F3 Knoxville

Why do my legs hurt? Thank Judge Judy

THE SCENE: 40 and damp, but no rain

Cherry Pickers, SSH, Imperial Walkers, Moroccan Nightclubs

Exercises with shuttle run to parking lines and “Bernies” back.

  • 10 Burpees
  • 20 Carolina Dry Docks
  • 30 Merkins
  • 40 Iron Mikes
  • 50 Leg Raises
  • 60 Sumo Squats
  • 70 LBC
  • 80 SSH
  • 90 Mountain Climbers
  • 100 Calf Raises
  • Jog a loop around the Parking lot

Side Crunches, Flutter kicks, Bartman’s Pelvic thrust things(these hurt)
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
Don’t spread yourself too thin.  Focus on the things that are most important to you, faith and family.  Remember, don’t half ass 2 things, whole ass 1 thing.

Truck Stop Sports Options

* When: 2/16/19

* QIC: I-Beam

* The PAX:  8 PAX

Conditions – 40 degrees and wet

Welcome and Disclaimer


SSH IC x 20

Baby Arm Circles IC x 10 each way

Cherry Pickers IC x 10

Imperial Walkers IC x 20


Mosey around the outer loop to the Baseball Field

Baseball Training


1 merkin, sprint to 1st base, 10 8ct body builder, mosey back

2 merkin, sprint to 1st base, 9 8ct body builder, mosey back

Mosey around to the Volleyball Court

Volleyball Training

1/2 on one end, 1/2 on the other

10 min AMRAP

Bear crawl to net

(5) Squat jumps with hands above net

Lunge back

Mosey long way to Field 1

Soccer Training

Dora 100, 200, 300

100 4ct American Hammer (400 total)

200 4ct High Knees (800 total)

300 Jump Squats

Mosey back to the AO


Ab cycle:

     Flutter kicks x 20 IC

     Hold feet 6 inches off ground

     Hello Dolly’s x 20 IC

     Hold feet 6 inches off ground

     Reverse crunches x 10 IC

     Hold feet 6 inches off ground

Count off and Name-o-Rama


James 3 – Taming the Tongue

Matthew 12

Remember that we will be judged for what we say. It’s also not just what we say but what is behind what we say. 


THE SCENE: Balmy 51 degrees
All In Cadence

Tempo Merkins
Mt Climbers
Tempo Squats
Moroccan Night Clubs
Imperial Walkers


Line up in formation – the F3 JUCO flight
Jody over to Heartbreak ridge (C-130 Rolling Down the Strip)
  • Low Crawl up the Hill (on elbows)
  • Freddy Mercury (25, IC)
  • Jog down the Hill
  • Flutter Kicks (25, IC)
Repeat 4x


Mosey to Brick Wall, Pair Up for Dora 1-2-3
  • 100 Derkins
  • 200 Dips
  • 300 Irkins (didn’t quite finish due to time constraints)

Jody back to the AO (Momma, Momma Can’t You See…)

Psalm 23

Unit Cohesion – importance of F3, and a quick message about The LORD being our Shepherd.

Stairway to Heaven (If Heaven Is Monkey Humpers)

THE SCENE: Low 30’s. Distinct lack of rain.

25x SSH IC
15x TN Rocking Chair IC
5x Cherry Pickers IC
10x Hindurkins IC
Calfkiller (5 sets of 20 calf raises, punctuated with 25%, 50%, 75%, and AYG runs across the parking lot)


Mosey through the parking lots toward Success Drive entrance.
Stop at steep hill for 7’s: Burpees and Squat Jumps.
Audible after the first trip up the hill… There’s seeding and landscap netting up there!
Mosey on around to a clear hill and continue with 7s

Continue mosey to the Success Drive entrance, Al Gore for the 6 and then 10 Merkins OYO

Head across the street to the alley and stairway behind the strip mall.
Partner up, one PAX at the top, one at the bottom.
Partner at top starts exercise, partner at bottom runs up the stairs and immediately back down.
At the bottom, call for battle buddy by name and do reps of exercise until battle buddy completes stair run and calls.
Stick with same exercise until Q calls out next exercise, at which time upper and lower PAX swap places.
Monkey Humpers
8-count Body Builders

Head back toward the AO…

Stop in front of the Zaxby’s in a well-lit area
Line up on the sidewalk facing the restaurant – 15x 4ct Monkey Humpers IC!

