F3 Knoxville

Nice & Low Impact

THE SCENE: It was Cold!

  • SSH IC x 40
  • WGM (World’s Greatest Merkin) IC x 5
  • Rockettes IC x 15
  • Merkins OYO  – 2 Minutes
  • BBS OYO – 2 Minutes
  • Burpees OYO x 10



Circuit 1 –

  • Gorrilla Shuffle Line Dance- OYO
  • HR Merkins x 2
  • Gorilla Shuffle x 3 to the Right
  • HR Merkins x 2
  • Tuck Jumps x 2
  • Bear Crawl FWD x 10
  • Rinse & Repeat to the Left and Make your away across the Soccer Field
  • 10 Burpees and take a Hot Lap around the Field – Plank it up Center Field



  • Rock Climbers IC x 15 (Not Mountain Climbers those are standing)
  • Plank Jack IC x 15
  • Dips OYO x 25 (4 Sets)


Circuit 2 –

  • Caterpillar Merkins OYO x 1 Ascending to 5
  • Add Lunge (ea leg) for every Merkin – work your away across the field
  • 10 Burpees – Take a Hot Lap


2nd Intermission

  • Plank it up Mid-Field
  • Absolutions – Hi Plank – Lo Plank – Lo Plank Jacks on a 6 count IC (I forgot the In-Out Motion)
  • Then 15 OYO (Cuz I can’t breathe)


Then my workout ran short … so we did 11’s

  • Start 0 – 11
  • Merkins Southside
  • BBS Northside
  • Lunge North
  • Run South


Back to the AO

10 Burpees


The Gap between who you are today and the Man you are meant to be is called the Gap to Greatness. This can be overwhelming or motivating depending on how fiercely you are closing that Gap!
Getting the Band back together again. We had a lot of old school guys come out that we haven’t seen in a while. Since Tank was making a comeback on his Tankle, we had to make sure we kept it nice and low impact. I did however not make good on my promise to keep it under a mile… Great work Men! Thanks for coming out

Icy ruck

THE SCENE: 29 but felt colder, ice on the path

10 merkins

10 squats

Coupons, 50# pipe, 60# sand bag

Ruck about 1 mile stopping 2x

Merkins & squats

Incline merkins & step ups

At hill behind basketball goal

2 men carry the coupons to the top of hill and back.   3 remaining pax do amrap PT then switch.




OH press


Ruck another mile


No time left
I-beam, butters, Mayberry, waxjob, Frosty
Insert the WORD here.
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd

Acronyms R Us

THE SCENE: Nice ‘n toasty…37!



30 seconds of stretching OYO…we got to business quick!


  1. Run 3 laps around the long parking lot median & perform BLIMPS at each end of the median.  Totaled 6 rounds of the following
    • Burpees x 10
    • Lunges x 10 each leg
    • Imperial Walkers x 10
    • Merkins x 10
    • Plankjacks x 10
    • Squats x 10
  2. Mosey to the playground
  3. 11’s:   Pullups & V-up Roll-ups with approx. 40 yard run in between locations.
  4. Mosey to concrete bleachers
  5. 50 BAD HABITs.   Perform 50 reps of each exercise.   This ended up being more of a buffet because we were almost out of time.  Each man did AMRAP of each exercise.   Ended with 10 burpees as a group.  Bonus points to Mayberry for actually doing 50 burpees.
    • Box Jump
    • American Hammer
    • Derkins
    • Hand Release Merkins
    • Alternating Shoulder Taps
    • Burpees
    • Iron Mikes
    • Tempo Squats


  • Big-O
  • Box Cutters
  • Pickle Pounders

9 strong:  Ratchet, Mayberry, Booger, Butters, I-Beam, Junk, Sparky, La-Z-Boy, Bartman

This week has been hectic for me.  I’ve had company in town, spent a night in Franklin and had a snow day.  It all sums up to not many workouts and a lot of sleeping in this week, which sucks.   I love getting up early and posting with the PAX so this week really threw me for a loop, but at the same time the lure of a warm bed and sleeping later than usual was very tempting to continue.  How do you pick yourself up when you fail to meet your goals?  I think we need to fight against the “easy life” and push ourselves each day.  Today my challenge to the PAX was to examine themselves and check how they are doing at getting back on the horse after they’ve been off for a while.


