F3 Knoxville

BS Kraken

THE SCENE: Upper 60’s and Clear Skies

Side Straddle Hops@20
Arms Circles B/F@15
Cherry Pickers@15
Tuck Jump (10)
High Knees (1 min)
Flutter Squat (4 Count) 10
Leg Thrust (10)
Dry Docks (10)
Run to  Mt. Krumpet

THA-THANG: (The Kraken)

Grab a battle buddy and do 10 reps at each station.  Run clockwise around the circle to the next station.

10 Partner Burpee
10  Side Straddle Hops
10 Partner Merkin
10 Tuck Jumps
10 Iron Boys
Bear Crawl / Crawl Bear
10 Big Boys
10 Flutter Squats
10 Leg Thrust
10 Dry Docks

(2 Times around the Kraken)

Ring of fire Merkin and Side Plank (L/R), 30 Big Boys, 1 Minute of LBC’s
(12 Total) Butterfingers, Backspin, Drifter, Fins, Flash, Geisha, Hammy, Moses, Pinocchio, Snorkel, Squeaker Woodshack
Individual work is the work of the world, the small steps are the big picture, and when we insist on our own aliveness we stake a claim for everyone’s. Furthermore, not honoring ourselves is fatefully tied up with not honoring others, who suffer from our passivity and detachment, and who are inspired by our conviction and commitment.

Not-engaged means checked out, but actively-disengaged means you’re busy acting out your unhappiness and dispiritedness, and spreading the virus among your colleagues, family and friends, to say nothing of the body-politic of which you’re a cell. What it means is that if you’re part of a rowing team out on a river, one of the team-members is rowing his or her heart out, five are just taking in the scenery, and two are actively trying to sink the boat.

The psychologist Ira Progoff once said that each of our lives is like a well, and that we’re meant to go down deeply enough into our own wells that we eventually reach the stream that’s the source of all the wells. And there, we hear the call that leads us back out into the world to test our bright swords in real combat—to save lives, teach love, change minds, educate, minister.


I’d Call That a Bargain

THE SCENE: 62 degrees F, 95% humidity, clear skies.

SSH x21; Cherry Pickers x12; Little Baby Arm Circles x15 (forward and backward)

Samson’s x10 with 3 second hold followed by parking lot jog (repeat)
Stating at the grinder:

  • Merkins x12; BBS x12; Dry docks x12; Dips x24; Step ups x12 per leg
  • Bear Crawl 25 yards to CMU’s
  • With CMU’s: Dead lifts x12 per arm; Bent Rows x12; Upright Rows x12; Squats x12; Swings x12; Curls x12
  • Run 175 yards to road; Burpees x6; run 175 yards to CMU’s
  • Lunge 25 yards to Pavilion
  • (Repeat Above As Time Allows)

Everyone completed 3+ reps

Assorted leg lifts with box cutters and flutter kicks added.
10 PAX present
The music today was from Who’s Next, an August 1971 album by the Who.  The workout title comes from the Bargain track.  Many people believed Townshend was writing about pursuing a woman.  The lyrics are below:


I’d gladly lose me to find you
I’d gladly give up all I had
To find you I’d suffer anything and be glad

I’d pay any price just to get you
I’d work all my life and I will
To win you I’d stand naked, stoned and stabbed

I’d call that a bargain
The best I ever had
The best I ever had

I’d gladly lose me to find you
I’d gladly give up all I got
To catch you I’m gonna run and never stop

I’d pay any price just to win you
Surrender my good life for bad
To find you I’m gonna drown an unsung man

I’d call that a bargain
The best I ever had
The best I ever had

I sit looking ’round
I look at my face in the mirror
I know I’m worth nothing without you
And like one and one don’t make two
One and one make one
And I’m looking for that free ride to me
I’m looking for you

I’d gladly lose me to find you
I’d gladly give up all I got
To catch you I’m gonna run and never stop

I’d pay any price just to win you
Surrender my good life for bad
To find you I’m gonna drown an unsung man

I’d call that a bargain
The best I ever had
The best I ever had

Songwriter: Peter Dennis Blandfor Townshend

When asked about the song and the inspiration for it, Pete Townshend stated, “The song is simply about losing one’s self ego as a devotee of Meher Baba. I constantly try to lose myself and find him. I’m not very successful, I’m afraid, but this song expresses how much of a bargain it would be to lose everything in order to be at one with God.”