Back across the street… Hey, there’s a pile of bricks! Everyone grab 2 for some impromptu shoulder work!

Finally back to the AO

Just enough time to row our boats gently down the stream a few times…
12 PAX killed it today!
So yesterday had quite a few instances of suck. Nothing awful, but kinda one of those days. Late leaving the house because we had to prep for a last-minute showing. Got a call from Doggy Camp that the dog has diarrhea and needs to go to the vet. Leave work and go sit at the vet for a couple hours. Turns out she’s contagious and can’t go back for a week, so there goes my lunch for the next week. Take her home, back to work, stay late, come home, clean up diarrhea…

I say all that not to have a pity party for me, but to point out kind of how minor all that stuff is in the big picture… However, the biggest suck turned out to be my attitude. I was convicted by something I saw on Facebook of all places. Just a little platitude on a cloud background, but it was appropriate, and it rang true: You can’t always choose your circumstances, but you CAN always choose how you react to them. I had reacted poorly. Selfishly. I didn’t come out and blow up in some way I would regret later, but I just seethed away inside. It’s pride. It’s sin. And it just eats away at your soul, taking your eyes off the mark.

So don’t let things control you. Take control. Choose how you react when the crap hits the fan (or splatters on the wall, as the case may be).

Bittersweet Q this morning… It’s great to lead a great group of HIMs, but hate that the opportunity came at Bagger’s expense. Speedy recovery to you, Sir!
Town of Farragut Shamrock Ball (father/daughter).
Official launch coming up for the Quacken (Fountain City) coming March 1

March to Golgotha

THE SCENE: Low 40’s with a little drizzle for shizzle.

SSHs, LBAC(F), LBAC(B), Tempo Squats, Mountain Climbers
PAX were instructed to choose from a cornucopia of albatrosses to carry throughout the workout: we had an assortment of CMUs, Kettle Bells, Dumbbells, Wood Logs, and Sand Bags.  Once everyone had a “friend,” the fun began:

  • Slowsy to brick parking lot by the strip center, perform 25 weighted squats, put down the weight and run to opposite side of parking lot, perform 2 double burpees, run back and pick weight back up.
  • We continued this cycle of activity, making our way to the summit of Jucomanjaro for 5 double Burpees (Slowsy with weight, perform exercise, run to next stopping point for burpees, run back to get weight, rinse and repeat).
  • Exercises Performed at the various stops: Squats (x25), Merkins (x25), Monkey Humpers (x25), Push Press (x25), Rows (x25), Smurf Jacks (x25).
  • Carry Weight Back to AO

Cashed out with 4ct Flutter Kicks (x50).
14 strong.

Q shared a history lesson at top of Jucomanjaro – the cross carried by Christ to Golgotha (place of crucifixion) weighed about 300lbs in totality, with the cross beam (the piece he most likely carried himself up the hill) weighing about 100lbs (according to most historians).  The distance He traveled to Golgotha was 2,000 feet and this path is currently a place for Christian pilgrimage.  It just so happens that 2,000 feet equates to 666 yards (the biblical number for Satan), demonstrating God’s perfect plan and Jesus’ overcoming of Satan at the Cross.  Pretty amazing.

If you want to know how much God loves you, you don’t have to look any further than the Cross. One of the things that keeps us from accepting God’s love and becoming more like him is pride.  Pride is the root source of all or most sin.  Q shared one practical way to battle pride: pray for others.  Looking back at your prayer life, what percentage of prayers would you estimate were about you (Lord, give me wisdom, Lord – protect me and my family, Lord – help me get this promotion, etc.)?  The Lord knows what you need.  Focus your prayer life on praying for others.  This is a great starting point for winning the battle against pride, turning from ourselves and focusing on others (like Christ).
Special thanks to Booster, Bartman, Doubtfire, Spotter, and anyone else who brought some weight to the party.  Extra Credit to Pre-Ruck/Run Crew – Spotter, Waxjob, Doubtfire, Bagger, Erector, and Archie
