AO: dogpound
Q: Madoff
PAX: Mayberry, Lightweight, Aladdin, Bartman, Einstein
FNGs: None
20 SSH
20 Rockettes
20 TN Rocking Chairs
10 Tie Fighters Forward
10 Tie Fighters Backward
Mozy to Rockpile
4x10reps (wait for 6 each round with a Plank)
Inch Worm Out – 2 Merkins – Inch Worm In – Imperial Walker
Together Run up hill 15 wide rail merkins and run down hill
4×10 reps each
L Sit Passover
L Sit Seesaw Press
Together Run up hill 15 wide rail merkins and run down hill
4×10 reps each
Kneeling Passover
Kneeling Seesaw Press
Together Run up hill 15 wide rail merkins and run down hill
Step Ups with Rocks – Alt curls with static hold
25 flutter kicks
10 suitcase crunches
Something Mayberry did
15 GA Cheerleaders
COT: read Jeremiah 29:11 and shared that birthdays are a good time to reflect on what’s been accomplished and what you want to still do. Also discussed that we tend to overestimate what we can accomplish is a short time and greatly underestimate what can be accomplished longer. So please look at any hardship through the lens of the last several years vs minutes, hours, or days. It will help you recognize that there’s a process happening and right now you might just be at a hard point.