F3 Knoxville

IPCwk2 – Dog Pound

THE SCENE: Dark and Sweaty

Burpees OYO x 10

  • Hey watch dis’ ^^^^^^
  • Thanks to Tank for helping set this up!


I was still running laps, not sure what happened.


I apologize, I thought it was way later than it was and didn’t want to hold anyone up. But it is the truth! You men encourage me everyday and ensure that I stay humble! Thank you.
Majority of the PAX showed up early, Blue Cross and Proton showed us they could have started late if they wanted to. Sparky piped up later on GroupMe to eradicate ANY DOUBT that each man that showed up today, is an absolute HIM. It’s hard not to compare where we are, against where other people are. We have to remember that oftentimes, we are comparing our beginning to someone else’s middle. Or our middle to someone else’s end. We’re all in different seasons and it’s important to embrace where we are today and keep pushing to better ourselves. 

No man left behind, no man left the same. 

TTTP This Saturday – forgot to plug this too!!

Dog Pound Iron Pax Week 1 Challenge

THE SCENE: 71, dark and perfect

10x SSH, Air Squats, Cherry Pickers, Big Arm Circles and Merkins to get us warmed up quickly

Mosey to the field for Killer B’s

Iron Pax Challenge Week 1 Killer B’s

  • 10 yard Broad Jump
  • 10 Burpees
  • 10 Bonnie Blair’s (aka Iron Mikes)
  • 10 BBS
  • Do this for 30 yards and the bear crawl back 30 yards to staring line
  • Repeat for 5 rounds for time

When PAX finished they could run lap around the field and then find a HIM to encourage along  as they finished their rounds by doing it with them

Times ranged from about 19-38 minutes per HIM

No time for this
19 HIMs plus 1 FNG Biscuit
While traveling yesterday I heard a man say on The Message radio station “We look for God in the destination but He is often found in the detour.” Many of us have had detours this year that have affected us physically, emotionally, spiritually, financially, at work, at home etc and we don’t understand why things aren’t going the way we planned and wonder where God is.

We are looking to Him and for Him in the end and are not looking to understand His meaning and plan for us in the midst of our detour. So if you are like Daniel in the Lion’s Den, Moses by the Burning Bush or even like Jonah in the belly of the whale. Seek God and look for Him and know that He is with you and He has a plan for you that might not be what you expected and your circumstances don’t make sense but know that you are right where He wants you. He is with you and will lead you out.  It’s just a detour.

Prayers for Lady Junk, Garrett’s family, everyone in the Bahamas affected by a hurricane Dorian, my daughter Callie that has an infection
TTTP coming up, Dad’s Camp RunaMuck soon

It’s Audible time in Tennessee

THE SCENE: Football season weathe, not really. Warm and humid

Typical warm up

too dark for original plan and “bull in the ring did not work out so we audibled

Mosey to bleachers: 7’s of box jumps and shoulder tap merkins

mosey to field 3: Bear crawl tag football. Using the soccer box on one end of the field, team 1 has to get the ball across the line before team 2 tags them. Switch and repeat.

Did some sprints.

Mosey to field 2: two teams. suicides on lines. Pitching the ball at least once per line to a teammate.  If dropped all must run back  to start and then go back to where they were before drop. All must pitch and catch the ball.

did some more sprints. Alternated bear crawls and sprints at each cone for full length of field.

Mosey to field 1, split into two teams. One team at one end one at the other. Team must complete a +-20 yard pass to a sprinting receiver while team does merkins.  If ball is caught player returns to team and QB goes to receiver and teammate goes to QB. Once all have caught pass, move to mid field. (If dropped, receiver runs back to end line and goes out again) 2nd pass jump squats,sprint to midfield repeat with  Merkins and jump squatS. First team to get all caught and sprints back to start wins

MARY: no time

12 pax including (not tagged Speedy Smurf and I FNG (Lightbrite)
“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us,”
‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭12:1‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Pretty much the whole queue was made up as we went along except The three main things were done, but out of order and I just threw in a bunch of sprints, sevens, and other weird  Things

Man Down

THE SCENE: Balmy 72 degrees

  • 20 x Imperial Walker IC
  • 15 x Tempo Merkin IC
  • 20 x American Hammer (4ct.) IC
  • 20 x Overhead Clamp IC (except I-Beam, who was deliberately out of cadence)

PAX counted off 1-4 and split into groups of 4 people each. One PAX from each group was designated “injured” and had to be carried by the remaining three. PAX rotate as needed while we headed for the Pav-A-Lon. We paused for 20 Iron Mikes (4 ct. OYO) while some of the folks rested their shoulders.

