F3 Knoxville

Hurry Up…We’re Waiting!

THE SCENE: Not sure the air temp, but it was humid

Start out with 20 SSH, Thai Fighters, Tempo Mtn Climbers, Tempo Merkin, and Windmills
Grab a CMU and head to the bottom of Baby Everest.

10 cards with 10 exercises. (Freddie Mecury’s, Curls, OH Press, CMU Squats, Plank, SSH, Bobby Hurley, Lawn Mowers, Block Merkins,   One designated runner picks an exercise and runs a loop up dragon tail and back down baby everest while the rest of the pax does an AMRAP of the chosen exercise until runner gets back.  The quicker the runner, the faster the pax is done with said exercise.  Everyone ran once around the loop.

Put up CMU’s and performed a merkin ladder in the parking lot. Spot one was one merkin…and so on.  Lunge between spaces.  10 spots total 55 total merkins.

Finished up with a little route 66 up the dragon tail with squats as the exercise of choice.

Back to AO



Had time to do 30 4ct Freddie Mercury, 25 4ct LBC’s , and ca$hed out with some ATM’$

Matthew 22:37-39

Don’t over complicate things.  God asks us to do today.  Today is our focus.  God has each of us exactly where he wants us today.  We are right where he wants us and we are to love him with all our heart, soul, and mind.  AND…love our neighbor as ourselves.



Maximus Suicidae

THE SCENE: A little too warm, a little too humid to be perfect. Meh…
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: I am not a professional.  Do not snot on each other.

Side Straddle Sprint of Fire – PAX do SSH IC while each PAX in turn runs round the group observing social distancing.
From the baseline, do high skips across the lot, then mosey back.
Asymmetric Merkins (with one hand on the kerb) 10 each side OYO.
High Knees across the lot, then mosey back.

Mosey down to Circus Maximus for Suicides.  PAX run to the first cone and do 5 of said exercise, then run back to the start.  Then to the second cone for 10 and back, then third for 15, forth for 20 and the far end of the lot for 25.  The exercises were:

  • Merkins
  • Hello Dolly (4 ct)
  • Squats
  • Crab Jacks (4 ct) – that turned out to be a lot…
  • Heels to Heaven
  • No one made it to the Iron Mikes.

We moseyed back to the AO, just in time for Mary

My new favourite ending…  The Bicycle Race.

PAX do Freddie Mercurys to the tune of Bicycle Race by Queen.  Every time you hear Bicycle, or Bike throw in as Big a Boy as you have left.

12 strong
Amelia Earhart was born on this day in history.  She said The most difficult thing is the decision to act. The rest is merely tenacity. We showed that by getting out of bed.  The rest was just moseying up and down a parking lot.  Good job men.
I learned today to kill the Bluetooth on my phone before I give Bunny his speaker back.  So he can’t use Siri to call my M at 6:30!

How to Kraken a CMU

THE SCENE: Muggy with a capital “M”

SSH (4 ct IC) x 25; BAC (4ct IC -forward and reverse) x 10; OH Claps (4 ct IC) x 10; This and that; Tempo squats (IC) x 15.
This morning, we battle the Kraken with CMUs.  So, grab your CMU and make your way to one of 8 stations.  Complete the exercise at the station and then do a lap around the AO parking lot, past your last station to the next.  Each station’s exercise has a high rep or low rep choice.  You are free to pick either option.  You must carry your CMU on your lap around, alternating carry as follows:

Westbound:  Overhead carry (Cusak carry);

Southbound: Farmer carry, right hand

East bound: Tray carry out front;

Northbound: Farmer carry, left hand.

The stations are as follows (incl. rep choices):

  • Overhead press (25/40);
  • Froggy Crunches, 4 ct (15/25);
  • Curls (25/40);
  • Kettle Bell swings (25/40);
  • CMU Merkins (25/40);
  • Flutter Kicks w/ CMU held up (25/40);
  • Blockies (10/20); and
  • Goblet Squats (20/30).

I think we had enough time for everybody to complete one circuit. Very little mumblechatter today.  I’m guessing this was because the Pax was disappointed in how easy it was.  I’ll ramp it up next time.
25s of Reverse Lunges and BBS, running Baby Everest in between.  Cut it short to gather at the top and watch a beautiful sunrise for a moment.

On this day in 1954, Elvis made his debut on local Memphis radio with “That’s Alright Mama.”  It is a reminder to me that big things start small.  We don’t need to focus on some great challenge or goal all at once.  God gives the ability do great things by simply taking that small first step.  ” I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” (Matthew 17:20).  The smallest seeds planted with faith still produce huge trees.  Let’s keep striving, regardless of how small our efforts seem.  They will bear fruit.
Prayers offered today for Snag’s father and continued healing and recovery.  Prayers offered also to Snitch’s 2.0, Ava for a quick recovery from her accident, so that she won’t have any complications, and praises that it wasn’t more serious.  Also, we enjoyed quite the sunrise this morning with a beautiful rainbow.
Don’t forget “Off the Chain” CSAUP at the Dog Pound on the 18th.  Sign up!

25s on the 26th

THE SCENE: Just about perfect for running around.
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER:  Aye-Corona.  I’m not a medical professional.

Straight into it with the Side Straddle Burpee Block of Fire.  PAX do SSH IC while each HIM goes in turn to grab a CMU from the pile and rejoin the group with a Burpee flourish.  This was worse than Cat-Gut’s birthday.

25s around various spots of the Asylum:
AO: Blocky Balboas (4ct) / Asymetrical Merkin (1 ct)
Corner 1(Top of block paved lot): BBS / Hello Dolly (4ct)
Corner 2 (other end of block paved lot): Plank Jacks (4ct) / Crab Jacks (4ct)
Corner 3 (Top of Circus Maximus) : Upright Humper (Al Gore’s Calf Raise) (4ct) / Iron Mike (2ct)
Corner 4 (Bottom of Circus Maximus): Captain Thor (up to 4 => 20, 3 =>15, etc.) / Reverse Crunch
Pavalon: Dips / Table Rows
Back to the AO and round again.
We did three laps and finished with the last set of Balboas and Merkins.

Time to tidy up with Freddie’s Ring of Big Boy Block Return.  PAX do Bicycle Race (Freddie Mercury’s to said song with a Big Boy on every Bicycle/Bike) while putting the blocks back in turn.  We went through the song twice to get all the blocks away.  It’s a 3:00 song.

Fortunately only 9 HIMs, or we might have needed a third repeat of the song!
I’ve been struggling to adjust to the new normal.  I lost my way mentally in March and April.  Getting back out in the gloom really helped anchor me once more and I’m feeling better about myself.  Thanks to my brothers for that.


Official Transcript

Snitch: CMCMUs?

Doublewide: MRNOTCMUs.

Honeydew: OSAR

Humpty: MRCMUs2

Otis: CMCurls?