F3 Knoxville

Cinco Repeticiones

THE SCENE:  in the 60’s felt like summertime



  • Tempo squats x10
  • Merkins (4ct) x10
  • Imperial walkers (4ct) x10
  • LBAC fwd/bkwd


  • Long Island BLIMPS
    • 3 Laps around the island with BLIMPS x 5 at each end of the island
  • mosey to watt rd parking lot.  Stop along the way for Groucho Walk across the boardwalk.   Then partner fireman carry the length of the baseball field.
  • Watt Rd lot
    • Battle buddy up and wheel barrow across the parking spaces.   Every 5 spaces the bottom man does 5 merkins and switch places with buddy.  Go to end of parking spaces and back to start.
  • Hill by Soccer Field
    • 5’s with Round the Clock Merkins at top and lunges at bottom
  • Soccer field
    • Game of sharks & minnows.  4 sharks in middle.  All other PAX try to make it across without being tagged.  Penalty is 5 burpees if you’re tagged.
  • Mosey back to AO.  Groucho walk the boardwalk again.


  • Captain Thors
  • Side crunches x15 per side
  • Superman swims

13 strong:  Mayberry, Frosty, La-Z-Boy, Butters, Shooter, Cosmo, Cornhole, Wagonwheel, Booger, Black Lung, Waxjob, Swirlie, Bartman

Servant leadership.  It’s important.  Take time to be a servant leader to your wife, co-workers and peers.

Lots of fun and laughs today as we fully embraced our inner Cinco de Mayo.

Hardship hill is May 19th


THE SCENE: Beautiful morning. Clear and perfect

SSH X29,

Mosey Around outhouse

Cherry pickers x5
Tha Thang
Partner up, mosey with 1 CMU per duo up towards boats
Stop at 1/2 way at guardrail
100 declines
150 CMU squats
200 presses
While partner runs up to top and back (60+ yards)
Mosey to boat
One partner runs to light pole with CMU
while other does burpees. Partner 1 runs back and tags partner 2 and both run to CMU. Repeat switching partners each time.
 10 burpees OYO
At steps:
Stand beside each other.  15 squats total passing CMU each time. Repeat but switch sides. For total of 30.
Run up to rock at restaurant
Repeat x3
 10 burpees OYO
Return back towards AO stopping at each light pole as before but doing LBCs.
Mosey To guardrail again for mini Dora 100 merkins while partner runs to top again
 20 incline merkins on guardrail
mosey to AO for 35 Flutterkicks
COT 12 Pax
 Story from Rabbi Abraham Twerski

“‘Young man. Why are you eating that fish?’ The young mans says, ‘Because I love fish.’ He says, ‘Oh. You love the fish. That’s why you took it out of the water and killed it and boiled it.’ He says, ‘Don’t tell me you love the fish. You love yourself, and because the fish tastes good to you; therefore, you took it out of the water and killed it and boiled it.’

“So much of what is love is fish love. Young couple falls in love. Young man and young woman fall in love. What does that mean? That means that he saw in this woman someone who he felt could provide him with all of his physical and emotional needs, and she felt in this man somebody she feels that she can write, that was love, but each one is looking out for their own needs. It’s not love for the other. The other person becomes a vehicle for my gratification.

“Too much of what is called love is fish love. An external love is not on what I’m going to get but I’m going to give. We had an ethicist rabbi Dessler, who said, ‘People make a serious mistake in thinking that you give to those whom you love, and the real answer is you love those to whom you give.’

His point is if I give something to you, I’ve invested myself in you. Since self-love is a given, everybody loves themselves, now that part of me has become in you, there’s part of me in you that I love. True love is a love of giving, not a love of receiving.’

Not a lot of chatter this morning, I’m assuming that means it was a good workout?…
Prayers for families struggling, praise for friends marriage issues on right road

Hills & Pyramids

THE SCENE: Low 50s….perfect F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER Standard welcome….no FNGs today WARM-O-RAMA:

  • Run in place 20-30 secs
  • Butt kickers 20-30 secs
  • High knees 20-30 secs
  • SSH (4 ct) x 10 IC
  • Merkins (4 ct) x 10 IC


