F3 Knoxville

Shuttle Movin Hill Hundreds

THE SCENE: Misty Mountain madness

Mosey to CMU pile and while en-route do, side steps (both sides), Kerokee both sides, Crab walk (forwards and backwards), Bear crawl (forwards and backwards).

Shuttle Movin Hill Hundreds:

Each Him grabs a stack of six CMUs and carries them to the start of the hill bowl (starting marked on pavement).  Do 50 reps at the bottom of the hill at each pavement marked station, carry one cmu to the top of the hill and do another 50 reps of the same exercise.  Come down the hill to your CMU stack and move your cmu stack to the next station however you want and then start the next exercise marked on the pavement.  The exercises are:

  1. Merkins (alternate raised with cmu)
  2. Squats
  3. Thrusters
  4. Curls
  5. American Hammers
  6. Push Press
  7. Rows

All exercises are with the cmu

Ran out of time for Mary, so used up the time trying to finish.  At the Curl station, due to time we dropped the reps down to 25 (top and bottom).  Then At the American Hammer station we dropped it to 10. Then for Push Press’s and Rows we dropped it to 5, and were still over time.   For next time suggest only have 2 CMU’s per person and only do 25 reps for a total of 50 per shuttle station.

10 HIMs,   1 new FNG (Lee) who was named “Spur”.

Verse of the day from the Bible app, with a little encouragement to memorize verses and the value of it.

Psalm 59:16 “But as for me, I will sing of Your strength. Yes, I will joyfully sing of your loving kindness in the morning. For you are my strength and my refuge in the day of my distress.”

CMUs and Ol’ Glory

THE SCENE:  68 and B-E-A-utiful

Little Baby Arm circles up13 down12

Tempo squats 15

merkins in cadence 15

mtn climber 15

this with that

Grab our CMUs and Ol’ Glory and mosey

– bear crawl 25yrds and back


– CMU leap frog 25 yards


at the sophomores 4 corners,

15 Lt. Dangers, grab Cmu to the next corner and leave it there. Take a lap, and return to Cmu

15 goblet squats w/cmu grab cmu to next corner repeat lap

15 swings (you know what happens next).

15 rows (yep, we took the lap again)

jack rabbits that finished ahead grab 2 CMUs and head back to Bear Crawl station

next station, reps of 20

curls, dips,tri,twist

back at A/O

5 CMU V-UPS ( don’t try it, it sucked!)

10 CMU on feet and raised E2K

5 Rocky vs Apollo Creed each arm


John 6:35 give yourself to him, and you will never hunger.  believe in him, and you shall never thirst.   He will watch over you and guide you!

Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Jucomanjaro at Its Best (or Worst)

THE SCENE: JUCO AO, comfortable temps and clear

15 mountain climbers, 15 SSH, 15 imperial walker, 10 Tempo Squats, 10 count windmill, and 15 Moroccan night club

Mosey to the base of Jucomanjaro:  Lunge Walk 20 paces, run about 50 yards, 20 squats, run again, repeat to the top, mosey to the bottom

Mosey to hand rails and benches. Do 15 supine pull-ups, 15 box jumps and then run to the end of the parking lot. Repeat once.

Mosey toward the pond. Mucho Chesto: 10 x Merkin / 10 x Wide Merkin / 10 x Diamonds / 10 Stagger Merkin Left / 10 Stagger Merkin Right.

Option 1: Run around pond and then head to the shovel flag

Option 2: Mosey to the shovel flag and Mary until the 6 gets in.

The WORD today came straight from The Word (i.e. the Bible).  I read a few verses from Matthew 6 (verses 19-21, 25, 26, 33, and 34).  To sum up (please read these yourself), the passage is talking about where our focus needs be:  serving God and therefore getting to Heaven.  Don’t worry about what tomorrow will bring.  Serve God today and “all these things will be added to you”.  It’s not saying what we need will just fall into our lap.  We have to put in some effort, but our focus needs to be on serving Him first because that’s what is truly important.  The trials of this life will be worth it in the end.
Thanks to Booster for the opportunity to Q this morning.  I enjoyed it.  My legs are toast after tackling Jucomanjaro.  That hill is no joke!  Fast-n-Easy did it twice including his pre-ruck!  Trolley showed us how men do box jumps by jumping on top of the table-top instead of the seats of the picnic benches like the rest of us boys.

It was good to meet a few new faces this morning.  I will definitely return to Q again (as long as I am not shunned)!

Suits Me

THE SCENE: The JUCO, nice but hot when your in a full suit


Really awkward Karate kicks. SSHx20, Frogger merkins
The commute: Mosey to the coupon pile. Stop for a donut and coffee (CMU) Do 25 merkins, 25 curls, 25 OH presses  then run up the hill and back. Repeat but drop five reps each time. . Lunge up the steps and over to the sophomore hill w/CMU.

Rat Race: at Sophomore hill, drop CMU at top right corner. 4 corners, 4 exercises: CMU squat-curl-press-Tri x10, burpees x10, frogger Merkins x15, bear crawl 1/2 way to cone and sprint the rest, repeat…..

