F3 Knoxville

Rail to Rail


THE SCENE: 74° and predictably muggy
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: Delivered, + Covid distancing reminder
Cherry Pickers, High Knees, Doggie Paddle, Mountain climbers, Overhead Clap, X Man crunch, Side Lunges

  • Mosey to Guardrail by the ducks: 11’s with Derkins on the rail and Burpies on the other side of the street.  Bear crawl and lunge across the street
  • Upper Rail.  25x CPR (Curl Press, tRicep) with a rock, 20 Rocky Balboa, 25x CPR
  • Mosey to far Guardrail:  30 rail hops, 30 tricep dips
  • Big lot: at 5 poles of the HIM’s choice- 5 x-men crunches
  • Back to the Flag lot: Bear Cages – Bear crawl a parking spot line, jump the spot and burpee. Add a burpee each time.

Median lead us in Freddie Mercury till the bell rang

I’m going to tag along on Sargent slaughter’s challenge to be more transparent with our children.

Joel 1:3 Tell your Children of it, and let your children tell their children and their children to another generation

We need to speak of the Gospel and encourage  But we also must discipline.

Hebrews 12:11 All disciple for the moment seems not to be joyful, but sorrowful; yet to those who have been trained by it, afterwards it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness. 

Just as Burpee’s don’t feel good, they do produce a result – in the same way, being a disciplinarian doesn’t feel joyful but it does produce kids that understand authority.

Truth is Caught AND taught.  Encourage your kids (verbalize it!) & Discipline your kids.  If they are telling you no, that’s backwards and you are just making it hard for them to understand authority.  Put an end to that or they won’t respect you and your wife today, their boss in a couple years, or God for eternity.)


1) Pray for your kids
2) Speak of Jesus Christ to you kids so they know the root of your discipline and the reason for your encouragement and most of all the Source of your Love

It’s awesome to work out with my 2.0 and have the chance to speak this @Median these words:

Moreover, as for me, far be it from me that I should sin against the Lord by ceasing to pray for you; but I will instruct you in the good and right way. 1 Sam 12:23
Jesus Christ is that way and together we can seek after Him!

Prayer for nation, those fighting COVID, discontentment in families where people feel stuck.
Off the Chain at Dog Pound Saturday and a group of guys roofing for a HIM.