F3 Knoxville

“Moist” at the Dog Pound

THE SCENE: “Moist”


10 Penalty Burpees (compliments of La-Z-Boy)

SSH x 20

LBAC x 20

Moroccan Nightclub x 20

Rockettes x 10

Mosey over to docks.

Ascending Curb Crawl

  • Feet on curb, do one derkin.
  • Bear Crawl across road to other curb
  • Do two derkins.
  • Bear Crawl back across road.
  • Etc… until 10 derkins.
  • Do it all over again with Lunges and Squats

7 of Diamonds

  • 4 corners around small loop
  • 1st lap = 7 burpees at each corner
  • 2nd lap = 14 flutter kicks (4 ct) at each corner
  • 3rd lap = 21 merkins at each corner
  • 4th lap = 28 squats at each corner
  • Started descending back down until out of time

Indian Run back to AO.


Never Cross Dolly x 20

Some leg kicks x 10 each leg

Captain Thor x 4



2 Corinthians 12:15 — “I will most gladly spend and be spent for your souls.”

It’s good and right to spend ourselves to serve others.  To use our talents, gifts, energy, strength… to serve others and lay down our lives is why all those things were given to us.    We were not given those gifts to serve ourselves or exalt ourselves.  What a joy it is to be able to lay down our lives for —  our wife, children, employer, employees, family members, etc… What we have today is to be used for the good of others and not ourselves.

The Mobile Gym at RAW

THE SCENE: 72* Cloudy and 92%Humidity

Be careful I am not a professional


Lets get right to it!

  • 9 Stations with weights and exercises (1200 lbs and over 20 exercises to choose from)
  • Choose your station/exercise and go hard for 1 min
  • When timer goes off choose something heavy to carry up the parking lot and back
  • Rinse and repeat for 40 min


@abscess @Aladdin @Bartman @Bueller @Cavalier @Crossbar @Frosty @I-Beam, @Manilow @Mayberry @Moses @Ratchet @Wall Ball, @Waxjob
Knowledge and Hard-work are important but Attitude is what makes you most successful!
Special prayer for Lady Junk, Herbie, and Michael Silvey’s family (Wall Balls co worker killed in an car accident)

None mentioned

Keep going, don’t give up. Plank destroyers for all!

THE SCENE: Nice balmy morning at the dog pound.




Mossied over the the dock area.

rounding the parking lot stopping at every light pole we do the follow exersies. 1 per pole

  • plank destroyers
  • crabets
  • donkey kicks
  • mountain climbers
  • Freddy Mercurys
  • burpees
  • squat walkers
  • iron mikes
  • monkey humpers
  • peter parkers

11 HIMS made it happen today.
Thank you guys for coming and pushing me. This group keeps me aright in a busy and crazy life.
hold me accountable to Q once a month at least.

Burpees + a Truckbiscuit

THE SCENE:  warm & muggy

Stretch & mentally prepare for burpees


  • 7 minutes of burpees As a group.  698 total!
  • Truckbiscuit:  1 lap, PT;  2 laps, PT;  3 laps, PT;   4 laps, PT;   3 laps, PT;   2 laps, PT;   1 lap, done.   Laps were run around the soccer field.  PT was 20 squats, 20 big boys, 20 flutter kicks.

one Burpee OYO

Wall Ball, Frosty, Mayberry, Butters, Judge Judy, La-Z-Boy, Wagon Wheel, Bartman


Talked about the importance of spending time alone with the Lord.



I got 99 Problems and Sweat ain’t one

THE SCENE: Working out under water on the surface of the sun

SSH x20 IC

Cherry pickers x5 IC.

Mosey to the Pee rocks .

99 Problems – partner DORA

  • Merkins
  • Curls
  • DOMO squats w/ rock
  • Carolina Dry Docks
  • Tricep overhead
  • Lunges
  • Stocky Balboas (rock overhead)
  • OHP
  • Burpees

99  shared reps of each exercise. One man reps it out while the other runs back to the AO and does birth month Burpee‘s. January  birthdays loved it, Decembers endured valiantly .

Half way through audibled to 5 burpees for everyone.  Once our groups had reached the Burpee‘s at the end, audible to squats on the Dora.

Peter Parker, LBC x35, World’s greatest merkin x5, reverse crunches x20

Mayberry, dreadlocks, cavalier, Bartman, Sparky, snitch, Abacus, mouthwash, choirboy, shooter, LA-Z-Boy, Baloo, and Junk
.“Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.”
‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭12:1-2

Many of us have heard this passage a lot. Typically when I think of running a race I think of running a race together. We think of a marathon or an obstacle course race or a 5K or just a sprint across the parking lot, but we think about doing it all on the same course, at the same time and altogether. The reality is in life none of us runs the same course as eachother. We may run pieces of it together, we may have parts that look similar or even almost identical and the finish line is the same;  but we all run our own course.  Often times we find ourselves looking at other people and complaining that they’ve got it easy, like they’re just running downhill the whole time. On occasion we will look at someone else and recognize that they’ve got it harder than we do, maybe they’re running uphill and climbing over  obstacle after obstacle. The reality is we just wouldn’t choose the hard stuff that comes our way. No one got to choose what they did this morning, they did what I told him to do. What they got to choose was how hard they worked and whether they lifted up their teammate or dragged them down.  For a time, some guys had to do more Burpee‘s then others because of something as arbitrary as what month they were born in.

If you go back to that passage,  The writer of Hebrews had just gotten done laying out a litany of their historical heroes many of whom suffered unbelievable hardships (I don’t know about you but I’ve never been sawed in two). Individualize his charge – “Run with endurance the race that is set before YOU!” You have to run the course that is laid before you. You can’t run mine for me and I can’t run yours for you. Largely you do not get to choose what you have to go through in life; you just get to choose how good or bad an attitude to have and how hard you work. The good news is that we can help each other along the way, we can shoulder eachothers burdens and we can cheer each other but we each have to run the course that is laid out in front of us.

Many of the PAX know that my wife was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma two weeks ago. It’s not something we would’ve even considered choosing, it’s going to be rough, but it could always be worse.  This is a diagnosis that comes with a cure in most situations. We are believing for and working toward that. We don’t get to choose the course we run, or the obstacles we face.  We get to choose to run it with endurance, to lift our eyes to Jesus, to support others when needed and to lean on those around us when we need it. We have felt so supported by the man of F3 Knoxville and we are grateful.

Truckin’ To The Pound in September.

Golf outing 8/3

Remember Stitches in air force boot camp