Commute back home to coupon pile, forgot to “get milk” on way home, so go back up steps doing a 20 curls at the top. and drop off CMUs upon return. Then mosey to AO.  Stopping at the F3 sign for a quick pic and some flutter kicks

No time for her


This week a friend of mine from high school hit rock bottom. He was truly broken in all sense of the word. He is suffering from drug addiction and he is being treated at a facility as we speak. It is when we are broken that we can truly see the overwhelming love of God. We ignore or forget his gift when things are going our way and we “have no need” for God. But when your broken and then made new, you can truly appreciate Gods gift to us. Example of a light stick, breaking and then glowing.

it was hot wearing a suit

Dirt Circuit and Go Ruck Sept 29th

Monday’s Rock

THE SCENE: The gloom was in full effect – not too cold, not too hot, just right.

  • Welcome to F3: Fitness, Fellowship, & Faith. My name is Steam and I’ll be your Q this morning
  • I am not a professional – you are here on your own volition – which means I don’t know any injuries you may or may not have. So if you need to modify any of the exercises we do this morning – do it.
  • That being said: you’re not here for you, you’re here for them. Push yourself and those around you. 


SSH: 12×4 (in cadence)

Cherry-Picker: 8×4 (in cadence)

Squat: 12×4 (in cadence)

Merkin: 12×4 (in cadence)

SSH: 12×4 (in cadence)

Mosey to rock pile at the top of the OG Asylum and execute good PT

  • Every stop sign passed = 15×4 squats
    • Q chose 1 PAX member to lead each time
  • Every parking lot passed = 10 1-count merkins
    • Q chose 1 PAX member to lead each time
  • Mosey from AO to Rock Pile at OG Asylum
  • Rock Pile
    • battle buddies
    • 3 Rounds
      • R1
        • BB1: 25 chest presses & hold above head until relieved
        • BB2: sprint down to tree on right (.25/mile) & execute 5 squats –> sprint back and recover BB1
        • After both BBs complete 50 chest presses each = hold plank @ rock pile
      • Between R1 & R2: 20 SSHs led by called upon PAX member by Q
      • R2
        • BB1: 20 curls & hold in bent over row position until relieved
        • BB2: sprint down to tree on right (.25/mile) & execute 4 merkins –> sprint back and recover BB1
        • After both BBs complete 50 curls each = hold plank @ rock pile
    • Drop rocks –> 2 lines mosey
    • Peel = 2 men out front peel around and to the back of the PAX and call out for the next men to peel when they get back in formation (think reverse American Indian Run)
  • Pause at rock overlooking the new fields/river/mountains
    • Covered by fog/gloom
    • Q said mini-BOM: You can’t see it now but there are beautiful mountains in view and the river and the park when it is clear. But the gloom is preventing you to see this right now. Take this metaphor into your life. Do you trust Him that they’ll still be there when the gloom clears in your life? Even though you can’t physically see it right now, it’s there, more importantly, HE is there, do you trust that this week?
  • Mosey down to curved path leading into the parking lot across from AO
    • 7 light poles
    • With your battle buddy, alternate between BBS (battle buddy situps) & flutter kicks every light pole
    • On flutter kick poles –> Q appointed a member of PAX to lead the cadence
    • 10 BBSs/pole & 20 flutter kicks/pole
  • Back Home @ the AO
    • Motto cadence call led by QIC
  • 12 Man-Makers (8-count Merkins)

Heavy breathing
43 HIM came out and crushed the Monday gloom (2 FNGs included)
1) Know that you are fully equipped and capable of whatever mission the Lord tasks you with this week. Know your mission and that where he sends you this week, there you’ll be.

2) Don’t be afraid to Wagon-Wheel this week. I’m not good at it. My pride gets in the way. A key component of wagon-wheeling is dying to yourself and your own ambitions or work so that you can go back and bring those falling behind out of the gloom. Don’ the afraid to wagon-wheel this week – to be that voice of encouragement that circles back around to speak life into those that may have/are falling behind or that you’ve noticed need to be encouraged. When people see the F3 logo – that means something. The commitment to pursuing the Lord as HIM, as well as to each other is vital to the nature of F3.
G-6 gave me encouragement this morning before things got kicked off – I always get nervous about my BOM because I don’t want to word vomit or get in my own way of sharing what God’s put on my heart/letting my words be far and His words be here & clear. G-6 gave me encouragement that went something like: God will put on your heart what he wants you to say/communicate when the time comes. That is important. And meant a lot. Because that means that we don’t have to worry or stress about saying the right thing or focus on how we sound – God’s got it already taken care of and He will put on our hearts what he wants us to say. A prayer I’ve been working on (and off unfortunately) for some time has gone something like this and when I remember to say it – man it hits home.

Lord, give me eyes to see like you, ears to hear your truth, lips to speak life, hands and feet to go and serve where you call me, and a heart to love like you.

Kinda just puts it in perspective of how much we need God to come into our everyday being and let the Holy Spirit allow us to be purpose-driven High Impact Men in everything we say and do.

Prayer Request from G-6: Lunch $’s (Jay Cobble) father died last night – keep their family in your prayers please.