Once at the Pav-A-Lon, each PAX drew two cards from the card. The number designated the rep count and the suit designated the exercise as follows:

  • Hearts = Pull-ups
  • Clubs = Burpees
  • Spades = Dips
  • Diamonds = Diamond Merkins

Face cards = 10 and Aces = 11.

Between rounds PAX moseyed to the top of the hill and bear crawled back down.

We broke back into groups and carried our injured teammates back to the AO.

We cashed out with two rounds of ATMs!

Two FNGs today – good work guys!
I shared a story with the PAX of a college senior that was seeking guidance because she was stressed about decisions others were making for her. We talked about the importance of remembering that we are grown-ups that are not only capable of, but responsible for, our own decisions. It’s easy to get complacent and let others lead, but there comes a time when you need to step up and do your own thing.
TAP to the Junk clan – we missed you out there today, brother!
Truckin’ to the Pound coming up in September.

Name Game Randorama

THE SCENE: Full moon 67 and humid

SSH x 20 IC (4 count)

Big Arm Circles x 10 IC (4 count / reverse at 5)

Imperial Walkers x 20 IC (4 count)

Cherry Pickers x 10 IC (4 count)

30 sec High Knees

Stretch OYO


Started with timed interval run around the Truck Stop where about every 1-2 minutes we stopped along the way to do random exercises and reps based on my F3 name converted to numerical reps according to Alphabet  1-26.

  • C= 3 Burpees, A= 1 Bear Crawl (100 yds), V= 22 BBS, A= 1 Minute plank hold, L= 12 Merkins, I= 9 Mountain Climbers, E= 5 8-count Body Builders, R= 18 Bobby Hurley’s
  • This totaled 10 minute run X 71 reps at quick pace
  • The we gathered the Pax around a sign made to allow them to quickly spell out their own F3 name and choose from Random Exercises to work themselves as hard as they wanted to and Name their own Game!
  • A= 1 rep, B= 2 rep, C= 3 rep, etc to Z= 26 rep
  • Example FROSTY = 103 total reps
  • Exercises to choose from were: Merkins, Burpees, Iron Mikes, Bobby Hurley’s, Plank Jacks, BBS, LBC, Mountain Climbers, 1 Minute Plank Hold, Bear Crawl 100YDS, American Hammer, 8-count Body Builders, Air Squats
  • After Pax spelled their name and completed first round of exercises they ran 1 lap around soccer field.
  • Rinse and repeat until time to head back to AO
  • Fast 2-3 minute run back to AO


Out of time


What’s does a name say about you? We make a big deal at F3 about getting a name. To me it’s a lot like being born again and given a new name. Just like Isaiah 43:1-3 when God called Jacob by name and the nation of Israel became more than he ever thought he (Jacob) could be. Getting an F3 name has changed my life by changing my perception of who I was into who I can be because of the 3 F’s we embrace and share with each other. Also addressing others by their name means you are in relationship with them and you recognize them. There are a lot of Sad Clowns we encounter everyday just waiting for someone to “see them” and say their name instead of just passing by. So today be aware of your name, what God has called you to be, what your F3 name means you are capable of becoming and someone else’s name that is waiting to be recognized! Call them by name just as God has called you by name and change their lives forever.

Continue to pray for Lady Junk! Also pray for Joy (Lady Frosty) for her upcoming travels.
9/14 Trucking to the Pound CSAUP.  T-shirts will be available for order soon.  See Mayberry for details