I look at the words differently.

I’d gladly lose me to find you
I’d gladly give up all I had
To find you I’d suffer anything and be glad

I’d pay any price just to get you
I’d work all my life and I will
To win you I’d stand naked, stoned and stabbed

I’d gladly lose me to find you
I’d gladly give up all I got
To catch you I’m gonna run and never stop

I’d pay any price just to win you
Surrender my good life for bad
To find you I’m gonna drown an unsung man

Although using different words, this is what Jesus said … and did for me.  All He asks is “Follow me.”

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Delayed Gratification

THE SCENE: 60 and nice


  • Imperial squat walker x 12
  • Tempo merkins x 12
  • Jump squats x 12


Sprints across grinder with 10-1 burpees


Half start on one side as “it”.

Other half start on other side of grinder must broad jump. “It” must bear crawl. When you get tagged 10 burpees. No tag backs. Those being chased can only move 10 broad jumps at a time. 10 merkins to earn 10 more broad jumps.

We changed this to 2 burpees and probably only played about 5 min. Too much standing around. Next time maybe the broad jumpers need to be doing air squats while waiting to get tagged. Also, merkins were a death sentence so maybe just 5 of those next time.

Bear crawl suicides with burpees each direction change

Sprint across grinder 5 times with 20 squats each pass

Plank walk across parking lot and back

Sprint across grinder 5 times with 20 merkins each pass


11 HIMs

Putting in the work first makes the reward that much sweeter. In all things in life, delaying those feel good brain chemicals conditions your body to accept it must work to earn that reward. 

At least we didn’t count up in the burpee sprints…

June 16 – Beer Mile at Moses’. Bring the Ms, no 2.0s. 5.0% + ABV beer. BYOB and side dish. Grilling and chillin after.

Riskit For the Seabiscuit

THE SCENE: 70 and humid

  • SSH x15 IC
  • Cherry Pickers x10 IC
  • Side lungey things x10 IC (4 count)


  • 10 Pullups, 20 Merkins, 30 Squats
  • Run 1 lap (~0.25miles), repeat exercises, run 2 laps, repeat exercises, run 3 laps, repeat exercises, run 4 laps, repeat exercises, and start working your way back down.


  • Captain Thor
  • 30 BBS
  • 20 Flutter kicks

10 Strong!
Too many times do we ask God to solve our problems for us rather than asking for the strength to battle it on our own. Sometimes the trials we are put through are to make us better men and leaders for our community, and it is our duty to make our way through what is put in front of us. God will always lend us his strength.

Isaiah 41:10

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your
God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with
my righteous right hand.


Moses Screams Like a Girl


2 mile ruck to Northshore and Back

COUPONS: 2 Sand bags, 60# and Old Hag

After 2 mile ruck, Fins and Pup attended Tank’s Bootcamp Q.  Moses, Little Foot and I continued ruck

Ruck Old Hag to the Boats

Bear crawl 3 parking spaces, 20 merkins

Bear crawl 3 spaces, 20 squats

Bear crawl 3 spaces, 20 ruck curls

Bear crawl 3 spaces, 20 lion kings

Bear crawl 3 spaces, 20 ruck swings

Ruck old hag to other end of loop

Repeat Bear Crawl workout

Ruck Old Hag to backside of Matterhorn

Overhead Ruck Carry from Light Pole to Northshore

Ruck Back to AO



Insert the WORD here.
Moses was carrying the Old Hag when a sprinkler head started to activate right beside him.  His 5′ vertical leap with Old Hag and ruck was extremely impressive but not nearly as impressive as his little girly squeal of terror!!!!
Half marathon ruck at Ijams this saturday.  See moses for more information

Prayers for Little Foot wisdom teeth surgery tomorrow morning.