not align with the ideal, leaving the part of us that does. If we have no ideal, we have no way to grow. Find an ideal in parts of your life that are less spiritual to grow.

It was phish
Hardship Hill- Volunteers are needed, checkout the google doc for deetails.