F3 Knoxville

Mosey with Mayberry

THE SCENE 69 and clear

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Imperial Walkers

MOSEY w/ Mayberry
50 tuck jumps
50 mtn climbers
50 lunges up the hill
50 pull ups
50 squats
50 LBCs
50 burpees

10 Merkins
1 forward roll (add one each round)
Aimed in duck walk
5 celebration jumps

SWAT guys get the girls
50 bicep curls
50 tri extensions
50 Merkins
50 Single leg deadlifts

AO Abs
20 bicycles
20 pickle pounders
20 BBS
20 Russian twists (4ct)

Count-o-rama / Name-o-rama

My man Frosty, put it on my heart to talk about something we don’t do.  Something that even when we set out to do it we sometimes call an abort or chicken out at the last minute.  My fellow Christians and I are called to witness, or go out and spread the word about our Savior to others.  How quickly we talk about F3, invite other men to F3, wear F3 shirts, post on the F3 site or even post in on our F3 GroupMe, FaceBook, Instagram or whatever, but how often we fail to go out and teach others about Jesus.  Whether it be for societal reasons, or our own personal fears.  (I know I struggle with feeling that I will say the wrong thing and scare people off. ) However, what we need to know is that when we speak about Jesus, He will give us the words he wants us to speak.  He will work in us, through us, and use us to spread His message.

Mark 16:15-16
“He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.”

I don’t want our brothers, F3 or otherwise to be condemned.

21 men showed up to go on a Mosey with me today.  I tried to make it challenging, and contrary to the mumblechatter I was NOT trying to have anyone splash merlot. I also wanted to push some of the PAX to try things.  If we go into a challenge thinking we won’t succeed, guess what? we won’t succeed.  When you come around the corner and you see “Burpees 50” or “Pull-ups 50” written on the ground, how do you get better if you don’t try?  I am proud to say that everyone in this PAX tried.  No one gave up and quit, everyone kept moving and working hard.  I give it to the PAX that they went on a Mosey with me and never gave up.

Also “Nice roll Hondo” to my man Junk.

Perfect East Tennessee Morning

THE SCENE 70 and clear

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forward arm circles x5 IC
reverse arm circles x5 IC
Michael Phelps x5 IC
Imperial Walkers x 10 IC
Squat x 15 IC
Lunge Matrix
Plank Matrix
Merkins x 10 regular
Sun Dial x 20 IC

Grab CMU, Battle Buddy and circle up.

Battle Buddy CMU Circut
– 100 Bench press with CMU (P1 does 10 while P2 holds over chest)
+ Modify: Merkins
– 100 LB crunches (P1 does 10 with P2 holds sun dial)
– 100 lunges (P1 does 10 while P2 holds Al Gore. Every step counts as 1)
– 100 shoulder press with CMU (P1 does 10 while P2 holds CMU at chest)
+ Modify: Carolina Dry Docks/SSH

Mosey to hill in front of Asylum

1 rep at bottom, 9 at top; then 2 at bottom 8 at top…
burpees at the bottom
sprint up hill
squat at top of hill

Do core work OYO while group finishes

Mosey towards Mt. Fuji (I named it today). Along the way:
– Derkins (merkin w/ feet on curb) x10 IC
– Dips (hands on CMU) x20 IC

Mt. Fuji w/Battle Buddy
R1: Run up hill. Partner does CAROLINA DRY DOCKS. Switch. Repeat for 1 minute.
R2: Run up hill. Partner does flutter kick. Switch. Repeat for 2 minutes.

Mosey to base of Everest

At the base of Everest, X-Factor x 10 IC (on your 6 with arms and legs spread out like an X. right arm touching left shin, down then V up again left arm touching right shin.)

Everest Sprints
Sprint up Everest. Jog down. Do 1 merkin. Repeat, adding 1 merkin each time. 5 minutes AMRAP.

Mosey back to the flag.  Along the way, stopped for Sun Dials OYO, and a little plank combination to help keep the PAX together.

LB crunch with CMU overhead x20 IC
American Hammer with CMU x20 IC

CountORama // NameORama

I’ve recently been listening to The Minimalists’ podcast. I’m guilty of cluttering my life with things. Consumerism isn’t the problem. We must consume. Food. Clothes. Gasoline. Air. Impulsive consumption is the problem. Buying things we don’t need with money we shouldn’t spend. Someone important said something like that, I think.

Last night I watched The Minimalist’s documentary with some friends. We watched it on our big TV. With surround sound. I downloaded it on my laptop. Tried mirroring it from our iPad. When that didn’t work, we streamed it from our AppleTV. At one point I had 5 devices within arms reach, trying to get a documentary about simplicity to work. The irony was thick. And healing. Like a Heimlich to my conscience.