  • Indian run to baby everest
    • Battle buddy up.  DORA each of the following exercises while partner runs to top of baby everest and does 5 squats.  Move to other side of parking lot perform ab work while waiting on the 6.
      • 100 Thrust Merkins
      • 100 Carolina Dry Docks
  • Mosey to the long island
    • 8 cones set up around the island.  Run a lap around performing the following exercises x 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16 at each cone.
      • Lap 1:  Burpees
      • Lap 2:  Iron Mikes
  • Mosey back to baby everest for some pyramids
    1. 20 tempo squats, run hill
    2. 20 tempo squats, 20 mountain climber, run hill
    3. 20 tempo squats, 20 mountain climber, 20 ranger merkins, run hill
  • Indian run back to AO


  • LBC (4ct) x 50
  • Hello Dolly (4ct) x 20
  • Box Cutters x 15


12 strong:  Junk, Mayberry, La-Z-Boy, Tweet-E, Frosty, Sparky, Wagon Wheel, Crossbar, Butters, Smoker, I-Beam, Bartman

CIRCLE OF TRUST/BOM:  My heart has been focused on my relationship to Jesus and whether or not I’m all in or not.   As Americans we tend to mold Jesus to fit our lifestyle and our comforts, when actually it should be the other way around.  Take a moment and ask yourself….are you living 100% for Christ or are you fitting him into your routine?   In Matthew 13 Jesus tells a parable which compares Heaven to a treasure that is found in a field.   The man who finds the treasure covers it up and then sells all he has to buy the field.  I’m sure the man in the parable faced ridicule from others who thought he was crazy to sell all of his possessions to buy the field, however he knew the value contained within the ground therefore he gladly accepted the ridicule.  That’s the perspective we should have…our faith in Christ should be such a treasure to us that we willingly accept ridicule, punishment, even death because we know that the prize is of so much greater value than anything this world can offer.


MOLESKIN: Prayer request made for anonymous PAX members struggling with their marriages

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Hardship Hill 5/19

Can You Bear the Rain?

THE SCENE: 55 and raining, varying from “buckets” to “showers”.

15x Windmills IC
21x SSH IC
10x 4ct Travoltas IC (each side)
15x 4ct Monkey Humpers
20x 4ct Mtn Climbers
Mosey to the base of the Matterhorn. Cones placed at 20yd spacings to the top.
Partner up and slingshot to the top. Stationary partner does Iron Mikes, movement Bernie Sanders.

Gather up in the Pavalon for:
5x Inchworm Superman
11’s: Hanging 4-ct side-to-side knee-raises and Diamond Merkins.
(planned to do merkins at the top of the hill, but decided to stay out of rain for a few minutes)

Head back to the top of the Matterhorn and slingshot down, this time BBS and bear crawls.
Extra effort modification: 20lb Soaked Sweatshirt Shot-Put by Wagon Wheel

Mosey back to the AO

20x Hello Dollys
15x Side Crunch (each side).
Row your Boat (2 rounds)
Peter Parkers
Imperial Walkers until time
7 PAX said, “rain hair, don’t care”. Well, come to think of it… I guess only 5 said that…
Yesterday morning my family’s plans for this week got wildly upended. Nothing terrible overall, but just significantly different from plan. That kind of thing can be upsetting and aggravating, but I was reminded that God works all things for the good of those who love Him. I don’t know yet why that interruption came to be, but it’s an opportunity to trust that God is in control and has a greater purpose beyond our limited knowledge. When your plans get interrupted, take that moment to look around for what God is doing. Trust Him and look for opportunities to join Him in what He’s doing.
Nothing like starting out the beatdown with completely soaked feet right out the gate… There was an unavoidable ankle-deep puddle at the entrance of the tennis court when I went to turn on the lights. Shoulda just warmed up in the dark…
Hardship Hill! Sign up and volunteer!

Slugger Special

THE SCENE: Mid 50’s and rain


Mosey around the diamonds


Mosey to soccer field

At goal – 5 burpees, bear crawl to outside box line

10 dry docks, crawl bear to quarter field

15 merkins, bear crawl to half

20 jump squats, crawl bear to 2nd quarter

25 BBS, bear crawl to next box

30 Mt climbers single count, crawl bear to next goal

35 Squats, all out sprint back to opposite goal


included with your purchase

5 PAX got a jump on the day


James 1:19

Understand this my dear brother and sisters: You must all be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry.

I have a tendency to just hear and not listen and sometimes my knee-jerk reaction is anger or saying something hurtful that I don’t really mean. Instead I try to keep my mouth shut and think about what was said and where that person is coming from and my reactions tend to improve.