F3 Knoxville

The Very Nice List

THE SCENE: Spring in December. Mid 60s. Very windy.

20 SSH, 10 tempo merkins, 10 tempo squats, 5 arm circles both ways, warm up lap.
We were going to go to church parking lot when, lo and behold, there was a Christmas note slipped into my CMU and it said that Santa 🎅  had left us a gift under the tree! So we ran to Crumpit to see what might be there.

We found the gift, opened it, and there was a brand new deck of cards and another note! How exciting! The note had the following details.

Nice List

  • ♦️ burpees
  • ❤ original burpees with a tuck jump
  • ♣️ Mr spectaculars
  • ♠️ blockees
  • 1-4 = Trips up the hill
  • Face = 10
  • Ace = 20

So we drew cards for around 50 min and had so much fun!
20 box cutters, 20 scissors, merkin block pull through for time (rearrange the presents under the tree, took a lot of tries because no Ms were there for guidance lol)
8 HIMs and 1 2.0 for a total of 9 PAX! Good job guys!
Got a lot of flack recently for not doing the Santa thing with my kids. I’m not against other folks doing it and teach my kids to be respectful of this big, fun “game” everyone plays with their kids each year. However, like many other aspects of Christmas, these things really lose their meaning and significance when pulled apart from the crazy, reality bending truth of the fact that we are celebrating the incarnation of the most powerful diety we’ve ever known! This separation of the spiritual from our everyday stuff is not true! God made Himself man. The significance of this is astounding when you really meditate on it. For me, this significance was highlighted when a friend and I examined my recent moral failing using Jeff Vanderstelt’s fruit to root exercise. At the end of it, I realized at the root of my sin was a false belief and denial of the incarnation. I had tried to pull out the spiritual significance of giving into my fleshly desires. At least, that is how my false belief had manifested itself in that moment of weakness. So, I’m not saying to get rid of Santa. If anything, I’m trying to enhance that fun “game” by getting it back into the larger and more significant context of Christ truly coming to be with us.
Dec 18 ugly Christmas sweater walk about.

10! A Freaking 10!

THE SCENE: Upper 40’s on a December Morning

(1) Capri Lap Around BB Courts
(10) Side Straddle Hops
(10) Froggie Hops
Mosey to Beatdown Location on Greenway
Insert information about the workout.

  • (10) Wide Merkins
    • + (10) Side Straddle Hops
  • (10) Squat Jumps
  • (10) Groiners
  • (10) Regular Merkins
  • (10) Feet Release Squats
    • (lunges or iron mikes)
  • (10) Burpees
  • (10) Dr. Ws
  • (10) Battle Buddy Leg Tosses
  • (10) Peter Parkers
  • (10) Dimond Merkins
    • + (10) Side Straddle Hops

First time Down is Running between exercises
Burnie Back
Skip Down
Skip Back
Side Shuffle Down
Side Shuffle Back
Burnie Down
Run Back

Flutter Kicks
Box Cutters
7 Men Pushed Hard for a Friday Morning Victory
HOPE. Be the Hope in your work place, at your school, in your family. Whatever the situation you or others are going through be the HOPE; bring the HOPE!

Breakfast at Drifters tomorrow after the beatdown
1st Annual Ugly Christmas Sweater Walkabout next weekend! RSVP on Slack and come out for a great evening and an opportunity to take home the 1st ever Ugly Christmas Sweater Trophy!

Run The Block

THE SCENE: Definitely getting colder



SSH x20; Lunge across court and back; Butt Kicks across court and High Knees back

Indian run to the Oval Office with a heavier than normal CMU. PAX member that needed up with the CMU runs the loop counter clockwise while everyone else runs clockwise. Whenever passing the person with the CMU they give others an exercise to do 10 reps of. Put down CMU and join PAX running clockwise after completing a lap. First one to the block picks it up and starts counterclockwise, rinse and repeat for time.

Indian run back to the grinder

Overhead Claps x50; Boxcutters x20; LBCs for time

8 HIMs this morning

I went to a men’s conference two Saturdays ago and wanted to share a summary of what one of the speakers said.

The quote that stuck with me the most was: “Our families need more than a provider, they need a leader that provides.”

