F3 Knoxville

DECK The Halls

THE SCENE: 49 and chilly…until we got moving!!!

  • Baby Arm Circles Forward X 10 followed by Michael Phelps
  • Baby Arm Circles Backward X 10 followed by Michael Phelps
  • Cherry Pickers (IC) 4 CT X 10
  • Hand Release Merkins – OYO X 10
  • Windmills (IC) 4 CT X 10
  • Tempo Squats (IC) 4 CT X 10
  • Calf Stretches
  • Karaoke out & back across parking lot
  • Sprints out & back across parking lot
  • Mosey to side parking lot


Side of Alexander Building  

  • 15 Pullups on the walkway rails – OYO X 3 rounds
  • 15 Squats – OYO X 3 rounds
  • 100 Calf raises on steps – OYO
  • Mosey

F3 Workout Deck –

  • 2-9 cards = 10 reps
  • face cards = 25 reps
  • aces = 100 reps

We did 25+ different cards in 4 categories:

  • Diamond – Upper (merkins, diamond merkins, etc.)
  • Hearts – Cardio (running, side straddle hop, etc.)
  • Spades – Legs (squats, lunges, calf raises, etc.)
  • Clubs – Core (flutter kicks, planks, etc.)

Cashed out with 10 burpees

Part of the workout

7 HIMs – 5K, Bagger, Judge Judy, Mr. Rogers, Rocket, Snaggletooth, & Booster


I don’t have the answers to why people believe, worship, pray but yet get sick, hurt, etc. when those without faith often do not seem to have those problems.  I get frustrated because I see people battling cancer every day and dying.  I know I won’t have all of the answers in my current life but my lack of understanding in why bad things happen concerns me and stresses me out.

I asked for prayers of the men there today.  Several have reached out since the Q to let them know they are thinking about me and will forward any articles, etc. they come across.

The beauty of F3 is we can share our hopes and dreams along with our struggles. Thank each of you for your willingness to get out in the gloom to exercise our mind and body.  We’re better because of each other!

Isaiah 41:10 – Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

Jeremiah 33:6 – Behold, I will bring to it health and healing, and I will heal them and reveal to them abundance of prosperity and security.

James 5:15 – And the prayer of faith will save the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven.

Psalm 41:3 – The Lord sustains him on his sickbed; in his illness you restore him to full health.

Jeremiah 30:17 – For I will restore health to you, and your wounds I will heal, declares the Lord, because they have called you an outcast: ‘It is Zion, for whom no one cares!’

Matthew 11:28 – Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.


  • F3 3rd Anniversary Activities on November 3-4
  • Monthly Challenge – Hand Release Merkins

So Many Brickees…

THE SCENE: Mild temp. Good humidity. No bad omens to help people guess what was coming


some light stretching
Grab two bricks
some Merkins, some squats, good mornings, etc. just checking that everyone’s body is working.

Run around the park. Stop at every 5th light post. alternate between “Brickees” (burbees with a brick in each hand), and some other work (WTFs, triceps, squats).

5 reps at 5th light post, 10 at 10th, 15 at 15th…50 at 50th

Back to grinder, keep your bricks
10x Merkins –> Lunge to next station
10x BBS –> Bear Craw to next station
10x 4ct Mtn Climbers –> Crab Walk to next station
10x Box Jumps –> Jog back to start
add 2 reps each time through

Box cutters, Bricks up and down, bricks up and down with 6 inches, LBCs, superman/banana, etc.

All tagged, also one FNG (Hype)

Everybody point North with me (I point south). Everyone pointed south at first and then got confused and tried to figure out where north was by looking around.

What just happened? You all looked for evidence of where north was. At first you looked at me, but evidence of the sun contradicted my account.

When you are looking for truth, you don’t close your eyes and try to feel it out. You look for evidence, but you also have to test that evidence with other sources of truth.

My main source of truth is Jesus who made the claim, “I am the way, the truth, and the life”.

I challenge you all to test that truth claim and see how it holds up. And see how it changes the way you live.

Anniversary stuff coming up soon!

HIIT Me Baby One More Time

THE SCENE: IDK, 70’s and pleasant



Suicide with burpee at each cone on hill before each round

5 rounds 30 seconds on, 10 seconds off

  • CMU OH press
  • Mtn climbers
  • Plank
  • CMU Goblet squat
  • Box jumps
  • Wall sit
  • CMU chest press
  • Hand release merkins
  • Low wide plank
  • CMU hammer
  • Single leg climbers alt every 5
  • Touch the sky


Bear crawl suicide with merkin at each cone on hill
9 Men, including Steer who I couldn’t find a tag for.


Formula for Living:

Live beneath your means

Return everything you borrow

Stop blaming other people

Admit it when you make a mistake

Give clothes not worn to charity

Do something nice and try not to get caught

Listen more; talk less

Every day take a 30 min walk

Strive for excellence, not perfection

Be on time, don’t make excuses

Don’t argue, get organized

Be kind to unkind people

Let someone cut ahead of you in line

Take time to be alone

Cultivate good manners

Be humble

Realize and accept life isn’t fair

Know when to keep your mouth shut

Go an entire day without criticizing anyone

Learn from the past, plan for the future

Live in the present

Don’t sweat the small stuff

It’s all small stuff


9s and 11s

THE SCENE: Most excellent 67 n clear

Ssh x20 ic

plank x10 ic

squats x10 ic

mr spectacular x3 oyo

Superman opposite appendage raises x10 ic
In honor of 9/11 we did 9s and 11s!

