F3 Knoxville

4-Corners meets the Fox

THE SCENE: 31 degrees

To everyone’s surprise, I announced that I was not a professional



10 Merkins IC


Mosey to top parking lot.

4 Corners of Merkins, BBSU, Squat Jumps, and American Hammers. 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1….

We covered between 3-4+ miles this morning. And did Merkins, BBSU, Squat Jumps, and American Hammers.

She was a good lady.
18 brothers. 2 FNGs- welcome Fur Coat and Pirate!
While rucking at Concord Trails a week or so ago, I encountered a fox along the trail. The fox was off in the distance and I did what any badass F3 man would have done- I quickly turned around and thought the fox was going to eat me alive. As I reflected on this, a few thoughts came to mind. First, how many fox attacks do we hear about? Zero. Secondly, we fear many things that are truly not the big of a deal or we can easily overcome. Don’t be afraid of the fox.

Doubtfire locked down two more hood recruits. It was great to have Fur Coat and Pirate out with us this morning. Pfeiffer and Mayberry set the pace on the 4-Corners this morning. The entire PAX pushed it too the limit and it was a fun morning. Now, we eagerly await the “devil’s dandruff” to blanket all of K-town!

Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Ribbed 66

THE SCENE: It was a balmy 49 degrees with a little mist as 18 men gather together for a BOM

Tempo squats 15X
Baby Arm circles (forward and backward) 15X
Some of these and those

Two lines and we Indian ran to the middle of the parking lot around the restaurant. We stopped at the break that runs down to the boat ramp and started with 11s. 10 Carolina Dry Docks and run to the other side of the split and do 1 Big boy sit up and rinse and repeat all the way down.

  • Ribbeds 66
    • lunges to the next light pole
      • 10 Burpees
    • Berny sanders to the next light pole
      • 10 Star Jaxs
    • Reverse Lunges to the next light pole
      • 10 Burpees
    • Sprit to the end of the parking lot
      • 10 tempo squats
  • Mosy to the AO stopping to do incline merkins 15X
    • 20-yard increments we did the following:
      • Bear Crawl to one side then 10 Big boys situps
      • Bunny hope to one side then 10 tempo squats
      • lunges to one side then 10 stare jax

Circle up

  • 10 Burpees
  • 10 Box cutters

18 men: LaZyBoy, Bartman, Butters, Scutter, Pogo, Frosty, junk, waxjob, Mayberry, sparky, detention, compost, abacus, shooter, Frenchie, ibeam, booger, ribbed.

Thank you all for your example and faithfulness. It’s been a year since I started working out with F3, its because of all you men that keep asking me where you been, that I keep coming. As I look to goals for 2018 I look to lead at f3 at least once a month.

Day 1 – List of 10

THE SCENE: 35 and really warm!

Cherry Pickers 15x
Burpees 10x
Ice Skaters 15x
Hand Release Merkins 15x
ISO Squats 20x
Burpees 10x
Ice Skaters 15x
Hand Release Merkins 15x


In partners – One partner runs 400m while other exercises. Then swap until all reps are completed for that exercise. Begin and end each round together, so Al Gore or plank until all in.
200 total reps of each per team= 2,000  (we made it through about 1500 reps, and over 2 miles)
Round 1 – ‘Merkins
Round 2 – Alternating Lunges (1 leg=1)
Round 3 – Mountain Climbers (2-count)
Round 4 – Big Boy Sit-ups
Round 5 – Carolina Drydocks (1=1)
Round 6 – Squats
Round 7 – Overhead Press
Round 8 – Bobby Hurleys
Round 9 – AbClaps
Round 10 – Burpees

AbClaps aren’t that great of an exercise

The mission of F3 is to plant, grow, and serve small workout groups to invigorate male community leadership. We need to be constantly reminded of our mission so we know who we are and why we’re here. The same is true in your life. What is your mission? Can you articulate your mission clearly?  Probably worth spending some time to craft it, so it rolls off your tongue..

Frozen Truckers

THE SCENE: clear sky, 10 degrees, no wind

10 burpees OYO, 25 SSH IC, 15 merkins IC, 15 Tempo squat IC

    Mosey to the soccer field where pax buddied up and took a lap around the field, on the side lines they wounded dragged to the corners and did 10 diamond merkins and on the end lines they fireman carried, stopping at half field to also do 10 diamond merkins.
  • on the second lap they sprinted the side lines and lunged the end lines, stopping at the corners and half field to do 10 ranger merkins.
  • we  then did 7’s across the field with burpees and smurf jacks
  • PAX then circled up on the center field where we did flutter kicks IC while one at a time they would run to the bleachers and do 10 dips, every other time someone finished dips PAX that were circled up would switch to a different core exercise (box cutters, LBC, ect.)
  • mosey once around the field.
  • PAX lined up on the end line and ran across the field stopping at every line and doing 7 BBS, and then back across the field doing ranger merkins
  • mosey once around the field
  • PAX again lined up on the end and did the same this time with 7 dry docks and back across doing 7 monkey humpers
  • mosey back to AO


we did 3 minutes of boat canoe on my count followed by 25 box cutters IC
10 PAX no FNG’s
I shared how this time of the year for me at work is can be more stressful than normal and how I often times find myself complaining about my day to my wife. Being the amazing wife that she is she reminded me of how the Lord sends us blessings that the enemy will try to steal. I told the PAX how prevalent complaining is to people in our society and how it works to steal our motivation and drive to appreciate God’s blessings and to complete the things that God has planned for us. This is especially true in a group setting, one person starts complaining and it will spread like fire through the group robbing the group of its motvation to complete the task at hand.
prayed for Iceman’s family member who suffered a stroke and also for Tank’s foot to heal.

2018 Grit

THE SCENE:   9.   That right n-n-n-n-nine  d-d-d-degrees



  • SSH x 30
  • Merkins x 10
  • Squats x 15 (4 count)


  • Mosey to steep hill where the boats used to be parked
    • 11’s:   burpees at top / squat jumps at bottom
  • 2 laps around boat dock parking lot.  Stop at each light pole for exercises Route 66 style.
    • Lap 1:  Iron Mikes
    • Lap 2:  Big Boy Situps


Round Robin:

  • Bartman:  Box Cutters (4ct) x 20
  • Ratchet:  Side Crunch (4ct) x 10 each side
  • Tweet-E:  Peter Parker
  • Mayberry:  Floor Wipers (4ct) x 20
  • La-Z-Boy:  Mountain Climbers (4ct) x 20
  • Cash out with AMRAP Merkins for the last 20 seconds or so

5 PAX:  Ratchet, Tweet-E, Mayberry, La-Z-Boy, Bartman


A few months ago La-Z-Boy talked about a book he was reading at one of his BOMs.  The book was about Grit and the impact it has on people’s success.  I think Grit is an appropriate topic as we begin 2018.  Whatever your new year resolutions and goals are – at some point you are going to face adversity in achieving them.  That’s where Grit comes in.  When challenges arise, will you give up or dig down deeper and press forward?  I encourage all of the Knoxville PAX to spend some time thinking about this.  When you’re tired, when you don’t feel like getting out of bed, when its cold, when its hot, when your kids are on your last nerve, when your boss doesn’t understand, when you’re mentally exhausted, when you’re looking for a new job, when you’ve tried all options and still aren’t making progress…..you get the idea.   In all of those situations and more it takes GRIT to stay the course.   Gritty wishes to all as we begin a new year together!

Hats off to the Dog Pound crew today.   It definitely took some Grit to show up in 9 degree weather.  Tclaps brothers!