F3 Knoxville

Lifting one another up

THE SCENE: Wet ground, 50 degrees, calm and perfect
  10 bonus burpees as I fumbled the order of the F’s (don’t do that!)

Twinkle Toes (calf raise squats)
Tempo Squats
Baby Warrior Circles (Warrior pose with arm Circles)
Overhead Clap (as we numbered off 1/2)
Guardrail top and bottom: 3 laps, first with 15 exercises, then 10, then 5.  Half started with upper, half with lower

Tops: Tricep Dips & Dirkins on the Guardrail| Mosey to the light… then | Bottoms: Guardrail hops & Guardrail foot taps

Black snake (Slalom Indian Run) through Courtyard

Pair up and run 3 laps (15 on first lap, then 10, then 5) of Canyon Merkin, Partner carry up the ramp, swap and repeat, then mosey to Pull up bars for helping your partner do pull ups, and low pistol squats, then Mosey to cover for 15 bro-pees (high 5 burpee)

Finish on 30 calf raise, Bernie, Mosey, 30 Calf Raise, Imperial Walkers, 30 Calf raise, Bernie

Do not repay evil for evil but seek to do good to one another and everyone  1 Thessalonians 5:13
We need to be quick to forgive, not repaying evil for evil but actually seeking to do good for everyone.  This busy time of year you may be thinking you don’t have time to do one more thing or help one more person. But we have an awesome opportunity to help each other, and everyone: through prayer.

Friday’s COT by @FingerFood, he called out by name guys who have impacted and helped him – that process of calling people out by name is bold, and it’s powerful to encourage.  We have been called to boldly pray for one another (See James 5:16)

Today as you carried each other, literally, let this remind you of our chance to carry each other’s need before the Lord – and as a bonus, it isn’t sweaty, a little gross and personal space invading.  As you lift a guy up doing pull ups, we lift each other up to the Lord -that God’s glory would shine through their life.

There is Someone I know who lived this verse of doing good for one another and everyone perfectly –  His birthday is coming up.  I hope you know Him too.  He is Jesus and He died for you – He prays for each of you by name.

Today, the prayer time will included a chance to lift up for you by name: Your kids (kids in your life), Wife (or women in your life), Pastor, someone older (dad, shut in, elder, mentor), coworkers, HIM’s not there and even our enemies.

21 HIMS for a powerful prayer time of lifting to the Lord one another and everyone – now continue to pray for people by name, listen to Lord’s calling to reach out, help, bless ans SEEK to do Good for the people you prayed for by name.

Friday Fun with Finger Food

THE SCENE:  40 degrees and clear

10 burpees baby arm circles. Short and sweet.
3 line run to the coupons  Front man drops off after 5 count and hits 3 burpees

  • Dora in 2s. Man at the base coupon curls, tri ext, squat press until 300 is hit. Top of stairs rotation between 25 American hammers, 25 flutter kicks,  25 BB sit-ups.
  • Mosey to sophomore hill
  • 10 burpees at base…bear crawl the hill….10 burpees at top.
  • 40 merkins corner 1. 30 merkins corner 2
  • Repeat.

Welcome kindergarten cop!!!!

We are called into fellowship with our other believers. We are blesses to be with with such an authentic group of HIM’s. Be willing and ready to both serve and be served by your fellow F3 brothers. Holy Spirit lead, and in obedience to Christ serve one another.
I had 20 examples that I could have named in ways my new brothers have effected my life and faith. Thankful for your presence in my life!.

Change of scenery helps

THE SCENE: 33 degrees and beautiful

Run in a circle and do hand claps, Merkins, rockettes, squats

mosey to the hockey rink with 1 CMU per 2 people.

Partner up. 1 does exercise while 2 does suicides to each line (5). At line do one burpee. Exercises are:

  • OH Press
  • curls
  • Swing clean and press
  • Tris
  • Rows

Mosey to side lot by road. Repeat but run to 3 cones for burpee suicides (50 yds long)

mosey to tennis courts, repeat with 3 suicide burpees

20 seconds of flutters
14 pax. No tag for ADIDAS but he was there killing it!

Does choosing to lose come naturally to us? No way! Most of us struggle. We love to win, and we go to great lengths to avoid second place.

Think about it:

  • The Miss America Pageant has gotten creative with second place; they call it “first runner-up.” We all know it’s a euphemism for second.
  • How about first in line for the throne? Read some history books and see what happens to that guy. Second in line takes him out.

For most of us, second place isn’t easy because it means we are second to someone who beat us. Biblical love—choosing to be second—isn’t the default setting for many of us.

Consider all the debate surrounding Ephesians 5:22, which has been translated, “Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you to do the Lord.” Did you know the word submit isn’t in the original Greek translation of Ephesians 5:22? It actually reads, “Wives, to your husbands as to the Lord.”

