F3 Knoxville

Bear One Another’s Burdens

THE SCENE: a crisp 50 degrees at JUCO

Mosey to the Sophomore. Starting at the first corner:

  • 25 LBCs
  • Run up the hill to the pull-up bars
  • 5 toes to bars, leg lifts, or knee lifts
  • Run back around the corner and continue to the next corner of the building
  • 15 heels to Heaven
  • Continue to the next corner
  • 10 side crunches each side
  • Back to start and repeat 1 more time

Mosey to the coupon pile and grab your favorite:

  • 20 OHP
  • 20 tricep extensions
  • Run up the steps
  • 5 or more pull-ups
  • 20 merkins
  • Run back down and repeat once more

Mosey to the grassy hill:

  • 20 squats at the bottom
  • Up the hill and do 10 burpees
  • Repeat twice more

15 flutter kicks IC, Protractor
7 got better!
Bear one another’s burdens, and thereby fulfill the law of Christ. – Galatians 6:2 NASB1995

Therefore encourage one another and build up one another, just as you also are doing. – 1 Thessalonians 5:11 NASB1995

Trying to shoulder our burdens all by ourselves is really difficult. We are called to bear one another’s burdens and build each other. That means that when we have burdens too heavy to bear, we have to be willing to share them with our trusted brothers. I know this can be very difficult for us men who want to generally hold in our emotions and our challenges. We typically think that it shows weakness to ask for help. Fact is…we need it.

“Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” – Matthew 11:28‭-‬30 NASB1995

We can find our ultimate (eternal) rest in Jesus.

YHC always over plans workouts but was pleasantly surprised how much we got done. Well done gents!
One week until CSAUP!

Traveling by BLIMPS

THE SCENE: Chilly; in the 40s. Great weather for a blimp ride.


  • Warmed up with some:
    • Abe Vigoda
    • Arm Circles forward/back
    • tempo squat
    • plank jacks


Travel to new campus building. Partner up and complete the following in pairs. One person does 10 of the main exercise while the other does the waiting exercise. Then they swap until 100 reps of the main exercise have been completed.

100 Merkin – Plank
100 LBC – Low Plank
100 Squat – Al Gore

Travel to Far end of Pond. Travel by BLIMP around the smaller pond loop.

  • Burpee x5
  • Lunge x10
  • Imperial Walker x15
  • Merkin x20
  • Plank Jack x25
  • Squat x30

Traveling by BLIMPS is slow as you can imagine. The Lunges, Imp Walker and squat with side step kept us slowly moving forward. Needless to say we didn’t make it around the loop.

Headed back toward the flag, stopping to do a modified Beast.

Completed 6 reps of LBC, squats, Werkin, American Hammer and Burpee. Started heading back toward the flag as time wound down.

Finished it out with some Hello Dollies and Flutter Kicks.

Previously, I had talked about  the humility of Christ from Phil 2:5-7. His coming to earth to serve others and sacrifice of himself. (On so many levels)
That same passage continues and connects that humbleness of Jesus with God exalting him and giving him the name that is above every name. Lets look at the next few verses.

Phil 2:9-11

Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name. So that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

God has declared Jesus as synonymous with himself and given him his own name. One day there will be no choice but everyone will recognize the glory of God and bow.

Short Circuit

THE SCENE: 55 Degrees

Side straddle hop in cadence 20
Weed Pickers
10 tempo merkins
Arm rotations thumbs up in cadence
Cherry Pickers
Reverse thumbs down in cadence
Black snake Mosey to Sophomore Hill

  • Bear Crawl up half way
  • Partner up and wheel barrow up the rest of the hill switching at the half way mark

Mosey to the coupon pile

  • Grab one and rifle carry it to the spot

16 stations/45 secs each/run in between

  • Merkins
  • BBS
  • SSH
  • Man makers
  • Jump Rope
  • Cling Press KB Swings
  • Freddy Mercuries
  • Burpees
  • Goblet Squats w/ coupon
  • Curls w/ coupon
  • Dead Bug lowering opposite arm and leg
  • Squat thrust with coupon
  • Ladder drills in,in,out,out
  • Heavy Hammers American Hammers w/ weighted ball
  • Walking lunges with coupon
  • Bear Crawl

Mosey to the center of campus

  • 20 dips/20 derkins

Mosey to the flag with a jail break

no time
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
“I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.”“I can do all this through him who gives me strength.”
Philippians 4:12-13

We often forget to be praise God when we’re on top of the mountain, or during the climb. Somehow we always remember to ask for his help in the valleys. Let’s be greatful for all he’s given us at every stage.

