F3 Knoxville

If you’re not right, you’re left

THE SCENE: 74, muggy

10 x Hairy Rockettes, 10 x Tempo Squats, 10 x Cherry Pickers, 10 x Tempo Merkins, 20 x SSH

Mosey to the future home of FIA, parking lot by the duck pond track.

Perform 20 squats, 20 merkins, and 20 BBS then run a lap around the pond. (3 rounds for some)

Mosey to the CMU pile and grab a coupon.

On the grass hill next to the stairs. Perform the following sequence:

  • 10 CMU OHP
  • 10 CMU Squats
  • 10 CMU Thrusters
  • 10 CMU Swings
  • Run to the top of the grass hill and back down.

We completed three-five rounds of the above sequence.

Mosey back to the shovel flag.

Imperial Walkers x 20, Flutter Kicks x 20, Freddie Mercury x 20, 10 x BBS OYO
17 HIMs for a good old fashioned Friday beatdown
I HATE being wrong and I’m sure most guys do, but I hate it to a fault. There are many times that I do not take a stand on a subject because I’m afraid of being wrong. Conversely, there are many more times that I do not take a stand on a subject because it is a matter of opinion and I understand that both sides may be right. I encouraged everyone to focus on matters of salvation and scripture and to take a stand when you have scripture to back you up. Also, try to avoid taking a stand in matters that are opinion and do not factor into your salvation. Lean towards the option that will point the most souls to Christ and will glorify God.
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Collecting clothes for the Mend House.

HOPE: Hims Overcoming Problems Everywhere

THE SCENE: 75 and dry… at first.
Side straddle hop in cadence 20
Cherry Pickers in cadence 6
10 Merkins in cadence
Arm rotations thumbs up in cadence x10
Reverse x10
10 windmills in cadence
5 burpees
Side straddle hop in cadence 20

We Indian ran to our first location.

  • Walking lunges across the parking lot.
  • 5 Burpess
  • Burnie home
  • 10 Merkins
  • 10 BBS
  • Rinse and repeat

Mosey to the grass hill in front of Rec Center

  • Bear Crawl to the top
  • Frog jumps across the spaces marked with cones

Mosey to the coupon pile

  • 25 curls EVERYONE
  • Team up with a battle buddy complete 100 thrusters collectively while your partner runs the stairs
  • Plank with variations

Mosey back to the flag w/ Cheatsheet leading us in our F3 chant!

20 Freddy Mercuries and 20 Flutter kicks both in cadence.
17 HIMs
Lord, I put my life in your hand. I trust in you, my God. – PSALM 25:1-2
What is the power of hope?
Hope is the belief that circumstances will get better. It’s not a wish for things to get better— it’s the actual belief, the knowledge that things will get better, no matter how big or small.
Let’s be the change we want: in our families, our communities, our country, and in our world. Let’s put the focus on God and trust that he will continue to guide us.
Spotter and Gump’s mother has completed her Chemo Treatment!


THE SCENE: Nice and steamy.

Cherry Pickers, Merkins, Squats, Burpees – all in perfect form

  • Large Parking Lot – Stops at Every Line (10 Lines) – Round 1: 5 Perfect Merkins (50 total), Round 2: 5 Perfect Squats (50 total), Round 3: 2 Perfect Burpees with clap at top (20 total)
  • Sophomore Hill – Two groups, Each runs to the top for Round 1: 10 Perfect Merkins, Round 2: 5 Perfect Burpees with clap at top.  (Group was split to maintain Covid Distance)
  • Coupon Pile – Partner Up for “Bo Knows” – P1 holds squat against the wall with coupon extended, P2 does 100 High Knees.  Round 2: 50 High Knees.
  • With Coupon – 30 Curls, 30 Tricep Extensions  (perfect form, nice and slow)
  • Newer Parking Lot – Short Leadership Lesson – to be a good leader, you must be a good follower first – even when it sucks………….Bear Crawl across the entire lot.
  • Mosey back to Shovel Flag

No time
10 Strong
Q talked about the importance of discipline maintaining proper form during exercises, something JUCO is going to emphasize from now on.  This discipline transitions into everyday life, to include our walk with Christ. Q emphasized believers need to be bold in sharing their faith, something that can be costly at times – even at the cost of close relationships with family in the Q’s case.  Most people are one relationship away from hope that is found in Jesus.  Do you love him? Do you talk about him with others? God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him. BE BOLD.
The PAX worked hard and noticed a difference in the amount of reps they could complete when they paid attention to form.  Great lesson and one we will continue to hold each other accountable on.  If you are cheating at the workouts, you are likely cheating in other areas of your life.  Let’s Go!

Rail to Rail

THE SCENE: 74° and predictably muggy
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: Delivered, + Covid distancing reminder
Cherry Pickers, High Knees, Doggie Paddle, Mountain climbers, Overhead Clap, X Man crunch, Side Lunges

  • Mosey to Guardrail by the ducks: 11’s with Derkins on the rail and Burpies on the other side of the street.  Bear crawl and lunge across the street
  • Upper Rail.  25x CPR (Curl Press, tRicep) with a rock, 20 Rocky Balboa, 25x CPR
  • Mosey to far Guardrail:  30 rail hops, 30 tricep dips
  • Big lot: at 5 poles of the HIM’s choice- 5 x-men crunches
  • Back to the Flag lot: Bear Cages – Bear crawl a parking spot line, jump the spot and burpee. Add a burpee each time.

Median lead us in Freddie Mercury till the bell rang

I’m going to tag along on Sargent slaughter’s challenge to be more transparent with our children.