Lead with love and lowliness

John 13:1
“Now before the Feast of the Passover, when Jesus knew that his hour had come to depart out of this world to the Father, having loved his own who were in the world, he loved them to the end.”

Ephesians 5:25
“Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her,”

John 13:12-14
“When he had washed their feet and put on his outer garments and resumed his place, he said to them, “Do you understand what I have done to you? You call me Teacher and Lord, and you are right, for so I am. If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet.”

Pray for Smuggler as he works with his children to make good decisions, Pray for Walt’s neighbors, Pray for Swerve for God honoring solutions

Friendsgiving this Saturday the 20th at 6:30pm at the Cracker Barrel in Alcoa. Bring a new, unwrapped toy to donate to Children’s Hospital.

Neighborhood Trash Pickup


That awkward too cold for some clothes but too warm for others weather.


20 SSH, 10 tempo merkins, 10 Peter parkers, 10 tempo squats, 10 berpees

Run the route around the community and pick up trash. Add merkins and such to make it as hard as you want or focus on getting lots of trash.

12 PAX
How many times have we overlooked all this trash? *gestures to the 12 trash bags we used.* We don’t see it because we are busy with other stuff. Or we do see it and whatever we are doing prevents us from dealing with it. So it is in our lives. The little bits of trash pile up on us if we are not intentional about dealing with it. So let’s roll up our sleeves and get to work.
Important tasks, done consistently over time, have a cumulative effect. Urgent tasks rarely have that effect.
20th will be some friends giving and helping with the children presents.

Exploring Doras

THE SCENE: 46 with a touch of gloom

SSH IC x 21

Temp squat IC x8

Imperial squat walker 4 ct IC x 10

Monkey humper 4 ct IC x 8

Multiple DORAs set up in the park. Partner up and start on Grindstone.

1. One starts 100 burpees and other runs across court to grass, when at cone bear crawl up hill and crawl bear back down. Indian run to next location.

2. 2 cones along sidewalk. One starts on 100 imperial squat walker 4 ct while other completes arm overhead lunges to cone and runs back. Indian run to next cone.

3. At the stop sign. One starts on 100 monkey humpers on 4 ct while other crawl bears down to cone and bernies back up to stop sign to trade off. Indian run back to grindstone.

Stop just before last bridge and bear crawl Indian run remainder of distance.

Ring of fire: hold Al gore and send 2 squats along circle, rinse and repeat with 3 squats around circle

Ring of fire: hold high plank, 5 push ups around circle, rinse and repeat with same reps

Catalina wine mixer x 8

Peter Parker IC x 10

Hold iron cross w/ LBAC forward and reverse IC x 8

Protractor around circle to close

9 total including FNG Carson Hall aka Mr. Freeze and Webelo
Its funny how God can continue to push things on your heart. In the past week, I’ve randomly listened to 2 sermons speaking on hospitality. This got me reflecting on a conversation I had with Drifter and Limbo recently one Saturday at coffeeteria. As a solid group of HIMs that lead communities, we owe it to Blount county, even to each other, to give back. We each possess strengths that when combined with a group setting become that much more powerful. We are called by the Bible to be generous with our time and financial resources as we feel compelled to give. I know that I have not been giving as much as I am able. I challenge each of us to pick up an initiative as they come along and challenge the men of F3 Blount County to participate. Let’s get ideas flowing on the community outreach channel which has not been used. In a time of divisiveness, polarization, and extremism, we are needed now more than ever. We can accomplish more as a group than as an individual.

Ecclesiastes 4:9 Two are better than one because they have good return for their labor.

2 Corinthians 9: 6-8

Whoever does sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever does generously will reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

Matthew 25: 34-45

“For I was hungry, and you fed me. I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger and you invited me into your home. I was naked and you gave me clothing. I was sick, and you cared for me. I was in prison and you visited me. I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sister, you were doing it to me.”


Hospitable: given to generous and cordial reception of guests

Generous: showing a readiness to give more of something, money and time

Ecclesiastes 4:9

2 Corinthians 9: 6-8

Matthew 25: 34-45


Drifter beatdown/ sandy spring trash pickup and breakfast to follow at house tomorrow at bombshelter

November 20th Friendsgiving Cracker Barrel Alcoa 6:30. Bring a toy or two for East Tennessee Children’s Hospital under $10.