Goal for the Week: Eliminate ONE THING from your life that doesn’t add value to your life.

For example, you might walk around the rooms in your house. Look at the items you have stacked in the corners. The sofa no one ever sits on. The chair whose only purpose is to hold pillows. Look in your closet. Consider the items of clothing that you don’t wear because A. they don’t fit, or B. you don’t like them. Consider any habits or routines in your life that are a drain on your time or energy. Do you really need to check emails at 11:30pm? Are you honestly that important to the world? Probably not.

“Love people, use things. The opposite never works.” http://www.theminimalists.com/people-things/


Road trippin’ with Lou Lou

THE SCENE 68 and clear

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Forward LBAC x 15 IC
Reverse LBAC x 15 IC
Interval SSH x 10 IC (2 rds)

Choose a rock and then mosey to parking lot

Route 66
Weighted Squats
Curl to Overhead Press

Mosey to Pavilion

Cindy’s Step Cousin Lou Lou
10 min. AMRAP:
Pull-ups x 5
Merkins  x 15
Squats   x 20

Mosey back to AO, return rocks.

Toe touches              x20 IC (each side)
Mountain Climbers   x15 IC
Plank Jacks              x15 IC

Number Off and Name-O-Rama

Substance abuse is an epidemic in our country, and especially our region. Do not stand idle while your friends and/or family struggle with this burden. Rather, use every interaction as an opportunity to reach out and be a leader and an example to those around. Don’t leave anyone behind, and don’t leave them where you found them.

Merkin Merkin Merkin!!

THE SCENE 60s and clear

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SSH x10 (IC)
Chinooks x 21 (IC)
Merkins x21 (IC)
Arm Circles Forward x10 (IC) & Backward x10(IC)
CMU Burpees x 10 (OYO)

Pick a Battle Buddy
Mosey to Mini Everest with CMU above head

11s at Mini Everest
Diamond Merkins at BottomMerkins at Top

50 CMU Burpees
100 curl / press
200 Merkins
Audible due to time

Mosey back to start

Flutter kicks x 20 IC
Hold feet 6 inches off ground
Hello Dolly’s x 20 IC
Hold feet 6 inches off ground
Reverse crunches x 10 OYI
Hold feet 6 inches off ground
Merkins x 20 OYO
LBC x 20 IC


Count off and Name-o-Rama

“Dreams is what I want to do. My mission is what God put me on my his berth to do.”  Inky Johnson

What is your mission in life?

The PAX pushed hard today. Busting out some good mumble chatter as we pushed through lots of Merkins and CMU Burpees. Shoutout to Mayberry going all beast mode.

Son of Matterhorn

76 and humid

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

SSH IC x15
LB arm circles IC (forward x10, reverse x10)
Big Arm swims IC x20
Michael Phelps IC one count x5
Tempo Squats IC x 10
Cherry Pickers IC x10
Merkins 25 oyo
Calf raises IC x20

Pick a battle buddy and mosey to the coupon pile (2 buddies = 1 pair of coupons)

Mosey past the tavern to the base of the Matterhorn

15 Merkins together as a pair at every station (Mod = 10 Merkins)

4 segments: keep doing them while you wait for your partner
1) Base camp – coupon curl, press, tricep
2) Stage one – coupon kettle swing
3) Stage two – reverse crunch, facing down hill
4) Summit – Domo Ari-squato

A stays at base camp doing exercise while B runs to stage one, calls for A to ascend, and starts that exercise. When A arrives, 15 Merkins together, then A progresses to stage 2 while B resumes exercise. Slingshot up the hill together. Once both reach the summit, 15 Merkins and run back to base camp together. Start over with A ascending stage one, continue.

Mosey Back

Hello Dolly’s x20 IC
LBC’s x60 IC

Number off and Name O Rama

“Give to everyone who begs from you, and from one who takes away your goods do not demand them back. And as you wish that others would do to you, do so to them.”
‭‭Luke‬ ‭6:30-31‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Today was my oldest daughter’s fifth birthday, and after going to Dads camp this weekend and seeing so many other PAX and their children I came away with a few observations about being a father.

It occurs to me that frequently we influence our children based on our tendencies, our desires, or our need for others to see them a certain way. In doing so, we teach them to act like us (not often very desirable) or we drive them to perform a certain way – success academically, or socially or mostly athletically.

I proposed that the so-called “golden rule” extends beyond being a nice person. I rephrased it to suggest, “teach your children to be the way you would like others to be toward your child.” We should focus on their Christ likeness and less on their genius-ness or studliness. In doing so, hopefully we will see Christ’s reflection when we look at them as opposed to so much of our own.

That hill is awful, but the men attacked it and dominated it despite the humidity. We did this once before and it was tougher this time, life is like that sometimes. I was proud of the men for submitting to the workout and pushing each other along.