Joel 1:3 Tell your Children of it, and let your children tell their children and their children to another generation

We need to speak of the Gospel and encourage  But we also must discipline.

Hebrews 12:11 All disciple for the moment seems not to be joyful, but sorrowful; yet to those who have been trained by it, afterwards it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness. 

Just as Burpee’s don’t feel good, they do produce a result – in the same way, being a disciplinarian doesn’t feel joyful but it does produce kids that understand authority.

Truth is Caught AND taught.  Encourage your kids (verbalize it!) & Discipline your kids.  If they are telling you no, that’s backwards and you are just making it hard for them to understand authority.  Put an end to that or they won’t respect you and your wife today, their boss in a couple years, or God for eternity.)


1) Pray for your kids
2) Speak of Jesus Christ to you kids so they know the root of your discipline and the reason for your encouragement and most of all the Source of your Love

It’s awesome to work out with my 2.0 and have the chance to speak this @Median these words:

Moreover, as for me, far be it from me that I should sin against the Lord by ceasing to pray for you; but I will instruct you in the good and right way. 1 Sam 12:23
Jesus Christ is that way and together we can seek after Him!

Prayer for nation, those fighting COVID, discontentment in families where people feel stuck.
Off the Chain at Dog Pound Saturday and a group of guys roofing for a HIM.



F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER  ✔👌 – With some additional mumble-chatter:  

PURPOSE of Q-101: Designed to teach how to lead a proper workout and the structure of an F3 workout.The First F of “F3” is fitness. It’s the workout we suffer through together in the Gloom. Traditionally, this is a boot camp style workout but it doesn’t have to be.

A few points made:

1) No perfect F3 Workout. Everyone’s design for a workout will be different and that is a great thing. It fosters muscle confusion and breaks the monotony.

2) It’s not about you. It’s about the PAX. Everything you do should be focused on the group.

3) Actually Plan the Workout: Type it out, bring it with you, run it by a member who has experience.

4) Know your limitations – if you can’t do it, don’t Q it

5) Better to have too much, than not enough

6) Always keep time (wear a watch) and be respectful of others’ time

7) Never leave a man behind – (string of pearls) We start together, we finish together. It’s how we make people feel included and how we keep them coming back.

Every workout will be different and that’s what we want. We become stronger through each other’s differences. Variety is key. Pay attention to the PAX and break monotony if you have to.


First, as the Q, always show up early make adjustments for conditions, etc. Set the tone (command voice!), welcome the PAX, especially FNGs. Call out 1 minute warning – establishes command, sets the tone. WELCOME people – does two things: 1) acknowledges they exist and 2) that they have value to the group.

*Make sure the FLAG is there (this is very important at JUCO and not something we are willing to compromise)

Q demonstrated and went over how to call an exercise the F3 way: Call the exercise, Ready Position…Move…In Cadence…..Exercise commands.  All In Cadence:

SSH x 25

Imperial Walkers x 20

Tempo Squats x 15

8 CT Body Builders x 10

Mosey to newer North Parking Lot, stopping for some Partner Sets: Merkins x100 and Squats x100

Mosey to coupon pile.  Two Rounds of Partner carry/Burpees – P1 carried coupon up and around the concrete wall while P2 did Burpees.  When P1 returns, switch, rinse and repeat.

Mosey to large triangle shaped median for Bearmuda Triangle – Bear Crawl to corner 1, 3 Burpees.  Bear Crawl to corner 2, 6 Burpees.  Bear Crawl to corner 3, 9 Burpees.

Mosey back to Shovel Flag.

Dealer’s Choice – Went around the circle having PAX practice calling exercises the proper way while being gently critiqued.

12 Strong, including Cougar from F3 Johnson City


When you think of the term “ministry” what comes to mind? Many of us associate that term with pastors, preachers, priests or other “official” religious leaders in the church. Christians seem to think that is who does “real ministry.”

But the Apostle Paul states otherwise. In fact he indicates that the church’s teaching ministry is, at least in part, preparatory. It merely EQUIPS members to carry out ministry – ministry that is every bit as real as the ministry of preaching.

Perhaps we lionize the ministry of church leaders because we tend to think that our everyday works that we carry out seem so small and unnoticed. So what does the church’s teaching ministry prepare us to do? It EQUIPS us to:

1) Put away slander and speak truth (Ephesians 4)

2) Work hard at our jobs (Ephesians 4 and 6)

3) Put to death stinginess and share what we have with others (Ephesians 4)

4) Refrain from dirty jokes and profanity (Ephesians 4 and 5)

5) Be kind and forgive one another (Ephesians 4)

6) Avoid being deceived by false doctrine (Ephesians 5)

7) Love our wives (Ephesians 5)

8) Raise our children in a way that honors the Lord (Ephesians 6)

9) Treat employees and co-workers equitably and justly (Ephesians 6)

So what does “real ministry” look like for Paul? It looks like two men putting aside rivalry and comparison to love and serve one another. It looks like a young man refusing to tell a dirty joke for a cheap laugh and instead choosing words that build up. It looks like cheerfully punching numbers into a spreadsheet from 9 to 5 as an act of devotion to Jesus. It looks like sharing the gospel with an unbelieving neighbor or sending an email to a discouraged brother. It looks like a man laboring to help his wife overcome depression and thrive spiritually. It looks like inviting a friend to F3 or even better, serving the men out here by signing up to Q a workout. None of these actions, of course, looks glamorous, and some may even go unnoticed in the world. But for Paul, these things are “REAL MINISTRY.”

CSAUP Off The Chain, Collections for Mend House