Alcoa CSAUP coming up in Feb.

Looking Back

THE SCENE: I Bomb Shelter, clear skies, light wind, 27 degree F.
WARM-O-RAMA:  Locomotive Breath by Jethro Tull

  • Baby arm circles – 20x both rotations
  • SSH 20x – 4 count
  • Tempo Squats – 20x
  • Tempo Merkins – 20x
  • Imperial Squat Walkers – 20x

THA-THANG:  Whipping Post by The Allman Brothers Band Live at the Fillmore East

  • Indian run to Mt. Crumpet (2x sprint to front)
  • Mt. Crumpet workout – 5 trips up (run, Bernie, run, bear crawl, run), 5 burpees decrease to 1 burbee at top, 2 BBS to 10 BBS (increase by 2 each trip) at the bottom of the hill, mosey down each trip.
  • Mosey to fountain center – 10 dips, 10 merkins, times two reps
  • Mosey to Grinder stopping halfway for 10 BBS and then 10 BBS at Grinder
  • Grinder workout – 10 bench hops, 10 merkins, 10 dry docks, 20 dips. Each one separated by running length of the grinder for 20 SSH then back.  (Two repetitions.)


  • Hello Dolly’s in cadence 20x
  • Leg lifts/box cutters on command
  • Bicycles
  • Superman/Banana
  • Little baby crunches

17 including FNG “Tinkle” and renamed PAX “Pup”
I read my response to an email chain with a former boss from April 17, 2003.  Towards the end he asked me if I missed my days as a volunteer baseball and soccer coach and the days when my children were still at home.  In it the following thoughts and points were presented.

Do you miss the past? Do you wish you had done things differently?  Do you find joy in the here and now?

What we make of life is mostly above our shoulders.  How much better would it be if we let our hearts rule!  How much better would our memories be if we just let our hearts have more influence and be less selfish!

The impact the parents have on their children and their children have on parents is a blessing.  Parents are teachers, bosses, and friends to them but the emphasis must be on the first two.  They can find friends elsewhere but they can’t find other parents.  What a joy it is when their is mutual respect especially as they reach adulthood.

Strive to live in a way where the need to “go back” doesn’t exist, where there is satisfaction in the past.  Look forward to the next bend in the road or the crest of hill knowing that the days of the past will help us face it.  Live by faith with Spirit and Truth.

I am so thankful that I have joined up with F3.  I am thankful that my son, I-Beam, thought to invite me, to have faith that I could endure this.  I look forward to the Fitness, I have come to cherish the Fellowship, I am blown away by the Faith that I have come to experience with F3.  I don’t know how long I will be physically able to stay involved but I do know that whether it is 1 year or 5, I will look back with great satisfaction knowing that this time will help me face the future.

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
CSAUP February 24, 2018

Warmin’ up in here!


  • Side Straddle Hop X 25
  • Ty Fighters X 20
  • Imperial Squat Walkers x 15
  • Bobby Hurley x 20

 Mosey to Lower Lot – 4 stations

  • 20 Squats, 20 Mercan
    • Run a lap pass to next stop
  • 20 Mary Catherine Lunges (10 each leg), Close Mercan
    • Run a lap pass to next stop
  • 20 Bobby Hurley, 20 wide Mercan
    • Run a lap pass to next stop
  • 20 Star Jacks, 20 Mercan

Mosey to Top of Cardiac – Route 33 in reverse

  • Increasing dercans at every light
    • Run back up
  • Increasing Star Jacks at every light
  • Increasing Big Boys at every light.

 Burpee Ladder

  • 1-10


  • Flutter Kick x 25
  • Peter Parker x 20
  • BBS 30 Seconds

Extreme Ownership – There are not bad teams only bad team leaders.  It is our jobs as leaders and high impact men to be responsible for the outcome in our spheres of influence.