In fact, you have to back up a verse in the Greek in order to locate it. Ephesians 5:21 reads, “Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.”

Husbands, submit to your wives. Wives, submit to your husbands out of reverence for Jesus.

What exactly does it mean to submit? Hupotasso is the Greek word. Upo means “under.” Taso means “place.” Its voice indicates a voluntary action. So quite literally, this passage explains how husbands and wives can voluntarily place themselves second inside their marriage.

It’s a different way. A powerful way. It’s the secret to make your marriage grow for a lifetime. Make yourself purposely second in your relationships.

Nice work today by the PAX. Not much mumble chatter but if they were like me, they were trying to catch their breath.
3rd F, veterans home donations

bear with me

THE SCENE: .      34 and warm

MARS —-> 10

merkins 10

MARS <— .10

tempo merkins

Seal claps 10 cherry picker and bucket drops  2x

tempo tempo merkins


Mosey to lot, 30 secs of reps mrk, and line jumps one side

10 Man Makers

mosey to another lot 30 sec BBS, ATM

mosey to side lot, Brickyard Burpee Bearcrawl 5

mosey to center of campus gut buster

100 flutter, 75 gas pumper, 50 dolly’s, 25 box cutter

mosey to a/o and run lines only bear crawl lines 10 each

Apollo Creed 5 each arm
20 HIMs
complacency, don’t fall into it

convergence this weekend!!!

JUCO wants more flutter kicks for Christmas

THE SCENE: Cold damp air 37F

Baby arm circles forward (IC) 4 CT x 15

Baby arm circles backwards (IC) 4 CT x 15

Side Straddle hop (IC) 4 CT x 20

Squat Calf raises (Twinkle Toes)  (IC) 4 CT x 15

4×4’s  x5 OYO  Burpee into plank / 4 merkins / 4 single mountain climbers / up repeat

V-up roll up – x10 OYO BBS with a crunch in-between 


Mosey to Sophomore Hill

Surprise stop for 10 Smurf Jacks  OYO

Surprise stop for 5 Jumping Spiders OYO  

Surprise stop for 10 Smurf Jacks  OYO

Bernie to the top of the hill. 

Round 1: 25 Merkins then run a lap around the block, Bernie up.

Flutter kicks and other terrible things

Round 2: 25 BBS then run a lap around the block, Bernie up.

Flutter kicks and other terrible things

Round 3: 25 Tricep Dips then run a lap around the block, Bernie up.

Flutter kicks and other terrible things

Round 4: 25 Squats then run a lap around the block, Bernie up.

Flutter kicks and other terrible things

Bonus Round 5: 25 calf raises + 25 Tricep Dips then run a lap around the block, Bernie up.

Flutter kicks and other terrible things while waiting for the 6

Mosey to coupon pile 

Battle buddy – AMRAPs 

Round 1: Curls  / run to the top and do 20 single mountain climbers then switch with buddy

Round 2: Triceps with calf raises / run to the top and do 20 single mountain climbers then switch with buddy

Wall Jump Slaps about 30 seconds

Wall Sit about 30 seconds 

Wall Jump Slaps about 30 seconds

Wall Sit about 30 seconds 

“Wounded Bear” (Thanks to Pool Boy for naming this) – Line up along concrete curb and bear crawl with right arm and leg up, then flip around to the opposite direction to give the left side a turn, then back around to the right. 

Mosey back towards AO

Stops for 10 Smurf Jacks, 20 squats and a big stack of shoulder taps. 

Mosey with an extra lap around side parking lot. 


Led by Pool Boy – Various swimming techniques on the pavement with the last 30 seconds of BBS. 


21 HIMs: Anchorman, Snaggletooth, 5K, Curveball, Judge Judy, Kick-Flip, Mermaid, Nadia, Pool Boy, Spotter, Guardrail, Mandolin, Trolley, Rocket, Booster, Chaco, Ground Control, Finger Food, Mailbox, Cortez, Ginger

FNGs: None

John 1:1-5

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

What an amazing poetic and powerful introduction to Christ. 

I really want to challenge myself and you guys to focus on the true meaning of Christmas. The holidays have started and the pressure is on to get everything done. Presents, parties, etc. I have told my kids several times that I really want us to focus on Christ and others this Christmas. It’s easier said than done.


Prayer request. Pool Boy – house closing and for him to continue to handle the divorce in a way pleasing to God.

December 7: 3rd F – We will have a Convergence at the Truck Stop that morning at 7 am to 8 am (instead of 6 am, when Truck Stop usually meets on Saturdays).  Afterwards, we will head to Two Rivers Church for breakfast (Bagels from Einsteins!) and a 3rd F message. The Truck Stop is located at Mayor Bob Leonard Park (west parking lot), 1725 Harrison Lane, Lenoir City, TN  37772.