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
CSAUP at Haw Ridge May 6th 9p-midnight
Family workout this weekend and May 7th at the Project
July 2nd Convergence at JUCO (updates to follow)

USAF Fitness Measurement – Round 2

THE SCENE:   38 and clear

  • Grady corns
  • Moroccan nightclub
  • Michael Phelps
  • Willy Mays Hays
  • Cherry picker
  • Projectivator
  • Merkins
  • Mountain climbers


  • Mosey to the playground;
    4 pullups + 20 bobby hurleys
    4 pullups + 20 iron mikes
    Partner-up:  Max sit-ups in 1 minute
  • Mosey to the bell
    Max merkins in 1 minute
  •  1.5 miles for time
  • Galway hookers
  • Bear crawl – 30 merkins – crawl bear
  • Mosey to the playground;
    4 pullups + 10 heals to heaven + 4 pullups


No time!


Me and 8 of the best men I know


The workout and Word were inspired by something that Erector said when he led two weeks ago.  He repeated a workout from a year or so ago and had to modify toward then end and stack more on us because we were finishing too fast.  He said, “I’m not sure if the group has gotten stronger…or if I was just more efficient with explaining the workout.”  We repeated the Air Force PT test that we did 6 months ago – to measure whether the group is, in fact, getting stronger/faster.

Unless you currently are recovering from an injury, I hope you are getting steadily stronger and faster.  More than that, I hope you are applying the wisdom that you hear in the BOM and seeing positive impacts in your life.  Fitness and wisdom will not happen overnight.  I’m reminded of something Mathlete said a few weeks ago about our progress being like an ascending spiral.  All these different facets of me are getting better as I make steady improvement.

  • …a little stronger…
  • …a little more graceful toward those I disagree with…
  • …a little less selfish…
  • …a little faster…
  • …a little more engaged with my loved ones…
  • …a little more intentional in my fathering…
  • …faith that is not just in the head and heart, but in actions…

None of these happen by accident.  They happen only when you do the hard work of applying yourself toward them.  If even a tenth of what you hear in the BOM is taking root in your life, what a man you will be!

A pair of quotes for you;

  • “Well done is better than well said.” – Benjamin Franklin
  • “Pay less attention to what men say. Just watch what they do.” – Dale Carnegie

From Scripture;

But don’t just listen to God’s word. You must do what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves.  …if you look carefully into the perfect law that sets you free, and if you do what it says and don’t forget what you heard, then God will bless you for doing it.”  James 1:22-25

“What good is it, dear brothers and sisters, if you say you have faith but don’t show it by your actions? Can that kind of faith save anyone? …faith by itself isn’t enough. Unless it produces good deeds, it is dead and useless.”  James 2:14, 17

“All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty.” Proverbs 14:23

Keep putting into practice all you learned and received from me.” Philippians 4:9


  • 4 men set their baseline score today because they did not do the PT test last Sept.
  • 5 men repeated the test – EVERY MAN improved his score from last time.  BOOM, BABY!


  • Skewer VQ on Thursday!
  • Rampart OTB on Saturday – 7:00 AM
  • CSAUP May 6th
  • Family Workout May 7th

Spicy Dragons and Scaly Eyes

THE SCENE: 41 and clear

F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: administered


  • SSH x 15 (IC)
  • Cherry Pickers x5 (IC)
  • Seal Claps x 10 (IC)
  • Merkins x 10 (IC)
  • Squats x 15 (IC)
  • 30 seconds on your own

Mosey to the back parking lot for a 7-station kraken:

  • 10 burpees
  • 20 merkins
  • 30 smurf jacks
  • 40 BBSUs
  • 50 squats
  • 60 mountain climbers (sc)
  • 70 SSH (sc)

Mosey to duck pond parking lot for spicy dragons

  • Spicy Dragons – Same as Welsh Dragon, but do a low plank before each merkin for a lil’ spice.  Remain in plank position the whole time. Bear crawl forward 4 steps, do 1 low plank, 1 merkin, and 1 plank jack. Repeat adding 1 rep to each exercise each time – bear crawl forward 4 steps, do 2 low planks, 2 merkins, 2 plank jacks, … etc. Go until you get to 10 reps each, you’ve covered 30-50 feet, or until your arms fall off – whichever comes first.

Mosey to cross walk just in front of the performing arts center.

  • Take turns calling go. Sprint back and forth from crosswalk to stop sign.

Had about 5 minutes left to do some dealer’s choice core exercises.

12 HIMs conquered the Spicy Dragon

Thoughts taken from “When the Scales Fall From Our Eyes” by Brian Zahnd

I listened to this sermon by Brian Zahnd over 6 years ago and it still sticks in my mind to this day.

Act 9:17-18

17 So Ananias departed and entered the house. And laying his hands on him he said, “Brother Saul, the Lord Jesus who appeared to you on the road by which you came has sent me so that you may regain your sight and be filled with the Holy Spirit.” 18 And immediately something like scales fell from his eyes, and he regained his sight

It was not a convincing argument, a systematic theology, or anything of the like that made the scales fall from Saul’s eyes. Instead, it was being shown LOVE from a man he was persecuting just three days prior that gave Saul a new way of seeing.



OTB workouts at new AO, Ramparts, in Kingston. See Slack for dates/times.
CSAUP at Haw Ridge on May 6 from 9 PM – 12 AM. See Kick-Flip for more info.
Convergence at JUCO on July 2