F3 Knoxville

Parents These Days

THE SCENE: Gloom in the Fake Gloom.  A nasty, rainy, awesome evening.

SSH, motivator, cherry pickers, twisties, rockettes
Insert information about the workout.

  • Triple battle buddies in the Caribbean
    • Jump squats and big boys
    • Merkins and big boys
    • Mountain Climbers and flutter kicks
  • Feel the burn
    • Wall sit
    • Ring of Fire push up
    • Ring of Fire squats
  • Alternating 10x flutter kicks and hello dolly
  • Star gazer in the rain

11 soaking wet PAX

In recently reading a book called “10 Rules for Resilience” by Joe DeSena (founder of Spartan Race), he said something obvious, but in a way that punched me in the gut.  He said he was tired of hearing people say “kids these days”.  Kids are born today the same way they’ve been born forever.  He argues we should really be saying “parents these days” because we – as the parents – are the difference in how kids are growing up now compared to in the past.  In large part, kids today are how kids are today because parents today raise kids the way we raise them today.  I know it’s not that simple in every situation, but the point is we as fathers have a lot of responsibility for who our kids are, their values, etc. We have to take ownership of that and we cannot hide behind “kids these days” as an excuse.

CSAUP Feb 26

12 “Showed Up” at Asylum

THE SCENE: About 48 F, with no breeze

Cherry Picker 10 IC
Michael Phelps
Grady Corns 33 IC
Peter Parkers 10 IC (4 ct)


Mosey Down road to large soccer parking lot below the chapel
There are 3 cones placed around the perimeter of the lot #1, #2, #3
Complete each exercise at each cone during each lap
Merkins 10, 15, 20
Squats 10, 15, 20
Merkins 20, 15, 10
Squats 20, 15, 10
Brief Rest – 20 Ct
Hello Dolly 10, 15, 20 (1ct)
BBS 10, 15, 20
Hello Dolly 20, 15, 10 (1ct)
BBS 20, 15, 10
Brief Rest 15 ct
Ring of Fire – 2 rounds of merkins 1x, 2x
Mosey up road to crosswalk near restrooms – 20 ct rest
Run up path, complete 10 2 ct American Hammers every third light
Meet back at AO
Peter parkers – 10 IC (4 ct)


Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!

As you may know, Dec 13, will be the third anniversary of my son Grady’s death, he was also an F3 Brother – Quikcrete. I thought about the grieving process, which is a process that never ends, it changes, it comes in waves, it change in intensity, but never goes away. I realized that many of the brothers have realized some sort of loss and are also going through this process. And I reflect on how much support the brothers gave me and still are, as I go through this process and as I go through other life challenges. The kind words, the support, the fact that they are there when you need them. F3 brothers “show up”. Followers of Jesus “show up”. We shouldn’t underestimate the power of the F3 brotherhood, you can make a difference. Just be there, some kind words, just listening can have a big impact. I often struggle to say the right words, usually overthinking it, but I think we don’t have to be perfect, just being present to listen and be there and provide support is enough, it can make a difference. So think about this and continue to grow our F3 brotherhood by bringing others in and also make an effort to “show up” in your community as well.


Welcome FNG @Cheat-ah Boy (Will Smelser) !

Christmas Party Sat night at Judge Judy’s

Common Ground

THE SCENE: 60 degrees and perfect weather

Some SSH, imperial walks, cherry pickers, and this and that
Insert information about the workout.

  • Burpees up a hill, rabbits find the 6 and start from there, mosey
  • Battle buddy bench dips and then some more bench dips, mosey
  • Picnic table step ups, rabbits find the 6 and start from there, mosey
  • Suicide runs with Big Boys at home base, rabbits find the 6 and start from there, mosey
  • Battle buddy incline and then decline merkins, mosey to the AO

Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!

It seems every day there are more topics people take a stance on and feel others are either entirely on their side or entirely not.  If someone doesn’t agree with them on a topic, the person makes sweeping judgement that everything about that other person is bad or wrong.  Most conversations start with the discussing those polar opposite opinions, which sets the conversation up for failure, and generally leads nowhere.  In Adam Grant’s book “Think Again” he talks about starting conversations by identifying the things the people agree on.  It often turns out there is a lot of common ground between the two individuals, and it creates a much better jumping and opens the door for a more productive conversation.

Party at Judge Judy’s on the 11th

Getting Uncomfortable

THE SCENE: Rainy day, but skies cleared by start of Q as temperatures started to drop

20x Side straddle hops, Cherry Pickers, 15x Moroccan Bightclubs, Tempo Squats and Little of this and that

The grass was wet, but we hit it early anyway

  • Straight to the bottom of Pickett’s Charge for a Pickett’s Charge Suicide run.
    • 5 merkins at the bottom each time back, 1st tier 5 Prisoner Get-ups, 2nd tier 5 Imperial Walkers and 3rd trip all the way up to the Coliseum and stayed there
  • Coliseum, under the string lights. A little back and forth.
    • One side under the lights, lunges to each pole and 10 Big Boys at each of the 4 stops, run back to the other side
    • Other side is bear crawls to each pole with 10 squats at each stop then run back to first side and rinse and repeat each side twice to finish up
  • Mosey to the light pole at the base of the Haslam Rock. Route 66 heading towards the rest rooms downhill. 11 light poles adding 1 merkin each stop to 11 lights.
  • After gathering ourselves we wandered to the adjacent parking lot across the street from the Cloud and ran 2 Karaoke runs the full length of the lot switching sides halfway each run and sprinting back to the beginning
  • Slosey to the base of mini-Cardiac hill where we did 5 Burpees before a Bernie to the sign a bit more than halfway up and then sprinted to the top. Followed by a run back to the AO for circle time and a couple minutes of stretching

Just a few leg stretches to finish off the last 2 minutes

Spoke of a retired Marine friend of mine who has spent the last half year getting himself into uncomfortable positions talking to those less fortunate than us on the streets of Tampa and befriending them to know their stories and helping them out as much as he can. He related getting uncomfortable to the November tradition of men growing facial hair and how that can remind those that do that to embrace getting uncomfortable and seeking to find hard truths during the month. That is a great lead in to Thanksgiving week where we then express thanks for what all we have, which then leads to December where you can better target giving and gifts and the great holiday spiritual journey ties up nicely in January where you can then find a way to better yourself with a resolution for the New Year. Don’t coast through the holidays, grow through them.

The Q started tough and didn’t let up, but our 10 hung tough.

We also welcomed an FNG tonight. Welcome to @Moneyball

Announcement on the upcoming F3 Christmas party on Dec 11