  • 9s , one side of the grinder burpees, run to the other and do Superman appendages, just like 11s but 9s. 8 burps , 1 SP… 7 burps -2 sP…. you get it …
  • 11s,
  • 10 cones to suicide and 1 mr spectacular, 9 suicides , 2 mr spectacular until you end up with 1 cone suicide and 10 mr spectacular….
  • since we are Americans, we added 20 AMERICAN HAMMERS , each time we finished a full suicide

LBCx20 ic

lazy boys for 1 minute
18 hims including Tank in a business suit !

You haven’t tested your limits unless your try something you can’t do. Go out and try it, whatever it may be.

The best day is today 

Because yesterday is gone and tomorrow is not guaranteed

Above were quoted by LAZ , the guy that puts on the Barkley marathon
Yep, I got a little emotional this morning when reading the quoted above, why? Well, just thinking about living life to its fullest and taking advantage of the present. Several men deal with some pretty heavy stuff right now , Bumblebee being one of those men . Though I don’t know him , really at all, I still think about him and his family as well as other men and their families. I pray and wish the best for ALL and hope we can all live it up, have no regrets, and reject passivity !
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

The Weight

THE SCENE: Overcast skies, 71 degrees F, 97% humidity

SSH x12, Little baby arm circles forward and backward x10, Cherry Pickers x10, Imperial squat walkers x10, jog length of courts, job back, jog length of court, skip and karaoke back.
Pick up a CMU and head out on Route 66 through Illinois to the Missouri state line.

Route 66 was a 0..25 mile loop.  A total of six state line stops in the loop at Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona.  The workout consisted of six laps on Route 66.  New Mexico was at the top of a yet to be named hill.  The listing of the workouts at each station is below:

  • Missouri State LineLap 1: CMU Squats x11

    Lap 2: Dips with CMU x11  Carry CMU to Kansas

    Lap 3: Squat Jumps x11

    Lap 4: Dry Docks x11

    Lap 5: BBS x11

    Lap 6: SSH (4 count) x11

  • Kansas State LineLap 1: Merkins x11

    Lap 2: CMU Upright Rows x11

    Lap 3: CMU Dips x11  Carry CMU to Oklahoma

    Lap 4: Squat Jumps x11

    Lap 5: Dry Docks x11

    Lap 6: BBS x11

  • Oklahoma State LineLap 1: SSH (4 count) x11

    Lap 2: Merkins x11

    Lap 3: CMU Swings x11

    Lap 4: CMU Dips x11  Carry CMU to Texas

    Lap 5: Squat Jumps x11

    Lap 6: Dry Docks x11

  • Texas State LineLap 1: BBS x11

    Lap 2: SSH (4 count) x11

    Lap 3: Merkins x11

    Lap 4: CMU O.H. Press x11

    Lap 5: CMU Dips x11  Carry CMU to New Mexico

    Lap 6: Squat Jumps x11

  • New Mexico State Line (Top of Mt. Crumpet)Lap 1: Dry Docks x11

    Lap 2: BBS x11

    Lap 3: SSH (4 count) x11

    Lap 4: Merkins x11

    Lap 5: Lunge Dead Lift x11/arm

    Lap 6: CMU Dips x11  Carry CMU to Arizona

  • Arizona State LineLap 1: Squat Jumps x11

    Lap 2: Dry Docks x11

    Lap 3: BBS x11

    Lap 4: SSH (4 count) x11

    Lap 5: Merkins x11

    Lap 6: CMU Curls x11  Carry CMU to California (Back to the AO)

  • California State LineSquat Jumps x11

    Dry Docks x11

    BBS x11

    SSH (4 count) x11

    Merkins x11

Two trips up to New Mexico were bear crawls.  First five laps involved bear crawl from Arizona back to Missouri.  Note that there were 66 reps of each exercise without CMUs and a total of 66 exercise reps with a CMU.

Finished with runs across the court doing pull ups, burpees, and little baby crunches.


Box cutters, Superman-bananas, LBCs, Protractors to finish off the 60 minutes.
Total of 9 PAX with one being an honored guest from the Knoxville crowd.
The theme song for today was The Weight performed by The Band.  Comments about the group and the song were sprinkled out during the beat down but never was the answer given or announced about what the weight referred to.  The song was sung by Levon Helm, the only American and the only deceased member of the group.  The other four are Canadian including the songwriter, Robbie Robertson.  Anyway, the weight was put on the story teller by Miss Fanny.  “You know she’s the only one who sent me here, with her regards for everyone.”  That was it.  The burden, the weight was to go throughout town and to say hello and wish all well for Miss Fanny.  How often is that a hardship, an uncomfortable thing for many of us to do?  Too often men want to withdraw and not open up to others.  Too often we internalize ourselves to avoid exposure.  Too often we do want to connect and be interested in someone else.  How much more could we all put ourselves out in a true servant role to be of help for all we encounter?  The challenge today and everyday is to not look upon that as a weight, but as something that can be a blessing to the giver and the receiver.
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Kickball tournament for Garrett, 3rd F, CSAUP.