F3 Knoxville

Christmas in…June?

THE SCENE: Cooler than it had been

2 rep demonstrations of the beatdown.
12 days of Christmas style workout. Started with exercise 1, then 2 and 1, then 3,2,1, etc. done on the greenway, stations at light posts

  • 1 burpee by the tree on top of Mt Crumpet
  • 2 kraken burpees
  • 3 diamond merkins
  • 4 BBS
  • 5 jump squats
  • 6 iron mikes
  • 7 flutter kicks
  • 8 monkey humpers
  • 9 WWII sit ups
  • 10 Peter Parker push-up
  • 11 X factors
  • 12 body builders

Pax roulette
Welcome 010 and Lassie posting down range
Failure is the opportunity to start again more intelligently
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
2.0 workout next weekend. Beer mule July 16 at Moses’s

It was all by chance

THE SCENE: Another perfect gloom. Humidity was slightly less than it has been.

coin flip to determine our fate. Moses got the honors, tails so we went to spaghetti hill.
Mosey to Spaghetti hill. some Frankenstein quad stretches and little baby arm circles as we ran. Cherry pickers in the valley

Start at valley

  • 10 HR merkins
  • run to top of Spaghetti hill
  • 10 sc Iron Mikes
  • when you pass another pax on the hill you both have 5 burpees.
    repeat for time
  • it was getting very grueling, Q called for a 5 min burpee pause about 20 min in. Finished one last round with burpees before we hit recover.
  • pac ran up Heartbreak hill together. 20 BBS at top
  • mosey to base of Mt Wombo
  • 20 BBS
  • run to top of Wombo hold plank for 6
  • mosey back into park to GS

2 arm Superman’s ic, flutter kicks ic with a couple of leg holds, hip raises ic
Did you hear about the rose that grew
from a crack in the concrete?
Proving nature’s law is wrong it
learned to walk with out having feet.
Funny it seems, but by keeping its dreams,
it learned to breathe fresh air.
Long live the rose that grew from concrete
when no one else ever cared.”Tupac Shakur

Very cool to meet Veeps brother in law Lassie posting DR from Soul S.Korea
June 25th 2.0 workout at BS 8:15

July 6th Convergence

July 16th Beer Mile at Moses


Circle of Death

THE SCENE: ~72 degrees – warm and humid !

  • Cherry Pickers – x10 (IC)
  • Windmills – x10 (IC)
  • Tempo Squats – x15 (IC)
  • Mosey around the grindstone.


There were 5 exercises marked around the grindstone:

  1. CMU Curls
  2. Dips on bench
  3. CMU OH Press
  4. Decline push-ups
  5. Step-ups on bench

The 6th exercise was the “circle of death (COD)” –> The PAX in the middle had to complete the following exercises below:

  1. 10 burpees
  2. 15 SSH
  3. 20 squats

The other PAX completed their respective exercises and couldn’t move on to the next exercise until the COD PAX finished. Once completed, then each PAX rotated clockwise to the next station.

After each PAX completed one round in the circle, then the group took a mosey & completed two rounds of the Bataan Death March (3 burpees per round).

Returned back to the grindstone and completed another round of the exercises above. The COD was revised for round 2:

  1. 5 burpees
  2. 10 SSG
  3. 15 squats


  • ABCs (stopped at K)
  • LBCs
  • OH claps x25 (IC)



Philippians 2:5 – Adopt the same attitude as Christ Jesus.


  • 2.0 Workout at Bomb Shelter at 8:15am on 6.25
  • Convergence on 7.2 at JUCO

Speedway Launch

THE SCENE: Upper 50s, a beautiful morning to launch



SSH x 20; Windmill x10; Toe Merkins x10; Tie Fighter x10 (F/B); Tempo Squat x10; Dancing Bear x10


Bear Crawl Inch Worm: Partner up and form two lines holding plank, partners at end Bear Crawl to front of line, when both make it to the front the next pair starts.

Bear Brawl: 5 Burpees on each side of small soccer field. Partners take turns putting pressure on shoulders while the other Bear Crawls. Go back and forth 3 times.

Mosey to next field

Squat Totem: Lunge from cone to cone, increase reps by 5 at each cone, 6 total cones

Mosey to another field

Wheelbarrow with partner halfway then switch positions to go the other half. Partner carry halfway then switch for other half. Did this twice.

Mosey to hill at back of fields

11s with Merkins and Big Boys, Bear Crawl up the hill, Mosey down

Mosey to shovel flag

Overhead Claps IC x50

Seal Claps IC x25

Grady Corn IC x25

F3 is not about any one person so we did PAX Roulette

21 HIM


Whenever I talk to someone about F3, I always say that it is so much more than a workout. It is truly about all three Fs, Fitness, Fellowship, and Faith.

That first F is the magnet. Every man standing here started coming because they had some fitness goal in mind. Some of us may be elite athletes but most are just men that want to be healthy for our families. My goal when I started was being able to do simple things, like walking up the stairs, without being winded.

That second F is the glue. I knew that I needed others to hold me accountable for me to actually work out. What I didn’t know or expect, is that I needed manly friendships. I thought I was good on friends, but those relationships, for the most part, were only surface deep. Now I have so many men that I can go to when I need help, a listening ear, or just someone to vent my frustration with. The value of the second F is immeasurable.

That third F is the dynamite. F3 defines faith as believing in something greater than yourself. Full disclosure, for me, that is my belief in Jesus Christ. I believe that He lived a sinless life, died on the cross to save us from sin, and rose from the grave to sit at the right hand of God. The thing is though, that those are just words if my actions don’t line up with them. My belief must change the way I treat others, it must influence my decisions, and it should guide my actions. So whatever your faith is make sure it is doing those same things for you because we all are meant to be putting others in front of ourselves.

Excited to see where Speedway goes from here! Thank you to all those that came from other AOs to the launch!

Convergence on 7/2 at JUCO, there will be no beatdown at Speedway that day.

Friday Leg Day

THE SCENE: Realll niiiiiccee

10 ssh ic

tempo squat x 5 ic

tempo merkin x 5 ic

LBAC x 8 ic

lbac x 8 ic reverse

oh claps x 10 ic
Mosey over to stop sign next to school with CMU. 3 man Dora as follows with two men doing exercise while one man runs. Exercise as follows:

100 thrusters

100 goblet squats

100 swings

Above completed at top of hill while 3rd man runs to bottom hill at cone. 10 single count iron mikes at bottom of hill and Bernie back up hill to tag out 2 men at top. Rinse and repeat.


CMU big boys tempo x10

american hammers ic x 10

hold iron cross 30s

cmu flutter kicks x15 ic

cmu dolly x15 ic

catalina wine mixer x 10 ic

On your 6 leg sidewinder x 5 each way ic

cash out with LBCs

Nair, Moses, Peach
I live off motivational quotes to get me through lifts and running. I recently listened to a message that made me think of f3 and how I admire each man that grinds it out weekly. I’m thankful for each of you. Here’s to all the men in the arena.

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”

Teddy Roosevelt

HIMs busting it 2x through exercises


Beer mile sometime coming up at Moses’ house